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Old 12-03-2011, 09:24 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by ArChi View Post
wow seem like CA is so happening...
btw is there any guide on some of terms use like 2/6/8.. dont really understand.
2/6/8, 3/6/9, 4/8/12 are actually short for 200/600/800, 300/600/900 etc
These are all the categories of the KTV MMs, with the first digit indicating the sitting fee (坐台费), second digit as the fee for fast food (快餐)ie the MM accompany you through out the KTV session and you bring her back for one bonk. The last digit indicates the overnight fee (出街/ 过夜). Normally for overnight session, you will at least get 2 shots before the MM leave in the morning.

Different KTV have different categories of MMs.
Old 14-03-2011, 12:00 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Just to clarify, once you pay the overnight fee you no need to give sitting fees right unlike local ktv which has tips then separate agreement.
Old 14-03-2011, 07:35 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by BoinKING View Post
Just to clarify, once you pay the overnight fee you no need to give sitting fees right unlike local ktv which has tips then separate agreement.
Yes. Overnight includes the sitting fee as well. Pay only at the end of the day. Usually the MMs will stay till at least 7-8am.
Old 14-03-2011, 03:55 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

FR on 23rd & 24th Feb 2011 - CA

24th Feb – CA - DFML

We were early, waitg for them to open ard 7pm, as its only a 3 min walk from DFJH…………………….................
First patch of girls brought into our room were above our expectation though, I thought of selectg that center 2 girls but only took 1 (my other 2 kakis did not select) as we thought later batches would be better, but that was a grave mistake ! As for the 2nd batch, all of us unanimously eyed on 1 girl; so its only fair that one of my friend (say A) took her as I already got one. As for later batches, they just simply did not really make it in terms of quality & quantity ! In the end, we only have one girl each, as there wasn’t many to select from. But that was considered fortunate, as I learned from my girl later that customers from at least 10 other rooms for the past few nites had to leave without any girls, really bad ! My other friend (say B) just have to settle for one though not his liking bcos there wasn't any left ! All our girls r in the 3/8/10 category.

But we were compensated by our girl’s service. Also just to mention, really must pick a gd DJ too, its very important to create a cozy atmosphere, 要会搞气分 !This one assigned to us really cant make it, very cold like an iceberg, or rather its like we owe her a million dollars ! I thought I am cold, but she is very much better than me ! Compared to our 1st nite, its million miles apart !!! Disappointed otherwise the nite would have been more enjoyable !

After selectn done, all the girls were asked to surrender their bras ! The girls were very responsive, just after a moment of warmg up, my friend’s (A) girl start hugging him like a koala bear & in no time was tongue fighting with him. Fierce ! Upon seeing that & probably not wanting to lose out, my girl unzip me & start to fondle with my didi within my pants to wake him up ! & both of us begin our auto-roaming !

There wasn’t any game played for the night unlike what some bros hv posted earlier, probably due to shortage of girls, those mamasan/papasan were too busy settling the girls shortage problem with customers. Felt short changed !

There was only an interval where songs were interrupted by disco music, lights dimmed, (probably 5 to 10 mins) whereby our girls removed their tops & exposed their boobs, removed their ‘hubby’ tops, & start rubbing their boobs all over yr body. U started off with yr girl, then the girls will moved on, jumping from yr lap to yr neighbour's lap ! There’s only 3 of us, so we get a chance to feel or rather ‘rub’ all the 3 girls boobs. Very juicy ! Getting to taste ‘B cups’, ‘C cups’, loose & tight etc ! HeHeHe !!! Of course, the ‘shiok’ part is when u get to bury yr face in between their boobs & try out the “facial treatment” ! Mean while, at same time, the girls will unbuckle yr belts, unzip yr pants, bring out yr didi & fondle till he fully awakes & exposed yr ‘hard-on’. Talk about 男女平等, who says there’s none in China? Over here in CA, the guys get a chance to ‘taste’ all the 3 girls boobs & all the girls in terms got the opportunity to play with the guys ‘hard on’ ! Hahaha!

Every thing will stopped & go back to normal when disco music ceases & the songs resumed. Though short, but all can be very high especially when u r already ‘drenched’ with alcohol ! Its a Fun & Unforgettable Experience! Its only later that I learned from my girl in the room that she actually signaled to other 2 girls at this stage wanting to strip my friend’s (A) completely naked (bcos she’s ‘jealous’ that they r fondling & tongue battling as if there were nobody else in the room, 简直把我们当透明! Hehe !) but wasted, the other 2 girls didn’t reciprocate, otherwise, 气分肯定到达更高一层 !

As for the rest of the night, playing dices, drinking, singing etc all were responsive, just that we didn’t have a gd DJ, so atmosphere wasn’t as gd as our 1st nite ! However, must highlight, my friend (A) was matched well with his girl, both r superb singers ! so u will find many 情歌对唱/合唱,两个人那种忘我, 你侬我侬的情景, 真是羡煞傍人!Cant blamed my girl for getting ‘jealous’ ! My other friend (B) girl was also a gd singer ! only both of us croak like frogs ! Anyway, Very entertaining night !

Damage for KTV that night was around RMB1300 incl food but exclude DJ tips(another RMB200) (we were too busy with our girls till we left with a surplus of about 12 cans of beer)

Back in room, our battle starts after showering, her BBBJ suction was good & skilful ! Her tongue twirling round yr small head is so skilful that make u wanted more & more ! We put up a fierce battle; but due to the fact that I was totally depleted the night before, surrendering 5 shots within the 1st day & going without proper sleep for 48 hrs, it really took me nearly an hour before I unloaded my first shot ! Very service orientated, she didn’t complain even though both of us were totally ‘shed’ as we really tried many positions, be it, front, rear, side etc………… but what touches me most was she apologized that she wasn’t good enough to make me high to make me enjoy the night ! she even suggest to ask her friend (happens to be the one standg beside her during the 1st parade that I spotted, but alas, what a waste, I didn’t ask her to stay) to come by for a ‘双飞’ to make me happy ! she used to do ’双飞’ tog with her friend so she is very certain she can bring me to ‘heaven’ ! However, her friend also stayed over night, hence, cant join her ! what a miss ! wasted !

As both of us were tired, we only choose to hug one another & tcss, however, like to point out, she told me something that’s worth a good laugh ! she mentioned my friend (B) girl was an ‘expert’ in performing, haha ! she can used her CB to smoke cigarette ! like what u c in those ‘Tiger Show’ & each performance will earn her RMB500 ! wah lau ! WTF ! I cant help laughing ! I was contemplating whether how to tell my friend then ! I only managed to share this with him the next morning & he flipped ! Anyway, he didn’t enjoy her company bcos he said the moment she stripped, he already ‘sian’ liao !!! Her boobs & fats r loose & sagging, some more, tattoo all over her body !!!

I also learned from my girl that we probably only played 1/3 of those game supposed to be on their list. Thats bcos, there was a very bad shortage of girls & our Group too small, probably neglected by their mamasans. We r supposed to play game like ‘find yr girl’ (u will be blind folded & asked to identify your girl thru touchg their boobs, those that failed will be ‘punished’ by having to perform other amusing acts ! ) or ‘find yr hubby’ etc (looks like its similar to those played in Amazon as in CP) & Grand Finale could be the girls stripping their ‘hubbies’ nude so as to dance with their girls (naked).

As for the night, I didn’t get a good sleep again, what happen ? Alas, my girl was snoring ! I am a very light sleeper & really disturbed, WTF, 天下真是没有十全十美的事 !Another 凶' but 'shiok' night !

I woke up early as I didn’t sleep well & start to caress her. She responsed by a round of BBBJ, her tongue twirling & deep throating, ‘shiok’ ! We begin our early battle & fight as if there is no tomorrow ! But, alas, this time I didn’t managed to cum even after a long battle, probably its due to my lack of sleep or already over ‘sexicated’ ! Embarrassing ! But she didn’t give up, she took out my cap & start her superb BBBJ again ! Finally, I surrendered my shot this round.

I paid her the RMB1000 due & some extras for her service ! Before she leave, she still feel apologetic about not being able to give me a gd night & making me happy, but she promised to do better the next round esp her ‘双飞’ service………………………… very service orientated right !

Well, its Another wonderful & enjoyable, though tiring night !

My apologies for takg that long to do this postg as my past few days migraine headache was bad, hope u all enjoy reading !
Old 14-03-2011, 05:47 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Walau, your FR make me so gian. Can't wait till my trip later this year. Thank you very much for sharing. I have been to CA twice last year and DFML definitely does not disappoint. It was a shame there were not many girls available, but it must mostly be due to the time frame. Glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself. Please continue to contribute FRs in the future. Upz you my humble one point.

Originally Posted by ice meltg View Post
FR on 23rd & 24th Feb 2011 - CA

24th Feb – CA - DFML

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Old 14-03-2011, 06:39 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by achw555 View Post
Walau, your FR make me so gian. Can't wait till my trip later this year. Thank you very much for sharing. I have been to CA twice last year and DFML definitely does not disappoint. It was a shame there were not many girls available, but it must mostly be due to the time frame. Glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself. Please continue to contribute FRs in the future. Upz you my humble one point.
Can't wait to party with you again later this year!
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Old 14-03-2011, 06:45 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Anybody in CA this wk end, would like to join in on the tour?
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Old 14-03-2011, 06:46 PM
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Talking Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by kenny_boy View Post
2/6/8, 3/6/9, 4/8/12 are actually short for 200/600/800, 300/600/900 etc
These are all the categories of the KTV MMs, with the first digit indicating the sitting fee (坐台费), second digit as the fee for fast food (快餐)ie the MM accompany you through out the KTV session and you bring her back for one bonk. The last digit indicates the overnight fee (出街/ 过夜). Normally for overnight session, you will at least get 2 shots before the MM leave in the morning.

Different KTV have different categories of MMs.
Thx bro kenny.
lucky not 200 for 6hrs for 8 shots
Old 14-03-2011, 09:26 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

I am a newbie trying to explore CA. Can anyone kindly pass me some KTV managers contacts and PLACE OF INTEREST there. Thks in advance. Anyway, how is it if compare to CP?
Old 14-03-2011, 11:00 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by cham View Post
I am a newbie trying to explore CA. Can anyone kindly pass me some KTV managers contacts and PLACE OF INTEREST there. Thks in advance. Anyway, how is it if compare to CP?
Contact pc5526.. he will gladly help you.
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Old 16-03-2011, 01:05 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Bros wat transport i can take if reach shenzhen airport at 12am to go to dongguan humen?? thanks...
Old 16-03-2011, 02:29 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Good sharing!
thanks all!
Old 16-03-2011, 06:05 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by Chinakid View Post
Bros wat transport i can take if reach shenzhen airport at 12am to go to dongguan humen?? thanks...

Pre arrange private transport and as for the fee I have no idea. You will need to check during your booking

Took Tiger to SZ and is 11 plus during touchdown at night 3 weeks ago. My booked transport takes me to CA. No issue

Moreover I travel alone and this is not the first time, hahaha

PM me if you need the number. Transport to Humen, CP also no problem. I even booked it from CA to SZ, 欢乐谷 when bring my MM to play

Old 16-03-2011, 01:20 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by ice meltg View Post
FR on 23rd & 24th Feb 2011 - CA

24th Feb – CA - DFML

Pl refer to my detail FR

Just to add on as I forgot to give some statistics of my girl. I will try as requested but I am not gd at statistics,

She is about 23 yrs; height ard 1.65m plus minus; size average, not those skinny type nor 'fat' type; 'B cups' boobs...............

GFE Feelg : 8/10 (think it varies as that will depend on chemistry, others may do better)
Looks : 8/10 (IMHO)
BBBJ : 9/10
FJ : 9/10
Service : 9/10
RTF : Confirmed esp to try her '双飞'

Hope that helps.....................

Old 16-03-2011, 03:45 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Any bros will be at CA partying on 24\25 to 28 Mar??

PM me, we can get together.

Bro monkeygod28, iwaiting for your pm.

(Anyone know what happen to Mayor Neverlandf??)
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