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Old 22-04-2016, 01:48 PM
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Re: Changping

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
Thanks bro ....

I know a network of ex KTV gals in CP number over 100, but ON at least 2K ....
Ya now there r few wechat groups which they use to find available gals.

Now CP I only go to find my KCs. Ktv I go ZH ones....
Old 23-04-2016, 01:39 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
Thanks bro ....

I know a network of ex KTV gals in CP number over 100, but ON at least 2K ....
Why you nv intro me ???

Originally Posted by TonyCheong2 View Post
Ya I know there're so called KTV FL WeChat networks around in Changping.

Yes now market rate ¥1500-2000 for LT.
Some of the Category 2000 are very pretty.

A lot are the kept women of foreigner bros.
Service and attitude good or not is heng sway when you engage KTV FLs these days.
KEPT WOMEN ??? I like leh .
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Old 23-04-2016, 10:06 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Why you nv intro me ???

KEPT WOMEN ??? I like leh .
Then you can tell mommy that you only want kept women .... then she will only recommend kept women. They also got waitresses and sales girls who part time also... For CP go family KTV (cheaper .... about 300 to 500 rmb for a few dozen of beer or liquor)and it is also safer ... no raid

Min power 5 to trade!
Old 24-04-2016, 02:58 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Some charge 2.5k also. Went cali red ktv room yesterday, a bit run down. Drank 4.5 dozen beer, bill about 1.2k plus 100 waiter tip. Girls get from wechat group. Some are not bad.. jus be prepare to give discount on the actual looks in person
Old 24-04-2016, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
KEPT WOMEN ??? I like leh.
Old 25-04-2016, 07:48 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Why you nv intro me ???
Hahahaha .....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 26-04-2016, 10:13 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Any one here wanna go disco later 1130pm?
Old 17-05-2016, 11:46 PM
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Arrow Changping

Today's my off day so went jalan jalan in Changing town center.
Found out about 2 things today.

Firstly since last week Yi Hao KTV was kena shut down for 3 months by Gong An for some violations.

Secondly the king of DVD stores 永恒唱片 (beside Man Lian Restaurant) closed its doors.

Haizzz Changping really no hope liao.
Old 18-05-2016, 12:41 PM
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Re: Changping

Originally Posted by TonyCheong2 View Post
Today's my off day so went jalan jalan in Changing town center.
Found out about 2 things today.

Firstly since last week Yi Hao KTV was kena shut down for 3 months by Gong An for some violations.

Secondly the king of DVD stores 永恒唱片 (beside Man Lian Restaurant) closed its doors.

Haizzz Changping really no hope liao.
U no hope yourself!
In fact CP no hope once we rich Singaporean stop going there to cheong!
Old 24-05-2016, 12:23 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings


Is the MPV transport from Hui Hwa to Hong Kong airport still available?
How much will it cost per pax and latest departure time from CP.
Old 24-05-2016, 01:38 PM
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Re: Changping

Originally Posted by TonyCheong2 View Post
Today's my off day so went jalan jalan in Changing town center.
Found out about 2 things today.

Firstly since last week Yi Hao KTV was kena shut down for 3 months by Gong An for some violations.

Secondly the king of DVD stores 永恒唱片 (beside Man Lian Restaurant) closed its doors.

Haizzz Changping really no hope liao.
Huh?? We just celebrated FGG birthday there like 3 weeks ago lor....

CP confirm won't bounce back. That's why I really don't encourage bros to go CP unless you know a lot people there and you enjoy disco fun.
Old 26-05-2016, 11:20 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

A fresh CP update..

Just got back from a SZX business trip but stayed at CP for 4 nights.. it's dead alright.

The only place that was alive and busy was Baozhulin on a Sunday afternoon!

Checked out a place on Saturday night called the Handpicked Club along TianErHu road, there were some local mm's hanging out at this bar & disco joint and the star attraction seemed to be 1 plump & 1 skinny Caucasian girl dancing at set times on elevated stands thru the night. The beer package (about RMB800 for 4 pax ) we ordered was delivered with fake Budweisers (even tho' in cans- the counterfeiters are that good now! ). The seasoned beer kakis' in our group picked out the fakes right off the first sip..

Since we were staying at Ouya anyway, on Sunday night we decided to checkout the famous old ktv, but sadly it was actually deserted and a poor shadow of its former glorious self. The few mms' that were ordered by wechat that showed up for selection was disappointing, hardly resembling what was posted on wechat. RMB50 rejection fee each for taxi fare, and only 1 was retained.

On Tuesday night, we decided to make a last minute outing to the infamous "Desert Storm" in Longxi, a 45 minute drive from CP on the outskirts of Huizhou. There is still a lively scene here, prices split in to 3 categories.
3/8/12- Yellow tag; 4/10/15 Red tag; 5/15/20 Blue tag.
Selection wise, Yellows & Reds numbered about 70-80 pax, Blues about 20-30 pax. Decent variety, some new/ fresh/cute faces, some past their prime, and the mms' are all quite eager and hungry! Everyone had a takeaway that night.
KTV package with 4 dozen beers in a large room +2 DJs +1 attendant came to about RMB3000.

For those who are keen on some local food before ktv action, there is a Lychee wood oven baked chicken countryside restaurant (can't remember the name but its situated in a Lychee orchard beside a stinking river near a Sinopec filling station) located at the top northern fringe of Longxi, 5 mins drive away from the ktv. 4 roasted birds + 5 simple dishes cost RMB500 for 7 pax. Not cheap considering they were only small chickens.

Last edited by zipzap69; 26-05-2016 at 11:31 PM.
Old 27-05-2016, 01:31 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by zipzap69 View Post
A fresh CP update..

Just got back from a SZX business trip but stayed at CP for 4 nights.. it's dead alright.

The only place that was alive and busy was Baozhulin on a Sunday afternoon!

Checked out a place on Saturday night called the Handpicked Club along TianErHu road, there were some local mm's hanging out at this bar & disco joint and the star attraction seemed to be 1 plump & 1 skinny Caucasian girl dancing at set times on elevated stands thru the night. The beer package (about RMB800 for 4 pax ) we ordered was delivered with fake Budweisers (even tho' in cans- the counterfeiters are that good now! ). The seasoned beer kakis' in our group picked out the fakes right off the first sip..

Since we were staying at Ouya anyway, on Sunday night we decided to checkout the famous old ktv, but sadly it was actually deserted and a poor shadow of its former glorious self. The few mms' that were ordered by wechat that showed up for selection was disappointing, hardly resembling what was posted on wechat. RMB50 rejection fee each for taxi fare, and only 1 was retained.

On Tuesday night, we decided to make a last minute outing to the infamous "Desert Storm" in Longxi, a 45 minute drive from CP on the outskirts of Huizhou. There is still a lively scene here, prices split in to 3 categories.
3/8/12- Yellow tag; 4/10/15 Red tag; 5/15/20 Blue tag.
Selection wise, Yellows & Reds numbered about 70-80 pax, Blues about 20-30 pax. Decent variety, some new/ fresh/cute faces, some past their prime, and the mms' are all quite eager and hungry! Everyone had a takeaway that night.
KTV package with 4 dozen beers in a large room +2 DJs +1 attendant came to about RMB3000.

For those who are keen on some local food before ktv action, there is a Lychee wood oven baked chicken countryside restaurant (can't remember the name but its situated in a Lychee orchard beside a stinking river near a Sinopec filling station) located at the top northern fringe of Longxi, 5 mins drive away from the ktv. 4 roasted birds + 5 simple dishes cost RMB500 for 7 pax. Not cheap considering they were only small chickens.
首彩 just open about 1 month. They took over 城市舞台 location.

Choose from photo confirm cannot make it one. Mtxx is too powerful
Old 28-05-2016, 01:47 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by hot1168 View Post
Then you can tell mommy that you only want kept women .... then she will only recommend kept women. They also got waitresses and sales girls who part time also... For CP go family KTV (cheaper .... about 300 to 500 rmb for a few dozen of beer or liquor)and it is also safer ... no raid

Tried but no avail ....... can you give me some ctc or your mommy ct .


Originally Posted by Choon Niang View Post

Is the MPV transport from Hui Hwa to Hong Kong airport still available?
How much will it cost per pax and latest departure time from CP.
Yes avail But duration might take longer these days as car not full pax and will detour to other town to pick up or drop off . 230rmb or lower .

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
Huh?? We just celebrated FGG birthday there like 3 weeks ago lor....

CP confirm won't bounce back. That's why I really don't encourage bros to go CP unless you know a lot people there and you enjoy disco fun.
Got another celebration next month in HZ , Is a girl Bday , someone you know . Will I be seeing you there ? Is 9th Thursday .
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Old 30-05-2016, 04:27 PM
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Arrow Marhenton KTV

Originally Posted by zipzap69 View Post
On Tuesday night, we decided to make a last minute outing to the infamous "Desert Storm" in Longxi, a 45 minute drive from CP on the outskirts of Huizhou. There is still a lively scene here, prices split in to 3 categories.
3/8/12- Yellow tag; 4/10/15 Red tag; 5/15/20 Blue tag.
Marhenton KTV aka Desert Storm KTV do provide more value but the journey to/fro Changping is quite taxing if not staying overnight at Longxi Town.

Marhenton KTV is very suitable for those bros who like the SYT quality of the defunct Fu Hao KTV in Changping.
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