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Old 05-01-2020, 05:22 PM
baotohk baotohk is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
don't teach your father how to fuck

know where you stand

watch your words

no one here owe you anything

you don't own the fucking forum

nobody step on your fucking tail

stop barking and fuck off

nobody need you here

all these years I never came across such a loser like you

attention seeking keyboard warrior
Just put him on the ignore list and you will enjoy the peace.

To the rest, please stop responding to him and quote his post.....i need to sterilize my eyes reading his nonsense.
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Old 05-01-2020, 05:47 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
don't teach your father how to fuck

know where you stand

watch your words

no one here owe you anything

you don't own the fucking forum

nobody step on your fucking tail

stop barking and fuck off

nobody need you here

all these years I never came across such a loser like you

attention seeking keyboard warrior
Well said. I quietly reading this forum for years. Benefited from many bro's FR and I genuinely appreciate it. These few months this loser gogeylang/juicyg(obviously the same person) suddenly appear out of nowhere, spitting nonsense at everybody as if he own the forum. Nothing helpful to contribute never mind, hide behind a keyboard trying to bully people that are actually helpful like unfit, dpower, turgid, bigbadbird, joker88, apojaja, dignified, fat fatt etc etc.

This person really so fucking loser until I make an account to voice my support for these helpful bros. Please dont be bullied into disappearing. Many bros like myself read and thank you for your FRs but never say anything. This person behind gogeylang/juicyg obviously trying to drive out people who share real helpful FR so that his main account have an monopoly on sbf advertising certain house/girl that pays him. Please don't let him succeed. To everyone here who ever written an FR, thank you very much. To gogeylang(and all your fucking clones), DLLM ../.. !!!
Old 05-01-2020, 06:17 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs


Just ignore haters/ trolls
I treat them as 🐕 barking

Somehow coming to Year of Mickey but these dogs have been barking away since Year of 🐕

Recent:T-Violet,Bobo,Scarlet,Jijee,Jam,Clara,Jane,Maxi, Jinny,Sailor,Larissa,Chloe,Mars,Cupcake,Chilli,Dre am, Orange,Cartier,Mango,Porsche,Notti,Wasabi,Pui,Ju-Ne,Ida,Kitty,Benz;V-Versace,Isabel,Rose,NaRa, Queenie,Natasha,Vanessa;PRC WLs-Grace,莎莎,Mandy,菲菲,小小,婷婷,美美,洋洋,露露,小苹果,佳佳,法拉利,七七,雪儿, 小雪
Old 05-01-2020, 06:37 PM
FEDERER801 FEDERER801 is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by gogeylang View Post
If you're serious about good WL, you should get the small-timers and lao cockroaches to shut the f up and stop disturbing WLs. One Dpower already pissed off how many? How do you justify Unfit introducing Dpower to WL? All Unfit had to do was f and go. No one expected him to do much. But no, he had to go home and intro DPOWER. This is sabotage.

Serious punters have a natural aversion to DPOWER. That's why the WLs customers ask her to ask him to f off. But in the forum, we have fucking idiots personally introducing WLs to Dpower. The evidence is very clear. These idiots online are not serious punters and just playing a fool. He even has fanboys like Dignified69 and BigBadBird who ENCOURAGE him to continue his nonsense FRs. Same shit stick together.

Bro, I don't care about your are free to share what you want to share.....

But about Bigbadbird bro, he is the only few rare bonkers who are still sharing frs unselfishlessly.....I don't know him well cos we are samsters....not suppose to be friends.....

But I can see his sincerity in sharing good intel with me.....

rather spend time attacking people....why not PCC like me....once a while come to sbf to see some jokes online.......Sometimes if lucky, can fuck one rare good gem in a year!
Old 05-01-2020, 06:39 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by Fat Fatt View Post
I tried to convince them to redirect their energy to more FRs, leads to good WL in GL. Haha definitely will benefit most of us. But they prefer to slug it out.
Fat bro, continue to share your frs....although we have complete different taste in whores!
Old 05-01-2020, 06:50 PM
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by unfit View Post
don't teach your father how to fuck

know where you stand

watch your words

no one here owe you anything

you don't own the fucking forum

nobody step on your fucking tail

stop barking and fuck off

nobody need you here

all these years I never came across such a loser like you

attention seeking keyboard warrior
Yawn. You know as well as anyone here that DPOWER is a fucking nut. Yet you introduced him to WL. Next time you f finish just go home don't need to extra. You are a fucking pimp need to intro WL? Need some pts online? Dpower suck your cock? If no, then? Fucking free? Who is the one that is attention seeking nothing better to do need to feel good about yourself intro WL?

You want to open your mouth talk facts. Dpower is well known to give WLs problem, ownself admit. There are many other WLs who have asked him to f off besides those he admit he got problem. It's not that I make up stories. Yet you still introduce. WHY? YOUR FUCKING BUDDY LAH THAT'S WHY. SAME SHIT.

But now, since she has decided not to meet me anymore due to the strong requests of her fans and tiraks,
Don't teach your father how to fuck and try to understand what goes on in the real world where the OVERWHELMING advice is to ask DPower to fuck off. Your buddy got BLACKLISTED...AGAIN. So what's your next move? Intro more WL to him and ask to write more FR lah. You sure you know how to f?

Last edited by gogeylang; 05-01-2020 at 07:17 PM.
Old 05-01-2020, 06:53 PM
gogeylang gogeylang is offline
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by lengfeng View Post
Well said. I quietly reading this forum for years. Benefited from many bro's FR and I genuinely appreciate it. These few months this loser gogeylang/juicyg(obviously the same person) suddenly appear out of nowhere, spitting nonsense at everybody as if he own the forum. Nothing helpful to contribute never mind, hide behind a keyboard trying to bully people that are actually helpful like unfit, dpower, turgid, bigbadbird, joker88, apojaja, dignified, fat fatt etc etc.

This person really so fucking loser until I make an account to voice my support for these helpful bros. Please dont be bullied into disappearing. Many bros like myself read and thank you for your FRs but never say anything. This person behind gogeylang/juicyg obviously trying to drive out people who share real helpful FR so that his main account have an monopoly on sbf advertising certain house/girl that pays him. Please don't let him succeed. To everyone here who ever written an FR, thank you very much. To gogeylang(and all your fucking clones), DLLM ../.. !!!
You remind me of Bronze pedo who is a full grown man getting 'bullied' online.
Old 05-01-2020, 07:24 PM
apojaja apojaja is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Just put him on the ignore list and you will enjoy the peace.

To the rest, please stop responding to him and quote his post.....i need to sterilize my eyes reading his nonsense.
Originally Posted by MrBigBadBird View Post

Just ignore haters/ trolls
I treat them as 🐕 barking

Somehow coming to Year of Mickey but these dogs have been barking away since Year of 🐕

This Hope all bros stop responding to him or quote him. Put him on ignore and enjoy the peace!
Old 05-01-2020, 10:06 PM
gogeylang gogeylang is offline
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by DPOWER View Post
I have decided to quit writing in forum because of Yue Jia (2062a) as she has agreed to continue meeting me so long as i dont write on her.

But now, since she has decided not to meet me anymore due to the strong requests of her fans and tiraks, i shall not keep my agreemet with her to quit writing
Ah Peks, wake up your fucking idea! The WL does NOT want DPOWER to write FR. At first, she agreed to see him (grudgingly) IF he doesn't write shit. However, he proved too troublesome so she just asked him to fuck off. In the first place, WHY ARE YOU THREATENING TO WRITE FR WHEN THE WL DOESN'T WANT YOU TO DO SO?

About being a keyboard warrior, I laugh at DPOWER online, I dare to laugh at you sorry fucks IRL too. Which one of you dare to admit to a WL actually you are DPOWER's buddy and sama sama shit in real life? I dare to tell a WL that I would never intro DPOWER, this is how he looks like, STAY CLEAR! This is what all serious punters do. UNFIT, why not you admit that YOU'RE THE ONE WHO INTRO DPWER TO WL? WHY NOT YOU SAY YOU LOVE TO READ HIS FRs he is your best buddy? See whether ppl thank you or ask you to go fuck yourself? Full of shit online.

From the time he bitch about a lousy Coach bag, I already knew he is a serious problem. I dare to say IRL he is a clown. You dare to tell WLs IRL YOU SUPPORT HIM AND HIS FANBOY? Actually, you love to exchange info with him? Fucking clowns IRL with no perception of reality. You don't like me calling you Ah Peks out for being Ah Peks, too fucking bad! You fucking got guts you tell the WLs IRL that you support DPOWER REVENGE THE WL BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE HIM ANYMORE. I don't support his nonsense I dare to say IRL. You support his shit you dare to say IRL? Fuck you, you dare to say. Call me a loser? LOL. You fuckers are only good for supporting each other's nonsense online and licking each other's ass. IRL, all will run and act blur.

Which one of you Ah Peks dare to go 2062a and say you support DPOWER revenge Yue Jia when all she wanted him to do was not post? Anyone? I bet NOT EVEN ONE OF YOU CHAO AH PEKS got the guts to do so. Dare to support online, IRL diam diam.

Last edited by gogeylang; 05-01-2020 at 10:37 PM.
Old 05-01-2020, 10:11 PM
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gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!gogeylang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by FEDERER801 View Post
But about Bigbadbird bro, he is the only few rare bonkers who are still sharing frs unselfishlessly.....I don't know him well cos we are samsters....not suppose to be friends.....
No interest in his bak cai recommendations and whining about his frenching.
Old 05-01-2020, 11:08 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Actually I have no interest to join in this petulant argument but since you indirectly referring to me, I would like to partake as well. In future, be a man, just call me up directly and stop beating about the bush. 🙄

To me and honestly, you are the biggest joker in this forum whom I have ever come across. You are asking for the moon for just a meagre $150 per pop WL. For umpteem times, I have been seeing you saying you want very pretty WL with good looking physique and ample boobs .... blah ... blah ... for god sake, you are acting like a cheapo and you should be looking for your holy grail in the premium whore section ... of course that provided you could afford it. I am in fact not disparaging you but your comment todate regarding the fact you could not get a quality WL of your choice in GL150 goes to illustrate that u are nothing but a cheapo. If you aren’t, you wouldn’t be spouting this as you should be able to know the market rate with respect to the standards ....

In conclusion, you may not be a clone but I must say you are the biggest joker in SBF.

Originally Posted by FEDERER801 View Post
I really fu le some of you....must be nothing better to do....

Scan each other frs....then attack one another.....reminds of two jokers years ago.......

One even said I was a clone....CB!

This shows Dying of good quality whores in Gl...then now silly men fighting among one another....please continue ok....then china whores will look down sillysporen men like these guys!

I rather fuck good quality A whores!
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

My Personal FR Thread:

Last edited by max_priest; 06-01-2020 at 01:40 AM.
Old 05-01-2020, 11:46 PM
baotohk baotohk is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Actually I have no interest to join in this bickering but since you indirectly referring to me, I would like to partake as well. In future, be a man, just call me up directly and stop beating about the bush. 🙄

To me and honestly, you are the biggest joker in this forum whom I have ever come across. You are asking for the moon for just a meagre $150 per pop WL. For umpteem times, I have been seeing you saying you want very pretty WL with good looking physique and ample boobs .... blah ... blah ... for god sake, you are acting like a cheapo and you should be looking for your holy grail in the premium whore section ... of course that provided you could afford it. I am in fact not disparaging you but your comment todate regarding the fact you could not get a quality WL of your choice in GL150 goes to illustrate that u are nothing but a cheapo. If you aren’t, you wouldn’t be spouting this as you should be able to know the market rate with respect to the standards ....

In conclusion, you may not be a clone but I must say you are the biggest joker in SBF.
don't start it

Let make peace and love here .....
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Old 05-01-2020, 11:46 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by lengfeng View Post
Well said. I quietly reading this forum for years. Benefited from many bro's FR and I genuinely appreciate it. These few months this loser gogeylang/juicyg(obviously the same person) suddenly appear out of nowhere, spitting nonsense at everybody as if he own the forum. Nothing helpful to contribute never mind, hide behind a keyboard trying to bully people that are actually helpful like unfit, dpower, turgid, bigbadbird, joker88, apojaja, dignified, fat fatt etc etc.

This person really so fucking loser until I make an account to voice my support for these helpful bros. Please dont be bullied into disappearing. Many bros like myself read and thank you for your FRs but never say anything. This person behind gogeylang/juicyg obviously trying to drive out people who share real helpful FR so that his main account have an monopoly on sbf advertising certain house/girl that pays him. Please don't let him succeed. To everyone here who ever written an FR, thank you very much. To gogeylang(and all your fucking clones), DLLM ../.. !!!
Hello hello brudda Leng Feng, hehehe! U r a stray dog calling another a bull dog. Hehehe! I din born today or yesterday u knoe. U lie with your tail coming out de.u yorself is a clone de! LOL! U hide behind a clone bcos hor, u scare ppl zap u ah?! U are a coward doggy lah! Hehehe!

Cheebye DPower destroy WL rice bowl. WL kenna this Cheebye DPower is curse liao! Cheebye DPower come online to shame WL when WL rejected him and dun wanna go out with him. His FR 80% fake one! Many brudda pm oso said.

Bye bye brudda coward,
Old 06-01-2020, 06:43 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Originally Posted by FEDERER801 View Post
Fat bro, continue to share your frs....although we have complete different taste in whores!
Haha none of the girls in my signature correspond to yours??
I know you have high standards for beauty / looks department
RTF Gals and working:
Old 06-01-2020, 03:04 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs

Read until tired and confused
Now i just want to go and fuck yuejia and
shove my kkj into her mouth.
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