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Old 22-06-2014, 10:03 PM
jack_daniels jack_daniels is offline
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Re: Events In CP

After a few days of partying, I'd say that it's not a matter of which KTV is better. It's about knowing the right mummy who has the best girls under her wings. Mostly was choosing via pictures, although I did managed to get the mummy to let me see from a small line-up of girls, but it really was wasting time as it was really small number (probably 4-5) and none are really up to the mark. Didn't really bother to ask for a second line-up (not sure if she has) but I'd figure it will likely be a waste of time.

Since all the choosing is done via pics now, I could get the mummy to send over her girls to me at anywhere of my liking. So if you really want to party in the KTV, it would make more sense to go to a cheaper KTV, or just hit the clubs with the girls.

Yihao mummy sends me some girls at 5/15/20. Mayflower girls are at 3/9/14 and 4/10/15...if memory serves me right. The YH girls are at least 500 cheaper (overnight) and MF girls, 300-400 cheaper (overnight) before the raids. The qualities may be the same, but the price is inflated.

To cut the story short, if the price stays this way and getting girls is this hard in CP and lame (via pics), I won't be going back anytime soon, or at least until things get better.
Old 22-06-2014, 10:17 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by jack_daniels View Post
After a few days of partying, I'd say that it's not a matter of which KTV is better. It's about knowing the right mummy who has the best girls under her wings. Mostly was choosing via pictures, although I did managed to get the mummy to let me see from a small line-up of girls, but it really was wasting time as it was really small number (probably 4-5) and none are really up to the mark. Didn't really bother to ask for a second line-up (not sure if she has) but I'd figure it will likely be a waste of time.

Since all the choosing is done via pics now, I could get the mummy to send over her girls to me at anywhere of my liking. So if you really want to party in the KTV, it would make more sense to go to a cheaper KTV, or just hit the clubs with the girls.

Yihao mummy sends me some girls at 5/15/20. Mayflower girls are at 3/9/14 and 4/10/15...if memory serves me right. The YH girls are at least 500 cheaper (overnight) and MF girls, 300-400 cheaper (overnight) before the raids. The qualities may be the same, but the price is inflated.

To cut the story short, if the price stays this way and getting girls is this hard in CP and lame (via pics), I won't be going back anytime soon, or at least until things get better.
The pix are photoshopped or live pix?
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Old 22-06-2014, 10:25 PM
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Re: Events In CP

They say it's 艺术照 you decide lol. You go wechat find all China girls pics...ask them out, that is the feeling you get. Hit or miss...
Old 22-06-2014, 10:58 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Kent_do View Post
Having read so much on your postings on CP, it is pretty obvious that things would not be back to its former glory.

IMO, U r a more frequent poster... hahaha posting in the CP tread and maybe even the most frequent poster of postings. Y not start a new tread name it as Alternative CP? hahaha, just MO.
Many thanks!!

And actually, we do already have such a thread discussing where to go instead of Chang Ping:
You may want to also Participate there.

Again thanks
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Old 23-06-2014, 01:54 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by solns25 View Post
Dear bros,

I heard from my regular in cp that most girls have gone to foshan. However, i am not quite sure exactly where in foshan.
Can anyone enlighten me. Going on 25th june this week
Foshan is quite big. Depending on which ktv you wanna go, might make sense to stay in Guangzhou instead of Foshan. If you wanna go 白金, than better stay in Foshan area. If going to 皇廷, than can stay in Guangzhou. From Guangzhou train station to 皇廷 cab ride is about 20 mins.

For me, I feel that 皇廷 has got more girls. However, do note that the cost of partying in Foshan is for sure more expensive than CP. A 400 cat girl in Cp last time is easily a 500 or 600 cat in Foshan. Alcohol there is also more expensive as well. But to compare Foshan ktv with the current state of CP ktvs, I think better go Foshan. At least over there can pick more than 1 girl unlike some ktvs in CP you only can pick one girl. Much much more selection of girls in Foshan too!

There's this ktv in SZ Bao An area that's got pretty good selection of girls as well. But seriously cannot remember what's the name. Name very long, cannot remember liao! Girls there are 400 and 500 cat.
Old 23-06-2014, 02:35 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by pc5526 View Post
There's this ktv in SZ Bao An area that's got pretty good selection of girls as well. But seriously cannot remember what's the name. Name very long, cannot remember liao! Girls there are 400 and 500 cat.
Bao An have meh? I used to stay there. Which part of Bao An?
Old 23-06-2014, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by vaxvms View Post
guess CP is history now have to find another playground
Playground is created not found...once upon a time CP is jus a 小镇 was make popular because of e Railway station stop by & e Vicinity surrounding by factories. As Factories close down, e workers have no choice but turn to Entertainment & hence develop to a popular sex service trade zone.

Now we see to e fall of an growing "empire"

For another place to flourish like CP, e place must 天时地利
天时 - it must happen at right time (Not now where Raid for 黄赌毒) & politics still going on.
地利 - The place must be easily accessible, & there's some safety net/umbrella protecting & alerting e Patrons/Customers at times..

Finally, it is us customers, whom patrons e place to make it grow! But keep in mind 树大招风...e bigger/more popular it will get Crack down sooner or later

So e key is, it will be short live popularity, so long as with current China Governmt around! Under some one in it,gain support
Old 23-06-2014, 01:05 PM
sheridan sheridan is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by wolfman2012 View Post
For another place to flourish like CP, e place must 天时地利
天时 - it must happen at right time (Not now where Raid for 黄赌毒) & politics still going on.
地利 - The place must be easily accessible, & there's some safety net/umbrella protecting & alerting e Patrons/Customers at times..
Wow some more now got people come here to 算命 lol

Can calculate when and where?
Old 23-06-2014, 03:19 PM
pc5526 pc5526 is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by iwanbigboobs View Post
Bao An have meh? I used to stay there. Which part of Bao An?
Got lah. It's just opposite 万悦国际酒店. We stayed at this hotel. The name of the ktv is something like 香格里拉 or something similar. It's location is near a MRT station. Over there got a 湘菜馆 where we had our dinner that night.
Old 23-06-2014, 04:20 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by pc5526 View Post
Foshan is quite big. Depending on which ktv you wanna go, might make sense to stay in Guangzhou instead of Foshan. If you wanna go 白金, than better stay in Foshan area. If going to 皇廷, than can stay in Guangzhou. From Guangzhou train station to 皇廷 cab ride is about 20 mins.

For me, I feel that 皇廷 has got more girls. However, do note that the cost of partying in Foshan is for sure more expensive than CP. A 400 cat girl in Cp last time is easily a 500 or 600 cat in Foshan. Alcohol there is also more expensive as well. But to compare Foshan ktv with the current state of CP ktvs, I think better go Foshan. At least over there can pick more than 1 girl unlike some ktvs in CP you only can pick one girl. Much much more selection of girls in Foshan too!

There's this ktv in SZ Bao An area that's got pretty good selection of girls as well. But seriously cannot remember what's the name. Name very long, cannot remember liao! Girls there are 400 and 500 cat.
Up you for your sharing.

Old 23-06-2014, 10:36 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sheridan View Post
Wow some more now got people come here to 算命 lol

Can calculate when and where?
LOL - yeah 算命 about Chang Ping; just about all we can do these days with the way things are here.

Past few days have been visiting some of my regulars who just came back and to meet with friends to catch up. I see the GA is still quite visible - at the train station, going around in their vans around town or sitting in them parked prominently, but I also see what seems to be a lot more girls and more of them fully KTV made-up walking about. And oh yeah, mongers - lots more mongers around too! Even some Angmor's already being flashy and loud. Sigh....!

Disturbingly though, a couple of my regulars complained that they've basically been lied to by their mommies; they were told that CP is "Back" and there's all sorts of clients for them, but this is NOT the case at all. All they've been doing had been just to wait around for the mommies to haul them off somewhere, to be shown to a couple/three guys and go back to waiting again. On top of that, they're complaining that even though the price to the customers had gone up, their cut remains basically the same as before. Talk about killing to goose that laid the golden egg! Classic case of top heavy "management"

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Old 23-06-2014, 11:16 PM
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Re: Events In CP

think cant forget abt cp.

things are overtly expensive. and too many eager to making empty promises.

have to go to all the ulu towns with 1 ktv. where there are girls to choose..
rate are universal 4-10-15. from my experience at suburb towns

the convenience of ktv hopping in cp is gone
Old 24-06-2014, 12:24 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Since we’re into speculation and fortune telling – here’s my speculation about Chang Ping!

The way I understand it, the entertainment industry was allowed to start in Dongguan because it had the one-eye-open-one-eye-closed unofficial approval of the Powers-that-be in Beijing. Back in the eighties, China was very eager to attract foreign investments – especially those from Taiwan and Hong Kong; but one big problem was that Taiwan/Hong Kong managers were loath having to take up hardship postings in the still very drab mainland of the time – especially since during those days, the night scene in Taiwan/Hong Kong were going full blast. So some of these” entertainment venue providers,” were quite favorably looked upon by the government and they had not only gained fortunes but also valuable connections etc. - which of course were the early beginnings of these “protective umbrellas.”

Chang Ping, on the fringes of the main manufacturing areas, had actually only been a “secondary” area - mostly catering to the cross-border truck drivers who needed to stay overnight in China as the borders had closed at midnight then. These drivers made very good money at that time – up to HK$40,000 per month - as there were not that many drivers who had licenses to drive both in China as well as Hong Kong - and so they really lived it up whilst their containers got filled at the factories overnight.

In those days, most had considered Chang Ping as quite low class and not really suitable for “decent businessmen” – something which only started to turn around when the Hong Kong – Guangzhou intercity train intermediate stop was moved from ZhangMutou to Chang Ping. Before the advent of the CRH hi-speed train service, most Hong Kong as well as Taiwanese factory owner/managers usually travelled to their Dongguan factories on this direct train and it only became natural that they would at least stay a while before traveling by car to their factories and Chang Ping started to flourish (Up to a couple or so years ago, Taiwanese were forced to travel via Hong Kong to go to Southern China).

Anyway, the way I look at it, the “entertainment industry” is no longer central to attracting investments as China had meanwhile offered an ever higher standard of living for these expatriate mangers and factory owners. And meanwhile, this industry have been attracting too much sleaze, temptation, tangible cause for corrupt practices, criminality etc. On top of that, I really do believe that the Chinese do not want their country to be known as being an International sex destination – something which it was rapidly turning into unless this industry got reined in quickly.

This being so, I really cannot see how Chang Ping can ever return to how it was in the past; yes, there’s no way to fully eradicate prostitution but IMHO, Chang Ping will become quite a bit more “Genteel” in its practices and of course way more expensive.

All this is purely my own speculation.

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Old 24-06-2014, 01:45 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by pc5526 View Post
Got lah. It's just opposite 万悦国际酒店. We stayed at this hotel. The name of the ktv is something like 香格里拉 or something similar. It's location is near a MRT station. Over there got a 湘菜馆 where we had our dinner that night.
Not 香格里拉, it is 香格美拉. One of my old CA contacts went there to work. Been bugging me to go there.
Old 24-06-2014, 07:03 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by alsahaf View Post
Not 香格里拉, it is 香格美拉. One of my old CA contacts went there to work. Been bugging me to go there.
Never bring me along...

So sad...

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