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Old 01-08-2008, 04:13 PM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Bro Chonging101

would like to try her

Would post fr after mission
Old 01-08-2008, 05:10 PM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

second time with my bb...
really interesting and worth every cents..

im a sucker for big nana..

cheers to all bro who have yet to try her service.
Old 01-08-2008, 05:23 PM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Sorry, bro sloanejc65. I only answer to PMs!

But from your track record... I don't think you need to bother.
Old 02-08-2008, 01:24 AM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Just RTF Bao Er on Thursday.

Actually she paged me over the phone that she missed me. She is very KC lah. Told her that I will only be available next week. Will call her again next week.

Unforetunately, the next day, my small head is taking over my big head again and "Coincidently" I arranged to meet her.

Picked her at her house and headed to our love nest. She dressed in all white dress with rainbow colored pearls necklace. Good fashion sense.

In our lover nest. I was surprised that we frenched with lots of tongue fighting. I remembered the last time was only peck if I'm not wrong as you can read my previous FR. In the progress, we proceed to our bathing suit. Assisted to draw down her bra and I saw her prefect boobs shape and size is just as big and perfect as my previous bonk with her. But this time big different about her body beside the breast would be, she removed her Armpit hair and another plus point was she shaved her pussy hair with design as what she called japanese Mustache sytle(with all conners shaved leaving middle upper unshared but done with shortly trimmed).

I would not mention long detail about the FJ, instead just to say that the Sexperience was great and as Awesome as the previous bonk.

She really LOVES my Painting on her and on her styled pussy again. Actually, before this RTF, to my surprise, My bonker kakis met her and told me that she mentioned About it.
But on second though, she never mention about my bonking skill leh. That means??......

Anyway, what I would highlight this time about her service. She added Hot water and tap water BBBJ. She told me too bad this room do not have ICE. This 冰 火 which was not new to me. She boiled hot water in preparation while at the same time asked me if I want Hot Milo. But I rejected the Hot Milo as I'm not hungry but on the other hands, very hungry for her Boobs while I was fondling them.

Once the Hot water was ready, our game starts. She poured a qtr glass of tap water added with some hot water to make it warm. Then, she begin with Visual inspection of your didi and preceed to smelling it again just like the last time I have mentioned in my FR. So I'm tell you, I have never experience such carefull FL to do smelling for bad scent before doing BBBJ. This is good caution for her and for the next Bro that going for BBBJ!! Actually, her BBBJ was moderately good. Doing it for about 5 mins, she proceed drinking some amount of warm water without swallowing them and did BBBJ on my didi for a good while. Then she spit out the water to the dustbin and refill with Cool tap water in her mouth and BBBJ me again. So she asked : 爽吗? Of cause shiok lah.

Then later she said : hmmmm 水不夠熱(Water not hot enough). So she added another large portion of hot water to the glass again. But this time I think it was real Hot that she may or may not Know. She drank it but also kept it in her mouth again and she did BBBJ on me again.

Wahhhh laohhhh Heyyyyy. I fell it was real hot on my didi this time and I said : 啊呀這次溫度好呀 肯定可以殺菌....(Ah ya, this time the temperature is surely good lah. Surely can kill all the bacterial lah. Hahahhaaa.....). She was surprised and like got choked and almost spill the hot water over my body but quicking spill out all in the desk bin. Hahahahaaaa...........

The rest are history.

A C+ papaya Gem that you Must try
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小犬 : 没有,只有慰安妇,我们日她们.所以叫日军
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小犬 : 没有,军人现在都自慰因而叫自慰队.
记者 : 为什么叫日本人呢?
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Old 02-08-2008, 02:34 AM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

FR on Bao Er 01/08/08 evening ( can't wait for the photo )

Thanks to Bro Amity for your sharing Bao Er contact ( after pass your screening.)

Finally arrange appointment with her today , after confirm the time , meet her outside the hotel she prefer , first impression after meet had already met my expectation , ( she attracted me by her look , body , dress , etc…She really quite pretty )we TCSS while we walk in the hotel , before enter the lift to the room she ask me whether I got bring my (工具 ) or not , I ask what 工具she want ? later she smile and answer me my ear is condom la , hehe of course have la ( must standby incase of need ma ) In the room have some TCSS and foreplay after than we both stripped and proceed to shower , after the shower dry myself and lay on the bed , she later come join me , start with licking nipple , body massage , follow by licking my didi and bbbj (clean didi with wet tissue before bbbj ) , later on she put help meto put on cap and I start with missionary than cow-girl and finished at missionary again , end up with this position .

She ask me whether want to go for 2nd shots or not , I say no la so tired cannot and need to good home for dinner after 1 hrs , but end up stay back TCSS with her and have some massage spent all the 2 hrs hotel charge , below is my rating on her base on y personal view .

Name::Bao Er or Bao bao ( she say 2 name also can call )
Age = 25yo ( she told me )
Look: 8/10 ( pretty look with her dressing the more you look at, the more you like 越看越耐看) could be a kind bro bought her some nice dress (could be bro amity I think )
Body: 8/10 (nice Figure:, I like )
BBBJ : 7/10 (slow licking , deep throat , ask me which I like most , willing to learn )
FJ: 8/10 (accommodating with respond , she really can ride cowgirl position )
GFE: 8/10 (make the whole 2hrs session enjoy and not feel boring )
Attitude: 8.5/10 (spend the remaining time massage , hugging , chatting like GF with her. No rush.)
Damage:100/2/2 + hotel +Tips + cd
RTF : May be ( if times allow cos will be more busy on work start from next week )

Hope Bro will take good care of her , thanks
Old 02-08-2008, 03:55 PM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Originally Posted by i1papaya View Post
Just RTF Bao Er on Thursday......She is very KC lah. Told her that I will next week.....Unforetunately, the next day, my small head is taking over my big head again and "Coincidently" I arranged to meet her......

.......I was surprised that we frenched with lots of tongue fighting. I remembered the last time was only peck if I'm not wrong as you can read my previous FR. ......I would not mention long detail about the FJ, instead just to say that the Sexperience was great and as Awesome as the previous bonk.

She really LOVES my Painting on her and on her styled pussy again. Actually, before this RTF, to my surprise, My bonker kakis met her and told me that she mentioned About it.
A C+ papaya Gem that you Must try
Bro 木瓜, thx for taking very good care of her.... thx for bringing her to meet the sen. too.....i am glad that she is well taken care by all of u. She told me that u all r nice ppl, that the reason why i PM to those sen. whom know me in some threads ...... of coz i left out some sen. coz i know u but u dun noe me mah...if not later u mistaken i am OKT i ORD SBF very early, like my thread on BaoEr .

Again contact given for those senior initially was to intro her to u so that if she think she worth recommending to ur kakis, u can go ahead...cos i trust u and ur kakis a genuine cheongster....of coz no obligation.....

Just for some reason i reckon that BaoBao threads remain quiet and not many senior here TCSS and share share ur comment on her.

Ok back to frenching..... Bro 1ipapaya was the lucky guy (should not used the word "lucky", mutual chemistry and feel rather) to get her virgin french kiss..... me after 5 RTF oso dun have cos i am smoker maybe.....She gave u french kiss cos u tongue-fucked her till she 欲仙欲死 and u r a very neat ppl
Kind bros who dun receive french kiss, like amity, hope u r not offended.

Few days ago, she had met a Fatty (may not be a samster here) using force trying to put his smelly tongue into her mouth. She struggle to avoid and wanted to push him away. But that fatty is so heavy and the poor gal has no strength to do. Unintentionally she scratch his chin and chest, and this fucker slap her in return.

He begged for her forgiven later. Instead of wallking off, BaoEr let him continue till the end of 1 hour session. Guess what this cheap paid her only $60....

BaoEr was so upset.... thats explain y bro scoobyhoo u found her like she has a 忧郁 (depressed) kind of look during ur sexxion wif her.... u thought she is worried abt her mum's health when u chit chat wif her tio bo?
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Old 02-08-2008, 06:11 PM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Originally Posted by ken6890 View Post
FR on Bao Er 01/08/08 evening ( can't wait for the photo )

Thanks to Bro Amity for your sharing Bao Er contact ( after pass your screening.)

.........first impression after meet had already met my expectation , ( she attracted me by her look , body , dress , etc…She really quite pretty ).......

She ask me whether want to go for 2nd shots or not , I say no la so tired cannot and need to good home for dinner after 1 hrs , but end up stay back TCSS with her and have some massage spent all the 2 hrs hotel charge....

Body: 8/10 (nice Figure:, I like )
BBBJ : 7/10 (slow licking , deep throat , ask me which I like most , willing to learn )
FJ: 8/10 (accommodating with respond , she really can ride cowgirl position )
GFE: 8/10 (make the whole 2hrs session enjoy and not feel boring )
Attitude: 8.5/10 (spend the remaining time massage , hugging , chatting like GF with her. No rush.)
Damage:100/2/2 + hotel +Tips + cd
RTF : May be ( if times allow cos will be more busy on work start from next week )

Hope Bro will take good care of her , thanks
Since when you need to go through amity's screening?

BaoEr say u veli goot..... massage for her after FJ 好体贴. though her massage is not as goot as Ding Dan (i suppose cos BaoEr not really trained in massaging ) but i believed u simply like the feeling like ur gf/oc is massaging u for the hard work tio bo?

Sorry for the trouble u went down to the hotel not to ur preference....but u have no regret that room is very spacious, can do chair sex, table sex.....can have 鸢鸯浴 so 2 hour is really enjoyable tio bo?

btw, brudder u have typo error on the damage. it is $100/2hours/1shot+massage

More photo....will try to put up not convenient to search for the best few and upload.
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Last edited by amity; 02-08-2008 at 06:30 PM.
Old 02-08-2008, 07:07 PM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

bro amity, thanks for telling me why she looked depressed. i am not surprise that you have repeated 5 sessions with her. that kind of rapport and the quality she possesses is also calling me to meet her again.
Old 02-08-2008, 11:12 PM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Originally Posted by i1papaya View Post
She will remove her armpit hair if any bro could volunteer. On your next booking, Call her if she have removed the hair and if not yet, buy her a shaver and she needs your help

Bro Monkey, Bao Er is almost close to this standard lah, based on my poor cock eye's view. She Looks close to the pic on the top second right.

Any bro that had bonked her if you agrees or not of her look above???

Bro i1papaya, are you saying that Bao-Er's look (face) is similar to the pic, or that her boobs are similar to the pic ? That in the pic is upper D-cup liao.
Old 02-08-2008, 11:29 PM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Originally Posted by style.whist View Post
Bro i1papaya, are you saying that Bao-Er's look (face) is similar to the pic, or that her boobs are similar to the pic ? That in the pic is upper D-cup liao.
Bro, her BB not as big as that Jap Av artist....her is only C+ nia (Between C and D cup for her bra) ..... u can refer to my avatar for her nicee BB. One of the photo posted earlier is removed by photobucket due to nudity.........those who missed it, bo bian liao....

Bro style.whist, if u wanna her contact feel free to PM Bro TS. If u need her number for urgency....PM me and emergency care will be taken care...Bro TS busy bonking over the weekend...

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Old 03-08-2008, 12:02 AM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Originally Posted by amity View Post
Since when you need to go through amity's screening?
Buddy Amity , me just joking , hope you don't mind hor

BaoEr say u veli goot..... massage for her after FJ 好体贴. though her massage is not as goot as Ding Dan (i suppose cos BaoEr not really trained in massaging ) but i believed u simply like the feeling like ur gf/oc is massaging u for the hard work tio bo?

For her massage I didn't request from her after the FJ as I am just want to have another 1 hour to stay with her for like 1hrs GF since the hotel booked 2hrs , We spent the remaining 1 hour doing some simple massage .chating , foreplay , hug together and rest to pass the time , so for her massage I never rate her cos will be unfair to her if rate her massage skill in this way , tio bo ?

Sorry for the trouble u went down to the hotel not to ur preference....but u have no regret that room is very spacious, can do chair sex, table sex.....can have 鸢鸯浴 so 2 hour is really enjoyable tio bo?

No problem bro , luckly can find the place on time and the most important is meet her with no regret with her look ( suprise to be above my expectation )and her good attitude , the 2 hours spent is really enjoyable .after that
me song song go back jurong and have a happy mood to post the FR , thanks again

btw, brudder u have typo error on the damage. it is $100/2hours/1shot+massage
ya sorry for the typing error , thanks for correction

More photo....will try to put up not convenient to search for the best few and upload.
awiating for your more photo
Old 03-08-2008, 12:08 AM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Originally Posted by ken6890 View Post
awiating for your more photo
bros, three photos not enuff argh?
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Old 03-08-2008, 12:17 AM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Originally Posted by amity View Post

Buddy amity , thanks for sharing her photo , wa liao you so fast , before I post never see this , after edit my post , your post come infront of me
Old 03-08-2008, 01:33 AM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Originally Posted by style.whist View Post
Bro i1papaya, are you saying that Bao-Er's look (face) is similar to the pic, or that her boobs are similar to the pic ? That in the pic is upper D-cup liao.
Bro style.whist,

The look is close to the picture, for me I felt and the boobs was bigger on the last time when I bonked her I though. The RTF seems like Bao Er had some slim down maybe. Anyway, She should be about C+ size measured size by my humble hands' estimation this time
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Old 03-08-2008, 03:49 PM
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Re: Bao Bao- Hot PRC with 32E Boobs

Hi Bro Amity,

Thanks very much for the contact and sharing. Have read a few of your FRs and postings here and there la. Read the thread and find both you and TS Cheonging very gentlemen. That is the true spirit of sbf.
My honour to receive your PM. Thanks.

Likely to check her out soon, but will be busy this week and got backlog to clear, if u know what i mean. Need to RTF Xiao Yue, before her return. Will squeeze time out.

Btw, nice pics!!

In Retirement. May come in to 6C6C . Pre-mature? Maybe, but it's never too early for the right reasons. Wishing all bros, good health, wealth and fortune! Signing off, for now..
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