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Old 31-10-2013, 01:12 PM
Longitude Longitude is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
I don't believe discrimination in those entertaiment joints... it's all money talk... It is true all over the world. The sheik of Arabs can get all the blondes they want or all the sort of gals they want... Just ask Jeffery Bolkiah...

If you want to hit on gals in Club for one night stand.. it is a different story...
Very true, bro. One will look really good if one has the money. The problem is getting them to know that you have the money. The forumers in this thread are not like you. They are not willing to splurge 6 bottles of Chivas to get noticed.
Old 31-10-2013, 08:51 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
I don't believe discrimination in those entertaiment joints... it's all money talk... It is true all over the world. The sheik of Arabs can get all the blondes they want or all the sort of gals they want... Just ask Jeffery Bolkiah...

If you want to hit on gals in Club for one night stand.. it is a different story...
well, throw money ? no .. don't bother

The cuter the girl is, shittier her attitude is, and if you have to show money to get her attention, in my eyes (yah, I am a bit old ) .. the mood can turn to lousy once she has made her $ ...

move to other place/girls ..

and that's my 2 cents ..

btw, if you think all pinay can be enticed with money, you haven't seen enough pinay .. I know enough pinay even if you show them bundles of green back, they won't go near you, but fuck me FOC .. (no, just as example .. )

I had this enoucnter in insomnia, Singapore .. one pinay flirting with me .. then my UK friend walk in and he as usual assumed he can take her to his place .. she didn't give in, till he said "ok, tell me your deal .. " and she want "no deal, even if you pay me 1,000 no deal, because I am only going out with your friend (me.. ) "

and trust me, she was on transit from KL, and slept with me FOC, and next every time the UK fellow tried to hook her, even openly asked what she want she said no ..

And she just told me she don't like him ..

there are a lot of pinay like that .. so don't waste $ trying to buy over
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Old 31-10-2013, 08:56 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by Longitude View Post
Very true, bro. One will look really good if one has the money. The problem is getting them to know that you have the money. The forumers in this thread are not like you. They are not willing to splurge 6 bottles of Chivas to get noticed.
Don't give too much credit to bar girls, they don't know the difference between a Cartier Watch and a cheap China Clone .. unlike some PH friends I know who can detect a fake prada at 100 meter .. (no kidding .. ) and only wear the top of the top brands and likes ..

as I said, don't waste money trying to impress.

too many PH girl, even in SG, act like I am scum when I tell I don't have car .. and not staying in Hilton/Hyatt .. and then after a couple of hour or so, when business goes south, will crawl over .. and agree to take taxi to nearest H81 ..that's pinays for you

so sometimes, you do win them over ..
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Old 01-11-2013, 10:02 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Don't give too much credit to bar girls, they don't know the difference between a Cartier Watch and a cheap China Clone .. unlike some PH friends I know who can detect a fake prada at 100 meter .. (no kidding .. ) and only wear the top of the top brands and likes ..

as I said, don't waste money trying to impress.

too many PH girl, even in SG, act like I am scum when I tell I don't have car .. and not staying in Hilton/Hyatt .. and then after a couple of hour or so, when business goes south, will crawl over .. and agree to take taxi to nearest H81 ..that's pinays for you

so sometimes, you do win them over ..
I don't have that kind of spare money to splurge. But I believe bro Pink Flyod has a fat entertainment budget.
Old 01-11-2013, 11:54 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by Longitude View Post
I don't have that kind of spare money to splurge. But I believe bro Pink Flyod has a fat entertainment budget.
or he is a babe magnet think positive
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Old 01-11-2013, 09:57 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Thurs night was Halloween, tonight is All Sainst Day.

bad nights these 2, half the gals in Manila have gone back to their provinces, even some of the KTV clubs shut down for business for these 2 holidays, studio 69 and dynasty real both closed.

of the rest, the ones left cant make it !
Old 02-11-2013, 06:21 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
or he is a babe magnet think positive
If you read his posts in Bandung thread, you can tell he is a big spender in KTV's there as well
Old 02-11-2013, 01:36 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

I do spend money in KTV or entertaiment joints but I make sure they earn it... and being nice and generous to the gals after they perform their duty to entertain me give me extra milage.. even if I don't bar fine them, they show up in High Society to party with me...

Yeah.. The Korean man is the IN thing now because of K pop... they might have a better leverage than any of us... hehehe.
Old 03-11-2013, 11:00 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

will be staying at ascott for this month. any places nearby to find action? or numbers to call if i want room service?
Old 04-11-2013, 10:07 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Yeah.. The Korean man is the IN thing now because of K pop... they might have a better leverage than any of us... hehehe.
seriously, you associate Pinays interest in certain men = current trends ?? Jeez

The Koreans in vogue because more of them are marrying or becoming sponsors, as per my insider-info, not due to 'Pashion'

Yah, a few are into K pop like they follow J Pop, but that's not the deal breaker

that's just my 2 cents opinion .. no offence ..
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Old 05-11-2013, 01:36 AM
lucasgeorge lucasgeorge is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Latest as of today... Famous miss universe is open again with new management. Still can't beat Asia entertainment though .... Now renamed to the bay. Ld 600 p, no cover charge. Luv it. Liberty island pretty good too...but much smaller
Old 05-11-2013, 12:43 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Asian Entertainment ?

imo, standards have fallen a LOT since their heyday before the raids happened....the only thing they have going for them is the big stage ! . nothing much else.
Old 06-11-2013, 04:08 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by parlia View Post
Day 4
Thought of the Day: Never give up!!

Tried my luck calling Flight 168 and got through after several attempts.. They are opened!!
Mai tu liao.. chop chop got my butt in a taxi and reached there in no time.. understand from the ‘captain’ the place was flooded and forced to closed for the past 2 days.. can be seen from the apparent wet carpet and the air dryer/blower in place.. lead to the viewing just opened, 2pm..not many to choose from.. Business class = 2… Economy class = 6… wasted no time to get the Business class cat who’s the fairest and with biggest B… No regrets!!
Thanks bro, I enjoy reading it...
any bro wants to meet up in Manila on the 18th Nov - 21st Nov? Please PM me.

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Old 07-11-2013, 02:56 AM
lucasgeorge lucasgeorge is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

No lor, I am still in manila, Asian entertainment has a new management and its called the bay now. Check it out, it has more than just a big stage....that is miss universe
Old 07-11-2013, 11:50 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Prepare to go next friday but big typhoon going to hit manila. Hope it will settle by a week and joint r open
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