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Re: Fortune Telling
Dear Bro pharaun,
I am sorry to learn about your plight. I also stopped cheonging around October 2012. I don't know if you are a Buddhist or a Christian but at least there is an avenue for you to seek help. Believe me come forward to your God. Repent unreservedly, sincerely, solemnly and earnestly. Speak to your God in full details on what you have done you think were wrong physically, morally or in thoughts and words. Tell your God that you are ashamed of what you did. Beg for forgiveness for your wrongs, beg for a way out, vow never to repeat the wrongs, vow never to have evil thoughts, vow to release all your anger, frustrations, hatred and animosity. Be steadfast! Pray for peace, pray that you will remember this difficult time when you turn around. Engage in charitable deeds diligently; such as donations, sharing good thoughts or anything that will do someone good, do voluntary work or even simple deeds like smiling at a stranger, pay for a beggar's meal, offering parking coupons with time left or give ways on the roads. Do not expect any returns, do not make your charitable deeds public, just pray that your misdeeds will be forgiven and your sufferings speedily released. Pray as often and as much as you can. Believe me, it has helped to calm me Do not bother if someone wrongs you. He is in the wrong and not you. It's not your problem. If you can forgive then forgive. Bro KinderBueno had posted earlier about avoiding beef totally. Please believe him. There is no such thing that you can break the rules if you cross the border. If you have to entertain I am sure your customers will understand. No excuses! It is our weakness for that piece of steak that is tempting us and causing our sufferings. If at possible avoid meat for heaven has a kindness for living things. We don't want our digestive system to be a burial place for carcasses. So long as there is food to fill us we will be fine. There is a video in YouTube posted here titled "了凡四训“。It's in Mandarin and Cantonese. I highly recommend that you watch it and remember the teachings. Everything good and bad originate from the heart. Heal and groom your heart to sprout good thoughts, kind words and the benevolent actions. Finally, keep a low profile. "Heaven never ends a person's path." Take care and may you find a speedy relief! The Americans like to use "Godspeed!"
Stopped cheonging since October 2012... intend to stay that way. Never intend to stray |
Re: Fortune Telling
can try bugis there the gwan yin temple there got fortune telling
Re: Fortune Telling
Can any bros advice if divorce will bring down one's luck?
Re: Fortune Telling
I am not sure if anyone can give you a correct answer. If you marry a wife whose life elements complement you and if you divorce her then it may not be so good for you. Maybe this wife cares for you, love your parents, cooks for you, does your laundries and satisfies you in every way. You think will divorcing her make you better?
Luck in some ways is in our hands. If the problem can be resolved please try and save the marriage. Good marriages are far and few in between. Especially if you have kids. It's painful! Good Luck!
Stopped cheonging since October 2012... intend to stay that way. Never intend to stray |
“离婚有罪,破坏了整个宇宙大自然的和谐。必须要知道,夫妇结合是我们社会生活最小的一个单位,就像我们的 身体细胞一样,离婚,这个细胞坏了。 一个人坏,不要紧,你会影响别人,别人会跟你学这样做。 现在全世界这离婚率有多少?离婚率多,社会就不安定。破坏了社会的和谐,破坏了社会的安定,那个罪是从这里 结的。法律上没有,因果上有,这不能不知道。我们在社会上,要给社会做好样子,不能做坏样 子。 有人是离了婚,现在离婚的人很多,听了这个话很难过,怎么办?赶紧求忏悔,要好好做人,重新做人。知道人在 这个社会上,一定要对社会有正面的贡献,不能再犯错误,这点比什么都重要。” 你的疑问很笼统。老师不敢乱说。 在命理学上,老师处理过不少离婚个案,9 out of 10 cases是妇女来求救。普遍上,丈夫在外搞女人是离婚的主要导火线。老师能帮的尽量帮,分文不取。夫妇命盘一开十之 八、九准离婚。要补救不是不可能,而是非常辛苦,因冰冻三尺非一日之寒。姑且不提这个。 一位丈夫娶了一位相当有帮夫运的太太,起初日子过得舒适!很可惜的是,丈夫生在福中不知福,跟中国小三双宿 双栖。一旦离婚,丈夫永远不用指望翻身。丈夫离婚后打回原形又走衰运,怪得了谁?另外呢,妇女越改嫁,命越 好的也有,不过占少数。 走衰运不一定就是破财。意外横祸、久病不愈等等都是不幸。运势低靡可能是自己带来的、也有可能被妻子、丈夫 、孩子、家人所拖累。有吃斋行善积德的,多半‘凹’得过劫数,因为唯有此法能颠覆命运。走衰运中的幸运,是 上天开恩。至于,不信邪的,就准备等死。 夫妇离婚了之后,运势欠佳,是有其原因。在道德观上,老师关心的是,在离婚之前,双方下半段的人生该怎么走 。在离婚之后呢,关注的是彼此是否能走出婚姻失败的阴影。 |
Re: Fortune Telling
Dear Bro KinderBueno,
thank you for your reply . I tried to reply back but cannot as private message is disable . how can I contract bro KinderBueno... and no I am not asking for 4D or 中马票. I have other issues. looking forward for your reply once again thank you for your kind attention. yours pharaun |
命理 · 玄学 · 补救
Dear Anonymous,
你不必找人花钱看命,也不必尝试去找人解决命理。其他师傅或许知道,不想说出口。那些收钱的,就跟顾客讲好话。 俗事/造谣 1. 老人家是关心。为了孩子,什么都会说出口。 2. 说吃牛肉对身体有益。一派胡言!有人曾说,现在的牛只关在笼子饲养,准备被宰杀来供应给人食。 荒唐! 3. 世界上没有‘酒肉穿肠过,佛祖心中留’以及‘不知者无罪’。有此借口是歪理!‘酒肉穿肠过,佛祖心中留’实在是胡说八道。还有,哪有说不知道,就想要推到一干二净 ? 命理/玄学 1. 经历和命盘,大致上没有差异。不过,你有事依然瞒着老师。 2. 一生发生种种的事,跟四、七卦象接近。 3. 两丙合辛,官来合我。难怪多欲之像! 4. 局内财弱,放纵淫雨之像! 5. 有欲望(性欲,事业欲,物质欲望。占有之欲)则受伤.官变食伤重。转化食伤,一来泻辛气,二来欲望顿时失去 痛苦.不堪一击,自然对生命消沉。 6. 你的酒肉朋友/猪朋狗友多! 7. 健康出问题。 8. 个子不高大,身材略胖一点点。 9. 虚度光阴几十年了,你自己要什么都不知道。 掩盖 老师知道你还有很多没讲的。 1.你急性子做事永远失败。脾气真很不好!而且是真的很暴躁!你有动手打过人吗?你自己清楚。 2.你在朋友面前是个好人,肯花钱在朋友身上,可是对家人就很糟糕。你是个自私的人,你是否知道你对家人的 所作所为伤害很大吗?给家人很多不好的事。 3.你老婆对你不错,可是做你老婆很辛苦。 4.你是否有曾对家人/老婆恶口动粗吗? 老师跟你讲好听的没有用,因为对你没有帮助。 (一) 脾气爆炸起来,就差拿把刀杀人。 (二) “出口成脏”的话更令人受不了。 以上两点(一)、(二)你得要改。心说要改,结果重犯,不是等于没做吗?就算不是你的错,道歉不会少一块肉 。好好修炼你的内德。 1. 老师不追问你前妻的事。恕老师不偏袒任何人。各了各的因果,谁对谁错,交由上天安排。 2. 你跟有夫之妇搞关系,如今妻子给人搞,你心里有数。还没轮到你的女儿呢!儿子步你后尘,恐怕给 人砍。 3. 女人自动来献殷情别以为没事。人家对你好就心软?!你眼睛看不到的东西,目的是要你继续沉迷酒肉、女色、钱 财,最终要你没好下场。你还没正式进入经文组合的阶段,到时你就知道。 希望上天原谅老师说的,你犯了条条死罪。已经开始一笔一笔慢慢跟你算!没有那么容易轻易罢休!儿女难以幸免 ! 还有,老师闭目入定,知道你在星期五早上做了什么。你没说谎话。很好!继续作功课! 暂缓/补救 早知今日,何必当初呢?你早自我反省,用不着搞到现在了。 1. 照旧初一、十五吃全日斋。不管怎么说,不能放弃。日后会教你怎么做发愿。 2. 准备吃长斋。吃肉边菜开始。最低限度就吃菜不吃肉。密宗、缅甸、泰国和尚吃肉是他们的事,若跟着他们,你准 找麻烦! 3. 你得‘放生’。不过,时机没到。早上放生鱼只,晚上吃fillet-o-fish,等于没有做。你做放生,人家捉来吃是他们的事。 4. 禁色戒嫖! 额外/要点 1. 没吃斋人,讲经头头是道,实在说不过也不会服众。 2. 要给你出馊主意的人,你自己分辨。 3i. 十个扶乩(乩童)九个没吃斋。老师有所保留。 3ii.十个扶乩,问到一个假的,会把你害死。 4. 女人跟你情投意合,是前世带来的。再倒回吃回头草,对你没好处。 5. 有人煽动你吃荤,看你的定力。骗你吃荤的人,自会有报应。
你的上半辈子,活的很精彩。你若要过平凡日子,就准备吃苦。明白吗? Last edited by KinderBueno; 29-06-2013 at 12:50 AM. |
Re: Fortune Telling
... my chinese very bad. oh well
Re: 命理 · 玄学 · 补救
u know how to 看命 ? actually i also gone thru a bad bad time.. now still in it... 我很想找高人指点指点一下,但是又怕找错人,很危险。个个都说是高人,该信谁 ? |
Re: Fortune Telling
Dear bros,
my Chinese is also not very good . but I use google translate ... to translate from Chinese language to English ... the translation not really perfect but but I feel it's okie ... plus you can press the voice icon to listen to what was written in Chinese ... my Chinese reading is bad , but I can understand Chinese . So I read the translated words and listen to " recorded reading " , you sort of get the whole meaning together.... Hope this helps. yours pharaun |
Re: 万法皆空、因果补空(1)
Hi bros .. Full soft copy of the "Cause & Effect" can be found here
https://www.yousendit.com/download/W...Z1A3N0MwYjhUQw hope we learn something from this
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