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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 24-11-2012, 03:15 PM
Giansex Giansex is offline
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Re: Fortune Center

ya.ah may boobs cfm her svc still the best.she even offered in a 2nd shot in the past for me coz i look nt bad still no chance to try.saw 2 prc in ant shop.any fr on them
Old 24-11-2012, 03:22 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

350 is crazy price
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Old 24-11-2012, 03:33 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

Agree that 350 is much too expensive. Even for a babe like coco.
Old 25-11-2012, 02:49 AM
adrian79 adrian79 is offline
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by torrokey View Post
There are only 3 ladies, Coco, May and Apple

In terms of biggest assets, Coco's biggest, follow by Apple, then May
In terms of beauty, Coco is most pretty, follow by Apple, then May
In terms of service, it's May the first, then Apple, then Coco. May is most willing to please u and no count time want

But of course, Coco is the most expensive. $350 for full. Apple and May only 100.

Tried all 3 for full. Only RTF for Apple and May. Sometimes, RTF both at the same time.

As for Coco, think 350 is too expensive, tried once can. 350, i rather go for korean FL
how much is the price when you tried both apple and may for full? $200 or you got it cheaper? and is it half an hour or one hour?
Old 25-11-2012, 12:58 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

first time, I paid 2 x entrance + extra, so it's basically 2 x the price.

second time onwards, I neg with them, say I cannot pay 2xentrance since it's 30 min together with both of them.

They of course say cannot, say entrance must give boss one. I told them nonsense, say if I need to pay 2 x entrance, then next time i will just get one, do it 30 min then get the next one and do it another 30 min

So in the end, they just take 1 entrance free

I guess you got to neg, esp if you become regular. There are times I just pay them 70-80 for full (exclude entrance) when I told them I short of cash. They just take it and said next time cannot.

But sometimes next time I also just pay $80. But of course, I don't do it everytime. Last time, sometimes I just give $150 to them and ask them to keep the $20 change

So I guess they allow me $80 sometimes. In the end, I think they give me $80 on more times than I give them $150 with tips, so I guess I still gain more

The best one is I just give them $180 for both of them plus entrance fee. That time I just show them all the $180 in the wallet and ask them can or not? That time Apple said cannot and told me just get may for $130. May just said never mind lah, 1 lady cannot feed me enough so just let me have both lah.

That's why I said May is always the best

Of course, when I pay them $80, they always ask me to go downstairs to ATM. I just tell them they gave me such a wonderful time just now that my legs are weaker than jelly and cannot walk to downstairs

Originally Posted by adrian79 View Post
how much is the price when you tried both apple and may for full? $200 or you got it cheaper? and is it half an hour or one hour?
Old 25-11-2012, 01:24 PM
justakid justakid is offline
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by torrokey View Post
She told me she will be back after new year. Not sure if it's 1 Jan new year or Chinese new year in Feb.

She told me to rtf everyday, if not, can't see her for quite some time soon.
is the the same apple from queens spa at sembawang previously and diamond spa? if yes bro can PM me more info? haa lost contact with apple from queens for a year liao
Old 25-11-2012, 01:26 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by torrokey View Post
.. But of course, Coco is the most expensive. $350 for full. Apple and May only 100.

As for Coco, think 350 is too expensive, tried once can. 350, i rather go for korean FL
dun mind me kpo here. may i know y Coco is so bloody expensive? she's only a Viet, maybe PR here. but that doesnt justify the $350 price tag. im very very very sure, if u look hard enuff, those pubs in GL, selegie, armani or joo chiat, u can find much prettier n classier Viets. N not least, with better attitude too!

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Old 25-11-2012, 02:34 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by adrian79 View Post
how much is the price when you tried both apple and may for full? $200 or you got it cheaper? and is it half an hour or one hour?
Firstly, it does not make perfect sense that Coco is charging so much different with May whereby they are in the same shop!!... inconsistency ??!!
Bros who wanna chiong there, make ur stand firm and be upfront to Coco that there is no way she make 350 from you...
Old 25-11-2012, 03:23 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

definitely not worth the 350, that's just try once. try it when the pocket is loaded. That day striked 4D 20K, went pomo collect money and hence go to FC.

For 350, can have 3P with May and Coco two times. So it's like 4 times vs 1 time for coco.

Originally Posted by owen10 View Post
dun mind me kpo here. may i know y Coco is so bloody expensive? she's only a Viet, maybe PR here. but that doesnt justify the $350 price tag. im very very very sure, if u look hard enuff, those pubs in GL, selegie, armani or joo chiat, u can find much prettier n classier Viets. N not least, with better attitude too!
Old 25-11-2012, 03:26 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

ya, does not make sense, really. Think coco can be neg till 300 but it's still bloody expensive

It's only 100 for May or Apple, so 300 can have apple or may 3 times.

For 350, think can bao apple for 2 hours and do there 3 times. more worth it

Originally Posted by nicefreak View Post
Firstly, it does not make perfect sense that Coco is charging so much different with May whereby they are in the same shop!!... inconsistency ??!!
Bros who wanna chiong there, make ur stand firm and be upfront to Coco that there is no way she make 350 from you...
Old 25-11-2012, 06:52 PM
adrian79 adrian79 is offline
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by torrokey View Post
first time, I paid 2 x entrance + extra, so it's basically 2 x the price.

second time onwards, I neg with them, say I cannot pay 2xentrance since it's 30 min together with both of them.

They of course say cannot, say entrance must give boss one. I told them nonsense, say if I need to pay 2 x entrance, then next time i will just get one, do it 30 min then get the next one and do it another 30 min

So in the end, they just take 1 entrance free

I guess you got to neg, esp if you become regular. There are times I just pay them 70-80 for full (exclude entrance) when I told them I short of cash. They just take it and said next time cannot.

But sometimes next time I also just pay $80. But of course, I don't do it everytime. Last time, sometimes I just give $150 to them and ask them to keep the $20 change

So I guess they allow me $80 sometimes. In the end, I think they give me $80 on more times than I give them $150 with tips, so I guess I still gain more

The best one is I just give them $180 for both of them plus entrance fee. That time I just show them all the $180 in the wallet and ask them can or not? That time Apple said cannot and told me just get may for $130. May just said never mind lah, 1 lady cannot feed me enough so just let me have both lah.

That's why I said May is always the best

Of course, when I pay them $80, they always ask me to go downstairs to ATM. I just tell them they gave me such a wonderful time just now that my legs are weaker than jelly and cannot walk to downstairs
so the cheapest price for you is $180 for both apple and may? i want to try both at the same time but i think $180 is quite expensive for me, if can neg to $150 or below is better. lol.
Old 25-11-2012, 08:08 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

u can try, it's like $230 reduced to $150. If you can, let me know too

Once you're success, I'll go for $150 too

But I doubt it can, because 1 person is already $130 normal price. It's like add 20 got another in. Too good to be true.

Originally Posted by adrian79 View Post
so the cheapest price for you is $180 for both apple and may? i want to try both at the same time but i think $180 is quite expensive for me, if can neg to $150 or below is better. lol.
Old 26-11-2012, 09:23 AM
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Re: Fortune Center

No doubts they are ML cum FL, you may still want to respect them as a gentleman.
If they have a choice, you think they wanted to be F by so many guys, not their BFs but strangers.
CoCo I guess she is trying to minimize F job. If you notice, it's juz $20 different between BM+HJ and FJ. Hence, if I am not wrong, she is not keen in providing FJ. If she is keen, she can quote ard $200-$250 I am sure still alot of bros go for it despite the rest complains and said spoil market.

If we go GL for such quality gals (coco & apple), it would be in $150 cat. I find $100 is a reasonable quote and never nego. To ask me for 3Ps will be a different story.

My bottom line, as long as they are not out there to carrot me (like some joints in the same building) I am fine. Once chat with apple and she herself mentioned gals from Adelphi were charging ridiculously high.

Juz my 2cents worth
Old 26-11-2012, 10:32 AM
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Re: Fortune Center

Any fr for the new shop 2 units before ah may shop. Agree that ah may price is reasonable. Tats y her shop can than so long at fc. Look at what happen to chop carrot shop at Tibet. Close down liao. Any bro where yushan n Lisa plying their trade nw
Old 26-11-2012, 11:04 AM
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Re: Fortune Center

Good morning u guys know what time FC HC opens....????cause I'm now here n all all HC shop hvnt open yet 😞
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