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Old 26-10-2009, 03:57 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Hi samster any 150cat with shaven pussy.
Old 26-10-2009, 09:33 PM
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Re: Unveil or Unmask BMW (M'sian cat150) - part2 - In the room

Originally Posted by HitManHeart WL View Post
BMW often let off soft fake moaning during catbath, BBJ and FJ but depends on her mood she will occasionally raise her moan volume to boost your man ego.Throughtout the sessions with BMW, we adopted different BBBJ positions and usually I'll insist her to do BBBJ on DIDI in a most comfortable posture for her. Remember there are 2 occasions where she kneel down on hard floor to perform BBBJ but quickly I asked her to do it on bed, while I gave her pussy a good licking with stimulating sucks on sensitive point together with some fingers action to service the G-spot inside her pussy. (I can still remember my last day with HaiSan before she said goodbye to GL, she personally guide my index finger to feel where her G-spot inside her wet pussy after our steamy session)
After too much of pussy and DIDI rubba rubba, under mutually consent condition next I'm already penetrating her wet pussy immediately without protection. This was risky come to think about it which I know but under the passionate and hot spur of moment, this was beyond controlled just like volcano eruptions. At first she want all to be released out of her pussy but eventually she doesn't mind having them fully loaded into her pussy and i counted for number of load at first but later also lost count how many times.
There were once I bonked her a couple of times in full 8 sessions and she was damn horny and sweaty then. We started off without shower while she BBBJ me to elect and then i bonked her dog style on heels & g-string slid to the side and finished off with full unload into her well saliva lubricated pussy. The next day BMW sent below text message to me and it says:
"My dear..i hope u slept well last nite n I really enjoy seeing u yesterday n lying by ur side wit ur warm hug tat make me feel so comfortable. U r so great n hv break all the record, hope u enjoy ur weekend ya..muacks.." (Received from BMW cell phone on 09 Aug 2008 1.15pm)
For FJ, I have lost count of how many different bonk postures we adopted during the sessions and usually she requested me to bonk her deeper, faster and harder during half-way making love but that was not my preference. Reasons being I dun want to cause her discomfort or even pain after releasing my load due to my sizable one and heavy body weight. Secondly i find it more enjoyable seeing my manhood moving in and out of her pussy while feeling her warm & wet lovehole but at times i noticed something fishy.
From then on, I received below SMS from her cell phone for a couple of times telling me that she is not working in her legal house and in additional extra words which shock and get on my nerves for a while.
"Wat r u doing now dear?i want u 2 save everything 4 me n b good ya..u r belong 2 me only.. " or
"How r u 2day dear?im not working n u b good ya..finish work go straight home..muacks"
Then one day, when I went into the assigned room for my ride before BMW walked in, happened to find a brand new unused/unopen CD left behind by BMW from previous sessions with another customer on the bed. I smell something fishy, a thought came and I threw it into the bin to test whether that unused CD belongs to her. Indeed she came shortly to look for it and without word retrieve it back from the dirty bin while i kept quiet while watching her reaction.
Subsequently, on a number of occasions I hint and directly questioned her whether she is offering the same unprotected sex all her clients but she denied immediately and there was an occasion which she pretended to rub eyes infront of me.
Every now and then, I noticed whitish substances oozing out from her pussy and also some will stain on my manhood shalf and base which appear rather messy to me. Again she quickly passed the assuance that those were medical cream left over the nite before she slept and I was wondering how come even after several customers bonked her ahead of me and yet i'm still seeing these right now.
However, I continue the risky bonk affair with BMW till the very last session with her and think I'll do a medical check up to see if any in 3-6 months time.
As I'm not really a fan of CIM but there are few occasions I have tried it on her after reading so much that she provide it to the rest of customers and it was not that sextify as I thought it would.
Remember there is an occasion last year where I tried to CIM but due to wrong timing, unintentionally become a COF on BMW instead. Immediately BMW screamed loud, went inside shower to clean up touch up and back on bed with a black face.
BMW dislike getting her hair wet and make-up smear while being bonk by her clients during the sessions and also hate to sit around waiting for customers to call her kind.
During the first year or so, she would end every session with a relaxing massage even if it was panio style but I dun really mind and accept the minimum. Then one day in Aug 2008, she started dropping the practice of ending each session with massage and remarked that she is not a massage lady so she doesn't have the obligation to make u relax at the end with a massage. IMHO, since my day1 cheong GL150 in the 1990s, this has always been the part of the service provided, be it with HaiSan, WenFang, sugar, Jia yen, SanSan, Janet, M1, singtel, Mun Mun, Nico, Cookie, Judy, Ice, MG, Benz........the list goes on and why she is so lofty?
Gradually, I realised the naked BMW infront of me is no longer the one I used to admire and usually GL150 WL with this type of behaviour, i'll will not give a damn, rtf is sure no no but I still hope to bring her back to her usual self when she started as a legal hooker in Geylang if she wants to stay on.
To be continued based on facts and reader may check with BMW in person. However she may deny or twist the truth. My objective is to raise awareness on her and lower the casualty rate she caused.
got info that your posting have got her in deep shit. was call up by av, might have her yellow card cancelled
Old 27-10-2009, 04:16 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

wah first The Hustler n now "Sex Van Winkle" Norigo...

hope u doin well Bro n agree wif yr sexgacious advice

Originally Posted by norigo77 View Post
*Woke Up* Err, sombody calling me??
Old 27-10-2009, 06:39 PM
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Ling Ling L28H31A

Name: Ling Ling
From: Szechuan, China
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 50kg
Face: 8/10
Body: 8/10 - almost no tummy fat
Breasts: 7/10 - B cup, slightly droopy, puffy nipples
Pubic hair: Untrimmed, but not hairy
Pussy: 8/10 - allows painting, no smell

Overall, pretty and slim. Allowed me to kiss but not french. Seems to be very intolerant of cold (big guys take note) - she got goosebumps shortly after turning on the aircon. Action was SOP. Doesn't do CIM, but I did it with condom on.

Catbath: 6/10
BBBJ: 7/10
FJ: 6/10 - she seemed to be in pain. View during doggie style was nice.
CIM (capped): 5/10 - she didn't let me squeeze out every drop.
GFE: 4/10 - I may RTF to build this up.
RTF: Possibly.
Old 27-10-2009, 09:08 PM
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Unmask BMW (GL150) Part4 - do away OKT n solicit sex deals

After two failed attempts to ask $15k, BMW started to cut corner in term of service while asking for tips and freebies. Remembered she ever called me to buy her pregnancy test kits as DSC was suspicious on her medical results and she needs to double check before medical retest. After CNY, she began to show signs of sicked being bonked by countless cheongsters while over-estimated her ability to hide illegal sexual deals she was performing both locally and back in M'sia for few highly selected ones. Frequently MIA while claiming in need of $$, is another tell-tale sign of BMW is taking a different course while keeping her legal prostitute status as a cover up. Then on 12 Mar 2009, she sent below test message to me:

"Dear can u book me for 5 sessions at least cus I dun wish to c lot of customers?" "How about v meet outside n u pay me tat amount?" "u go find a hotel in geylang n I meet u there?" (from BMW cell phone on 12 Mar 2009 4pm to 5pm)

Over the phone, BMW revealed that she wanted more money and like to take over OKT eagle's share of that $150 per session….OMG, within my expectations, she is offering sex deals outside her legal house and do away legal rules of GL150.

The outside sex deal she offered proceed and we went Grand Mercure Roxy (I dun mind paying extra). She was at the lobby for me to bring her to the room. That nite she came with a LV hand bag, heavy make-up, perfumed with colored contact lens, 3/4 white pants with matching heels, pinky low cut tank top, pink lacy side ribbon g-string and matching bra. Started with nice catbath head to toes with stimulating licking & sucking, i bonked her a couple of times around the room in different postures and release every drip of sperm rawly into her pussy. After the bonks, we cuddle and TCSS under the fresh quilt where she sai nai & sa jiao just like my gf and later i sent her back Lorong31 residence where she kiss on lips and said good nite dear. The next day, she sent me below text message:

"My not working 2day n u r not able 2 come on weekend so I c u on mon, u do take care ya..really enjoy the moment wit u last nite..muacks.."(from BMW cell phone on 13 Mar 2009 4.45pm)

Reminded her repeatedly on consequences of outside sex deal as she is a legal prostitute while she insisted that was first and last time (u believed? me not) and if someone she offered, dun pay or short pay (Ever heard 2 clients ran away without paying after she was bonked in legal house) or she got bullied inside the room without help? She remarked "If tat few hundreds dollars also cannot pay, let him run lah, not big deal loh"...What a Daring BMW.

To be continued based on facts and readers may check with BMW in person. However she may deny or twist the truth. My objective is to raise awareness and lower the casualty rate she might caused.
Old 27-10-2009, 10:36 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

It was a very hot evening... I felt bored and stuffy and very long time didn’t PCC liao.. so went down to GL to see got any new girls... Passed by 1805 and went in to see if Champagne is available... Sian.. the OKT said she was fully booked.. And he recommended me to this new girl called Bebe.. Whaa new girl leh... Never read her FR before so I not sure about her service.

When i first saw her, what attracted me was her big round eyes... whaaa.. very innocent looking.. her skin was pretty tanned and her boobs were pretty ok.. juz a B cup I supposed... She had a very sweet and GF look.. those which you see will feel like hugging.. She was wearing a body hugging tube top and I noticed her ass was very tight.. heehee good for ass fuck... The OKT said her great great grandmother was a concubine from a palace. Haha zhun bo... Nvm la.. decided to gave her a try.

In the room we exchanged some small talk. She was very chatty by nature and we opened up to each other alot, making me feel very comfortable. After a while, we head into the shower as I was getting horny. Not much action in shower although after scrubbing my asshole she did spend some time stroking my prick from behind - slow and sensationally arousing.

Dry up and rest on the bed while admiring her curves and shy demure. She started her catbath starting from your nipples down to my harden DIDI. Its full on licking and wet. Pretty good effort, she seems to have some skill in this area. I could sensed her tongue was very wet and soft...
She used her fingers and gently played with my dickhead and balls. She signals for me to turn over and she inserts her tongue in for a very wet AR. Fantastic... It was a slow style but wet strokes, and really appealing to me.. I dun like too rough kind.

She kept on licking my balls, and gradually suck my entire ball into her mouth and use her tongue to massage my ball within her mouth, then lick the length of my prick, then AR again, repeating this pattern. She did this for around 10 mins! I was in heaven! She turns me over and engulf my dickhead, sucking gently and slowly. My DIDI went full steam liao. She then gave me a deep throat.. heavenly... Her tongue felt like velvet to my skin. Suction was very hard and I could feel myself exploding. Juz before it came, I pulled my DIDI out of her muth and squeeze it hard o prevent the cum from coming out.
I asked her to put on the cap and ride me first. I played with her breast as she entered me and pumped me harder and harder. Her moans was pretty loud and genuine. But I thought she was pretty inactive as I had to take the initiatives to change the positions.

Finally we changed to doggie and I grabbed her ass as I entered her.. It was tight! Shiok! I unloaded after 10 mins...

Overall, I found her to be very nice and GF like material. It was like having sex with a GF and not a working lady.. great fuck!

Face: 7/10 Innocent and sweet
body: 6.5/10 Slim but lack some meat
Breast: 7/10 B cup.. cute nipples nice to lick
BBBJ: 9.5/10 Excellent! Love her tongue!
AJ: Excellent too! Made me stand really hard
FJ: 6/10 Need more experience in this area
RTF: Maybe
Old 27-10-2009, 11:44 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Xiao Bu Dian (W06)

Went to W06 last week. Shoot a few names (Malaysians WLs) to the OKT but all not working. So just sat around and enjoy the 'sights' and Xiao Bu Dian caught my attention so decided to give her a go.

Looks: 8
I personally find her pretty. Really sweet looks with a lovely smile and minimum make-up.

Body: 7
Tits should be B cup and quite a perky butt. Smooth fair complexion.

Love the way she looks at me seductively. Good mixture of licking my shaft and deep throat. Good tongue and hand technique.

AR: Ask her to skip it.

FJ: 7.5
Very responsive with lots of frenching.

RTF: Yes.
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Old 28-10-2009, 08:43 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
wah first The Hustler n now "Sex Van Winkle" Norigo...

hope u doin well Bro n agree wif yr sexgacious advice

Bro, you still a regular? I remember you ahd slowed down a little a while back?
Old 28-10-2009, 08:40 PM
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Thumbs up Looks can be deceiving ... What say U?!

I have been busy lately but I managed to find some time to release before my trip to Dubai. In fact I wanted to RTF on my list of regulars but either they were occupied or not available ... sigh!

Therefore the OKT recommended me to try a newbie. The OKT wanted me to test her to determine if she can be a gem in the near future.

WL Name - Pei Pei
Origin - Hunan, PRC
House - L16W15
Height - 1.6 m
Age - 24 years (according to her)
Misc Info - less than a week old in GL
Ex-Profession - similar trade in China and one-month stint in Malaysia before she arrived in GL

Look - 6.9/10

She is presentable with a touch of GND looks. She has fake hair extension to enhance her femininity. She has big double eyelid eyes. She looks quite sweet & cute when she smiles.

Bod - 7.3/10

She is neither slim nor plumb. She has flat abs and perky & curvey butts. The only flaw is she is not tall enough.

Tits - 7.8/10

She has firm and perky tits. They are B+ cuppers. Her nipple are light brown in colour. It they are pink in colour, I would give her a 8/10.

Shower - Unrated

No action but only a very thorough wash. She even used toothpaste to wash my manhood. She told me toothpaste can be a good sterilizer. I have not heard of that before ... hmmm ... I find her washing my ass crack and manhood a little too rough as if she feared that it was not thoroughly cleaned.

Massage - 7/10

She gave me a massage which I thought was much better than alot of H/C WL. Anyway, ppl who patronise H/C are not exactly keen in massage.

French - 6/10

She allowed me to french kiss her but she appeared to be not very keen in it. Therefore, it was not engaging enough for me to enjoy.

AR - 7.0/10

She spent alot of time in this department. However, her AR was not as stimulating as Guo Guo, Joanne or Crystal.

BBBJ - 7.5/10

Great athought not super deep-throated fashion. After that she offered me "something" which was heavenly ... excellent stuff! Try her if you wanna know what I meant here ...

FJ - 8/10

After the BBBJ, she climbed on top of me to give me an out-of-this-world rodeo ride. She was really into it as she gyrated her hip to and fro in tremendous speed like a crazy western cowgal. I set up to suck her nipples and alternated with squeezing her gravity-defying tits desperately and enthusiastically. She looked wild and seemed to be very horny & high. At one time, I wanted to switch to missionary but she refused and continued to grind me on top aggressively. She told me she was going to reach orgasm and pleaded me to let her continued as she have not had orgasm for a long time ... Damn! Instead of her sextisfying me, now I have to pay to sextisfy her ...

She finally reached orgasm and I can feel a huge amount of vagina fluid flown out from her vagina and made my pubic area very very wet. I then qucikly turned her over and bonked her real hard and furious in missionary to take revenge on her. I ejaculated pretty fast as I was also very high at that time ...

Attitude - 9/10

Fantastic!! Her GND looks is rather deceiving. Once she got on top of me, "Hell breaks lose", man!! She was one heck of a horny and sex-enthusiastic lass ... I like, man!!

RTF - Yes!

There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

My Personal FR Thread:
Old 30-10-2009, 02:18 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

She even used toothpaste to wash my manhood. She told me toothpaste can be a good sterilizer. I have not heard of that before ... hmmm ...
Did she use Colgate Total for 24hrs protection?
Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth.
Old 30-10-2009, 11:03 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Have been trying to look for shaven pussy girl,any samster can recommend.
Old 01-11-2009, 10:48 PM
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Re: Unmask BMW (GL150) Part4 - do away OKT n solicit sex deals

A few weeks away overseas and walao eh, so many developments.

My thoughts:

On the surface bro HitManHeart WL (let's call him HMH for short) appears to have a scoop. Now I'm not a BMW supporter and have never called her before as the queue was always too damned long. I would urge everyone to take this with a pinch of salt as there is no way to verify HMH's story. And from what I have heard, there has already been repercussions in GL, such as all the OKTs being summoned to AV to kenah fuck by the AV and warned not to allow cheongsters to get close to the WLs. All the OKTs are also now closely watching their gals for fear of losing their licenses.

Now HMH's intention may have been "to raise awareness and lower the casualty rate". Well, he sure has raised awareness within AV. I have my personal thoughts about HMH's intentions but I'll keep those to myself.

Let's face it, AV is not stupid. If BMW was indeed plying her trade outside or guilty of breaching other regulations, AV would definitely know but would keep quiet until it was made public, such as HMH had done. AV will whack hard, regardless of whether there is any truth behind such accusations.

Now assuming BMW is indeed guilty of KC trapping, who then is really to blame? Answer: the cheongster. You cheong knowing that you are at risk of being KC trapped, and you know that you are basically renting 45 mins of paid passion. If the WL fails to deliver the GFE as expected, we say she's mechanical. If she delivers as promised, we call her more often and get sucked in and blame her for making us fall. And then when we find out she's giving everyone else the same GFE service and maybe more, we get jealous and try to fuck up her life. Doesn't take rocket science to figure out who's to blame.

Now I'm sure there are indeed WLs who do go out with clients for clean fun. As a result of this fiasco I'm also pretty sure there are going to be a lot of upset cheongsters who can't go out with their WL friends. Who are the real casualties now?

If you ask me, I think HMH was quite irresponsible in posting this "scoop". This forum is a very powerful information portal but only if populated by responsible netizens.


Originally Posted by HitManHeart WL View Post
To be continued based on facts and readers may check with BMW in person. However she may deny or twist the truth. My objective is to raise awareness and lower the casualty rate she might caused.
I have been fucking for decades. Indeed I fuck too much
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I do not care for points + I do not log in much now. But if you have upped me and I have not upped you back, pls PM me. Thks
Old 02-11-2009, 08:40 AM
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Re: Unmask BMW (GL150) Part4 - do away OKT n solicit sex deals

re:seven seven, said in mandarin she is call qiqi of L24M1 cat $150
Found a pheonix in the eagle nest. Boy this joint can really always produce gem. With bao er gone I was heart broken and dead and thought well it may be a blessing in disguise, cos can quit the GL scene and save alot of money mah. But damn saw this so sweet, gentle and soft spoken lady, I thought just try lah and told myself no lady can take bao er's place one lah. I like to go for feeling and service looks not important to me cos bao er is not that pretty. But this gem got everthing, thought can quit but this lady pull me right back in damn. No time I give very brief description. looks very sweet,gentle and soft spoken, I love the way she speak so soft & sweet, but don't be fool, if u got the kung fu to make her high, hell will break lose, she becomes a sex demon. Boos b cup light brown nipples. Body fair and smooth. will post full FR when got more time, sorry got to go.
Old 02-11-2009, 03:34 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

FR on Ying Zhi (L1805)

just has a great session with new babes on the block yesterday nite. quite a hot gal and need to wait for 45 minutes for her. while waiting, saw few gals at her home base a.k.a Doris, Taozi, Hong Dou...not bad this house...all their gal quite pretty except for Hong Dou..Yiting not working yesterday. Champagne already go back to China. while waiting, can hear a gal moaning sound from the room. wow make me steam steam hearing those moaning sound. 20++ minutes the moaning sound. sibei geng the guy inside there. nearly make me go into toilet to masturbate but i m guy with mission, mission to fuck this new gal. while waiting also saw Doris going inside room to work. walan this gal moaning sound more loader than the room beside. so at least entertain with some XXX sound b4 my turn. 45 minutes wait also not waste it..hehe...

when Ying Xhi back from her work outside, wow...1 words..sibei pretty this gal. White see thru dress giving half ball...and can see her gstring very follow her into the room with my hard rock didi. ask me whether want to have another cup of tree..i just reply i want some milk. she with super turn-on face say i will let u drink it later. once closed the door, me immediately hug her from behind and touch her boobs with my didi touching her butt...she let off very horny sound and within a second, we frenching madly like long lost lovers. we keep on frenching with me tear off her clothes while she do the same for me. we frenching for more than 10 minutes b4 we taking a bath. in bathroom, we keep on frenching with my hand auto-roaming all over her and she do the same.

after bath and drying, immediately we continue our frenching standing until we both sit on the bed. slowly i suck her boobs, kiss her neck, sucking her ear lop until i reaching her south and give her clit a good 25 minutes licking. her pussy wetness level are very high, so many water she can produce a day after bonking so many men. she so horny until she automaticallly lift up her butt for me to lick. wow the whole scene of licking her clit still fresh of my mind until now (my didi are hard now thinking of it).

she ask me to stop...saying very itchy now, want me to enter her now. So after putting in the condom, we fuck like a mad dogs with alot of frenching (start with gal on top, follow by doggie and end with missionary). she keep on frenching me and kissing my neck and ask me to fuck her harder. she keep on saying very syiok and if every man she meet fuck like me, her leg will be very weak (want to boost man ego onlylah, shd be saying this to alot of man).
after 20 minutes of fucking (mostly in missionary pattern), i let off my whole week soldiers into her pussy. she keep on frenching me like she want more but i say very tired already and i think already reach time limit (dun want to charge for 2 sessions).

we take bath and b4 we depart, we french again and ask me to look for her again. she told me she like my look and me look like her previous bf.

Origin: PRC Haerbin
Face: 8.5/10
Boobs: B+ (nice boobs to squeeze, not 2 big and not 2 small)
AR/BBBJ: No (not time to explore it as i service her more than she service me)
Frenching: 11/10 (better than my current gf)
FJ: 9/10
GFE: 9.5/10
RTF: Big Yes
Old 02-11-2009, 06:35 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Unmask BMW (GL150) Part4 - do away OKT n solicit sex deals

good post Bro...i think both u and Cougar (copied his comments below) best summed it up...

My feeling is, the problem lies with you. Your desire to own her spoils the whole game!
Please get the facts straight, when she first sleeps with you, it is for money and money alone! That is her job, her profession!
Because of your action, she is now suspended from work.
Many of the brothers here have also lost the opportunity of a good time.
In my view, you’re not helping us at all!

Originally Posted by Doomas View Post
ANow assuming BMW is indeed guilty of KC trapping, who then is really to blame? Answer: the cheongster. You cheong knowing that you are at risk of being KC trapped, and you know that you are basically renting 45 mins of paid passion. If the WL fails to deliver the GFE as expected, we say she's mechanical. If she delivers as promised, we call her more often and get sucked in and blame her for making us fall. And then when we find out she's giving everyone else the same GFE service and maybe more, we get jealous and try to fuck up her life. Doesn't take rocket science to figure out who's to blame.

Now I'm sure there are indeed WLs who do go out with clients for clean fun. As a result of this fiasco I'm also pretty sure there are going to be a lot of upset cheongsters who can't go out with their WL friends. Who are the real casualties now?

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