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Old 12-04-2015, 02:10 PM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Grounded Eagle View Post
He is still there in Danok although he no longer works for W&G.
You have his contact? I'll be passing through from Songkla to Penang next week. Maybe can stop by to catch up on old times if he's contactable.
Old 12-04-2015, 02:24 PM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Kudos to bro BlkHorsePrince for such a nice forum...
Well done to make Dannok tread alive again...
Old 12-04-2015, 08:36 PM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by BlkHorsePrince View Post
Bro C and me then headed off to the mamak right outside of Siamthana, ordering Iced Lemon Tea to sober up a little bit. Seeking for a little bit more option i went off into Siamthana's lobby area and spoke to the OKT there. There were two guys there and while i was speaking to the person in charge, the other dude kept asking me " You want those pretty pretty ones leh". I just smiled and said any will do. Opted for an hour's session, i told the OKT to send the girl up 10 minutes later. Went back to pick up Bro C and walked back to SP Sweet hotel, i told Bro C to wait for me for an hour whilst i finished my business. The reason being that since Bro F went back to his room, it is for almost certain that he will doze off and not even an earth quake will wake him up. Therefore Bro C would have to share the room with me. Before we even reached the lobby, the OKT had already arrived with 3 girls there for mirroring. Picking up the girl that laughed, I then paid the OKT off for RM120.00 for the hour. We then headed to the lift back to our rooms. Bro C said he wanted to try knocking on the door and see if Bro F answered. He also commented on my choice of girl.

"Poh Si Mao, ar?", he asked , cantonese for "Persian Cat". I chuckeld in response. Indeed this girl does have that kind of look. Wasn't really a looker, more of a MILF looking kind. When we got in the room, i asked her to go shower up first, while i rested on the bed channel surfing. When she got out, i motioned her over on the bed and our session started. Nothing much can be said, except that she was loud as i bonked her. Almost on the verge of screaming. Bonked her for the good solid hour, didn't finish and just tipped her RM 10.00 and sent her off. Before she left, i got a message from Bro C saying that he is back in his room. So, having the bed to myself again, i got some shut eyes for the night.

Awoke next morning at 8 am, checked out of the hotel, walked to the immigration, got the passport chopped and then headed to the border gate to sit down and wait for our bus. With the road still being re-constructed, the left lane was jammed pack with lorries after lorries with no bus in sight. We ended up sitting at the border gate talking about the trip and the night before for a good solid 2 hours before the bus arrived finally. Reached KL at 9.30 pm, and we each parted on our ways. Made a plan for October trip that surprisingly got brought forward to May.

The end. Thanks for your time.
May i know where you get your bus ticket from?
Old 12-04-2015, 08:49 PM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by rifles View Post
May i know where you get your bus ticket from?
Going to or from danok?
Old 12-04-2015, 09:58 PM
Lupsupkia Lupsupkia is offline
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Re: Danok Lastest update

any bro up those club dancers b4? pls share... heard it isnt ez
Old 12-04-2015, 10:59 PM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Lupsupkia View Post
any bro up those club dancers b4? pls share... heard it isnt ez
Not easy because just look at the ridiculous amount that they've received for the flowers. RM 50 we pay for flowers, RM 10 goes to the club and RM 40 goes to the girl. One LD Rm 10/20, the girl gets RM 8/ RM16 respectively. Got the info off Bro F's girl. Still haven't add her wages for the night. Or any potential tips that the customers might give voluntarily to them. It's just not reasonable enough for them to follow you. So they will set an unbelievable amount to discourage you. But SOME are willing to pay, so it's a win win situation for her. And if you are drunk, even better in her eyes.

So it all comes down to luck, and how rich/handsome you could be. Or if you are good at playing games with them, i am pretty sure you can bag some of them lioness for the night. Too many variables.
Old 12-04-2015, 11:00 PM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by levelcool View Post
Kudos to bro BlkHorsePrince for such a nice forum...
Well done to make Dannok tread alive again...
Thank you bro. Interested to cheong together?
Old 12-04-2015, 11:34 PM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by BlkHorsePrince View Post
Thank you bro. Interested to cheong together?
Bro, u Malaysian? If I ride from KL to Danok for 3D2N stay roughly how many ringgit it gonna cost me to cheong together with you?
Old 13-04-2015, 12:20 AM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by BlkHorsePrince View Post
Going to or from danok?
From danok back to KL
Old 13-04-2015, 01:26 AM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by ShadowRiders View Post
Bro, u Malaysian? If I ride from KL to Danok for 3D2N stay roughly how many ringgit it gonna cost me to cheong together with you?
Yup, Malaysian. I don't really know how much riding is going to cost, with all the petrol filling and servicing, but based off of how we usually set up our budget for cheonging, the listings as below:

Lodging for the night:

I have managed to found 3 types of accomodation:

Cheapest being at RM35.00 for the night, but expect some boarded up immigrant house looking ones close to Z club. Haven't found any lower.

SP Sweet Hotel was at RM 68.00 during weekends, Rm 58.00 during weekdays for standard rooms. Reasonable enough pricing for the budget minded. I will stick to this place if my budget gets thrown off balance.

SiamThana at RM 79 ish most of the time. Nothing more to say, but their bathtub is reasonably large enough for my height. And the occasional companionship during the night can be quite thrilling, if you are in to those stuff.

Or if you order a round of 12 bottles in M club, they will pass you a ticket to pay for a 1 night stay at RM 35.00 complimentary from the club. Haven't used it yet, so i don't really know, but generally KPK Resort Hotel is the most expensive i've found available here in Danok. Don't know when this complimentary thing will end though. So take this info with a grain of salt.


If you splurged at Waterview *which we always do*, usually around RM 150.00-ish will be fine. And if shared amongst bros, usually we spend about RM 70.00 and above inclusive of transport there. But never really hit the RM 100.00 mark. But there are other cheaper place to eat literally all over Danok. We've tried eating at a BBQ steamboat place before. Spent about Rm 60.00 in total for 2 person. Had chicken rice before at only RM 15.00 for 2 person. Had economical rice comparable to KL pricing. And as always, there is McD if all else fail.


Can expect around RM 350.00 soon with the way the market is going. But generally take the RM 300.00 mark as your benchmark pricing. Look around and you might find cheaper. But i don't really know how to say if a farm's girl is worth your money. As it is a hit and miss situation, like all the bros had said. All else fail, you can still look around at the lobby of the various hotels around for ala carte ST. Or if you are up for it, bag a lioness from the clubs. Ask around, especially the flower lady, if the dancers are open for booking.


Can expect to save around 1 to 3 bottle's price for beers if compared to Malaysia. So it doesn't really make a very huge difference drinking here and drinking back home. Flowers and LD is subjective to which establishment that you head to. Generally the cheapest club for the moment that i've personally went to is Z Club with LD at RM10.00 and flowers at RM 30.00. In M CLub, if the flower lady says that she only has RM 50.00 to RM 100.00 flowers available, try your best to stall. As the lowest priced flower you could give there is at RM 30.00. LD is between RM 10 to RM 20.00 per test tube. Their drinks comes in test tube.

Overall, i would say, depending on your budget, the price might go up to RM 1000.00 to RM 1700.00, depending on how much you intend to burn.

Hope the information helps, even if it's just rough guessing left and right and a whole lot of estimation on the budget.
Old 13-04-2015, 01:31 AM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by rifles View Post
From danok back to KL
From Pudu Bus Station in KL for go and back ticket , and also from the bus stalls that is located a few steps away from the border gate on the left stretch of the road when you enter Danok if you are heading back from Danok to KL. The stalls are directly across Oscar Hotel.
Old 13-04-2015, 10:19 AM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Actually there's a cheaper type of room in Siam Thana which is RM65 if I'm not mistaken inclusive of 2 breakfast. These rooms are only for regulars and those who knows bout it. Each floor has only 2 rooms and always full or the receptionist will keep the rooms for regulars. They usually will sell those deluxe rooms to walk in guests. Beware of the housekeeping in Siam Thana they will simply charge u for condoms, broken glasses and stained comforter or bedsheet. 1 of the worst housekeeping tactics in whole of Dannok. I was a regular in that hotel but nowadays I skip that hotel because of the housekeeping monkey business. Prefer staying in The Ship or the other quite new hotel after Tesco provided if I hv friends driving in. SP Sweet not recommended because it's quite rundown already same as Satit Grand. Better stay at those newer hotels which are more comfortable and the prices are quite similar. Actually Siam Thana is quite well maintained and value for money if u get the RM65 room but I'm put off by their housekeeping staffs. The management I think is aware of their hanky lanky but I think they didn't take any action on them or maybe they work hand in hand. I don't know. I actually complained to the duty manager the last time I was accused of staining the bedsheet and they wanted to charge me 30 upstairs and 50 in the reception and I confronted the manager and told her I'm a very regular staying at the hotel and I put up a ruckus do lan-lan she waived the fee. And yah the RM65 don't hv a bath tub but the size of the room is same as the deluxe room.Actually if u are in a rush in going back to anywhere in Malaysia, just pass the Malaysian Immigration u can ask the many buses waiting for their passengers if there are any free seats. U can pay the driver and hop on it and if u are out of luck that there are no more buses in the evening u can take a motorbike to Changlun bus station and continue ur journey into KL etc....

Last edited by meiset; 13-04-2015 at 10:25 AM. Reason: Add on
Old 13-04-2015, 11:19 AM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Lupsupkia View Post
any bro up those club dancers b4? pls share... heard it isnt ez

You may be an agent, an OKT, or those clones as your past reports are meaningless.

Anyway, just to let you and others know.............................................. ..............i was there when Model Club, Pattaya Club, Wonderland were in Danok

Before you spent limitless amount of RM on those club dancers in order to put it frankly.......screw them kaw kaw......please remember your basics first.

1. They are there to entertain and to milk you.
2. Do not try fishing or throw a net. It usually do not work well. You must have a plan.
3. Please do not be fat, have beer belly, ugly, old, have a pineapple face with pimples, bald and etc.
4. Dress decently. No shorts, so slippers.
5. Speak some thai.
6. Never butterfly in the club.
7. Be street smart.
8, You must know how to drink.

In order to narrow down your scope of your targets, pls speak to the very experienced CAPTAIN ( and pay the fellow some tips, ask him / she / katoey to join your group if he / she / katoey can be free ) and ask the fellow which girls are available for screwing for the night with you. And without you burning a bloody big hole in your wallet !!!.

You then choose your targets when the captain recommend the club dancers to come to you after they finish pancing around on the stage. Or you hang some flowers on her provided that she is un booked. But please be beware that you may choose an inexperienced , know shitless captain that only wants RM from you.

It never easy to get a club dancer. It takes time, some RM, and patience and you must sanuk in the club. No use if you bored the girl in the club.

It is a game. You win a few as i have done it with club dancers from Hello Bangkok and Z Club.

Be a newbie and you lose a lot.

Last edited by Yokosi; 13-04-2015 at 12:43 PM. Reason: typo
Old 13-04-2015, 01:49 PM
BlkHorsePrince BlkHorsePrince is offline
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Yokosi View Post

You may be an agent, an OKT, or those clones as your past reports are meaningless.

Anyway, just to let you and others know.............................................. ..............i was there when Model Club, Pattaya Club, Wonderland were in Danok

Before you spent limitless amount of RM on those club dancers in order to put it frankly.......screw them kaw kaw......please remember your basics first.

1. They are there to entertain and to milk you.
2. Do not try fishing or throw a net. It usually do not work well. You must have a plan.
3. Please do not be fat, have beer belly, ugly, old, have a pineapple face with pimples, bald and etc.
4. Dress decently. No shorts, so slippers.
5. Speak some thai.
6. Never butterfly in the club.
7. Be street smart.
8, You must know how to drink.

In order to narrow down your scope of your targets, pls speak to the very experienced CAPTAIN ( and pay the fellow some tips, ask him / she / katoey to join your group if he / she / katoey can be free ) and ask the fellow which girls are available for screwing for the night with you. And without you burning a bloody big hole in your wallet !!!.

You then choose your targets when the captain recommend the club dancers to come to you after they finish pancing around on the stage. Or you hang some flowers on her provided that she is un booked. But please be beware that you may choose an inexperienced , know shitless captain that only wants RM from you.

It never easy to get a club dancer. It takes time, some RM, and patience and you must sanuk in the club. No use if you bored the girl in the club.

It is a game. You win a few as i have done it with club dancers from Hello Bangkok and Z Club.

Be a newbie and you lose a lot.
Sifu, if you don't mind, can you elaborate on Captain? As far as I've met the ones in the clubs, most just looks like they fresh off the boat clueless. As far as all the interaction is going on, i can hardly spot one that stands out as being experienced enough to even start milking till you are dry. Would greatly help us all to share your wise wisdom.

And no disrespect intended but Bro C isn't even a looker. Just maybe a tad innocent looking and adorable. With his ruffled hair, goofy look, shorts wearing, orangey outstanding shirt, sandal wearing, beer belly adorning characteristics, still had a dancer offering to nightly visit him for two nights that we are there. Yet he is still fishing the girl by refusing her with excuses. And now they've planned to meetup again *hopefully settling the deed* , even when the girl herself is no longer working at the place and back in her hometown.

I just find it really odd. As i've seen a rather dapper looking gentleman all dressed up and that, failed at even maintaning the girl by his side in ZClub on my first trip. I guess his game was weak. And the girls there have an odd fascination towards larger man, compared to the fitter ones.

Overall though, its real solid advice for newer bros that thought off hooking up with one from the club. Gave me a few insights as well.
Old 13-04-2015, 02:02 PM
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Re: Danok Lastest update

Originally Posted by meiset View Post
Actually there's a cheaper type of room in Siam Thana which is RM65 if I'm not mistaken inclusive of 2 breakfast. These rooms are only for regulars and those who knows bout it. Each floor has only 2 rooms and always full or the receptionist will keep the rooms for regulars. They usually will sell those deluxe rooms to walk in guests. Beware of the housekeeping in Siam Thana they will simply charge u for condoms, broken glasses and stained comforter or bedsheet. 1 of the worst housekeeping tactics in whole of Dannok. I was a regular in that hotel but nowadays I skip that hotel because of the housekeeping monkey business. Prefer staying in The Ship or the other quite new hotel after Tesco provided if I hv friends driving in. SP Sweet not recommended because it's quite rundown already same as Satit Grand. Better stay at those newer hotels which are more comfortable and the prices are quite similar. Actually Siam Thana is quite well maintained and value for money if u get the RM65 room but I'm put off by their housekeeping staffs. The management I think is aware of their hanky lanky but I think they didn't take any action on them or maybe they work hand in hand. I don't know. I actually complained to the duty manager the last time I was accused of staining the bedsheet and they wanted to charge me 30 upstairs and 50 in the reception and I confronted the manager and told her I'm a very regular staying at the hotel and I put up a ruckus do lan-lan she waived the fee. And yah the RM65 don't hv a bath tub but the size of the room is same as the deluxe room.Actually if u are in a rush in going back to anywhere in Malaysia, just pass the Malaysian Immigration u can ask the many buses waiting for their passengers if there are any free seats. U can pay the driver and hop on it and if u are out of luck that there are no more buses in the evening u can take a motorbike to Changlun bus station and continue ur journey into KL etc....
Must be the one Bro C stayed in. Rm65 for the night also. complete with a very tropical feel , with 12 zodiac wall hangings, and a walk in shower. If it wasn't for the bathtub requirement i wouldn't mind staying there. By any chance would the room be located at higher floors? I am guessing those are the standard rooms. Sorry to hear that you've got treated that way by their housekeeping staffs. I personally burnt a small hole on the sheets before due to accidentally dropping my ciggerete on them. Just lucky i didn't get caught. How is the Ship? Am planning to stay there next.
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