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Old 14-06-2012, 11:37 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
since she is here to work again, this will be a good testing ground for your patient and trust in her... but with all your offer and marriage proposal, why she still wanna work?

you better find out the truth...i think takin care of sister is an excuse.
with your willingness to give $2000 per month, her family can live happily and do wonders in vn already.
she told me she can't marry now because her sister still studies in vietnam . She want her finish her studies and start to work than she can come singapore with me.

One thing with i am quite sure is she know i love her with my heart and she told me last time when she is singapore she like me but don take me in as bf because she say she working but after i go vietnam to look for her and we really enjoy each other acompany she told me she fall in love with me .

She told me last time her singapore bf give support her more but love little , she say my love for her alot and she know.

This is the first time i kana so serious , i everyweek go chiong for 3 to 4 days for the past 6 years and last time have many vietnam and thai gf before but this time kana serious.
Old 14-06-2012, 11:38 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
let me offer you this advice...come with me to hcm...let me intro you to this place and then you will understand 2k is alot of money to spend in Vn...also forget about WL...look for decent gal...hardly offer any are the exception...
Thanks for the advise and offers.
Old 14-06-2012, 11:46 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
ask many...think you can hardly count...even fingers too many...
i am clear that their objective is $$$$ , i am not newbie . I go chiong 3 to 4 days a week for the past 6 years so my mind is clear . But bro sometime when you really found the love one you cannot control .

I think that i am really good to her compare to all her bf, she told me before money little ok enough eat and buy buy little thing she ok already she want bf really love her with heart .

I alway told her i am the person who want bring her to meet my parent and i am the one who want marry her. She believe me alot .
Old 14-06-2012, 11:51 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
yes yes... she was in sillypore for months... horns all grow liao ma..
by the way, where did we go together huh?
I only remember you and dogg always bring other vb form 13 whenever we go group outing..
we went esplanade...then after that send her back to north then send yours back to east... remember ??hjhj...
Old 14-06-2012, 11:55 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Antony wong View Post
I alway told her i am the person who want bring her to meet my parent and i am the one who want marry her. She believe me alot .
wish you best of luck...
you love her, you should trust and understand her... she will return you the trust someday...
Old 14-06-2012, 11:56 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Antony wong View Post
i am clear that their objective is $$$$ , i am not newbie . I go chiong 3 to 4 days a week for the past 6 years so my mind is clear . But bro sometime when you really found the love one you cannot control .

I think that i am really good to her compare to all her bf, she told me before money little ok enough eat and buy buy little thing she ok already she want bf really love her with heart .

I alway told her i am the person who want bring her to meet my parent and i am the one who want marry her. She believe me alot .
whatever it is, i would suggeest take it slow...being in BGR relationship and being Married is alot different...

but feel free to voice out anything you are not sure of, ultimately we can only advise to the best of our own experience and knowledge as you are the one who is in a relationship with her...
Old 14-06-2012, 11:58 AM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Antony wong View Post
i am clear that their objective is $$$$ , i am not newbie . I go chiong 3 to 4 days a week for the past 6 years so my mind is clear . But bro sometime when you really found the love one you cannot control .

I think that i am really good to her compare to all her bf, she told me before money little ok enough eat and buy buy little thing she ok already she want bf really love her with heart .

I alway told her i am the person who want bring her to meet my parent and i am the one who want marry her. She believe me alot .
i knew what you need to go thru this...anyway good luck...pls dun trust her will get hurt...I meant really get hurt...since you knew she is here for $$$...just intro yourself to the samsters...they will watch her for cannot be with her 24hrs a let others help you watch her...

to me doesn't make any diff if you had enjoyed each other company in Vn...i had many VB who offered to have my babies...these are kc words....dun affect how I dun trust them completely...only time will tell...give it 2 to 3 yrs...all the stories will unfold...
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Old 14-06-2012, 12:01 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

I can think of two brothers instantly to qualify for this task

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
many samsters willing to help...some can speak excellent tieng viet and has the master level kc skills...of course u pay for everything la...
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Old 14-06-2012, 12:03 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Update on my status ,

Tues went mask she saw me talking to a thai dancer (My good Friend) she angry and go home without collecting her tips from 2 table .

I went to her house immed and look for her and she was crying badly and tell me WE STOP because i talking to others girl . After explaining to her that the dancer was my friend GF she believe me .

Yesterday i was there also , saw her happliy talking to customer . she don know i was there and although she was working she did sms me ask me what i am doing all this stuffs.

I saw her friends and her friends told her that i am inside and was very sad. i saw her still happily talking to customers and look like nothing wrong my heart break.

after a while she look for me and saw me in tears , she ask me why i like that and keep saying she working ma . i am still in tears and drinking about half a btl Martell alone, and she told me she need look for others table because she 1 table only . MY HEART BROKE.

After that we have a small chat inside , I told her she working everyday i crying at home everyday from 11pm to 2am . She keep saying why i like that . I can feel that she is not very happy because i was disturbing her and she can't work . She told me have to trust her because just now got customer ask her go hotel and she reject the customer. i believed Half only , because i am a person don easly believe people.
Old 14-06-2012, 12:04 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
ask many...think you can hardly count...even fingers too many...
i asked myself many times and seen many times... really some can be trusted

1 example - one of my bx friend who is here to work in ktv. she go ks with many customers but when she get to know a guy, she stopped going to ks and seldom work. never ask him for money even he is rich. willing to listen to the guy and learn cooking from my bx in order to cook for him. this guy got a wife somemore but she is willing to give him everything. My bx keep scolding her for loving a married man etc... but she no listen.

so when a WL will fall in love, they really give in all and if that happens, we can trust them

again... there are few WL i know thru these years are trustworthy
Old 14-06-2012, 12:09 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
i knew what you need to go thru this...anyway good luck...pls dun trust her will get hurt...I meant really get hurt...since you knew she is here for $$$...just intro yourself to the samsters...they will watch her for cannot be with her 24hrs a let others help you watch her...

to me doesn't make any diff if you had enjoyed each other company in Vn...i had many VB who offered to have my babies...these are kc words....dun affect how I dun trust them completely...only time will tell...give it 2 to 3 yrs...all the stories will unfold...
Thanks bro for your speedy reply and advise , She also don want to have babies with me because she cannot marry now.

By the way i am a person who is look ok with tone body and talk very sweet and can act very well so maybe she lack confident in me.

when she is with me i alway told her don care other singaporean look at you , walk with your head high because the one next to you is a ok guy not a 60+ old man .
Old 14-06-2012, 12:10 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

S$2k per month still don't want to marry you?

my humble conclusion: somebody is offering more than 2k per month... or she can earn more than S$2k per month without you

S$2k is a lot.... many men in singapore can't even earn that amount

with this amount, you can support around 10 girls in vietnam, I heard many decents girls don't even earn $200 per month back home
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Old 14-06-2012, 12:10 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Honey Boon View Post
I can think of two brothers instantly to qualify for this task
Can tell me who?? If next time I will to have a test, I can approach them
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Old 14-06-2012, 12:17 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Antony wong View Post
Thanks bro for your speedy reply and advise , She also don want to have babies with me because she cannot marry now.

By the way i am a person who is look ok with tone body and talk very sweet and can act very well so maybe she lack confident in me.

when she is with me i alway told her don care other singaporean look at you , walk with your head high because the one next to you is a ok guy not a 60+ old man .
haha...i am old man roi...still many VBs wants to have babies with me without marriage...
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Old 14-06-2012, 12:17 PM
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Re: Vietnamese WL

Originally Posted by Antony wong View Post
after a while she look for me and saw me in tears , she ask me why i like that and keep saying she working ma . i am still in tears and drinking about half a btl Martell alone, and she told me she need look for others table because she 1 table only . MY HEART BROKE.

After that we have a small chat inside , I told her she working everyday i crying at home everyday from 11pm to 2am . She keep saying why i like that . I can feel that she is not very happy because i was disturbing her and she can't work . She told me have to trust her because just now got customer ask her go hotel and she reject the customer. i believed Half only , because i am a person don easly believe people.
from this picture you painted, i see that you won't last ...good luck....
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