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Old 15-08-2012, 01:44 PM
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Exclamation Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by Allanooi View Post
B-G won't share infor which hse is the girl he talking abt... It's his exclusive GB...

To all bruddars who PMed me recently regarding the secret wl BG is hidding from us -

Since that Bronzegourd does not wanna share where is this so-called Liu Yi Fei "lookalike" from, she is Ling Ling from L2041. IMHO, BG has over-rated her! I dun think she looks like Liu Yi Fei. My advice is, try her once if you are curious as I doubt u would RTF considering her svc level and her looks actually no big deal to me at least!

Originally Posted by SunZhi View Post
Which hse is no 5 liu yi fei!?
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Last edited by Alejandro88; 15-08-2012 at 01:55 PM.
Old 15-08-2012, 02:08 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Yes. As Alejandro said, way overrated.

Please don't look for this liu Yi Fei lookalike, whoever she is, as you'll be sorely disappointed.

This way, I can enjoy her unique looks and service which does not appeal to others like Alejandro.

There are many more girls worth your time and money. He

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
To all bruddars who PMed me recently regarding the secret wl BG is hidding from us -

Since that Bronzegourd does not wanna share where is this so-called Liu Yi Fei "lookalike" from, she is Ling Ling from L2041. IMHO, BG has over-rated her! I dun think she looks like Liu Yi Fei. My advice is, try her once if you are curious as I doubt u would RTF considering her svc level and her looks actually no big deal to me at least!
Old 15-08-2012, 02:14 PM
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Re: Full of Ego + Rubbish + a whole lot more...

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
That explanation of yours entitled you to the title - "" Ünique "" samster! I find your FR more AMUSING (to coin your word above) than informative sometime!

Sometime I wonder what u are trying to prove by self-praising! The worst is, you dun use your brain to think before you leap by supporting that numb-skull Omnia just bcos he recently became your buddy!!! Anyway, it is not that I care but the bone of contention is to bombard u because u should verify who started this war first before u made a accusation unreasonably!!!
Bro. I'm not supporting bro omnia. But I do find the exchanges between you two rather amusing.

Frankly, I don't know why you get so easily upset. Take it easy yeah?

We r all here to enjoy and destress
Old 15-08-2012, 02:47 PM
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Re: Full of Ego + Rubbish + a whole lot more...

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Bro. I'm not supporting bro omnia. But I do find the exchanges between you two rather amusing.

Frankly, I don't know why you get so easily upset. Take it easy yeah?

We r all here to enjoy and destress
U think I am so easily upset? If you thought so, u have over estimated yourself. I am just adding to the fun of ridiculing u for being a clown here. Aren't you aware?? Paiseh arh for being blunt! Wahahahahaha!!!
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Old 15-08-2012, 02:48 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Yes. As Alejandro said, way overrated.

Please don't look for this liu Yi Fei lookalike, whoever she is, as you'll be sorely disappointed.

This way, I can enjoy her unique looks and service which does not appeal to others like Alejandro.

There are many more girls worth your time and money. He
I have oredi tried her but am not impressed. I leave it to other samsters to try and judge for themselves. We care and share! Maybe samsters find her worth the $150 they are paying, who knoes!
Seule la bonne volonte l'emportent!!

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Whores Office

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Old 15-08-2012, 03:26 PM
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Wink The Truth Lies In The Posts

My dear Alejandro88,

The truth lies in the posts...not single r afew but in totality n over time...this has exposed yr character for who u truly r...well yr cyber personality at the v least...

Now as for stirring up a so called new cyber doubt i was being mischevious in my tone n style, for tat if u still take issue then i say sorry...however i do not apologise for the is a fact tat u earlier viciously n maliciously attacked Shuang Shuang(16W12) n now only recently u hv suddenly turned 360 n hv started to praise her...did u bother to think abt the consequences of yr initial posts?...u think u can just turn on n turn off the 'tap' in this forum wifout any ramifications?....well think agn...

Oh yes u may be aware tat i let u hv the last word in the other thread n wld hv been more than happy to let the matter rest...but no u had to go n stick it agn in yr reply to u actually invited me to respond to u agn...n this i gladly did wif no comments r crtitique fm me mind u but merely pasted all yr own 'fantastic' posts which truly expose u for who u r in this forum...if u dont like it tough, becuz they r all yr own posts...take responsibility n think carefully in future before making such posts agn, perhaps this may help u in future...

Back to Cuntking n Tommy/1612...pls carry on wif yr foolish antics if u so wish becuz the only ones u r hurting r them n not me...the archived posts do not lie...n it is a pity becuz they r innocent paries in this present matter...

btw like i said before in all my yrs in this forum i hv never zapped anyone n shall never do so...but i cant help it if others feel the need to express themselves...v curious though hv u zapped me before Alejandro88 becuz i hv only ever upped u?!...dont be scared n frightened u can tell me becuz i wont zap unlike the attitude tat u appear to take

Before i forget fm a sample of yr appears tat u luv to play the role of psychiatrist/psychologist....perhaps a dose of self therapy may be in order instead?!..oh n glad to know tat i am in my pink ic is hving a gd chuckle!

Old 15-08-2012, 04:07 PM
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Thumbs down You can't cover your obsess image, the truth is out! U are the ultimate sore loser!

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
My dear Alejandro88,

The truth lies in the posts...not single r afew but in totality n over time...this has exposed yr character for who u truly r...well yr cyber personality at the v least...
Oh, is that rite? Well, that comment of yours above applies to you too! Your obsessive and sore-loser actions speak volume about your persona in sbf. I wonder if u conduct similarly in real life as a person.
Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Now as for stirring up a so called new cyber doubt i was being mischevious in my tone n style, for tat if u still take issue then i say sorry...however i do not apologise for the is a fact tat u earlier viciously n maliciously attacked Shuang Shuang(16W12) n now only recently u hv suddenly turned 360 n hv started to praise her...did u bother to think abt the consequences of yr initial posts?...u think u can just turn on n turn off the 'tap' in this forum wifout any ramifications?....well think agn...
I was not the only one who posted negative remarks on SS in the past if you open your eyes and verify carefully! So why u attack me and not the others? It proves that you are vengeful and a sore loser! U think my words in SBF is so influential? If you thought so, u are damn naïve! Do u know SS is a very popular & sought after wl who clocks 10 session daily consistently and there is always a queue even on non-peak hours?? whether I passed negative comment on her or not, u think my comments can impact on her business! If I am making negative comments on a newbie who is trying to make headway in GL, then that statement of yours is justifiable! Pls use your brain and dun always use your dickhead!

C’mon, u are damn naïve & silly! Dun bombard for the sake of bombarding just bcos u wanna take revenge on me!
Originally Posted by omnia View Post

Oh yes u may be aware tat i let u hv the last word in the other thread n wld hv been more than happy to let the matter rest...but no u had to go n stick it agn in yr reply to u actually invited me to respond to u agn...n this i gladly did wif no comments r crtitique fm me mind u but merely pasted all yr own 'fantastic' posts which truly expose u for who u r in this forum...if u dont like it tough, becuz they r all yr own posts...take responsibility n think carefully in future before making such posts agn, perhaps this may help u in future...
If you know this consequence, why start the fucking cyber war all over again in the first place???! Let me ask u the same question, what prompted me to bombard you in the first place?? Why bother to waste time explaining the above?? What was done cannot be undone! U should jolly well take responsibility by keeping your mouth shut if u have nothing better to contribute instead of trying to create unnecessary ripple in calm water!

If u are more than happy to let it rest, u would not have started this war all over again in the first place! What a rubbish u uttered here!

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Back to Cuntking n Tommy/1612...pls carry on wif yr foolish antics if u so wish becuz the only ones u r hurting r them n not me...the archived posts do not lie...n it is a pity becuz they r innocent paries in this present matter...
Ohohohohoh!! Trying to act like a Mr Angel now arh? What was done cannot be undone! U think Tommy and Cuntking care about your stupid and obsess antics?? They are not silly like you and they know why I have to bring this up to prove to the sbf community what kind of sore loser & obsess person u are here! They can’t be bother to bombard u in the past bcos they know u are just another nuts! A sheer waste of time!
Originally Posted by omnia View Post
btw like i said before in all my yrs in this forum i hv never zapped anyone n shall never do so...but i cant help it if others feel the need to express themselves...v curious though hv u zapped me before Alejandro88 becuz i hv only ever upped u?!...dont be scared n frightened u can tell me becuz i wont zap unlike the attitude tat u appear to take
I dun care if U or your bootlickers/supporters wanna zap me as I can’t control them. However I stand firm that I did not start this fucking cyber war first!! The sore-loser, Omnia did!!
I need to correct the bootlicker who zapped me and posted that unreasonable comment about me!
Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Before i forget fm a sample of yr appears tat u luv to play the role of psychiatrist/psychologist....perhaps a dose of self therapy may be in order instead?!..oh n glad to know tat i am in my pink ic is hving a gd chuckle!
I strongly urge u to do some soul searching as there is no place for egoistic & obsess ppl like u here! Last but not least, please Do Not cross my path again! I have no time & interest to engage in any cyber war with u as I consider u a sheer waste of my time!
Seule la bonne volonte l'emportent!!

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Whores Office

The art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right moment but also to leave the wrong things unsaid at the tempting moment.

Last edited by Alejandro88; 15-08-2012 at 04:34 PM.
Old 15-08-2012, 04:18 PM
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Re: Full of Ego + Rubbish + a whole lot more...

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
U think I am so easily upset? If you thought so, u have over estimated yourself. I am just adding to the fun of ridiculing u for being a clown here. Aren't you aware?? Paiseh arh for being blunt! Wahahahahaha!!!
Wahahahaha. Ok, I give u a virtual pat on the back. We r all clowns who love whores and chit chatting in this forum anyway
Old 15-08-2012, 11:19 PM
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negative remarks on SS

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
I was not the only one who posted negative remarks on SS in the past if you open your eyes and verify carefully!
Wish I had seen your post on SS earlier... It could have saved me $150... Visited SS recently and felt that her service was subpar and her attitude was cold and "domineering". Maybe I'm too gentle by nature to handle a lass with such dominant personality...
Old 15-08-2012, 11:25 PM
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Re: negative remarks on SS

Originally Posted by Gesch View Post
Wish I had seen your post on SS earlier... It could have saved me $150... Visited SS recently and felt that her service was subpar and her attitude was cold and "domineering". Maybe I'm too gentle by nature to handle a lass with such dominant personality...
Bruddar, initially when I first upped her, I have similar experience as you. Hence I posted negative things about her in the past. To be fair to SS and yourself, u have to hit her on the right note and my sincere suggestion is not to over expect anything. Let the session flow naturally and am sure SS will know what to do. If she finds u a customer worth keeping, she will do her utmost to retain you. After that I have 2 rtf. She did not kiss me deeply but at least she kissed for about 15 sec b4 withdrawing. I remember she did that about 4 times in the 60 mins session. U can give her and yourself another try to see if there is any improvement. Sometime the wl might be in mood swing mode, maybe her menses coming, or the customer b4 you offended her. So hard to say.
Seule la bonne volonte l'emportent!!

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Old 16-08-2012, 12:45 AM
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Re: negative remarks on SS

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
Bruddar, initially when I first upped her, I have similar experience as you. Hence I posted negative things about her in the past. To be fair to SS and yourself, u have to hit her on the right note and my sincere suggestion is not to over expect anything. Let the session flow naturally and am sure SS will know what to do. If she finds u a customer worth keeping, she will do her utmost to retain you. After that I have 2 rtf. She did not kiss me deeply but at least she kissed for about 15 sec b4 withdrawing. I remember she did that about 4 times in the 60 mins session. U can give her and yourself another try to see if there is any improvement. Sometime the wl might be in mood swing mode, maybe her menses coming, or the customer b4 you offended her. So hard to say.
Wow you got 60 mins from SS damn good hor...Envy!

Me only 45 to 50 mins per session...maybe not handsome sad!

But I must say her BBBJ getting better every time RTF huh...hee hee
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Old 16-08-2012, 12:56 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
I have oredi tried her but am not impressed. I leave it to other samsters to try and judge for themselves. We care and share! Maybe samsters find her worth the $150 they are paying, who knoes!
Maybe she doesn't want you as a return customer so never bothered to impress you?

Usually WLs when they want you to come back to them, they'll put in some extra efforts to impress, dispense gfe etc.

I got a lot of it from her. But one man's meat is another man's poison.

I can tell she is choosy w customers, which means she saves her efforts for customers she wanna keep la.

She's something special to me for sure... GFE super GAO.

Damn high just looking at her makes me feel high. And fucking her, oh yeah, like fucking a young unpolished actress...

She n lulu best actresses for this year to me..
Old 16-08-2012, 10:02 AM
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Re: negative remarks on SS

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
Wow you got 60 mins from SS damn good hor...Envy!

Me only 45 to 50 mins per session...maybe not handsome sad!

But I must say her BBBJ getting better every time RTF huh...hee hee
He get Amy to GFE what you think? Hamsom and also got good pecs!! Please lah. Go polish your taxi as punishment!
Old 16-08-2012, 10:05 AM
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Re: negative remarks on SS

Originally Posted by Eagles View Post
He get Amy to GFE what you think? Hamsom and also got good pecs!! Please lah. Go polish your taxi as punishment!
My one got Decals covered all over how to polish leh...hee hee

I dun mind to do pussy grooming for A and SS lor...ha ha
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Old 16-08-2012, 10:51 AM
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Re: negative remarks on SS

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
My one got Decals covered all over how to polish leh...hee hee

I dun mind to do pussy grooming for A and SS lor...ha ha
In between the decals. Even more work!! haha

Yes, i heard that A now got clean landing strip. Please carry on. I no longer landing on that field now. SS I cannot say. Never seen head or tail of that one
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