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Old 24-09-2011, 09:01 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by Guy^ver View Post
Taikor, refer to my FR that i've posted beginning of the month... It was a very very fun.. I did not take much pictures except for one girl in sailormoon uniform who works in the footie besides DFJH.. will share share *wink wink*

Will be heading back in 3 weeks time.. can't get enuff of CA
cant agree anything less...

not only 'sailormoon' ger, also got 'red' uniform gers... all very 'fun'!

but i hv yet to try the mos exp package... heard got 'special'?

anyway, rem to share 'info' wif me after ur nex trip ya?

"Happy-Go-Lucky! Life is short~ Work Smart, PLAY HARD!"

as of 01-01-2012. Anything, pm me...
Old 24-09-2011, 09:19 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

any bro here can advise if i can take the ferry from hkia to humen and return if i take tiger airways from sin to hk? as this is the fastest route to CA.
Old 24-09-2011, 11:33 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by innosyt View Post
any bro here can advise if i can take the ferry from hkia to humen and return if i take tiger airways from sin to hk? as this is the fastest route to CA.
Yes from HKIA to Humen but not from Humen to HKIA as Tiger airways is not included in the list of airlines available for direct transfer from PRD ferry to HKIA. If you fly budget airlines you cannot take ferry into HKIA from any of the PRD ports.
Old 25-09-2011, 12:13 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by nowhere View Post
Bro, I'm not complaining... just expressing my thoughts and hoping to find a like minded bro whom who is also in the same space and looking not for the good old days but the next big thing...

So in your opinion is CA "better" than CP in this light? Would you say that CA is what CP used to be one year ago? Or ....? I am willing to move out of my compfort zone and go above and beyond to explore which is why I wrote this note to gather like minded bros on this adventure.

For starters...I've not been to CA so was hoping if any bros free 7-9Oct it would be awesome if we can cheong together.
Bro nowhere, I fully understand where r u coming from. After playing in CP for the last 10 years, I saw the changes with 1st hand experience. Below is a thread comparing CA/CP, lots of helpful bros contribute their opinions.
Old 25-09-2011, 12:49 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by nowhere View Post
Believe me I have since downgraded my standards from the days of old...where the expectation was for girls to wait for you outside the toilet with a piece of tissue paper, sit next to you without any sort of distraction at all and vying for your attention by preampting your next move and fulfilling that need be it as little as a lighted cigarette or a piece of fruit. Nowsadays I consider myself lucky if the girl don't leave halfway with a lame excuse.
Bro Nowhere, No worries, in CA, u still get tat sort of service in most KTV where the gals will wait for u outside the washroom with tissue paper to dry yr hands; clean yr mouth with tissue paper after u hv eaten etc

Hope u will enjoy yr trip in CA then
Old 25-09-2011, 12:55 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by Suck Harder View Post
can PM me some nice Sauna center contacts + DFJH KTV contacts? I need to go CA soon... what is the ktv room min for DFJH?

Appreciate anyone let me know if there are already big winds in CA now to 7th Oct? I need to enjoy some wild naked KTV.
I hv already passed u some info pl look out for my pm CA is back to normal at this moment !! As for big wind, hv yet to hear any but not too sure abt situation ard 1st Oct which is their National day Holiday period...............
Old 25-09-2011, 03:02 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
Below is a thread comparing CA/CP, lots of helpful bros contribute their opinions.
Fantastic bro. Didn't know such a comparison existed. Actually am very interested to check out CA but have no kaki to go with. I think going alone in my maiden trip to CA would mean only sticking to SPAs and missing out on the night action. Not a fan of mixed session and willing to spend a little more to get the exclusivity and comfort. I enjoy the process of MM selection, drinking games, silly mischief in the room equally as much as the happy ending at the end of a night. So to party with just afternoon agendas is probably a no-no. I'm pretty familiar with CP and have quite a few local friends there so no problem getting a spot in CP and calling them to fill the room for the night but as I mentioned previously, none of the venue currently excites me.

Would you be free to join me? Drinks on me.

Originally Posted by ice meltg View Post
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]in CA, u still get tat sort of service in most KTV where the gals will wait for u outside the washroom with tissue paper to dry yr hands; clean yr mouth with tissue paper after u hv eaten etc
Thanks for the tip. I'm surely going to expreience it first hand... it is a matter of when...

SO ANY BROTHERS KEEN? Date again is ETA 7Oct, ETD 9Oct.
Old 25-09-2011, 04:14 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by nowhere View Post
I enjoy the process of MM selection, drinking games, silly mischief in the room equally as much as the happy ending at the end of a night. So to party with just afternoon agendas is probably a no-no. I'm pretty familiar with CP and have quite a few local friends there so no problem getting a spot in CP and calling them to fill the room for the night but as I mentioned previously, none of the venue currently excites me.

Would you be free to join me? Drinks on me.

SO ANY BROTHERS KEEN? Date again is ETA 7Oct, ETD 9Oct.
Thanks for the invite, too bad my next trip already fixed in November.

There should be some bros going CA ard ur dates, check on both CA/CP thread, Some bros post their dates under their signatures. PM them instead of asking openly in the forum, I am sure you will not be alone in CA.
Old 25-09-2011, 04:14 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by smartke View Post
cant agree anything less...

not only 'sailormoon' ger, also got 'red' uniform gers... all very 'fun'!

but i hv yet to try the mos exp package... heard got 'special'?

anyway, rem to share 'info' wif me after ur nex trip ya?
Actually what's so special about this footy joint? 98rmb per hour I can understand. But normal footy is 78rmb kind of exp. I know a lot of footy joints add hours got special. This 78rmb also belongs to those category after you add hour?

How about the footy joint in DFML (if there is one), got lobang? (ie nice numbers... Haha).

Originally Posted by nowhere View Post
... Not a fan of mixed session and willing to spend a little more to get the exclusivity and comfort. I enjoy the process of MM selection, drinking games, silly mischief in the room equally as much as the happy ending at the end of a night. So to party with just afternoon agendas is probably a no-no. ...
What is afternoon agenda? Actually if you are disappointed with CP, you might even be more disappointed with CA. CA is those type of KTV if you don't select the first few rounds, unless you are lucky, you can forget it. I notice the dates you go is from Fri onwards, you might want to go during Wed, Thur better. My opinion.

As for cheonging alone, if you can afford it why not? Some strangers will mind you see their girls naked or even touch them. Even though recently I got laughed at for money no enough, I plan to go open my own room so that my adventures/behaviour in the KTV room will not be disclosed in public forum like this. Haha.

Originally Posted by ice meltg View Post
I hv already passed u some info pl look out for my pm CA is back to normal at this moment !! As for big wind, hv yet to hear any but not too sure abt situation ard 1st Oct which is their National day Holiday period...............
Thanks for the contacts. Thanks to FGG as well. I still haven't really decided on this CA thing since might have yanda and my schedule is short. Opps is this another case I worry too much haha. If I do go, I will provide FR.
Old 25-09-2011, 06:34 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

I found this post in another forum and looks very familiar, maybe bro nowhere or maideshere from ISG knows more.


09-18-11 19:19#5856

Jim Traveller

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Originally Posted by AsnDragon

You, the person who cannot even find a "decent" jim traveller girl in Mayflower, dare to venture into Amazon Territory to find an "acceptable" companion for the night? It must have really been a low point for Jim Traveller. AsnDragon.
When I was young I listened to the old folks bragged about how they used to do this and do that. I was supposed to look at them with admiration and to exclaim "Oh, really!"

Now I am no longer young and I found myself going on and on about the good old times like a broken record. One night I sat up in a cold sweat and realized: what the hell, the world of plenty is no more.

You can't blame an old timer for missing the old times. Truth be told, the old CP, even just a few years ago, was truely user-friendly. All you need is some time, a little money and a clean shave to charge up and down Zhong Yuan Avenue, confident in the knowledge that you shall find what you seek and she would treat you like a, well, like an ATM with an ever-changing PIN that required her to apply all her heart, mind and body to decode. Nowadays, a desperate monger is resorting to pig-like tactics to amuse himself.

Something is rotten in the town of CP.

On a second thought however, maybe, just maybe, what changed was not the town, but the monger. The price hikes were obvious but so was inflation so I can't say the hikes were horrendous. Now the quality, the quaity. I find myself complaining all the time. However, it is just possible that, when compared against a long set of fond memories, any new girl will have a hard time making an impression. Also, having been there, done that, it is hard for an old brother to be excited about the next lay.

I envy the brothers who can find merit in the unattractive. Beauty is in the eye of beholder, the ones who can find beauty in plain women are truely blessed. I am, however, cursed with a very unimaginative taste. I like what most men like, that means I had to arrive early, pay top dollar, and put up with BS from self-aborbed ice queens.

In my next life, I want to be a pig, and like porky women. But in this life, I turn to places like Yihao for emotional comfort and intellectual stimulation by leggy coat-hanger types. Beauty can still be found there, albeit at 1500 in the model category. All my yihao model experiences were poor. The beauties were, as I found out, ice cold once they exit from the shower. While one used to feel strange about casting a girl aside like used tissue after a quickie, there was no hesitation in sending the beauty queens on their way after a deadfish experience, without even the pretense of asking for their phone numbers. There was, only a moment of wistfulness as one peered out from the open door and admired those long legs carrying her elegant body away towards the elevator: what a beautiful thing she was!

The Eurasia held my breath when it opened 2 years ago with an ample supply of beautiful 3-6-9s. Nowadays only the occassional beauty can be found amongst the 5-15-20s. To be sure, the 5-15-20s that I've had were beautiful and enthusastic. But they are a little over priced for a town like CP. It is extremely difficult to find anything worthwhile amongst the 3-7-10s. Actually. I have found none in the past 2 years. Any girl who is remotely attractive have upgraded themselves to the model class, which consists of 100 ugly women, and 10 beautiful ones. A girl would rather be a 2000 model and get occasional business, then being subject to daily pounding at a measly 1000. Again, it is just mathematics. Cold, calculating, unforgiving mathematics. After a civilized encounter with a 2000-a-night nymph (self-proclaimed, no ISO certification) , a brother might find a roll in shit with a few Amazonian piglets both liberating and economical. You are right, AsnDragon, it was a low point.

Lately however I have found both service and a little class in DFML (Dong Fang Mei Li) in CA (Town of ChangAn - 40min from CP). The women there are somewhere between Mayflower and the Pen in looks. Rates are 3-8-10. Mostly 6 or 7s. Nice suits make them look classier than they actually are, great attitude, fun games. If you go to the washroom, they'd wait for you by the door with a piece of tissue in hand. If you sit 3 women, the 3rd one, having just left your lap because your legs are sore from her weight, would reach out from one-seat over and massage some part of your body, so as not to make herself seem superferlous. Company directed games aimed at getting your paws onto the girls can also be fun for those who are naturally shy. In all, you feel like a king with small harem while in the KTV room. The actual take-out was nothing special, your luck between the sheets is a matter functional to so many variables that can't be easily ISO certified. Yet I would go back to the DFML just for the in-KTV experience, with take-out being only an optional afterthought.

DFML is a classier version of Amazon. Amazon offers an outright debauchery in a naked lap dance. DFML offers more controlled service, attentention, coupled with enough fleshy display in the room, by better-looking women. DFML is becoming my new favourite. Any brothers game to venture to CA, PM me.

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Old 25-09-2011, 08:11 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan



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Failed to mention that the reason I'm singling you out is that I've read all your reports and I can say that we are pretty like minded on CP especially on choice on girls and the recent lack of choice over the last 18months. Looks like it is not getting any better and I'm looking for like minded brothers to venture into new spots to find the CP of old. Yes, we will be expected to pay more for the same fun some 4 years ago but in the name of economic progress I believe it is unavoidable.

Would any brothers be game to join? I speak Mandarin, although not perfect but probably enough to get by.

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Yesterday 13:43#5862


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Hey Jim,

I'm game. If you or any brudders reading this, drop me a maiil (desmondthm at hotmail dot com) so we can hook up. I'll planning to be there 7. 9 Oct. Cheers!

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Old 25-09-2011, 09:17 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by Suck Harder View Post
What is afternoon agenda? Actually if you are disappointed with CP, you might even be more disappointed with CA. CA is those type of KTV if you don't select the first few rounds, unless you are lucky, you can forget it. I notice the dates you go is from Fri onwards, you might want to go during Wed, Thur better. My opinion.
Agree with bro suck harder.... CA KTV is for fun and wild type... Plus HD and girls here BBBJ and better GFE and service...if you plan to find super model type.... You just forget about coming to CA as you will be disappointed. cheers....
Retiring soon...
Old 25-09-2011, 10:31 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by neverlandf View Post
Agree with bro suck harder.... CA KTV is for fun and wild type... Plus HD and girls here BBBJ and better GFE and service...if you plan to find super model type.... You just forget about coming to CA as you will be disappointed. cheers....
Hi bro,
Coming from CA MAyor, it must be true....

Originally Posted by Suck Harder View Post
Actually what's so special about this footy joint? 98rmb per hour I can understand. But normal footy is 78rmb kind of exp. I know a lot of footy joints add hours got special. This 78rmb also belongs to those category after you add hour?

How about the footy joint in DFML (if there is one), got lobang? (ie nice numbers... Haha).

What is afternoon agenda? Actually if you are disappointed with CP, you might even be more disappointed with CA. CA is those type of KTV if you don't select the first few rounds, unless you are lucky, you can forget it. I notice the dates you go is from Fri onwards, you might want to go during Wed, Thur better. My opinion.

As for cheonging alone, if you can afford it why not? Some strangers will mind you see their girls naked or even touch them. Even though recently I got laughed at for money no enough, I plan to go open my own room so that my adventures/behaviour in the KTV room will not be disclosed in public forum like this. Haha.

Thanks for the contacts. Thanks to FGG as well. I still haven't really decided on this CA thing since might have yanda and my schedule is short. Opps is this another case I worry too much haha. If I do go, I will provide FR.
HI bro,
How are you?
Thank you for the info in CP last Chinese new years, very meaningful insight on cheonging in CA and CP....

My humble two cents.
Please leave your nick when you up me, thank you.
Old 25-09-2011, 10:36 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Talking about copy and paste other people posts /articles without stating the origin, here comes the master.
Old 25-09-2011, 11:47 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Does not think this is Schizophrenia? May have a very good commercial reason. hahhahah

As you know a few month ago, I went to Miraton KTV with achw.
He bought his OY mm.
After we settled the bills, the Mommy gave the OY MM her name card and whisper....." to call her to book ktv room....10% cashback on the spot".

By some co-incident ,the very next day I went to Thousand Flowers for hair wash. Was allocated this fairly good looking MM..*6.
So I teased her alittle, asked her out..after work etc.
She replied 'sure, how many of u?' and she will book a room for us at Miraton KTV.
I asked: U like the place, Miraton? or the 10%?

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post


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