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Old 26-04-2011, 07:48 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by FrontDesk View Post
Did they say its gonna be permanent?
I have no idea, but I am certain it will not be permanent.

Originally Posted by yoyoyo View Post
Not easy to bbok the hotel online.

Can walkin upon arrivial?? Any bro can advise?
You can walk in upon arrival, but its subject to availability.

There are many hotels in CA, hence I feel there should be rooms available, but if you are down on your luck, get ready to stay in those 3 star hotels.
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Old 26-04-2011, 11:28 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by yoyoyo View Post
Not easy to bbok the hotel online.

Can walkin upon arrivial?? Any bro can advise?
Walk in you run the risk of not having any rooms... dangerous if you do not know the place well IMHO.

Why not call to book... you can ask for online rates actually from just calling in.

I know I just did . With Berlin Holiday Hotel.
Old 28-04-2011, 08:10 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Hello all Tai Kors, wondering if other experience bros here had similar encounter as me. Recently had a bad encounter with a DFML gal. Met her on my first night at DFML earlier this month. Took her back at the end of the night and we hit it off well enough for me to call her to come back the next afternoon and since my buddies all got gals, we decide to venture to next door Humen for dinner and drinks instead of staying in CA and go to KTV.

The problem started soon after dinner when I notice a distinct drop in service level from my gal and eventually at 10pm, she tells me that she want to leave and go home and I was like WTF!!! What am I going to do and where am I going to find backup at this time and at this new town? Since she was insistent I pay her half of her overnight rate (without any bonking since she come in the afternoon) and let her go and I was left high and dry that night.

My questions are, in such situation, is it within out rights to refuse to let her leave? How can we do that? How much should I pay her, if at all, if she leave like that? Is there an avenue for complaint to the KTV so that she pay the price of such lousy service attitude?

Hope other experience bros can share their experiences and opinions on how to tackle such a situation. Kam Sia Kam Sia….
Old 28-04-2011, 08:39 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

That is a very unpleasant situation you were in. Unfortunately, there are too many variables of why she did what she did. It seems like you enjoyed her company the first night so you decided to have her for the second day. So it could of been a number of reasons why it turn out the way it did.

You can go through a serious of questions and maybe you might be able to find the answer.

Did you ask her why you want to leave?
Was there any reason why she started acting weird late afternoon?
Was she answering or texting many phone calls? (personal issues, aka BF)
Did you do or say something that might make her feel differently then the first night?

As I was saying, so many different variables.

However, as for paying part, I would of only paid the sitting fee amount plus a little for taxi and not half the over night charge. If you sat a girl at the KTV at 7:30pm and leave at 3am, that is at least 7 hours and you would only pay 200 or 300rmb for the sitting fee. (since no bonk) Since she accompany you only and didn't get to bonk, then that is a fair price. As for complaining, it might be hard, unless you are good friends with a mommy or manager at the KTV.

Anyways, there will always be good and bad like everything else in the world. Let this be a lesson and see if you can learn something out of it, so you can move on and enjoy more in the future.

Originally Posted by kira99 View Post
Hello all Tai Kors, wondering if other experience bros here had similar encounter as me. Recently had a bad encounter with a DFML gal. Met her on my first night at DFML earlier this month. Took her back at the end of the night and we hit it off well enough for me to call her to come back the next afternoon and since my buddies all got gals, we decide to venture to next door Humen for dinner and drinks instead of staying in CA and go to KTV.

The problem started soon after dinner when I notice a distinct drop in service level from my gal and eventually at 10pm, she tells me that she want to leave and go home and I was like WTF!!! What am I going to do and where am I going to find backup at this time and at this new town? Since she was insistent I pay her half of her overnight rate (without any bonking since she come in the afternoon) and let her go and I was left high and dry that night.

My questions are, in such situation, is it within out rights to refuse to let her leave? How can we do that? How much should I pay her, if at all, if she leave like that? Is there an avenue for complaint to the KTV so that she pay the price of such lousy service attitude?

Hope other experience bros can share their experiences and opinions on how to tackle such a situation. Kam Sia Kam Sia….
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Old 28-04-2011, 02:42 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by arpeggi View Post
I have no idea, but I am certain it will not be permanent.

You can walk in upon arrival, but its subject to availability.

There are many hotels in CA, hence I feel there should be rooms available, but if you are down on your luck, get ready to stay in those 3 star hotels.
Thanks bro for the advise.

One more question. Whick hotel is the nearest to DFML. And walking around the area is it very dangerous at nite?

Or can you recommend a hotel with decent KTV and Sauna inside. So no need to move around much.
Old 28-04-2011, 08:23 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by yoyoyo View Post
Thanks bro for the advise.

One more question. Whick hotel is the nearest to DFML. And walking around the area is it very dangerous at nite?

Or can you recommend a hotel with decent KTV and Sauna inside. So no need to move around much.
Hotel nearest to DFML is MGM 美高美, its side by side. further left is DFJH 东方镜河.

It is safe if you are street smart, but i heard a lot of girls got robbed around DFML area.
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Old 01-05-2011, 08:31 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Got Guys mentioned the KTV at DFJH . Is it at the DFJH hotel? And How is the rating?
Old 02-05-2011, 04:50 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Hi all,

Doo anybody have the contact of any manager or mummy from Hua Xi KTV, Ji An KTV, Jin Sha Ming Zhu KTV or Dong Xiang Guo Ji KTV in CA?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Here's the update on some CA KTV status currently. Please note it might not be reliable or accurate as they were given by a friend.

1) DFML - Can only strip after 12 midnight
2) Hua Xi KTV - No strip, got about 200+ girls working there
3) Ji An KTV - Can strip at any time, Model CAT girls don't strip.
4) DFJH KTV - No strip, but can play games (eg. Find Wife etc.)
5) Jin Sha Ming Zhu KTV - Can only strip after 12 midnight
6) Dong Xiang Guo Ji KTV - Can only strip after 12 midnight
7) SOS KTV - No strip, but girls dont wear bra and panties here.

Originally Posted by yoyoyo View Post
Got Guys mentioned the KTV at DFJH . Is it at the DFJH hotel? And How is the rating?
Yes, DFJH KTV is within DFJH hotel. For rating wise, I have no idea as I have not been there for a long time.
Why so green and lonely?

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Old 05-05-2011, 03:11 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

went to 美丽湾 last night for footie... here are the price list...

1. RMB50 - normal footie.. show some balls...
2. RMB78 - show naked balls + Hj
3. RMB110 (or close this or 108) - naked lap dance + show naked balls + HJ...

Retiring soon...
Old 05-05-2011, 03:17 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by neverlandf View Post
went to 美丽湾 last night for footie... here are the price list...

1. RMB50 - normal footie.. show some balls...
2. RMB78 - show naked balls + Hj
3. RMB110 (or close this or 108) - naked lap dance + show naked balls + HJ...

mayor, next week free come join my party in CA k???
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Old 07-05-2011, 04:37 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Hi All, after hearing all about the naked ktv, i've been wanting to pay a visit to CA.
Didn't managed to go the last time round due to yanda.

Hoping to go there in first/second week of June.
May i know if it's a good time to go there?
Old 07-05-2011, 06:18 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by DemonicAngel View Post
Hi All, after hearing all about the naked ktv, i've been wanting to pay a visit to CA.
Didn't managed to go the last time round due to yanda.

Hoping to go there in first/second week of June.
May i know if it's a good time to go there?
Anytime is a good time as long as there's no yanda.

June is bloody hot!!
Why so green and lonely?

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Old 09-05-2011, 12:16 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Hi Bros,

would like to know currently still 'yanda' in changping n changan?

will pay visit 21-24 may, dunno still 'yanda'?

Old 09-05-2011, 02:17 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

heading to china tmr, will be in dongguan but don't know where..
anyway if anyone is there can join your ktv session?

I solo this time around..
Old 09-05-2011, 08:31 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by arpeggi View Post
Anytime is a good time as long as there's no yanda.
June is bloody hot!!
now is also bloody hot ... i hope the mm's is as hot as the weather ..
Originally Posted by BoinKING
heading to china tmr, will be in dongguan but don't know where..
wow ... heading to DG but dun know where ???
Originally Posted by neverlandf
went to 美丽湾 last night for footie... here are the price list...

1. RMB50 - normal footie.. show some balls...
2. RMB78 - show naked balls + Hj
3. RMB110 (or close this or 108) - naked lap dance + show naked balls + HJ...
i'm newbie here .. pls dun flame me ...
why do ppl fly all the way to CA and still go for HJ ???
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