A ML in the current market will break even if she averages 3.5 customers a day. All returnees will easily exceed this number, so when they say they are not making money, what they are really saying is they are not making as much money as they thought they should be.
The only MLs who struggle to get an average of 3.5 customers a day are the first timers in Singapore as they do not have a regular base to sustain their business. Amongst them, there are certainly quite a few whose circumstances are genuinely pitiful - they owe a mountain of debts, and had to borrow money to pay for their permits, agent fees, air tickets, etc. These are the ones who are deserving of our concern and assistance such helping them by writing FR, small tips, packet food, etc. Nevertheless, not every newbie is in this situation, as they may be new to our shores but have been in this line for a long time already and have worked in places like Australia, HK, Macau and different parts of their homeland previously.
Does not matter whether Returnee or First timer if one have the quality to be in this line.
Many high quality first timer can get fully booked once they go online.
Don't feel sorry for any, write good MR if they are good and deserving else mean they should not continue in this line.
Lol… so… we should be happily giving $10 more to every ML?
I think there is a market for everything if you are getting more bang for your buck for that $10 be it better looks, sensual GFE I think fine but the problem is when the girls want to be just v v plain vanilla and expecting to command the prices the better ones are providing then it will become an issue and non stop spiral.
Anyway $10 bubble tea and coffee? Wow you have been having very expensive tastes.
Wise Words
"I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!
Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret."
Their rent really high leh almost 3k and coupled with their permit it’s 5k a month of fixed cost.
Inflation is very real these days la, normal people might not feel it but it hits rental the hardest.
10 dollars at most a bubble tea or cup of coffee.
Got to understand, these ladies here to make money, a lot of money. No one wants to be stroking dicks earning 5000 a mth la.. and they can’t work forever also.
From another perspective if they can earn alot, then higher quality girls will come and try ma, competition breeds better quality and service in the long term. Another 10 bucks even if u go 4 times a mth is another 40 only…
NB this post, wait till you see Geylang scene those $60CAT joints, 30min 1 customer only earn about $30, per day sleep with 20 customers only earn $600 net profits. Tell your ML this reality
"I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!
Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret."
The point to take away from these long constant debates about rising prices is people are divided and no amount of moralising online will bring down prices.
I myself avoid 130s (or 150s) like the plague but am under no illusion that these ladies will scale down. Only a very few will - An An is a great example but a rare one.
Endless one bro, soon 130 will become the norm. Inevitable, like we used to complain 90 to 100 8 years back. Just won't be tipping much liao.
These days I tend to avoid 100 like plague with exceptions for those known. It's too good to be true for 100 feeling.
Nope never try before, but remember her face quite familiar. Her review on slg site has old comments from late 2019 to 2020. She got provide BJ last time but dk is it cbj or bbbj.
Thanks for sharing bro [MENTION=821164]nilarun[/MENTION]
Let us know if you intend to don your red beret.
For honour and glory.
Originally Posted by Ray06
Does not matter whether Returnee or First timer if one have the quality to be in this line.
Many high quality first timer can get fully booked once they go online.
Don't feel sorry for any, write good MR if they are good and deserving else mean they should not continue in this line.
True that. Survival of the fittest.
Choice aplenty $120 BUT Everyone has the right to decide what they want to do with their money. One man meat another man poison. Most important is you must feel the money is well spent.
No right or wrong. But I’m no charity so just like bro [MENTION=617518]derrickboy[/MENTION] if Svc starts dropping or MLs get complacent just move on. Like how we both move on from our cute playful mistress *wink wink* Rest assured In The belief that she will be well supported by other bros.
So far from what I see, all the better looking MLs like An Yi, Shuang Shuang, Pei Qi, Nan Xing are all 120. Not sure why ppl are still going for 130 and 150.
Aside from the hot topic about the price increase, just curious ah do the bros here request to play music from your phone or y'all just enjoy the session without music
So far from what I see, all the better looking MLs like An Yi, Shuang Shuang, Pei Qi, Nan Xing are all 120. Not sure why ppl are still going for 130 and 150.
Make use of the mindset higher price = “better quality” but in reality that’s not always the case just another money minded lady wanting to earn more money here.
利用更高的价格=“更好的质量”的心态,但实际上情况并非如此,只是另一位女士想赚更多的钱! XD
"I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!
Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret."
Aside from the hot topic about the price increase, just curious ah do the bros here request to play music from your phone or y'all just enjoy the session without music
Normally I keep my phone as far away from me. Last thing I need is my phone accidentally enter a video conference with my camera on.
So far, I only met 3 ml-s that play music in the background(classical(moonlight sonato all 3 movements), Aaron kwok and some Chinese traditional music on separate occassion). Also got two occasions where the ml sing.
Aside from the hot topic about the price increase, just curious ah do the bros here request to play music from your phone or y'all just enjoy the session without music
depends on the ML, some of them will play music in the background, but most of the time is chit chat.
Normally I keep my phone as far away from me. Last thing I need is my phone accidentally enter a video conference with my camera on.
So far, I only met 3 ml-s that play music in the background(classical(moonlight sonato all 3 movements), Aaron kwok and some Chinese traditional music on separate occassion). Also got two occasions where the ml sing.
Originally Posted by Ivysaw
depends on the ML, some of them will play music in the background, but most of the time is chit chat.
Cool interesting I guess the risk is still there if we were to play music from phone
Aside from the hot topic about the price increase, just curious ah do the bros here request to play music from your phone or y'all just enjoy the session without music
I ask the ML play music. But is chinese songs. Her voice also nice when she sings along. Wahahaha.
So far from what I see, all the better looking MLs like An Yi, Shuang Shuang, Pei Qi, Nan Xing are all 120. Not sure why ppl are still going for 130 and 150.
I'm not convinced that MLs should charge 130 or 150 for the same level of services. To put it brutally, who cares if their costs increase, and do you think MLs care for our wallets?
Heck, some of them begin to drop their level of services when one becomes a regular, when it should be the opposite.
In fact, I just messaged a lady working in harbourfront who posts that her price is $140, but it's actually $160. I know it's a different dome and I shouldn't discuss FLs, but with such ethics, do I really care?
I'll just use my wallet and visit those who are not charging higher prices. For those who think it's just $10, next time they can easily use that trick in the playback and say it's just another $10 too.
Normally I keep my phone as far away from me. Last thing I need is my phone accidentally enter a video conference with my camera on.
So far, I only met 3 ml-s that play music in the background(classical(moonlight sonato all 3 movements), Aaron kwok and some Chinese traditional music on separate occassion). Also got two occasions where the ml sing.
Talking about playing music remind me of Angel (RTC).
She played Andy Lau song while doing HJ so I enjoyed the music and sing along.
After quite sometime guess her hands got tired and she realised the music got me distracted.
She switched off the music and got job done with her super skill in no time...
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