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Old 21-01-2014, 02:17 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Pak's a One Man Woman.
Pak S.B.Y.1 I've a good feeling I've met you before many donkey years ago!
Old 21-01-2014, 07:14 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Pak S.B.Y.1 I've a good feeling I've met you before many donkey years ago!
At Johore Road back in the 70's
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 21-01-2014, 03:05 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
At Johore Road back in the 70's
That's too far back!
Old 21-01-2014, 10:29 PM
devilfea devilfea is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Will be in HCM staying at A&EM from 23rd to 26th this month. Any newbies there wanna explore together?
Old 22-01-2014, 08:52 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

9 more days to Tet,this week gonna be the last week where the city is flooded with "hungry" girls...
Old 22-01-2014, 02:05 PM
mutantchicken mutantchicken is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by devilfea View Post
Will be in HCM staying at A&EM from 23rd to 26th this month. Any newbies there wanna explore together?
This is just some idle commentry about some of the things i have read or heard written and spoken by samsters i have met or just read about.

This is not directed at anyone in specific nor am i targeting the person im quoting.

The word explore is generally accepted as the following
1. To investigate systematically; examine:
2. To search into or travel in for the purpose of discovery:

Whilst its possible that a bunch of hcmc newbies could be doing the former, ie find things in the city that "they" dont know about personally, but id doubt they would have the capacity or the "balls" to explore and discover things unknown by the general samster population that hasnt taken a copy if h88 list which is prob over 10yr old. So when i read that post im thinking the blind leading the blind to ripoff and carrot chop places.

As part of my touring service, i constantly get asked the question where can xyz find the HOTTEST girls..and how much is it or is it possible to fuck them with xyz. Well the first part is i dont know what is teh meaning of HOTTEST..i mean tehre are plenty of actresses and singers and modela who i think is attractive but no more so than some of the 200k bbbj girls i have used. Secondly when i tell them i cant see how if they have a daily budget of 6k usd they cant get the pick of the litter of hcmc girls they balk...i mean whats teh point of telling me they want the HOTTEST girls and are willing to spend money but then they baulk at that figure. Seems they think that they should be able to get 10's for 100usd overight.

I had also another regular samster to me complain how he tired of seducing ktv it was no challenge...this guy would pay teh amrket rates for overnight...then add on the 1-2mill incidentals it costs to access these girls at ktv and his cpf for a overnight is like close to 5mill ie a cpf of 2mill+ and he comlaining its not a challenge?
Ofcourse its not a challange because EVERY foreigner should be able to fuck if they spend 2mill further EVERY guys should have that much money to spend if they so choose.
So when i answered that if he wants a challenge he should give himself a false budget of daily 300k to get a bonk. Obviously when i give him this target this "playa" doesnt rise to the challenge.
This smaster also has been targeting cafe girls, one of his targets i also know, and when i have seen them together she shows about as much interest in him as i show my dirty socks. But this guy has no idea, she even told me that she sees him only as a customer, but he wontg take the hints and keeps on chasing.
This samsters seems to think haveing lots of targets is something admirable..NOT true, its how many girls and teh quality of girls that target YOU, not your money, that is the thing worth being proud about.

Those who have read my posts prob realise im stingy or a cheap charlie, most prob falsely assume im poor. Thats ok, but the reason i go to these cheap places are this.
1. When u do find a gem ist makes it so much sweeter
2. When you explore liek i do, its alot of misses b4 u get a hit so the misses dont add up to much if its a cheaper place.

Eg. I was touring a guy to some of the brothels, and in this area the fuck isnt automatic, seems like some girls may only offer hj or bj. I wasnt aware of that "my bad"..but after he came out to complain i then had to pay 200 foir the stardard ticket and then i tipped 200 for teh hj, maybe if he was alone they would have demanded and made trouble if he didnt pay 1mill. My point is a possible expensive MISS, could have been 1.2 mill but only ended up being 400k
Later i took him to the d1 bbbj places...bad service and bad attitude in teh room from teh girl..anoother miss but only 400k miss

NOW when i go to my cheap places, if its a miss it may only be 150k loss, or maybe at most 200k.
But look at the hits.
One time i found a 9 at a bbbj cafe sure the looks was good but service was bad...but having s 19yr old 9 suck your dick badly at teh cost of 100k makes it worth it esp when u can feel her breats and young pussy.
I found some pretty 8's in teh d8 bbbbj cafe until they go closed, again 100k cost.
Yesterday i was exploring d12 and hoc 1pm i went into cafe om...found a 19yr old 7...i knew it would be something unsual when instead of pulling down her pants and cleaning my dick she straddled me and was kissing me. It ended up with me finger fucking and eating her young pussy and her fucking my face. I knew if i was a idiot i could have bb fucked her as she was so worked up , but in the end she gave me a excellent return bj. cost 120k but i gave extra 80k tip.
A few hours later i visited a hot toc where a 20yr old gave me a decent and cheerful bj, technique wanst great i couldnt cum but again she was a n ice girl 7 again in looks, cost 150k
on the way home i spotted another cafe om inside where two 8s, i chose the younger looking one she looked 17, tyhe other one loosk 18. She wasnt freindly kind shy'ish wasnt unfriendly but reserved. Anyway really perky firm tits a great barely hair pussy and a "bad" bj, but all the good parts like a angelic face and young firms tits and pussy...definate worth the 120k cost.

So for all the guys who want to make out they are someone special because they can have access to certain girls for xyz dollars, unless u talking about 10k usd a shot girls, but if you talking about catwalk type girls, then sorry most guys would have access to those girls if they willing to spend that money. I get teh comment that using money somehow gets u a different higher class type of girl...and thats the misomer, if you fall for that false advertising then you would fall for anything

But you will never have access to my cheapies as you will never know how to find these girls.

Another points tehre is a nice samster i know, when i found out he recently went to cambodia i asked him how his trip was, it turns out he went tehre to visit his girl..after finding out some details about his girl he tried to tell me she was a good "normal" girl...but things didnt add up...anyway it turns out that he met her when she was a KTV girls in SINGAPORE, but supposedly back in her own country she was a normal gal that enough was a distinction where he could create a illusion that HE WASNT dating a whore.

Last edited by mutantchicken; 22-01-2014 at 02:18 PM.
Old 23-01-2014, 12:23 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
Yesterday i was exploring d12 and hoc 1pm i went into cafe om...found a 19yr old 7...i knew it would be something unsual when instead of pulling down her pants and cleaning my dick she straddled me and was kissing me. It ended up with me finger fucking and eating her young pussy and her fucking my face. I knew if i was a idiot i could have bb fucked her as she was so worked up , but in the end she gave me a excellent return bj. cost 120k but i gave extra 80k tip.
A few hours later i visited a hot toc where a 20yr old gave me a decent and cheerful bj, technique wanst great i couldnt cum but again she was a n ice girl 7 again in looks, cost 150k
on the way home i spotted another cafe om inside where two 8s, i chose the younger looking one she looked 17, tyhe other one loosk 18. She wasnt freindly kind shy'ish wasnt unfriendly but reserved. Anyway really perky firm tits a great barely hair pussy and a "bad" bj, but all the good parts like a angelic face and young firms tits and pussy...definate worth the 120k cost.
3 BJ in 1 day? got blood come out?
Old 23-01-2014, 12:29 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
Another points tehre is a nice samster i know, when i found out he recently went to cambodia i asked him how his trip was, it turns out he went tehre to visit his girl..after finding out some details about his girl he tried to tell me she was a good "normal" girl...but things didnt add up...anyway it turns out that he met her when she was a KTV girls in SINGAPORE, but supposedly back in her own country she was a normal gal that enough was a distinction where he could create a illusion that HE WASNT dating a whore.
my girl in sihanoukville also stop working in KTV, i am also creating this illusion of mine,
Old 23-01-2014, 03:24 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Hi to all bros here. I'm in vietnam for the 3rd year alr is there a new ruling that we can't make visa for three months straight now can only 1 month cos for this pass three months I have been only extending it every month through my agent
Old 23-01-2014, 05:23 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Cây Trâm (Q.Gò Vấp), đường Bàu Cát, khu vực bờ kè Hoàng Sa, Tân Sơn Nhì, cư xá Bắc Hải (Q.Tân Bình), đường Trường Sơn (Q.10), đường Điện Biên Phủ (Q.Bình Thạnh)…

I found an article in the paper that tells you where to pick up working girls and at which coffe shop, but its in vietnamese.

I have met a lot and bonked of girls through this method. These girls only go with customers they know, so you have to know how to speak a little bit of vietnamese. so basicly go to the coffee shops above, order coffee, pick a girl you like, chat with her, tip her 100k, make a 2nd visit by now she knows you well enough, get her number, wait until she is off work, then take her to a hotel near by.
Old 23-01-2014, 09:15 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by cheatdeath View Post
I found an article in the paper that tells you where to pick up working girls and at which coffe shop, but its in vietnamese.
thanks cheatdeath, interesting article
Old 23-01-2014, 09:51 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

at the end of the article it mentions that the girls in these shops dont go with people they dont know, its seems that this measure is to prevent situations where cong an could arrest the both of you. If this measure works well, it practically commercializes the coffe shop sex trade in viet nam.

local guys with money who know how to speak vietnamese would have a hareem of women to choose from because of the huge selection of coffee shops in viet nam.
Originally Posted by HeyB View Post
thanks cheatdeath, interesting article
Old 23-01-2014, 11:15 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

cheatdeath - nice article. got a question, is there a way to distinguish between the regular cafe's where there are pretty girls (but they dont go home with you) and these types of cafes?
Old 23-01-2014, 12:31 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

In the article it mentions something about the way the girls are dressed. If you see coffeshops with girls showing a lot of leg and cleavage you know these girls will do work on the side. If you go to shops with loud music and dark lighting thats also a good sign.
Originally Posted by phighter View Post
cheatdeath - nice article. got a question, is there a way to distinguish between the regular cafe's where there are pretty girls (but they dont go home with you) and these types of cafes?
Old 23-01-2014, 01:04 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by cheatdeath View Post
I found an article in the paper that tells you where to pick up working girls and at which coffe shop, but its in vietnamese.

I have met a lot and bonked of girls through this method. These girls only go with customers they know, so you have to know how to speak a little bit of vietnamese. so basicly go to the coffee shops above, order coffee, pick a girl you like, chat with her, tip her 100k, make a 2nd visit by now she knows you well enough, get her number, wait until she is off work, then take her to a hotel near by.
so is this a case of you readimg something in a newspapaer and making it your fake life experice or you actually did this..cuz if its the later why bother quote a newspaper article that is in a language most guys here cant read...and the paper quites she goes with Guys she KNOWS and she wanst 800k ..why bother tehre are plenty fo freelancers avail for 500k..dont even have to wait till 10pm when she finshies work...seems this is anotehr example of you being a closet cheongster...u might even be a virgin

this guy tells us that he succeeded with this method, saying local guys with money have a harem..well this is teh same guys who thought he hit the jackpot when his bank offered him a measely 10k loan, and he was asking how long he can live like a king in thailand with this money.

And to answer there is no way to distinguish these girls and these types of cafe. The bottom mine is that in ANYjob these will be girls willing to fuck for cash, u cna find tese girls anywhere and everywhere..just need to time and effort..u can even make the "indecent" proposal to every girls u meet and im sure u will get yes in time.
My point is that if you want to not been seen as a pervert, or u wnat to get these girls as normal gf or u just wnat to be able to have a nice time "rua mat" then this avenue is not viable ESP when u have freelancers u can fuck for cheaper and more convenient time. Im the 5 yrs i have been here and the 1000's pof cafe girls i have known only teh most ugly plain janes will eb willing to fuck...the pretty ones have suickers tipping 100k-500k trying to seduce them and so they dont really need the cash for fucking. Thats not saying u cant make a gf out of them and fuck afterwards...but cheatdeaths idea of wooking a girls is satyinmg hey baby u so beaitifal u make me get a erection and i wanna fuck u...he also thinks he should go to thailand in midst of the demonstation meet a girls and talk politics and then this will get here hot and horney..check his post tell me is this a guy you wanna take seriously

Last edited by mutantchicken; 23-01-2014 at 01:20 PM.
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