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Old 25-05-2013, 12:29 AM
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Re: Rank Your Top 5 CAT 150 Girls in Geylang! (Currently Working)

Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
finally got a list today of 5 total pkg newbies worth trying to contribute- yezhi 2041, xiao bei 1803, dan dan 1805, xin yi 1654, xiao mei 1654. Oso worth mentioning r apple 1809 (v pretty & svc bagus but gfe lo) & xiao xiao 1654 (dam pretty but gfe lo & svc average).
oh yes. apple 1809 is pretty in a slutty way.

called to book tina due to the rave reviews here. walked into 1809 with both apple and tina inside. i was thinking apple was tina cos had know idea of their looks prior to going. was disappointed to know that tina was a less attractive girl sitting there. tina is a nice girl with good service though.

point being 1809. apple i find is more chio than tina
Old 25-05-2013, 08:36 AM
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Smile Re: Rank Your Top 5 CAT 150 Girls in Geylang! (Currently Working)

Dear Bros

You are true to your words unlike some here, who seems to try and raise the popularity of certain girls. In 1809,,, I would think the best looking girl is definitely Apple,,, and her physique is really good but low GFE unless you can really click with her and I heard she does " Double Fairy " too, at least she invited me to try that. Ha! Ha!
Tina, is not pretty, but I understood her skills and GFE is really top notch, had a session with her and she tried very hard to please but just no chemistry. Wish her more success with other Bros.

Sincerely Yours
Old 25-05-2013, 09:31 AM
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Re: Rank Your Top 5 CAT 150 Girls in Geylang! (Currently Working)

Originally Posted by Honestkeith View Post
Dear Bros

You are true to your words unlike some here, who seems to try and raise the popularity of certain girls. In 1809,,, I would think the best looking girl is definitely Apple,,, and her physique is really good but low GFE unless you can really click with her and I heard she does " Double Fairy " too, at least she invited me to try that. Ha! Ha!
Tina, is not pretty, but I understood her skills and GFE is really top notch, had a session with her and she tried very hard to please but just no chemistry. Wish her more success with other Bros.

Sincerely Yours
What is "double fairy"?
Old 25-05-2013, 09:55 AM
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Wink Re: Rank Your Top 5 CAT 150 Girls in Geylang! (Currently Working)

Maybe honestkeith said "double fairy" can be interpreted as Double means tarma
Fairy means the girls like fairy flying in air performing bbbj ... Xiao feng ex 1654a was able to do a prefect fairy bbbj....
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Old 25-05-2013, 11:31 AM
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Re: Rank Your Top 5 CAT 150 Girls in Geylang! (Currently Working)

Given that the overall buz in GL is going down, I feel we must support service gems such as Bai He and Le Le, both from 1615. Bai He's catbath and bbbj is easily one of the best for the moment. Le Le's AR is unbeatable. Both are eager to please. When I extended a session with Le Le, she automatically repeated the whole service pack one more round without asking. Hard-working gal!

bros, if we want to enjoy these gems for a longer while, we need to give them some support.

My top 5 in terms of service this week.

1) Le Le 1615
2) Bai He 1615
3) Xiao Chun 1649
4) Xiao Wan 54A
5) UK 1649
Old 25-05-2013, 11:36 AM
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Re: Rank Your Top 5 CAT 150 Girls in Geylang! (Currently Working)

Thanks bro for dis rankings... Appreciate... Ups u my 1 pt...

Originally Posted by enigma View Post
Given that the overall buz in GL is going down, I feel we must support service gems such as Bai He and Le Le, both from 1615. Bai He's catbath and bbbj is easily one of the best for the moment. Le Le's AR is unbeatable. Both are eager to please. When I extended a session with Le Le, she automatically repeated the whole service pack one more round without asking. Hard-working gal!

bros, if we want to enjoy these gems for a longer while, we need to give them some support.

My top 5 in terms of service this week.

1) Le Le 1615
2) Bai He 1615
3) Xiao Chun 1649
4) Xiao Wan 54A
5) UK 1649
Old 25-05-2013, 08:01 PM
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Wink Re: Well said bro HKeith - Yeah Right Mr Biggest Hypocrite in SBF GL Threads!

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Finally I see some one truly seeing eye to eye with me! Unlike many cannot be trusted samsters (both snr and not so snr ones)!! I am sure u can now tell whose FR can be trusted and who are not!!!

Your above comment is definitely very bery WELCUM brother! U have my respect!!!!
My dear Alejandro88(In Hiding) aka The GreenLantern(Moderation), aka Royal.Chimp(Banned) aka King.Cobra(Moderation) aka ???....

Tku once again for proving that u r indeed the BIGGEST HYPOCRITE in the SBF GL threads...

Previously u maliciously n viciously attacked Honestkeith...n now u suddenly do a lame pathetic volte face like this??!!!

Wif "brothers" like u who needs enemies, Alejandro88??!!
Old 25-05-2013, 08:13 PM
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Wink Alejandro88 is the biggest Hypocrite & Coward in SBF GL Threads!

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post

Welcum back to the sparring once again Coward and obsessed bull doggy aka Omnia!

Continue .................Peeze continue! I luv it when u spent time and effort pasting and posting lengthy posts of no substane!!!

The fact is you are still a big COWARD as you do not have the guts to meet me in person for a cuppa!!! No need to pull in CAT50 bros to help u fight this war lah!! CAT50 bros are not my enemies but U ARE!!! So I dun need to meet them! I am only keep to have coffeee with you and the other coward, Keewee!!!! Swee boh, Mr moronic clown??!!!

My dear Alejandro88(In Hiding) aka The GreenLantern(Moderation), aka Royal.Chimp(Banned) aka King.Cobra(Moderation) aka ???....

Still waiting for you to cum out of HIDING you scaredy cat, chicken, yellow coward..., post post!!!...

previously you were such a prolific poster but now shivering n quaking in your boots out of fear of losing yr precious rep points!!!

Go read DSM-5 Alejandro88 to deal wif yr psychotic behaviour!

Old 25-05-2013, 08:57 PM
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Re: Alejandro88 is the biggest Hypocrite & Coward in SBF GL Threads!

Hahaha. This is hilarious indeed.

I actually can't be bothered with this green piece of shit but am somewhat bored today so thought why not join in the fun.

I have to agree with old friend Omnia here on what he says about thegreenlantern and his master nick Alejandro88.

On a side note, any new rankings omnia and other senior bros?

Thinking of checking out the new talent next month if I have time to swing by Singapore.

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
My dear Alejandro88(In Hiding) aka The GreenLantern(Moderation), aka Royal.Chimp(Banned) aka King.Cobra(Moderation) aka ???....

Still waiting for you to cum out of HIDING you scaredy cat, chicken, yellow coward..., post post!!!...

previously you were such a prolific poster but now shivering n quaking in your boots out of fear of losing yr precious rep points!!!

Go read DSM-5 Alejandro88 to deal wif yr psychotic behaviour!

Old 25-05-2013, 10:26 PM
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Re: Alejandro88 is the biggest Hypocrite & Coward in SBF GL Threads!

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
My dear Alejandro88(In Hiding) aka The GreenLantern(Moderation), aka Royal.Chimp(Banned) aka King.Cobra(Moderation) aka ???....

Still waiting for you to cum out of HIDING you scaredy cat, chicken, yellow coward..., post post!!!...

previously you were such a prolific poster but now shivering n quaking in your boots out of fear of losing yr precious rep points!!!

Go read DSM-5 Alejandro88 to deal wif yr psychotic behaviour!

hahaha way to go bro omnia. what a joke for a green clone to go around suspecting other people for having clones. alejandro88 the green loser thinks everyone is as free as him. pathetic piece of dung. anyway omnia, thanks for your info on HB2045.
Old 25-05-2013, 10:33 PM
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Re: Alejandro88 is the biggest Hypocrite & Coward in SBF GL Threads!

Originally Posted by haizdie View Post
hahaha way to go bro omnia. what a joke for a green clone to go around suspecting other people for having clones. alejandro88 the green loser thinks everyone is as free as him. pathetic piece of dung. anyway omnia, thanks for your info on HB2045.
hi bro haizdie, any new rankings? Wonder who your top 5 or top 10 would be
Old 25-05-2013, 10:41 PM
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Cool Re: Top Class Service Gems!

Originally Posted by enigma View Post
Given that the overall buz in GL is going down, I feel we must support service gems such as Bai He and Le Le, both from 1615. Bai He's catbath and bbbj is easily one of the best for the moment. Le Le's AR is unbeatable. Both are eager to please. When I extended a session with Le Le, she automatically repeated the whole service pack one more round without asking. Hard-working gal!

bros, if we want to enjoy these gems for a longer while, we need to give them some support.

My top 5 in terms of service this week.

1) Le Le 1615
2) Bai He 1615
3) Xiao Chun 1649
4) Xiao Wan 54A
5) UK 1649
Back to what this forum sld really be about!...

Appreciate the abv list bro...these 5 mms are all definite gems in their own unique ways
Old 25-05-2013, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by omnia View Post

Back to what this forum sld really be about!...

Appreciate the abv list bro...these 5 mms are all definite gems in their own unique ways
Now comes the BODY!

My top 5 list in terms of body for the week

1). UK ( total package)
2). Lulu. ( total package)
3) Summer ( best leg)
4) Xiao Bei ( total package, a bit lacking in height though)
5) SiSi 54A( almost total package)
Old 26-05-2013, 12:01 AM
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who's summer?

hi bro enigma, which house is summer (wha tian?) from? What cup size? Thx in advance!
Cheers, Bong
Old 26-05-2013, 12:23 AM
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Re: Rank Your Top 5 CAT 150 Girls in Geylang! (Currently Working)

Originally Posted by enigma View Post
My top 5 list in terms of body for the week

1). UK ( total package)
2). Lulu. ( total package)
3) Summer ( best leg)
4) Xiao Bei ( total package, a bit lacking in height though)
5) SiSi 54A( almost total package)
Bro, solid list ... maximum mileage out of your bucks ...

Here is my list of gem calibres as far as my vocab is concern ... Caveat Emptor ...

Not in accordance to merit ...

1) Coco W15/54B - Younger version of HK celeb, Ceceila Cheung lookalike (40% max), 1.63m, slim, gorgeous and above-average passionate & sensual service ... Another box-office in the making perhaps ...

2) Yan Yan W19 - Chio, 1.66m, slim, and above-average passionate service

3) Zhen Zhen W19 - Quite chio, fleshy (like retired Xiao Bai), 1.66m, fair and fantabulous Yi Tiao Long Service

4) Xiao Bei 1803 - I guess no introduction needed for this gorgeous babe since she has attained the GL Stardom status already ...

I will try to post FR wherever my time permits ...

There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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