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Old 10-11-2008, 08:33 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Playman View Post
Easy buy her a big bOnk-go-low, latest Honda Accord, Send her tons of $$$ and says I love you...only you forever...twice a day...will fish her in just 7 days!

KNN you don't know how to fish! All my Bkk fish fished by you before I can smell them.....
Wah sifuuu. You method very expensive le. This method can fish super model already. just an ah pek with no look and money. Sigh... Better stick with my witch. Hehe
Old 10-11-2008, 08:44 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by TD.king View Post
Prince Holy, this is the 2nd time Bro the saint post pic liao & also 2nd time i interested the puying happen to be 1 of ur bro"s tirak. lidat how to go with u, All the swee mak mak puying all already bcom ur bro's tirak. Then i must follow sifu playman standby some aunties from hatyai liao lor! So sad.
Aiyo sifuuu. Cheer up please. There are still many chun on la. Pic show by sifuuu the saint just the peak of iceberg nia. Trust me
Old 10-11-2008, 10:00 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Danok Vader View Post
hey guys,

firstly i would like to thank bro the_saint for showing us around in danok. seriously our wallets would have been sucked dry by the girls in clubs or by the okt.

ok lets start from the first day.

day 1:
my bro piratebooty told me that we r gonna meet up with bro the_saint the next day so he can show us around. so with 0% experience in danok(had alittle trouble getting here also...didnt know we cant drive in without insurance heh) we had to rely solely on the list my bro piratebooty had complied b4 we had a grandmaster guiding us.

first stop was the farms as we found out its better to book the girls early b4 all the SYT are taken. W & G came highly recommended...but where is W & G? haha we walked around under the uber hot sun looking for that place n we found it! we found W & G computer store LOL. first i thought it was the correct place that they hide their business with a computer store front...but that didnt make much sense in danok land of farm. so off we went to futher explore n finally we reached the street with rows n rows of farms... W & G is one of the first few. went in met okt ah gu. nice friendly guy and not at all pushy. if u dont see any u like just leave.

we went to every single farm to check out the girls available but ended up back in W & G. i picked a SYT with an innocent look. Mmmm sweeeet. well anyways my first experience with a pooying in danok, had a few in my bangkok trip but OMG GFE off the roof! GFE GFE GFE mumbling dat the whole day to my bros. wah dangerous la really can get hooked 1 le. u feel like king le. fold my clothes, clean up my room n take food for me le! well b4 all of that of course test water first. we danced the horizontal salsa and it was not really dat impressive but OMG THE GFE GFE GFE! still mumbling that till now hehe.
took her out for dinner n after that ask her n the 2 other pooyings my bro took where we can go see some sexy show. they took us to spider...worse place possible. really can see alot of D & G(Dinosaur and Godzilla) there luckily we were with our pooying and not many D&G disturbed us. after dat wasnt feeling well so i went back to get some sexual healing.

Day 2:
woke up early but went out late...heh. sent her off after a last wrestling session. called my 2 bros up to see if they r done as well...but have 2 wait la...not everybody wants to let their pooying go back so fast. once done went n walk around to familiarize ourselves with this town. got stopped by a motor okt/runner/agent? who until today have not revealed his name or number to us...asked us if we wanted to see pooyings. we obliged n followed him to Florida Hotel. mostly below average quality except for 3 or 4 pooying. saw 1 i really really liked n so did bro piratebooty but we turned them down so we can wait for grand master the_saint. this okt is so persistent and kept on bugging us to take. took us a few minutes just to walk out of that place. bad okt good girls.

met bro the_saint at a kopitiam for lunch and we listened n learned about danok. he revealed to us the history of the place,the culture, the people and of course danoks main economy. he was like the grand master and we were like his apprentice. hence my name danok vader...hes yoda im anakin...right now trying to graduate from a newbie.

bro the_saint took us to the row of farm near barberry (W & G row of farms)...went to ovation and the okt adviced me to pick this one pooying who came highly recommended by many bros. went back to the hotel n started showing her my shotgun. WHOA! this one is really wild...its crazy...she wont allow me to rest! before i can reload my bullets she wants another shot...and she kept on checking if i can shoot again...this kept going on till i surrender. told her i need 2 have dinner with bro the_saint n left her in the room. went n meet bro the_saint for dinner with bro piratebooty and my other bro who have not registered an ID here yet.

after dinner we went to model club. wah so different compared to spider! like heaven n hell. model club was filled with SYT walking around. of course bro the_saint is a vvvvvvvip there and seems to know every SYT there heh. went to our reserved table n within seconds we were surrounded by coyotes, dancers n models. had a great time there playing wit the girls and drank till we were drunk...well at least i was.had one particular coyote dat i really liked n we seem to click well and also have agreed to follow me out but how la got 1 pooying waiting for me already. time flew in that place trust me...checked the time n it was almost 1 am. oh no my pooying is gonna be angry waiting for me in my room. sat the motorbike back to my hotel n proceeded with lessons on how to reload faster. i was tired, drunk and had a pooying that can never have enough...waiting for me. basically i was screwed figuratively n literally.

Day 3:
woke up slightly drunk n quickly showered before she wakes up. scared not a buffet restaurant. if she can suck 10 litre out she will suck lo. wanted to save some for other SYT too hehe. well anyways we wanted to try thai traditional massage so bro the_saint brought us to the MP in Oscar hotel. took an older ML cause they would be better in giving proper massage(no hanky panky for me) although they do have that service n some of the MLs there are pretty damn hot! after a revitalizing good traditional thai massage...met bro kammou and uncle at the kopitiam beside satit. had a hilarious TT session and got ready for Model Club for round 2. went to model club and the coyote who was with me last night came n served me. heh this is the time to try n fish her la but unfortunately got way too drunk(Whisky+Vodka+Tequila). 2nd night i ffk her already both not by choice. hopefully my next trip got more discipline LOL. met bro kammou and bro bogeyman there too, another great fun session in Model Club. went home high n honey for me that night.

Day 4:
woke up late...quickly packed had breakfast n left the wonderful place called danok...vowed to come back here to settle my unfinished business in Model Club! i also met one elusive SYT that i really have the hots for but she was fully booked till the day i left. bumped into her 3 times in 2 days and finally got her number but my heart is still broken by the stupid mistake of not taking her when i had the chance

haha on the drive back to kl me n my bros were already planning our next trip to next time we r there hopefully can see u bros again

thanks to bro the_saint who took the time to show us around danok

Bro, nice fr. Btw you are so lucky by having sifuuu the saint showing you around hehe. He is really the man... I also feel like I am VIP when together with siftuu the saint. Hehe
Old 10-11-2008, 11:45 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Danok Vader View Post
hey guys,

firstly i would like to thank bro the_saint for showing us around in danok. seriously our wallets would have been sucked dry by the girls in clubs or by the okt.

ok lets start from the first day. cheers
nice FR my padawan. i am proud of you. but next time i will teach you how to swing your lightsaber better ya. welcome to SBF and enjoy the stay here.

it is my pleasure to bring you guys around in Danok
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:49 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by TD.king View Post
The right hand side 1st one my taste leh! can recommend to me or not ?
the right hand and second from the right (behind) is taken ..., hehehehe. but dont worry, like Prince Holy said, there are many many more nicer puying out there not yet taken so you can have all you wan bro
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:51 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by holymannn View Post
Wah sifuuu. You method very expensive le. This method can fish super model already. just an ah pek with no look and money. Sigh... Better stick with my witch. Hehe
no need all this expensive formula one la..., i will teach you one cheaper one when i see you ya .., or else you can learn from Uncle etct88
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:53 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by exia00 View Post
bro saint...those girls damn siap weh..!
all of them ur teerak..??
not all la, only the one on the far left
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Old 10-11-2008, 02:45 PM
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Talking Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by TD.king View Post
Prince Holy, this is the 2nd time Bro the saint post pic liao & also 2nd time i interested the puying happen to be 1 of ur bro"s tirak. lidat how to go with u, All the swee mak mak puying all already bcom ur bro's tirak. Then i must follow sifu playman standby some aunties from hatyai liao lor! So sad.
Aiya....King TD who told you that?
Old 10-11-2008, 06:41 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

i'll b goin 2 dannok on 15th - 17th nov...
bro the_saint, after seeing all the post, i believe u're really the heaven king...the grand master there.
any chance 4 me 2 meet u there so that u can show me some guide?
Old 10-11-2008, 07:24 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Playman View Post
Aiya....King TD who told you that?
dun play play lor, bro Decent auntie all also very keng mak mak one lor ..
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Old 10-11-2008, 08:39 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Danok Vader View Post
hey guys,

firstly i would like to thank bro the_saint for showing us around in danok. seriously our wallets would have been sucked dry by the girls in clubs or by the okt.

ok lets start from the first day.

day 1:
my bro piratebooty told me that we r gonna meet up with bro the_saint the next day so he can show us around. so with 0% experience in danok(had alittle trouble getting here also...didnt know we cant drive in without insurance heh) we had to rely solely on the list my bro piratebooty had complied b4 we had a grandmaster guiding us.

first stop was the farms as we found out its better to book the girls early b4 all the SYT are taken. W & G came highly recommended...but where is W & G? haha we walked around under the uber hot sun looking for that place n we found it! we found W & G computer store LOL. first i thought it was the correct place that they hide their business with a computer store front...but that didnt make much sense in danok land of farm. so off we went to futher explore n finally we reached the street with rows n rows of farms... W & G is one of the first few. went in met okt ah gu. nice friendly guy and not at all pushy. if u dont see any u like just leave.

we went to every single farm to check out the girls available but ended up back in W & G. i picked a SYT with an innocent look. Mmmm sweeeet. well anyways my first experience with a pooying in danok, had a few in my bangkok trip but OMG GFE off the roof! GFE GFE GFE mumbling dat the whole day to my bros. wah dangerous la really can get hooked 1 le. u feel like king le. fold my clothes, clean up my room n take food for me le! well b4 all of that of course test water first. we danced the horizontal salsa and it was not really dat impressive but OMG THE GFE GFE GFE! still mumbling that till now hehe.
took her out for dinner n after that ask her n the 2 other pooyings my bro took where we can go see some sexy show. they took us to spider...worse place possible. really can see alot of D & G(Dinosaur and Godzilla) there luckily we were with our pooying and not many D&G disturbed us. after dat wasnt feeling well so i went back to get some sexual healing.

Day 2:
woke up early but went out late...heh. sent her off after a last wrestling session. called my 2 bros up to see if they r done as well...but have 2 wait la...not everybody wants to let their pooying go back so fast. once done went n walk around to familiarize ourselves with this town. got stopped by a motor okt/runner/agent? who until today have not revealed his name or number to us...asked us if we wanted to see pooyings. we obliged n followed him to Florida Hotel. mostly below average quality except for 3 or 4 pooying. saw 1 i really really liked n so did bro piratebooty but we turned them down so we can wait for grand master the_saint. this okt is so persistent and kept on bugging us to take. took us a few minutes just to walk out of that place. bad okt good girls.

met bro the_saint at a kopitiam for lunch and we listened n learned about danok. he revealed to us the history of the place,the culture, the people and of course danoks main economy. he was like the grand master and we were like his apprentice. hence my name danok vader...hes yoda im anakin...right now trying to graduate from a newbie.

bro the_saint took us to the row of farm near barberry (W & G row of farms)...went to ovation and the okt adviced me to pick this one pooying who came highly recommended by many bros. went back to the hotel n started showing her my shotgun. WHOA! this one is really wild...its crazy...she wont allow me to rest! before i can reload my bullets she wants another shot...and she kept on checking if i can shoot again...this kept going on till i surrender. told her i need 2 have dinner with bro the_saint n left her in the room. went n meet bro the_saint for dinner with bro piratebooty and my other bro who have not registered an ID here yet.

after dinner we went to model club. wah so different compared to spider! like heaven n hell. model club was filled with SYT walking around. of course bro the_saint is a vvvvvvvip there and seems to know every SYT there heh. went to our reserved table n within seconds we were surrounded by coyotes, dancers n models. had a great time there playing wit the girls and drank till we were drunk...well at least i was.had one particular coyote dat i really liked n we seem to click well and also have agreed to follow me out but how la got 1 pooying waiting for me already. time flew in that place trust me...checked the time n it was almost 1 am. oh no my pooying is gonna be angry waiting for me in my room. sat the motorbike back to my hotel n proceeded with lessons on how to reload faster. i was tired, drunk and had a pooying that can never have enough...waiting for me. basically i was screwed figuratively n literally.

Day 3:
woke up slightly drunk n quickly showered before she wakes up. scared not a buffet restaurant. if she can suck 10 litre out she will suck lo. wanted to save some for other SYT too hehe. well anyways we wanted to try thai traditional massage so bro the_saint brought us to the MP in Oscar hotel. took an older ML cause they would be better in giving proper massage(no hanky panky for me) although they do have that service n some of the MLs there are pretty damn hot! after a revitalizing good traditional thai massage...met bro kammou and uncle at the kopitiam beside satit. had a hilarious TT session and got ready for Model Club for round 2. went to model club and the coyote who was with me last night came n served me. heh this is the time to try n fish her la but unfortunately got way too drunk(Whisky+Vodka+Tequila). 2nd night i ffk her already both not by choice. hopefully my next trip got more discipline LOL. met bro kammou and bro bogeyman there too, another great fun session in Model Club. went home high n honey for me that night.

Day 4:
woke up late...quickly packed had breakfast n left the wonderful place called danok...vowed to come back here to settle my unfinished business in Model Club! i also met one elusive SYT that i really have the hots for but she was fully booked till the day i left. bumped into her 3 times in 2 days and finally got her number but my heart is still broken by the stupid mistake of not taking her when i had the chance

haha on the drive back to kl me n my bros were already planning our next trip to next time we r there hopefully can see u bros again

thanks to bro the_saint who took the time to show us around danok

bro, nice fr and nice to meet you. sorry, couldn't stay longer with you and the other bro. i took the same ovation gal too. she told me she just started back work after 5 days rest and you are the lucky one to book and bonk her. I only got to be the second customer after you but also had a good sessions with her. i booked her 10 times already but never got tired yet. i posted her rating in my first fr in SBF. kena her kong tao
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Old 10-11-2008, 08:45 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by bonkemon View Post
bro, nice fr and nice to meet you. sorry, couldn't stay longer with you and the other bro. i took the same ovation gal too. she told me she just started back work after 5 days rest and you are the lucky one to book and bonk her. I only got to be the second customer after you but also had a good sessions with her. i booked her 10 times already but never got tired yet. i posted her rating in my first fr in SBF. kena her kong tao
btw, she was once a superstar in Bangkok when she was young and now only 20 yo. 36C, 25 and 35. not bad numbers , isn't it? anyone want toto number, i gave you 4 combinations oledi
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Old 10-11-2008, 09:05 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by bonkemon View Post
bro, nice fr and nice to meet you. sorry, couldn't stay longer with you and the other bro. i took the same ovation gal too. she told me she just started back work after 5 days rest and you are the lucky one to book and bonk her. I only got to be the second customer after you but also had a good sessions with her. i booked her 10 times already but never got tired yet. i posted her rating in my first fr in SBF. kena her kong tao
taiko.... wow.. you book her 10 times lo.... keng mak mak... indeed you keena kongtao already... keke... but so long you enjoy it, everything is fine la... haha
Old 10-11-2008, 09:10 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by the_saint View Post
not all la, only the one on the far left
sifu..... glad that you fall in love already with the gal you mention. next time when we go club model, intro her to me ok. i will call her "ah so".... sui boh?
Old 11-11-2008, 02:23 AM
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Talking Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by holymannn View Post
sifu..... glad that you fall in love already with the gal you mention. next time when we go club model, intro her to me ok. i will call her "ah so".... sui boh?
Master shifu Saint.....hmmmmm.....if I want to call also I am afraid as he has so many Ah So (s) I dunno which is which even after one week a new Ah So is in the list!
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