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Old 02-10-2008, 04:03 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by grandfather View Post
he say he link up with bro adidas88, going over with him.
Link up with best PRC CHEONGSTER AWARD 2008 sure won't go wrong. Don't forget his F4 kakis also.

Originally Posted by bonk88 View Post
yes, nothing is guarantee. I had one OL meet her in CA, we talk over the phone and SMS too, but i withdraw cos she wanted to meet up her mum when i coming to CA on oct, so now i didnt call her now, not even awr the call or SMS.
FYI, i have not even ON her yet, cos my intention is just need her when i in CA.....and like what u said, she may feel more secure by doing so?
What i trying to tell u is that, u must know what u want when u start to cheong in PRC...for me is : fund with OL other then ktv mm.... like bro tin tin said, dont go for one tree where there is so many trees in the jungle. Ucan be a lover too.
Haha very wise words. No wonder I always look for adidas88 and you for advices.

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
it's truth ... maybe she really like u and want to be with u ..
but my personal advise ... evaluate the whole situation carefully bro ..
in chinese culture ... visting parents of gf/bf means a step closer to marriage ...
good luck, bro ...
I accompany a Viet girl to her kampung and saw her parents but it mean ain't no shit. Haha. The only reason I want to go is to see what a Vietnam kampung looks like only. As expected the mum tried to fleece some money from me. Was a great experience.

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
Dun look for trouble till trouble come looking for u ...

Never under-estimate the power of Meimei.
The force from the Dark Side is very strong.
Careful..You must ...
You have taught your young padawan well my friend.
Old 02-10-2008, 04:16 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by jackytheman View Post
wah... it become scary now... luckily got so many sifu out there to advice me... well money isn't a problem but headache??? and after problems will be scary. Well then I have to reconsider now....
Well, another perspective on looking at this.... it shows that the girl really like you and not just after your money, else she will not bring you home to meet parents.... think about it, if her whole intention was to rob all your money and dump you (like most bros had written FR or thought on Mei Mei after thier money issue).... she will not bring you back home coz once you know where is home, if she really try to cheat your money, you know where to find her parents right?? hahahha....

FYI, I have visited my girl parents too.... not bad... good experience...
Retiring soon...
Old 02-10-2008, 04:17 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by Tony Stark View Post
I accompany a Viet girl to her kampung and saw her parents but it mean ain't no shit. Haha. The only reason I want to go is to see what a Vietnam kampung looks like only. As expected the mum tried to fleece some money from me. Was a great experience.
bro, u must share with me this experience of urs when we meet ...

Originally Posted by Tony Stark View Post
You have taught your young padawan well my friend.
With you, may the force be stronger! Yes, hmmm
Old 02-10-2008, 04:26 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by neverlandf View Post
Well, another perspective on looking at this.... it shows that the girl really like you and not just after your money, else she will not bring you home to meet parents.... think about it, if her whole intention was to rob all your money and dump you (like most bros had written FR or thought on Mei Mei after thier money issue).... she will not bring you back home coz once you know where is home, if she really try to cheat your money, you know where to find her parents right?? hahahha....

FYI, I have visited my girl parents too.... not bad... good experience...
Hey bro neverlandf long time no see. Well you've got another perspective on this. There're pros and cons. Some are just putting a long line for long term benefits. They paint a picture that they're very chum. Try to gain your sympathy. Add in the passionate sex like frenching, AR, AJ, CIM, COF, COB, creampie, etc. The KC works when you automatically give out money. That's the scary part. Once the big head stops functioning. You're finished!

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
bro, u must share with me this experience of urs when we meet ...
Will share with you during our next TCSS session.
Old 02-10-2008, 04:43 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by neverlandf View Post
Well, another perspective on looking at this.... it shows that the girl really like you and not just after your money, else she will not bring you home to meet parents.... think about it, if her whole intention was to rob all your money and dump you (like most bros had written FR or thought on Mei Mei after thier money issue).... she will not bring you back home coz once you know where is home, if she really try to cheat your money, you know where to find her parents right?? hahahha....
well, another perspective ... the gal do not want to rob all ur money at one go .. she want to milk u slowly ...
think abt it .. if she rob u, that's only once ... but if she do it smartly, it's long term ...
meimei is very smart ... that's why i like them ....
Old 02-10-2008, 05:50 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by neverlandf View Post
Well, another perspective on looking at this.... it shows that the girl really like you and not just after your money, else she will not bring you home to meet parents.... think about it, if her whole intention was to rob all your money and dump you (like most bros had written FR or thought on Mei Mei after thier money issue).... she will not bring you back home coz once you know where is home, if she really try to cheat your money, you know where to find her parents right?? hahahha....

FYI, I have visited my girl parents too.... not bad... good experience...
so lucky to find luv in a foreign land. me still looking ... and no luck ...

16th party onz? me will be back on the 14th liao
Old 02-10-2008, 10:01 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Personally bringing back to see parents dont mean anything these days.

But it does mean a certain level of trust has been reached between you and the gal, But always be careful.

Personally I have been to see parents house of a non WL before , Non prc too. The House was huge and I got "assaulted by 5 of her dogs too, had a useful souvenir too, but too bad it not related to PRC mm, though,

So anyone be in CA next weekend from 10th onwards? the images of my last JA party burning in my mind , even more so than those KTV in CP.
Old 02-10-2008, 11:26 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
why ?? u dun like DFML ??? .... then u sit outside and wait for us lor ...
Nowadays, I prefer DFML than JA.... JA girls seem to be short and not prettty.... DFML is tall, slim sexy.... hahhaha.... I agree with GTO... sitting at the big hall after 9:30pm is good to fish the DJ.... hahhaha...I promised myself to avoid KTV for 2 weeks.... until 16 oct.... need to eat vegetable until 16 Oct... too much KTV bad for health... hahhaha.... see you guys on 16th...
Retiring soon...
Old 03-10-2008, 09:20 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

yea, i guess i must agree that if the mm wanna bring u home, that means u are somewhat impt to her to do so. coz she's the gal and it will mean more to her in terms of "face". sometimes we just too paranoid over money issues, coz we dun wan a bro to kenna. just be alert at all times.
Old 03-10-2008, 09:25 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by neverlandf View Post
Nowadays, I prefer DFML than JA.... JA girls seem to be short and not prettty.... DFML is tall, slim sexy.... hahhaha.... I agree with GTO... sitting at the big hall after 9:30pm is good to fish the DJ.... hahhaha...I promised myself to avoid KTV for 2 weeks.... until 16 oct.... need to eat vegetable until 16 Oct... too much KTV bad for health... hahhaha.... see you guys on 16th...
like that we die leow ...
u will be damn "hungry" when we meet on the 16th nite ...
u'll probably rape all the meimei's, AM and KJ in the room ...
Old 03-10-2008, 09:52 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Thanks to all the taiko, sifu and bro. for your valuable opinions and sharing your experiences... I can't believe that all of you can be so helpful and passionate. I am so touched... Is this what the chinese called brotherhood? Well pointed well taken and I will becareful... frankly speaking I ask myself why did woman ...any woman look for a man as companion beside sex? security?I dont think any woman would like to be lay by some stranger or someone who she doesnt has feeling for??? We guys dont...I am sure they are the same....well in simple money... no matter she is a local or foreigner or mei mei... in the olden day they look for warrior to protect them ...but in modern day they look for those who can provide food, shelter, comfort and protection ... and in this 20th century all this equal to money. So if you have a local girlfriend or mei mei or any woman eventually it come back to the basic money... who will let you lay and didn't ask anything back instead or even pay you? Unless you are as handsome as Our taikor GTO or Adidas or can sweet talk like our MR. Bonk88 ... the James bond language ...ha ha.
The different or local girls and mei mei is that mei mei ask money right after you layed them in small amount... local girl will give you credit and will ask a lump sum from you once you fall for them and propose or later on tie you down and ask from you for the rest of the life. That is the norm and that is what a man should do... take care of the woman and his family... I suppose all those who is married and have a family do give his wife and children a substantial amount of stipend every month before they allocate their extra money to cheong right? All we need to becareful is being cheated... in term of heart ... which some of the mei mei are really good in. Well I wouldn't call it cheat... If it happened I will take it as I brought an expensive pussy... haha.
Old 03-10-2008, 10:01 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by jackytheman View Post
Thanks to all the taiko, sifu and bro. for your valuable opinions and sharing your experiences... I can't believe that all of you can be so helpful and passionate. I am so touched... Is this what the chinese called brotherhood? Well pointed well taken and I will becareful... frankly speaking I ask myself why did woman ...any woman look for a man as companion beside sex? security?...well in simple money... no matter she is a local or foreigner or mei mei... in the olden day they look for worrior to protect them ...but in modern day they look for those who can provide food, shelter, comfort and protection ... and in this 20th century all this equal to money. So if you have a local girlfriend or mei mei or any woman eventually it come back to the basic money... who will let you lay and didn't ask anything back instead or even pay you? Unless you are a handsome as Our taikor GTO or Adidas or can sweet talk like our MR. Bonk88 ... the James bond language ...ha ha.
Money make the world go round

Originally Posted by jackytheman View Post
The different or local girls and mei mei is that mei mei ask money right after you lay them in small amount... local girl will credit it in their account and will ask a lump sum from you fall for them and propose and later on tie you down and ask from you the rest of the life. That is the norm and that is what a man should do... take care of the woman and his family... I suppose all those who is married and have a family do give his wife and children a substantial amount of stipend every month before they allocate their extra money to cheong right? All we need to becareful is got cheated... in term of heart ... where some of the mei mei are really good in. Well I wouldn't call it cheat... If it happened I will take it as I brought an expensive pussy... haha.
yes for me, my family come 1st, work 2nd, football 3rd, and lastly is cheong with bros...
Bro jack, me still want u to think about it before u want to go and meet up with the mm family, but what ever decision u made, dont regret...

Old 03-10-2008, 10:11 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

thank bro. bonk 88... just a simple meeting and dinner. You are really my big brother... thanks for everything. Maybe you can intro. me a good candidate back home... just tell me the place and time and I will be there.
Old 03-10-2008, 10:25 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by Van Basten View Post
hey spoon : what happened to you?

why u suddenly kena zap -78? u are lao jiao here this will undermine yr credibility... maybe the bros here will help to add back yr pts...
Originally Posted by DUnNoLah View Post
haha.. must be forget to use condom on the "referee" of this forum, kena yellow card..
from 78 to -78.. who else got such power..
If not will be like last wkend Man U vs bolton, referee gave penalty without seeing the actual tackle. Just saw someone fell down in the penatly box.

Originally Posted by mebirdie View Post
what happen to my dear spoonfork ?

Hari Raya present for him ... points become negative
Wah!!! So many concerned brothers here. So touched man... hehehehe

KNN…. Come to think of it, I think I should be angry with all of you. So busy already and still make me write such a reply. With such inquisitiveness, I think it is only fair to share on what I think or guess might have happened.

Few days ago, I came across a posting in a thread, which I have conveniently forgotten, of this self proclaimed “top property consultant” grouching about how he was “cheated” of a handphone by a meimei in Zhuhai. When a comment was made by bro petrolheadSG, sparks ensued and eventually, other brothers were dragged into the foray. The writer who started all this eventually grabbed the last straw with:

Originally Posted by jameschong View Post
================================================== =======
Thanks You for sharing my experience with Sngaporeans here

Anyway I fucked her on the phone the other day
Gave her a piece of my mind that we Singaporeans are well-off but we are not dumd ass or showoff like TinTin, AdidAAS or Break 78

She begged me for forgiveness but I fucked her off

Learn from me, not from assholes lile TinTin or AdidASS or even Tony Stark
Still fighting the withdrawal symptoms of CPgongtao, I impulsively disapproved this post (I think you call it zapping) and ….. …… added the comment “FUCK OFF!!” I may have been rude, but those names mentioned were brothers that I had the outmost pleasure partying within in different parts of the world….. something which I truly enjoyed, treasure and cherish. Yes, I have had the honour of having lunch, dinner, kopi, tea, KTV, etc with more than a hundred fellow samsters I met over this forum. One thing I must say… Everyone single one I have met was just FANTASTIC!!!!! This mudslinging is, I feel (still), very… and totally uncalled for!

The next thing I knew, I was power zapped by the moderator (Hehehe… I think so). Please don’t blame this moderator as I guess he was just doing his job. Don’t blame him as he might not have been aware of what happened and he only acted on complaints received, ….. just like our very own town councils.

Please don’t blame him, for allowing vulgarity in the postings that can be read by everyone but not for vulgarity in unpublished one-to-one messages. These rules that are set by them, are not meant for our comprehension,…. just like the rules that states that it is mandatory to give maids day off but punishes the employer if she ever gets impregnated.

Please don’t blame the moderator for exercising his powers (aiyoh… think of it, also scared…. shivering now man). Not many people understand colloquialism, and that words and expressions are sometimes used to characterize spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech. The words, “fuck off” could have been taken literally to mean having sex and getting off, with or without paying. Any resemblance to our powerful boss saying “mee siam mai hum”? Hehehehe… I guess not!

As what brother Van Basten said, losing points might mean losing my credibility. Should I allow my integrity to be undermined? Should I bend over for the moderator?

Come to think of it, posting such pictures in respective threads may just do the trick and will simply pump up my points by a couple of thousands within weeks. That would probably dwarf the negative 78 and send this chapter into oblivion. Mmmmmmm……. I wonder.

With all being said, I will still stand on my belief that this forum is meant for the sharing of stories and accurate information among fellow “forumers”. I will still continue to read and most importantly, post, in this thread. Being infamous with an ugly “reputation” highlighted with a little red square, I would probably be getting more attention and awareness, for the right or wrong reasons… hehehehe. I do not know….. maybe the moderator might just ban me after reading this (for that matter, I do not know if it will make it to press). If this thread were to never welcome me again, I hope I can take solace with ……

我门欢迎你 !!!!!!

Old 03-10-2008, 11:12 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by jackytheman View Post
thank bro. bonk 88... just a simple meeting and dinner. You are really my big brother... thanks for everything. Maybe you can intro. me a good candidate back home... just tell me the place and time and I will be there.
bro I have been quietly following this topic and would like to chime in out of flames hor. Good intention only.
While we wish you all the best, and hope you have a different outcome then the many bros who have walked down that same path to the village before you (metaphor not literal or hey maybe double meaning applies) , experience would show that the odds are not much better than winning money from our future IR :-)

I dont doubt it is a simple meeting and dinner for you...question is whether your MM or your MM's family share this same casual attitude.


now back to regular program tks
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