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Old 22-06-2023, 10:15 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by brosagat View Post
Hi bro, appreciate your input.
I was referring to maybe the times where LTD was around, and RV Momo whereby i can even want to RTM on the same day. Hence, I would say that standards did drop if we compare APs then to "APs" now...

Just by seeing the MRs now by fellow bros, it seems easy to get a RTM/good FR just with pretty face and basic vanilla service. So I'm also not sure.
That I agree bro. LTD times was quite vanilla services if I remember though. The JS gang was only later. While I want to agree with you on AP then and now, I feel I still chiong non stop from then to now. And I think my frequency has even increased.

I remember I paid about $250 just for a nuru services in the early days for a home based indonesian chinese. But that time web based not so prevalent yet and these home based are rare. The nuru is still the best and visited her almost weekly. So honestly the price point, standards and easier access to these MLs are not too bad, but I am hoping of course they stop increasing so I can visit more often.

I always feel we maketh the AP, not the other round. My opinion nia.
Old 22-06-2023, 10:16 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by brosagat View Post
Hi bro, appreciate your input.
I was referring to maybe the times where LTD was around, and RV Momo whereby i can even want to RTM on the same day. Hence, I would say that standards did drop if we compare APs then to "APs" now...

Just by seeing the MRs now by fellow bros, it seems easy to get a RTM/good FR just with pretty face and basic vanilla service. So I'm also not sure.
Agreed with your post btw. Even if standards haven't dropped as a whole, there is a large group of MLs doing what you stated - relatively young, minimal services, totally vanilla.

At the same time, MR writing has certainly dipped in quality - especially for the above group.

There are still gems (FN, heavy flavoured, great services) who are not much talked about in this forum. Maybe that's a good thing for folks like us.
Old 22-06-2023, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Ray06 View Post
Thank you for this good MR, so good that I picked up my HP to make app, only to see......
32A and boobs must have height or vice versa
She’s the lolita type actually. Small, nubile and cute.
Old 22-06-2023, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by xxvincexx View Post
Pei Qi delisted? I tried booking her a few times but always no reply. Today unable to find her anymore on the site.
Same.. Always couldn't get her, and now saw that she has delisted
Old 22-06-2023, 11:31 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by rahl View Post
At the same time, MR writing has certainly dipped in quality - especially for the above group.

There are still gems (FN, heavy flavoured, great services) who are not much talked about in this forum. Maybe that's a good thing for folks like us.
Agreed. I understand diff folks goes for diff types of MLs, but some MRs really hype till too dragon to Phoenix imho. Giving high ratings/praises for looks/gfe for such vanilla group I can understand. But giving them high ratings/praises for their non existent massage or sensual or service seems ridiculous. Then those who really can massage or heavy flavoured one how sia?

Side note, can pm me share share those gems Bo?


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Old 22-06-2023, 11:34 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Ivysaw View Post
Yeah apparently when they first arrive, some agents like to mislead them into thinking that they have to go FN, shower with customers(even for massage) and provide FJ which is good for the customers but bad for them, and after awhile they wisen up as they start learning what the norm is like over here.
Why is that not a good thing? Lol Looks like the agents are on our side and doing us all a great service. And there is no forcing, the girls agree because they already provide full service back in China.

But unfortunately , like you say, the girls "wisen up" because they quickly learn that sg men not sexually demanding - hug hug, talk talk can already. Even zhut zhut no need. Can take advantage and let sg men top up for that. So they lessen their services, become cannot do this, cannot do that MLs.

Originally Posted by plok View Post
We shd support such agents! They know exactly what we want.
Hahaha, ikr
Old 22-06-2023, 11:35 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by rythuno View Post

She was still in her a line skirt during sensual but during the comfortable but stimulating hj finale, with hand up her skirt doing 4G rubbing, she added a bit of teeth to the action. With the sound of a plane that passed by, the deal was sealed.
anyone can explain what is "added a bit of teeth"
Old 22-06-2023, 11:44 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi View Post
Agreed. I understand diff folks goes for diff types of MLs, but some MRs really hype till too dragon to Phoenix imho. Giving high ratings/praises for looks/gfe for such vanilla group I can understand. But giving them high ratings/praises for their non existent massage or sensual or service seems ridiculous.
Yes there may be a small influx of decent looking MLs. But they are not even that great looking to deserves high praises. Hahaha. Maybe people need to get out more.

All the "prerty" girls that are hyped here, see once or twice then the looks fade very fast. No incentive to rtm

Last edited by Kopiosteve; 22-06-2023 at 12:17 PM.
Old 22-06-2023, 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Ray06 View Post
Bro @Ray06
With all due respect, since we are all senior bros.
Pictures are out and MLs still want privacy? What an irony.
Unless they don’t look like their photos then yes privacy will be maintained.
Anyway to each their own. Personally i will wait for good MRs from reputable bros should I decide to proceed.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone!
Old 22-06-2023, 12:07 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by JasonJG View Post
I actually did chat with her during our session. She's new and was misled by the agent that she would not have business if she doesn't provide FJ. Like most new arrivals, she's worried that she might suffer heavy losses and have to return home heavily in debt. She much prefers to stick to massage and prostrate maintenance. I suggested that perhaps she could consider lowering her prices and offer massage/prostrate maintenance only; the lower prices might help to attract more customers. She said she'd give it consideration.
She heeded your advice. Price up already.
Old 22-06-2023, 12:12 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by kombust View Post
She heeded your advice. Price up already.
Hahahah, her bbbj/cim 150 price higher than her FJ price of what a load of crap. This is the "wisen up" attitude... lol.. defo strike her firmly off
Old 22-06-2023, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by blitzace View Post
anyone can explain what is "added a bit of teeth"
Not really sure how to explain this but let me try my best. It is when she use her teeth to lightly brush against the area around the nipple area. Hope it helps to clarify a bit. It is not a bite or nibble so not really sure which word is best to describe this action. I wanted to use the word scrape but not sure if that is even the right word to use.

Last edited by rythuno; 22-06-2023 at 12:33 PM.
Old 22-06-2023, 12:46 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Hahahah, her bbbj/cim 150 price higher than her FJ price of what a load of crap. This is the "wisen up" attitude... lol.. defo strike her firmly off
Ever had more than 1 ml/fl told me that she finds it weird that many sg guys would prefer hj over fj. But this was probably more than 5 years ago.

Looks like the market has evolved to cater to sg needs. .
Old 22-06-2023, 12:55 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by rythuno View Post
Not really sure how to explain this but let me try my best. It is when she use her teeth to lightly brush against the area around the nipple area. Hope it helps to clarify a bit. It is not a bite or nibble so not really sure which word is best to describe this action. I wanted to use the word scrape but not sure if that is even the right word to use.
Are u Jamus cousin?
Old 22-06-2023, 01:13 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Recently Eastside became super barren with Xiao Xi shifting out... Fortunately I have 2 failsafe MLs though they are not in the East but no choice.
Have always been a supporter of Mango (Zara) and she has always been my regular ML since her first stint. Many will agree that her massage is one of the better ones for freelance ML. Overall service she is very consistent. Only thing is her location though I don't mind travelling if it is her. Think she provides SM services now, I saw the tools but didn't try so can't comment.
Likewise baby is another fail-safe ML for me. She is the only one currently that could get me to marikita when still facing down. There is an additional item in the menu that was mentioned earlier that makes it even better... not sure if it is standard. Again location quite far from me but I will travel for her.

I haven't visited Xiao Xi at her new location (which I went before for her JM), will try to visit this week or next to see if different location brings additional surprise(s).

Anyway, Anqi and myself made the effort to meet and cleared the shit that was stirred between us. I may visit her again for the same reason why I RTM Xiao Xi, however she is harder to book so probably stick to the latter.

Above my current RTM list and none in the East.
Good to see that you had cleared up with her! Hope it was a satisfactory session for you?
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