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Old 30-07-2014, 12:35 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by helm View Post
any idea what is the estimated figure she earns..? of coz i know she was smoking me...

nope, no bonking, the massage inludes 1 x HJ.

as mentioned, i really want to bao her but my max budget is US1K..
I'm based in Vung Tau, will go to HCMC every 2 weeks.
Go Go GO Bro!
Great you've found your perfect angel and for sure nobody is gonna rain on your parade - and its 100% perfect as the li'l head is ALWAYS correct!

And no, I ain't gonna tell you that a huge majority of these cases only ends up in heartbreak as you can take the girl out of the massage parlour but you cain't take the massage parlour out of her; plus of course the problem of language, different cultures, way different values.

And oh yeah - very well worth it for you to travel 2, 2-1/2 hours every two weeks to see your honey in HCMC from Vung Tao just to give her your money as she probably will be missing you sooooo much during the past forthnight, waiting all by her lonely self every single day, just pining for your touch - the only touch she could EVER now stand - and of course just being the good little girl she MUST BE!!!

And WHAT??!! She refuses to go to Vung Tao with you? Oh I get it, she must worry that she'd get in the way in your working day! That's what it is!!

And hey - working in a hardship categorized country like Vietnam, it is OF COURSE worth it for then you can manage to spare whatever you can spare for your li'l princess; Life must just be too boring in Singapore, that's why you'd go to work in Vietnam! Well worth it to slave away in Vietnam just to be able to bask in her beauty once every two weeks, to know that she's with you coz she truly loves you (What? what are you talking about? What money?!)

And OH WOW - "...approx 500K-600KVND as tips from each customer, 4-5 customers max each day..." multiply that 28 days.WOW! Even at the lower numbers, that totals 56 Million smackeroos!! Oh WOW.... she REALLY is doing you a favor by accepting your measly USD$ 1K!!! And fancy that....she NEVER bonks any of her customers, just give them a li'l shake here and there!

Why Helm.... you got yourself an absolute beaut of a deal here guy - go for it!!

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.

Last edited by SEAJ; 30-07-2014 at 01:18 AM.
Old 30-07-2014, 12:53 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by helm View Post
Hi Bros,

need some advice,

if i want to "bao" a massage gal in HCMC on a permanent basis, what is the monthly rate on the market?

she gets approx 500K-600KVND as tips from each customer, 4-5 customers max each day. she needs to work 28 days in a 30 days month. and she signed a 2 year contract with the massage parlour...etc

Perhaps she needs probably compensate the Co...?

of coz, i take her story with a pint of salt.

In the end, i still need work out a figure to "bao" her. Is US1K too much or too little? Cos I've absolutely no idea what is the market here?

Pls dun flame me and tell me there plenty of gals out there, why give up the whole forest for 1 tree... My fishing skills really sucks.. and i dont really have the time to fish as well.

I just relocated to Viet for the next 2 years to work.

Thanks in advance.
so already thats 2-3 mill a day...thats 60-90 mill a month + extra ie carrots who tip her more trying to kc her, and now u offer i put it back to work as a freelancer in what ever job u do now if you are making a really good income 3x that of a average architect with experiece monthly and now someone offers you a permanent position but with a employer of questionable solvency ie he cam become bankrupt into the future, would you give up your freelance work when the pay is 1/3?
And the answer to your question if you had put a bit of effort into the thinking is this...DEPENDS, how attractive are u, what future prospects are u offering marriage, PR/greedcard(deliberate), how pretty is she, how old is she, does she have other prospective, does she have a local much does she need, how much gambling debts does she have to pay off et cetc...the list goes on and on..some guys offer 1k, other guys offer 10k...unless u know the specifics how can u bargain
Old 30-07-2014, 01:06 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
never heard of any gal signed 2 year contract with any MP in Vietnam...first time I heard...usually they dun get paid for working...think she BS you...she relied on tips to survive...not sure why tips so high...usually only 300k...unless she does bonking...

another question why bother to bao many pretty WL in Vietnam...really spoilt for choice...which part of Vietnam you are in now...
the tip is high because he met her in one of the carrot chop mp like dainam or vien dong where girls can get 500k from guys when the local tip is 200-300k...if they get guys in the VIP room the tip is min 500k...and given their earnings of min 20mill monthly they DONT NEED to bonk, except prob their local bf..he might still be in the village or in hcmc...but please helm throw your money away vn need more charity. I knew a girl from a bbbj massage when i was tipping her 200k for a bbbj, now she works in vn and she says 500k tips is usual, i had a malaysaian samster who operated Mp in KL, he tried to get me to source talent for him, so i asked the girl i know..i said she can get 40-50usd per bonk in malaysia, she refused and she said her coworkers also refuse, why bonk for 40-50usd and suffer in malaysia when u can stay here in vn and get 25usd min for a hj? yeah i can believe the no bonking statement.
Old 30-07-2014, 01:29 AM
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Smile Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Very informative. Took paper and pen to jot all important points down. Planning to go again after my Tw and Bkk trip. November most probably. HCM see u again soon!!
Exchange points on daily basis with power 9 n above.
Old 30-07-2014, 07:00 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Go Go GO Bro!
Great you've found your perfect angel and for sure nobody is gonna rain on your parade - and its 100% perfect as the li'l head is ALWAYS correct!

And no, I ain't gonna tell you that a huge majority of these cases only ends up in heartbreak as you can take the girl out of the massage parlour but you cain't take the massage parlour out of her; plus of course the problem of language, different cultures, way different values.

And oh yeah - very well worth it for you to travel 2, 2-1/2 hours every two weeks to see your honey in HCMC from Vung Tao just to give her your money as she probably will be missing you sooooo much during the past forthnight, waiting all by her lonely self every single day, just pining for your touch - the only touch she could EVER now stand - and of course just being the good little girl she MUST BE!!!

And WHAT??!! She refuses to go to Vung Tao with you? Oh I get it, she must worry that she'd get in the way in your working day! That's what it is!!

And hey - working in a hardship categorized country like Vietnam, it is OF COURSE worth it for then you can manage to spare whatever you can spare for your li'l princess; Life must just be too boring in Singapore, that's why you'd go to work in Vietnam! Well worth it to slave away in Vietnam just to be able to bask in her beauty once every two weeks, to know that she's with you coz she truly loves you (What? what are you talking about? What money?!)

And OH WOW - "...approx 500K-600KVND as tips from each customer, 4-5 customers max each day..." multiply that 28 days.WOW! Even at the lower numbers, that totals 56 Million smackeroos!! Oh WOW.... she REALLY is doing you a favor by accepting your measly USD$ 1K!!! And fancy that....she NEVER bonks any of her customers, just give them a li'l shake here and there!

Why Helm.... you got yourself an absolute beaut of a deal here guy - go for it!!

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
so already thats 2-3 mill a day...thats 60-90 mill a month + extra ie carrots who tip her more trying to kc her, and now u offer i put it back to work as a freelancer in what ever job u do now if you are making a really good income 3x that of a average architect with experiece monthly and now someone offers you a permanent position but with a employer of questionable solvency ie he cam become bankrupt into the future, would you give up your freelance work when the pay is 1/3?
And the answer to your question if you had put a bit of effort into the thinking is this...DEPENDS, how attractive are u, what future prospects are u offering marriage, PR/greedcard(deliberate), how pretty is she, how old is she, does she have other prospective, does she have a local much does she need, how much gambling debts does she have to pay off et cetc...the list goes on and on..some guys offer 1k, other guys offer 10k...unless u know the specifics how can u bargain
Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
the tip is high because he met her in one of the carrot chop mp like dainam or vien dong where girls can get 500k from guys when the local tip is 200-300k...if they get guys in the VIP room the tip is min 500k...and given their earnings of min 20mill monthly they DONT NEED to bonk, except prob their local bf..he might still be in the village or in hcmc...but please helm throw your money away vn need more charity. I knew a girl from a bbbj massage when i was tipping her 200k for a bbbj, now she works in vn and she says 500k tips is usual, i had a malaysaian samster who operated Mp in KL, he tried to get me to source talent for him, so i asked the girl i know..i said she can get 40-50usd per bonk in malaysia, she refused and she said her coworkers also refuse, why bonk for 40-50usd and suffer in malaysia when u can stay here in vn and get 25usd min for a hj? yeah i can believe the no bonking statement.
Originally Posted by ShiChengBBS View Post
I don't know about how much yours earn but mine was earning around 40-50 million VND per month; I managed to stop her from working by giving a lump sum of 70 million VND to buy 4 cows in her hometown and give S$1000 to her monthly which she uses to provide for her useless family. Such has been on-going for more than 1 year & she is now talking about marriage with me Local VN men in Mien Tay are better off dying, then the women will see better days.

Just for your reference.

Thanks to the Seniors... I know the intentions are good. Yes, she works in one of the carrot MPs as mentioned by MC (salute)

Based on her average tips, she earning approx US3-3.2k each month, which is more than what my local colleagues are drawing. it does make my US1K offer seems like a joke (lol)

Language is definite an issue, she speaks a smattering of Mandarin and English which i barely understand and i speak no Viet.

1. asked her she has a bf - "no have"
2. asked her how much she want for each month - she did not response
3. offered to bring her back to Vung Tau - she's afraid I will get tired of her after few months and ditch her. she mentioned Vung Tau has many places to Boom Boom (local slang for bonking??)

I'm not really a cheongster - stopped smoking for more than 1 year, not a drinker at all (beer, alcohol stuffs) And always end up as carrot head cake when dealing with these gals....

My work is stressful and required me to work long hours, thus no time to do research. And i hate the travelling from Vung Tau to HCMC.

I recently joined the Co as an expat on a 2 years contract. Yet to settle down, still hunting for my own apartment in Vung Tau. Been staying in one of the hotel for 2 weeks and it's killing me.. (lol)

Most of my local colleagues (especially guys) talk all kind of bullshits when comes to work. They tend to act busy throughout the day..w/o doing any real work.. The females (not all) are actually the ones who strive to complete the tasks assigned to them.

To be fair, there are quite a few pretty SYTs and hot babes in my Co but i do not want to eat where i shit. To avoid competition among expat co-workers and any misgivings and scandals in future..

btw, I'm old enuff (early 40s) to father most of them. Single and not attached, from Sillypore. I'm small size thus people often mis-guessed my age - early 30s. So far, no one has guessed my age correctly.
Old 30-07-2014, 09:30 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by helm View Post
as mentioned, i really want to bao her but my max budget is US1K..
I'm based in Vung Tau, will go to HCMC every 2 weeks.

why bother to bao her when u are only going to Hcmc on every 2 weeks???

u shld bao a gal in VT instead...there are also lots of MP in VT...go there to search for it..and i am sure the rates will be lower..
Old 30-07-2014, 09:44 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Armadillo123 View Post
This is THE one time I think I would say......
you would be better off being straightened by MC [he is the local aussie PRO there]. Pay MC to check/investigate for you and guide you and widened your 'G' horizon and dirt your thinking abit and if after a month, you still think the same of "Pao-ing" a massage girl, man... I had it for you. MC is mutantchicken, if you still didn't know
:-) Man, you deserve much better Good ladies,..... cheers man and goodluck;
clap clap clap...MC has a big supporter...haha...well done and congrats to MC...
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Old 30-07-2014, 10:00 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by helm View Post
1. asked her she has a bf - "no have"
2. asked her how much she want for each month - she did not response
3. offered to bring her back to Vung Tau - she's afraid I will get tired of her after few months and ditch her. she mentioned Vung Tau has many places to Boom Boom (local slang for bonking??)
asked any Viet babe in Wetnam...99 out of 100 will tell you dun have bf or ongxa...but behind the VB easily have a few bfs or some even already married with kid...

if you asked her how much she wanted...and if she dun reply you means that she not really keen to be with dun waste time even on point 3...

how about this way...since you are living in a senior to guide you to hook a local VB living in my books, we have so many VB contacts that is residing in VT and working I really dun see any issue to get one or a few in VT...the only thing is I cannot just give you VB contact just like this...why dun you read mutantchicken posts on his visit to VT in this thread...and start searching...

if you are willing to pay up to USD 1k (22mil DONG) per month then many VB is bloody fat SWM I knew has a horny VB aged 23 living with him in VT for several years...till he went home last year...
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Old 30-07-2014, 11:06 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Armadillo123 View Post
The locals have got this saying......[cheap sex perverts and the low-class tourists], but you are not in these groups, you belong to another 'Group'.
now that you have zap you cannot blame me or my friends to zap you in return...

hi bros...dun mind if you have nobody to up can help zap him...since he asked for it...
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Old 30-07-2014, 11:28 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Alo, you zero point zap people, you also not bright. Maybe your brain is the size of a peanut.

I show you how to zap....

Originally Posted by Armadillo123 View Post
LOL, your shifu must be angry, you not too bright;

Owe 2nd rd - Lookingaround, kopigaogao, MikeCarl, 222nge, undergroundtree, Jay Chou, Hamka, exactmatxspeed, solopop, aurahiongka, ejectjoy; loneyheart, randily, bigbirdbird, Botakhead2, and few others - no space to write in signature but recorded.
Old 30-07-2014, 11:52 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by shctaw View Post
Alo, you zero point zap people, you also not bright. Maybe your brain is the size of a peanut.

I show you how to zap....
Basket, u all never wait for me.. huhuhu! Now he is -5 already lah... i missed a beat again....
Don't use google translate. Always wrong!

English --> Viet
So far so good --> Cang xa cang tot

Viet --> English
Khong sao dau --> No star where
Old 30-07-2014, 12:03 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by helm View Post
Thanks to the Seniors... I know the intentions are good. ……... it does make my US1K offer seems like a joke (lol)………
Language is definite an issue…….I'm not really a cheongster …….. always end up as carrot head cake ....

My work is stressful and required me to work long hours, thus no time to do research. ..I recently joined the Co as an expat on a 2 years contract. Yet to settle down, ………..Most of my local colleagues (especially guys) talk all kind of bullshits when comes to work…………but i do not want to eat where i shit. ……..

I'm old enuff (early 40s) to father most of them. Single and not attached, from Sillypore. I'm small size thus people often mis-guessed my age - early 30s......
Hey Helm, I appreciate your low-key response to my quite over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek posting.

There is no way I or anyone else can know what all precisely you are going through, but I can pretty well detect that you are probably going through some challenges in your personal as well as professional life. And to this I’d suggest that you first just try to straighten out your professional duties before you even try tackling the personal ones. It is hard enough to take on a new career position when middle aged, but in your case, not being able to speak the language, not being settled in, observing and trying to conform to new work and societal cultures must be challenging enough without you trying to also tackle all the personal hubris.

Just concentrate on work whilst meanwhile absorbing the mores in Vietnam and sooner or later you will come to understand that your personal situation is not so desperate as to warrant you having to sponsor this girl or ANY girl now. Trust me on this – you do NOT want to add on to your woes by having to deal constantly with this totally useless and wasteful (Money AND your brain power/emotion) distraction. It’ll all come together by itself before you know it.

And BTW - I hope you will soon realize that being an expatriate in a third world country brings with it certain privileges like a higher placing in the socio-economic pecking order, aura and mystique of being able to provide better for ladies there, and of course more disposable income than your local peers. You're selling yourself short if you do decide to go ahead with this gal. Give yourself time and within a short period of time, I am quite sure that you will be able to do way better. Remember, money is KING and you who will be doling it out can and MUST use it to its most effective use; you're the King!!

My best wishes to you.
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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Last edited by SEAJ; 30-07-2014 at 12:14 PM.
Old 30-07-2014, 12:06 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
asked any Viet babe in Wetnam...99 out of 100 will tell you dun have bf or ongxa...but behind the VB easily have a few bfs or some even already married with kid...

if you asked her how much she wanted...and if she dun reply you means that she not really keen to be with dun waste time even on point 3...

how about this way...since you are living in a senior to guide you to hook a local VB living in my books, we have so many VB contacts that is residing in VT and working I really dun see any issue to get one or a few in VT...the only thing is I cannot just give you VB contact just like this...why dun you read mutantchicken posts on his visit to VT in this thread...and start searching...

if you are willing to pay up to USD 1k (22mil DONG) per month then many VB is bloody fat SWM I knew has a horny VB aged 23 living with him in VT for several years...till he went home last year...
Once again, thanks for the advice. Will go thru MC's posting on VT. For the time being - will resort to PCC. (lol)

Probably head to HCMC again this Fri nite for the weekend...
Old 30-07-2014, 12:29 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

How Jim spend S1,000 in HCM.

Incl hotel V1.14m (3 days include late check out)
(got 10% discount from hotel boss)

Day 1 Bia Om V2.3m (4 person go, Jim pay all as agree. Thanks.)
Girl A V1.5m (overnight include tip)
Gal B V200k (tip)
Mamasan tip V200k

Day 2 Bia Om V1m (3 pax. Actual bill V1.68m, tip 2 mamasan the change V320k. Total V2m. Share with another horny bro hence V1m)
Gal A V1.5m (overnight include tip)
Gal B V200k (tip)
Dinner at Binh Xuyen V800k (total bill V4m, 5 person share)

Dinner at 45 Au Co share.... V500k. (V3.2m share by 7. Balance we V300k I use to pay at cafe on last day)
Day 3 Gal V3m (2 day 1 night)
Massage with GF VIP room V650k

Shopping CBT V800k.
Taxi to and fro airport V450k
Last day before Airport
Cafe Jim Tip V50k

Whisky bought in airport SGD$54

Here already plus minus V16m...........

Taxi; shopping, kopi, condom, beer, breakfast, lunch, bottle water, tipping hotel staffs etc.....

So total around SGD$1,000. Fair or not you guys judge yourself.

Note: Why we tip mamasan so much......2 mamasan drink with us and play with us throughout session; only leave the room for 3-5minutes and will return promptly. One of the mamasan is pretty and sexy.

mamasan also help me scold gals whom refuse to remove bra and panty.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
how cum so much...

thought you said lesser...or included etc or air ticket...
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想你时:泪流满面 >>你假装:怜香惜玉
爱你时:相敬如宾 >>你享受:天天上床
恨你时:过河拆桥 >>你马上:另结新欢


Last edited by MIFAcafe; 30-07-2014 at 01:46 PM.
Old 30-07-2014, 12:32 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by MIFAcafe View Post
Incl hotel V1.14m (after special discount from hotel boss)

Food at 45 Au Co share.... V500k.

Here already plus minus V11m...........

Taxi; food; etc.....


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