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Old 27-12-2012, 01:47 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by draken View Post
tks for the advise bro ... Im having 2nd thoughts of heading to CA as Daikor Neverlandf infd me that ca ktv no more naked fun liao... hahaha if not much diffence between ca and cp then i might as well stick to cp

Noted bro ... actually Sam was the first person i pm ... hahaha dam paisei coz i posted too many queries in the pm and probably he is still engaged thus havent hear from him yet. we see how it goes ..

For Sam, it's faster u send him a email.

He dun log on to sbf daily.
Old 27-12-2012, 04:40 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Hmmmm.... how many of us would still post if this goes into effect??


China's bloggers must use real names under proposed law

Web users say contentious proposal is another attempt to curb freedom of speech and will scare those seeking to expose corrupt officials
Thursday, 27 December, 2012, 12:00am

Mandy Zuo

Many internet users say the proposed law is an attempt to further curb freedom of speech. Photo: AFP

New legislation governing the internet, which officials claim is aimed at combating online vigilantes and privacy breaches, is proving controversial on the mainland because it will require bloggers and bulletin board users to register using their real names.

Many internet users say it is an attempt to further curb freedom of speech and have expressed concern that it could scare off many wanting to expose corrupt officials.

A draft proposal to "strengthen protection of internet information ", discussed at a National People's Congress Standing Committee meeting on Monday, would oblige internet service providers to protect personal information and restrict the sending of spam text messages and e-mails.

Li Fei , deputy director of the NPC's Legislative Affairs Committee, told the meeting that because of "difficulty in getting evidence and punishing the right person" in cases of online crimes, "it's necessary to strengthen regulation of the identity of internet users", state media reported.

He was quoted as saying that people would be legally required to register with their real names when they signed up for platforms that released information, such as blogs, microblogs and bulletin board services. Such platforms have become a major source of anti-corruption exposés recently.

Microblog users were told to register their real identities by March this year in a bid to curb "rumours and vulgarity", but that was a directive rather than a law.

Official propaganda on the legislation has focused on online frauds and harassing phone calls, but more people are concerned about the basic human right of information freedom.

The proposal will became law if passed by the NPC Standing Committee. The whole text was not released after Monday's discussion.

Hua Lijia , a prosecutor in Huhehot, Inner Mongolia , said public supervision of government would be affected if the proposal was adopted.

"Many ordinary people are not good at fighting or cannot bear revenge, so they have to protect themselves first," he said.

Duan Xingyan , a policeman in Jiujiang , Jiangxi , said that if people circulated rumours online, it was already possible to trace them.

"But if you register with your real name and someone steals your account and spreads a rumour in your name, undeserved punishment could happen", he wrote on his microblog.

Professor Shen Kui , from Peking University's law school, questioned the legal reasoning behind the proposal.

He said that it was not technically necessary, since the police could already bust online crimes without requiring real name registration, for example, via a user's IP address, while it could frighten off many potential whistleblowers.

"When the negative social influence goes beyond the cost of busting crimes, the reasoning of this legislation is insufficient," Shen said.
Old 27-12-2012, 04:59 PM
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Hmmmmm....More of the same crap!

Hmmmmm... some more of the same crap!

People's Daily editorials signal harsher internet regulation

Amy Li
After graduating from the University of Missouri with a master's degree in journalism, Amy Li began her journalism career as a crime news reporter in Queens, New York, in 2004. She joined Reuters in Beijing in 2008 as a multimedia editor. Amy taught journalism at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu and started an environment blog, Green Bullet, before joining SCMP in Hong Kong. She is now an online news editor for Amy can be reached at

Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece the People’s Daily meted out harshly worded front-page editorials about internet regulation on Friday, Thursday and Tuesday this week, a move that might signal the party’s new campaign to impose further controls on the nation’s already heavily censored internet, especially its booming social media community.

In Friday’s editorial titled “The internet is safer and more convenient under regulation”, the author maintained that “rumours’ and "slanders” like the Doomsday tale will cause harm to individuals, society and the country.

“It is the civilians’ wish that the chaotic internet be regulated,” said the editorial.

The editorial further argued that internet regulation will not compromise freedom of speech. Instead, it will stimulate civilized communication, promote online business and guarantee a safer environment.

The editorial arrived at the conclusion that “our life online will be more convenient once our internet management is more scientific, effective and standard.”

In Thursday’s editorial titled “Internet needs to operate under law”, the author claimed: “while the US drafted computer system laws in 1977, Japan has adopted indirect real-name system, and Germany also blocks illegal websites.”

Another heavy-weight mouthpiece the Guangming Daily, published by the Publicity Department of the CCP Central Committee, ran a front-page editorial on Friday titled “Experts call for internet regulation for a healthy and orderly environment”.

On China’s micro-blogging service Sina Weibo, the People’s Daily’s editorial drew angry responses from netizens.

“Regulating rumours? But who are the biggest rumour makers in China?” said one Weibo user.

“Talking about rule of law, what happened to our constitutional rights of free speech and demonstration?” said another Weibo user.

China’s internet is heavily censored by the government. Internet users rely on VPNs, or virtual private networks, to circumvent firewalls in order to use websites including Facebook and Twitter.

The Chinese government has also blocked access to both the English-language and Chinese-language websites of The New York Times after it published an investigative report on Premier Wen Jiabao’s family wealth in October.
Old 27-12-2012, 07:49 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by draken View Post
tks for the advise bro ... Im having 2nd thoughts of heading to CA as Daikor Neverlandf infd me that ca ktv no more naked fun liao... hahaha if not much diffence between ca and cp then i might as well stick to cp :

Yes, think now no full naked but the MM will remove bra after all guys choose their gal (in DFML). But there is still games which u can see all "balls" and touch as many as u like.

Never play such games in CP KTV, and the MM are trained to perform BBBJ.
Our next trip will be CA instead of CP after the first time wonderful experience

Thank to all brothers who up my points, pls leave your nick for me to reciprocate.

Old 28-12-2012, 12:10 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Hi all fellow bros,

I'm heading to CA next Thurs till Sun with afew bros. Would appreciate if any bro can share contacts to Leihong and XiaoMum, and if possible 1 or 2 SN manager? (TPY or MLW). 1st time there and have read alot from here about all the fun. Personally have been to DG several years ago, I think I was in Dongcheng area. But I suppose the SOP or more or less the same?

I will be staying at Pullman Hotel and has anybody visited the hotel's own facilities? Saw from its website it has spa/sauna/ktv but think nobody mentioned about it. Any feedback?
Old 28-12-2012, 02:12 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by wan25w View Post
Yes, think now no full naked but the MM will remove bra after all guys choose their gal (in DFML). But there is still games which u can see all "balls" and touch as many as u like.

Never play such games in CP KTV, and the MM are trained to perform BBBJ.
Our next trip will be CA instead of CP after the first time wonderful experience

tks for the update bro.. hahhahaa got any latest power FR as moral booster?
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!!
Old 28-12-2012, 03:27 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by surachai View Post
Just a bit of update for ca scene, for those who has always been booking their accommodation from 刘阳 from LQD days to the more current 百客酒店,she has just joined another hotel 富苑酒店 which most ca punters shld be familiar with。
Booking from her direct shld be slightly cheaper than going thru the local agents in ca.

Feedback from friends was the hotel rooms are value for money now cos they are doing some promotion.

Those who are interested and dont have her ctc are welcome to pm me.
can i book through u

Old 28-12-2012, 09:18 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by taxi69 View Post
can i book through u
Can but for u only.... But must be the suite hor. And handling fee 1k rmb
Old 29-12-2012, 09:03 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by draken View Post
tks for the update bro.. hahhahaa got any latest power FR as moral booster?
Haha, let me gather my memory and write something for my 2 nights in CA but don't expect power FR.
Actually did write something in my word document but due to work had not finish yet.

Thank to all brothers who up my points, pls leave your nick for me to reciprocate.

Old 29-12-2012, 09:27 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Was in CP for 2 nights and already pre-booked hotel and transport from HFIC (3 guys) to CA (early Nov 2012)

Day 1:
Left CP around 1pm and reach DFJH at 2pm.
Hotel room environment is good for the price of 288rmb including a working desk with computer.
(breakfast in this hotel suck and surrounding is ulu).

There are no private driver or taxi driver waiting outside to do business, need to get the hotel staff to get one and was quote 50rmb to TPY.

Reach TPY around 3pm and was introduced their package and 3 of us agreed to try the Emperor massage at 98rmb.
Escort to the room and the room condition is like Petain road but slight bigger with a shower cubicle.
The bed is a single bed and gives a lot of cracking noise during FJ.
The assigned MM to me was around 6/10 in look from Sichuan and massage was minimum and paid 200rmb for the FJ without BJ (according to her no BJ, only sauna has it but reading FR from here we know extra Maos with do the job but I decided to just do FJ).

Finished came out my 2 friends already in the reception area and told me they changed at least 3 times and all not up to their standard so lanlan just except the fourth one also CMI and the MM keep teasing them for FJ so they decide to cut short the massage and waited at the reception.

Ask for transport and they don’t provide need to arrange and cost us 30rmb to go back DFJH which is cheaper than the one arrange by the hotel.
Took the driver name card and he is our driver for the rest of the trip.

Thank to all brothers who up my points, pls leave your nick for me to reciprocate.

Old 30-12-2012, 06:18 PM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Was given 2 contacts for DFML from helpful bros here, one guy and one gal so we decided to give the mummy a call and book a KTV rm from her and was told to reach there at around 7pm. Enquire on the naked thing but was told only half naked allowed.

Call the driver to fetch us at 5.30pm and proceed to 海鲜街 for dinner. Choose the seafood outside and went one of the restaurant to get it cooked. We had prawns, fish, abalones, oysters and some others, total bill was close to 400rmb which I find reasonable.

Reach DFML around 7pm and was usher into the rm, took the 900+ package c/w 3 dozens can of beer and cover all the other charges (fruits etc).

No FS, MMs were leads into the room, pick my MM from the first line up, 22 yo from Sichuan. After 5 to 6 rounds 2 of us have 1 MM and 1 other friend got 2 MM. (Was told due to the early check/yanda MM wear own clothes)

After all MMs settle down all went out of the room to remove bras, upon their returning all 3 of us will grope own MM breasts and other MMs breasts to see who got the biggest cup. Mine was a B cup and the biggest was D which belong to the friend who choose 2 MM.

Drinking and singing start and inbetween some dices game. Think it was around 10+ the game starts and we played the “find wife” and “washing machine”

KTV setting not much different from CP but MMs are trained to give good services to client and all will do BBBJ (according to the manager). When u finish your business in the toilet, when step out the MM will be waiting outside of the toilet door with tissue (handed to u with both hands) for u to wipe without fail.

The final bill was around 1500rmb for the package plus we order another dozen and free 6 cans and some finger foods + 1 dozen cans of beer given by mummy (FOC) and 200rmb for the DJ, 50rmb for the waiter.

All brought back the MM and my friend who has 2 MM brought back the D cup MM.

After comparing notes the next morning all agree that the MM service is much better than CP and all kept the MM for LT which seldom happen in CP (usually at least 1 of us will ask the MM to go off after ST or 1 of us will not bring any MM back).

The breakfast in DFJH ready suck, not much to eat when we went down around 9am, got to make do with the bread that is the only thing left.

Day 2:

Went to city centre for lunch and walk walk window shopping and get to know CA better but old man can’t walk too much so proceed to the footie (Crystal Palace) next to the hotel. They have other types of massage and I think also sauna in the same complex.
The setting not as grand as PZL but better than Lion Hotel.

We wanted to try DFJH Ktv but outside the hotel got a billboard which stated百老汇 ktv on the 3rd or 4th floor of the hotel and all bros mentioned in this thread is DFJH so not to sure and after discussion decide to go back DFML as the mummy service is good.

Went to a restaurant recommended by the mummy and not to far away (around 3km away from DFJH), a Chinese restaurant and price is reasonable.

Reach DFML around 7pm.
Same routine as last night and the funny thing is all of us didn’t see the MM we booked last night in the lineup (at least view 100 MMs). I choose 1 20yo MM from Guanxi and both my friend choose 2 MM.
Only played one game as we don’t want to played last night game and also tired after 3 nights of drinking and fucking.
Final bill about the same as last night.
All brought back 1 MM back and service standard same as first night. Bath u, prepared toothbrush with tooth paste, dry u than MM proceed to bath.

Did ask this MM on the training and it’s truth the ktv provide them training on service and make client happy, as for BBBJ and FJ they engaged sauna girl to train them and their use banana for BBBJ training and watch XXX movies.

That all folks, apologies for my lousy English and hope u understand my FR.

Thank to all brothers who up my points, pls leave your nick for me to reciprocate.

Old 31-12-2012, 01:03 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by wan25w View Post
Was given 2 contacts for DFML from helpful bros here, one guy and one gal so we decided to give the mummy a call and book a KTV rm from her and was told to reach there at around 7pm. Enquire on the naked thing but was told only half naked allowed.

Call the driver to fetch us at 5.30pm and proceed to 海鲜街 for dinner. Choose the seafood outside and went one of the restaurant to get it cooked. We had prawns, fish, abalones, oysters and some others, total bill was close to 400rmb which I find reasonable.

Reach DFML around 7pm and was usher into the rm, took the 900+ package c/w 3 dozens can of beer and cover all the other charges (fruits etc).

No FS, MMs were leads into the room, pick my MM from the first line up, 22 yo from Sichuan. After 5 to 6 rounds 2 of us have 1 MM and 1 other friend got 2 MM. (Was told due to the early check/yanda MM wear own clothes)

After all MMs settle down all went out of the room to remove bras, upon their returning all 3 of us will grope own MM breasts and other MMs breasts to see who got the biggest cup. Mine was a B cup and the biggest was D which belong to the friend who choose 2 MM.

Drinking and singing start and inbetween some dices game. Think it was around 10+ the game starts and we played the “find wife” and “washing machine”

KTV setting not much different from CP but MMs are trained to give good services to client and all will do BBBJ (according to the manager). When u finish your business in the toilet, when step out the MM will be waiting outside of the toilet door with tissue (handed to u with both hands) for u to wipe without fail.

The final bill was around 1500rmb for the package plus we order another dozen and free 6 cans and some finger foods + 1 dozen cans of beer given by mummy (FOC) and 200rmb for the DJ, 50rmb for the waiter.

All brought back the MM and my friend who has 2 MM brought back the D cup MM.

After comparing notes the next morning all agree that the MM service is much better than CP and all kept the MM for LT which seldom happen in CP (usually at least 1 of us will ask the MM to go off after ST or 1 of us will not bring any MM back).

The breakfast in DFJH ready suck, not much to eat when we went down around 9am, got to make do with the bread that is the only thing left.

Day 2:

Went to city centre for lunch and walk walk window shopping and get to know CA better but old man can’t walk too much so proceed to the footie (Crystal Palace) next to the hotel. They have other types of massage and I think also sauna in the same complex.
The setting not as grand as PZL but better than Lion Hotel.

We wanted to try DFJH Ktv but outside the hotel got a billboard which stated百老汇 ktv on the 3rd or 4th floor of the hotel and all bros mentioned in this thread is DFJH so not to sure and after discussion decide to go back DFML as the mummy service is good.

Went to a restaurant recommended by the mummy and not to far away (around 3km away from DFJH), a Chinese restaurant and price is reasonable.

Reach DFML around 7pm.
Same routine as last night and the funny thing is all of us didn’t see the MM we booked last night in the lineup (at least view 100 MMs). I choose 1 20yo MM from Guanxi and both my friend choose 2 MM.
Only played one game as we don’t want to played last night game and also tired after 3 nights of drinking and fucking.
Final bill about the same as last night.
All brought back 1 MM back and service standard same as first night. Bath u, prepared toothbrush with tooth paste, dry u than MM proceed to bath.

Did ask this MM on the training and it’s truth the ktv provide them training on service and make client happy, as for BBBJ and FJ they engaged sauna girl to train them and their use banana for BBBJ training and watch XXX movies.

That all folks, apologies for my lousy English and hope u understand my FR.

power fr bro... planning to try ca on the last day of my trip ... heard so much abt washing machine game but dont know what is it
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!!
Old 31-12-2012, 08:39 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

this is what I call good FR from the actual battleground in
CA. Defintely the service standard is way better than CP, however
as some bro might have mentioned here, the look department may
not be as good as CP. Nonetheless, it is not that bad either.

Distance between joint is abit too far but with taxi readily available,
its not really a big problem

Hope bros enjoy as much as those who have ventured there.
Old 31-12-2012, 09:59 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by wan25w View Post
We wanted to try DFJH Ktv but outside the hotel got a billboard which stated百老汇 ktv on the 3rd or 4th floor of the hotel and all bros mentioned in this thread is DFJH so not to sure and after discussion decide to go back DFML as the mummy service is good.

A splendid FR bro Wan, just to clarify that 百老汇 is actually the Dfjh. Dfjh is the name of the hotel itself and the ktv is broadway. Just as dfml is the name of the ktv but the name of the hotel is 帝盈酒店 i think, correct me if I'm wrong.

Personally I feel dfml has the numbers and dfjh has the quality from my last visit a few weeks back.
Old 31-12-2012, 11:17 AM
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan

Originally Posted by surachai View Post
A splendid FR bro Wan, just to clarify that 百老汇 is actually the Dfjh. Dfjh is the name of the hotel itself and the ktv is broadway. Just as dfml is the name of the ktv but the name of the hotel is 帝盈酒店 i think, correct me if I'm wrong.

Personally I feel dfml has the numbers and dfjh has the quality from my last visit a few weeks back.
Just to add on my daigor comments, name of hotel that dfml is situated is 美高美帝盈酒店 (MGM), there is also a SN where quality not bad, depends on luck! u may like to explore !! The chinese restaurant there, food quality is good for that area, just that u may have to wait for half to an hour for their serving during peek hours.

Affirmative, DFML has that numbers, & there r more wild in ktv, whereas DFJH, quality is good but they r generally not as wild & playful as DFML.

Nice FR from Bro Wan, have already up u before, so cant do it again, great effort !!

BTW, wish all bros here a Happy New Year !!!
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