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Old 16-06-2007, 02:21 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Started off those few at top interested in nothing but personal gains n interest.

They close 1 eye on those work horse in the middle level as long as they are cooperative and don't gib too many problems to the top.

The circle repeat from mid to lower level. Big eat big, small eat small. Now the entire infrastructure is filled with ppl who ain't interested in anything other then personal gains.

So what even if u put few clean guy to sit at the top. There ain't much they can do either. And in the end, when they cant beat the majority, they join in too.

So the commoners suffer the most. Wat 2 do? Either get urself a post where u can get a pc of the pie or get ur butt out of the country lor..... Haizz...

Old 16-06-2007, 03:07 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Tho I'm a Malaysian, I have to agree that Malaysian goverment is not doing much to help the situation in JB.

That's also the reason why most of us that are educated in SG tends to be in delimma when considering to move back to Malaysia. Still remember when we were here at first, we promise ourselves to give the goverment few years and Malaysia will have improved dramatically and we will have decent jobs back in our hometown. Then we can go back to our country with our experience learned here.

However after near to 2 decades, nothing change back there except for more louder voices with empty promises. Still back to square one, nothing work out. In fact it is getting worst in term of security, stability and system. Imagine victims' family screaming for help and police not willing to help cause it is not their area of responsibility. Imagine building a new goverment building and the next raining season come, water is leaking and dipping inside the building. Sometimes I wonder what is Malaysia Bolleh stands for. Is it defectiveness also "Bolleh".

It is a pitiful scene. I think JB is the worst. Even in Maur or Butuk Phahat, there is not so much crime. Another big problem is the illegal immigrants from Indonesia. Malaysia has got millions of illegal immigrants and nothing is done too. If Indonesia decides to invade Malaysia, the war is over when it is declare. Cause there are already few millions of illegal Indonesian in Malaysia.

Thanks to SBF, we can still voice our unhappinese and vent our anger with no so good english.
Old 16-06-2007, 03:24 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Originally Posted by BruDDerHooD View Post
agree with most of u guys that Malaysian govt .. is the worse govt in world... btw ... im malaysia .. but i really detest their way of govern our country....

all is BS from what they said ... somemore the wanna raise their payroll ... wtf man ... raise those ppl that cant even work properly... somemore raise those fat policeman .... that cant even chase a thief... =.=

my friend recently tell me that ... when he reach outside his home , he saw a thief climbing up his rooftop ... while all his neighbour chasing that thief... when he call up the police station ... the person on duty ask him to write down his address and what thing that he lost ... and come to police station ... =.=

when he reach police station... that person in charge.. told him that if he wanna lodge in a report he must pay to him cash.... =.=

wtf man .. need to pay for lodging report ??????????? so my frend just leave lar... i told him.. y not take down his number and complaint direct to DAP( one political body that alway against BN) for malaysian they know what i mean .. by DAP and BN ... like in SG ... its like DPA ...

i feel sick when abdullah wanted to start the South johore Economic region to " compete with Singapore " (huh? )

He must be dreaming. There is no way a pig can beat a human being.

feel sick when abdullah wanted to start the South johore Economic region to " compete with Singapore " (huh? )

He must be dreaming. There is no way a pig can beat a human being.
I like Pulchritudinous and attenuated Ladies....
Old 16-06-2007, 03:59 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

heard there's this petition going around (by the JB Chinese Association) to gather up at least 100000 people to congregate at the MB house residence in protest of the declining safety n security in that region...
not too optimistic about the end result of all these though...
Old 16-06-2007, 04:07 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

heard there's this petition going around (by the JB Chinese Association) to gather up at least 100000 people to congregate at the MB house residence in protest of the declining safety n security in that region...
not too optimistic about the end result of all these though...
Old 16-06-2007, 04:11 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Originally Posted by strong View Post
True Facts abt Malaysians n Singaporeans,

1) In olden days there was a day named "Friday The 13th" in 1960s.Singapore was part of Malaysia then.

2) There was a chaos fight on that day between all chinese n malays.Since then both race bay gum till today.

3) From that day Singapore become independent on its own in 1969.Thank god!!

4) Foreign currency was seperated too.

5) Till today Malaysians were very jealous of us Singaporeans for the hell reason..... $$$$.

6) They thought Singapore living standards so high still able to survive.Tats why they conclude we are all damn rich.

7) Malaysians were few years generation back to us in comparisions.They still dun wan to improve engage in crimes,drugs......

8) They love to rob us as thought we were rich.....n gain peng in pumping petrol n buying cigarettes from them.

9) But yet they come to Singapore to work in search of gold mines in our homeland.

10) Wat can i say jus BEWARE of Malaysians tats all.

Singapore's date of independence is August 9, 1965, not 1969.
[the verb "is" is used instead of "was" because it is a historical fact"]

If you are a Singaporean and you don't know this national fact, shame on you.
If you are a Malaysian, get your facts right before posting any so-called "True Facts"

For either of the above cases, you are zapped by me.
Old 16-06-2007, 04:14 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Originally Posted by dcrusader View Post
heard there's this petition going around (by the JB Chinese Association) to gather up at least 100000 people to congregate at the MB house residence in protest of the declining safety n security in that region...
not too optimistic about the end result of all these though...
No use one... When the issue is too big, they will anyhow catch somebody and declare they nabbed the whole group liao.
Then later when people forget liao and another big case come in, they say they found some suspects which is residue of previous crime.
Like now lor, they say the person behind the rape is a from a former gang they crash in 2003. That former gang was supposed to be everyone kana nabbed liao, how come suddenly still got someone from that gang left out.
So they say you listen lor... but don't really believe them.
Old 16-06-2007, 06:17 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Originally Posted by geylangbonker View Post
in our vehicles.....we travel in a group of 6 ppl...armed with a baseball bat and a 1 m sugarcane ..nicely ...sharpen at both ends.kept in the cars!.why?For self defense and combat
A sugarcane sharpen at both ends can meh??
Maybe after fighting thirsty already can squeese some juice wo hor!!

Just kidding bro. So is anyone starting to boycott JB now? I myself haven specially gone there for shopping or makan so many years already. Just passing thru only got.
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Old 16-06-2007, 07:10 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

there is one article here , maybe u all can read it.
Old 16-06-2007, 07:20 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

how come they are only robbing and raping chinese? fucking make my blood boil...and there they are promoting racial harmony...what are their mother fucking brains are thinking? think that we chinese got no fucking guts to revenge? will oni promote racial riots.

But as i know JB is full of chinese gangsters, what if a day these robbers touch the wrong car & woman?

If the police is that corrupted, den its better JB should run by gangsters, as they will inflict fear into the robbers till they move away fr JB.
Old 16-06-2007, 07:26 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Originally Posted by onlyhuman View Post
how come they are only robbing and raping chinese? fucking make my blood boil...and there they are promoting racial harmony...what are their mother fucking brains are thinking? think that we chinese got no fucking guts to revenge? will oni promote racial riots.
Brother cool off. Because no matter how the average chinese is still much better off compare to the malay and the indian.
They dun target chinese and target other races, sikali the victim turn around and ask them for money how? Or the victim live cheaper then them turn around kill them back how?
So naturally when they target the average income people, it will end up chinese suffer lor.
Old 16-06-2007, 07:28 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Originally Posted by cjps View Post
Tho I'm a Malaysian, I have to agree that Malaysian goverment is not doing much to help the situation in JB.
though i m a singaporean, i have to say that from my recent trip to KL, i could see that my friends also warned me when i drove up in my new car... though not as bad, but the trip back was a speeding event, not wanting to let anyone overtake us. his KC, whom i also helped to send back home to malacca, was saying that gers nowadays dont dare to go out much at all. situation could have been better but i guess every country has its own problems.

in sg, not so much better as well. not wanting to discuss the total lack of freedom of speech and unwilling to take criticism, the police r not paid well enough and r not really respected cos they r not being tested much. and for that matter, it didnt help matters when the auntie cleaning my office also told me recently that the police took more than half an hour to reach her block when she reported someone was trying to break into her family car. her family members gave chase but the police division, which was less than a minute away, took their own sweet time to arrive. why? scared of confrontation with the car thief, i guess. we watched too much police drama, until that we expect them to rush to the scene and perform heroically. but they r human, just trying to earn/cheat a living, i guess...

but that said, have to say that rape and armed robbery are serious issues and something needs to be done!!! blaming the illegal immigrants is not a solution, the problem still exists!!! not that i think the problem can be solved easily though... the size of the country makes it difficult to govern with the limited police force, thus when people think that they can actually get away with it, they will think of crime as an option.

just some of my personal thoughts... but i dont think it is very nice for some bros here to use this excuse to criticise other countries' problems. if they feel that JB is not a safe place to go get the cheap petrol, seafood and groceries, then dont go. if still really have to go, then take public transport, follow the throng and stick to big shopping malls.

personally, i will not put my life and more so, my OC's life at stake. no amount of money can compensate for being gang-raped, or worse, lose one's life. cheers, all.
Old 16-06-2007, 07:45 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Originally Posted by onlyhuman View Post
how come they are only robbing and raping chinese? fucking make my blood boil...and there they are promoting racial harmony...what are their mother fucking brains are thinking? think that we chinese got no fucking guts to revenge? will oni promote racial riots.

But as i know JB is full of chinese gangsters, what if a day these robbers touch the wrong car & woman?

If the police is that corrupted, den its better JB should run by gangsters, as they will inflict fear into the robbers till they move away fr JB.
bro, face it. the only race to be found in every corner of the earth is the chinese race. due to ingrained genes from the sufferings that the chinese have suffered, famine, drought, flood, hunger, war, etc, etc... chinese r the most resilient race around!!! thus, applied to modern context, chinese r more hardworking and adaptable, resulting in the rise in wealth. naturally then, the chinese will be more prone to being robbed!!!

imagine yourself playing a game whereby u make all the rules and still lose!!! would u be terribly unhappy too??? rape is commited by perverts and pent up with being a loser!!! thus the target being the winner usually, in a bid to bring the winner down to its own loser level.

pls dont think that corruption is not possible here in sg as well. as for a place being run by gangsters, well, u might get yr wish. the IRs r coming. with that, we would get a fair share of vice and gangs. the professional gangsters will come in, cos there is big money to be made. not that it is a bad thing, bearing in mind the fantastic experience i had living in macau for more than 3 months. in fact, i m impressed with the professionalism of these so-called gangsters.
Old 16-06-2007, 08:07 PM
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Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
bearing in mind the fantastic experience i had living in macau for more than 3 months. in fact, i m impressed with the professionalism of these so-called gangsters.
They can definitely teach those ah bengs at DF a thing or two about professionalism..........
Pls pm me for return favour.
PS - minimun 5 pointers pls. Tks.
Old 16-06-2007, 08:30 PM
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Talking Re: Gang-RaPED and beaten up in Johor

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
bro, face it. the only race to be found in every corner of the earth is the chinese race. due to ingrained genes from the sufferings that the chinese have suffered, famine, drought, flood, hunger, war, etc, etc... chinese r the most resilient race around!!! thus, applied to modern context, chinese r more hardworking and adaptable, resulting in the rise in wealth. naturally then, the chinese will be more prone to being robbed!!!

imagine yourself playing a game whereby u make all the rules and still lose!!! would u be terribly unhappy too??? rape is commited by perverts and pent up with being a loser!!! thus the target being the winner usually, in a bid to bring the winner down to its own loser level.

pls dont think that corruption is not possible here in sg as well. as for a place being run by gangsters, well, u might get yr wish. the IRs r coming. with that, we would get a fair share of vice and gangs. the professional gangsters will come in, cos there is big money to be made. not that it is a bad thing, bearing in mind the fantastic experience i had living in macau for more than 3 months. in fact, i m impressed with the professionalism of these so-called gangsters.

Well said...haiz but i only a human bond to my ethnic roots...the numbers of reports i read on this thread fire up the ethnic identity in myself...can only hope tat we chinese takes precaution when vistin places hostile to us...

But in JB, i am wondering what if the robbers did a hit on the gangster car...dunno in the end what gets robbed..
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