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Re: Fortune Telling
Where have all the good traditional fortune tellers gone?
Most of the fortune tellers now are using computer to read the fortune. |
Re: Fortune Telling
There not many good Fortune Teller left. Previously, I know that You Long Zi use to tell Fortune for people but he had stopped 15 years ago due to leak out too much secrets and suffered now. Don't you guys see his mouth is a bit funny.
Happy Bonkings and Must Remeber to Pay $$$ Orh !!! Top Vietnamese Songs Ai Yeu Toi Suot kiep???? Interested in exchange points, drop me a PM. Minimum 5 points to exchange Guide in Vietnam Massage; KTVs & Disco in HCM |
Re: Fortune Telling
On the other hand..... I see a lot of fortune telling shops sprouting in the shopping centers manned by young men or lady..... but when asked to do a reading..... they have to rely on their computer softwares to produce the analysis |
Re: Fortune Telling
There are not many good master left. Now all base on computer Analysis. A lot of them didnt want to disclose important information anymore unless you pay him well or you know him very personally. Hope to find one Master who can really help me sometimes.......
Happy Bonkings and Must Remeber to Pay $$$ Orh !!! Top Vietnamese Songs Ai Yeu Toi Suot kiep???? Interested in exchange points, drop me a PM. Minimum 5 points to exchange Guide in Vietnam Massage; KTVs & Disco in HCM |
Re: Fortune Telling
Hopefully their computers are virus protected
Re: Fortune Telling
Dear Kinder Bueno,
我自认从小受到很多庇佑,一切顺利以及有过一些神奇经验和大难不死的经验。 我小时候5岁到12岁是被阿姨看管的。有一天在午睡时,我摆开大字形睡姿,做了个梦,梦见自己掉入了黑洞而 黑洞周围有很多类似小电视机在播放影片但是看不到。梦醒了,神奇般的我回到了自己父母的家而且时间倒流到早 上8点同一天。做同样的事,父母说同样的话,我在9点又被带到我的阿姨的家,做同样的事。之后睡午觉不睡大 字形就没梦见掉入黑洞。此经验有过3次而真实本人经历。 在6年前,常常到夜店跟朋友喝酒之后开车,有过8次在开车时睡着让后在撞上墙壁/栏杆/护栏前睡醒让后避开。直到有一次换车才严重的撞上一辆大巴士的屁股,但是本人没大碍而且毫无警 方处分。 本人长大后,变得很好色而且常常抵抗不了诱惑,经常手淫以及嫖妓。其实本人知道手淫泻阳气,嫖妓会吸取大量 的晦气因为我觉得人在交合之时气场也在交合。之后人生就不顺利,遇到很多困难以及跟家人闹翻。 想恳请老师指点迷经,给我一些消除邪淫念头的方法。 |
Re: 念经
取名字居然叫徒弟处理。怎么行呢? 老师不愿继续置评。 Quote:
老师倒希望有人scan, 建议去吃斋念经。长期吃斋念经,这样消业显著也会快一点。 |
Re: Fortune Telling
没错!对。 RockViet 提供《消灾解厄,改变命运》pdf 很好。一个人很难受,不舒服,找不到工作,家里的人不合,处处碰钉子,走倒霉运的时候等等已经是warni ng. 尤其在这个时候,业报来的快,不一定会拖到下一世。被业障逮着,不会轻易罢休的。如果,灵性/业障不报仇的话,不懂要等到什么时候。 Talk/think about about sex all the time肯定不会好。你要运势调正,恐怕你最先得忌口吃活的。食欲控制,欲望自然减弱。一下子,接受不了素 食,可以肉边菜开始。 |
Re: Fortune Telling
恳亲老师指点。 本人内人经常做噩梦,梦见鬼,魔,妖。怀孕时也曾经梦见佛祖,神佛。有何见解,以及化解的方法 ? |
Re: Fortune Telling
Guys Guys, devilchan78, milkman
There aint nothing wrong with using a electronic device to "Find" your Bazi. It is definitely less prone to mistakes. then manual books. I'm not taking any credit away from those traditional Eu Long Zi guys etc. And I admit I'm not holy enough, my level is dam low (what you expect ?man, I m a guy in SBF forum I think about sex all the time) But as a consumer, or even some who's is so desperately seeking for an answer, and your paid a high price to seek consultation from these people, you ought to ask for good advice and an explanation. Dun mention whether is it Bazi or whatever, in life when your are given advice you need to understand it and know what you are doing in order to apply it and benefits from its result to the fullest. So when these well-established teachers charges you $188/hr, and spend half an hour searching your bazi thru books. How will you feel? it su cks for me man. Then asked you to drink talisman, then wait for a few months to see effect. If you question their authority they will scold you. I for one went Taiwan just to seek a full consultation for my Bazi. I paid a quite a lot of money, but to me is money well-spent. Because in the free economy of Taiwan, feng shui consultations' business is highly competitive, unlike SG and M'sia. Every SG and M'sia shifu have this fear of revealing too much merely because they are afraid of you stealing their knowledge, however, in the a more competitive market, when you dont provide a good service, somebody else is always there to compete. I for 1 knows quarter buckets of bazi. It is a good exercise for me to help other people know more about their personal bazi. I am no Shifu, I am no biz person. My Fees are $20 transportation and a cup of coffee, pm me if any bros interested. |
Re: Fortune Telling
Re: Fortune Telling
In person, consultation.
Re: Fortune Telling
Anybody got good medium/consultant to recommend? Things like not so smooth, want to seek some guidance.
Re: Fortune Telling
Does anyone know how to interpret dreams?
I have a recurring dream lately which I feel is trying to tell me a message..... but I am unable to understand its meaning. |
Re: Fortune Telling
<消灾解厄,改变命运> Full Scan Copy https://www.hightail.com/download/bW...cVhtNEpBSXRVag . 祸福无门,唯人自招 自己有意无意犯下的业,如今冤情债主来讨债,神佛符咒有法力者都不能阻挡, 唯有自己面对承受 明白命理后就不会想算命了。算算也只是为了安抚自己。算算不明理,没有从根本基础改过,也是浪 费时间金钱 如果算了"幸运"避免逃避是真的幸运吗? 冤情债主就不讨债了吗?冤情债主只是延迟讨债最后还是自己面对 不如想想如何消业。唯有明白命理,才能真正改过自救自求.改变命运
mệt cũng phải đi làm không có gì quý hơn độc lập tự đó Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc --- 独立--- 自由 ---- 幸福 Last edited by RockViet; 02-10-2013 at 02:28 PM. |
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