Re: Events In CP
Maybe MF was raided as well?
Below was copied from the same website. 聽當地朋友說,當天舞悅錵也查房!不知是否為真?YES,mm都不敢過夜了,尤其是沒帶身份証的.這次因為 查澡堂...都查到4~5星酒店客房去了...至於哪幾家就不要說了 Quote:
But agreed if u as customer @KTV we are safe. Main concern is no MM or they afraid to 過夜.
無業游民 |
Re: Events In CP
It is true that no MM we go there also empty handed Liao...
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell |
Re: Events In CP
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Events In CP
don't need to fill up form when exiting hk airport. fingerprint access will print a tiny piece of paper u keep with ur passport, shows entry date. from cp to hk, need to fill up form, cos no fingerprint yet. |
Re: Events In CP
Hi all
i am going chang ping alone from 6 august to 10 august this year. any bros going on that date ? pls pm me !!! |
Changping Crime Watch
In regards to the 2 DJs who got murdered for their kidneys I cannot confirm this news unless I come across a media source. Many have said it's just a rumour. 05/07/12 (Thu) http://bbs.dgcp.cn/thread-146732-1-2.html At Nanpu Cun (Behind Walter Hotel) around 100 plus persons staying near the swimming pool got rounded up and brought back to police station by the traffic police at 3am. My source told me an OKT in Nanpu Cun beated up and killed a mongerer. This village is famous for ¥30 BBS bonk. I think should be something very serious otherwise those residents will not be brought back for questioning out of the blue at 3am! 06/07/12 (Fri) http://bbs.dgcp.cn/thread-146844-1-1.html Taxi driver got into an argument with a Swan Lake (Tian E Hu) Hotel security guard. Security guard made a phone call to someone. Within 2 minutes 4 men arrived with knives and slashed the taxi driver up causing serious injuries to his hamstrings. Moral of the story is. DON"T MESS WITH HOTEL SECURITY! There're many murder cases during the past 1 week! There're a few more cases that's unverified so I shall not mention. Even you've visited Changping for many years. Changping no matter what is still a cowboy town. Don't get carried away with your ego and let your guard down. Petty crimes to murder cases happen very often. Last edited by TonyCheong; 07-07-2012 at 05:53 AM. |
Re: Events In CP
Found this from a CP website, good for those looking for something different....
“我们来谈变东莞的经济吧”已经不时髦了,现在该是“我们来谈谈东莞的小吃吃”,可是东莞大市小镇28个之 多,很难一下面面吃到,那就从常平开始,吃遍东莞! ——朝阳街肠粉店 位于朝阳四街的肠粉店至今已有二十几年了,是一个当地的老字号了,虽然没有店名,但是几乎常平当地人都 知道,很喜欢到该肠粉店吃早餐。 吃货说:肠粉的料很多,有肉片、香菇、鸡蛋,除了肠粉,店里还有各种现煮的粥,早上去要一碟肠粉一碗粥 ,那就是我最爱的早餐。 ——福星牛奶甜品店 新搬至朝阳五街。该店除了甜品,还有肠粉以及各种小吃。 吃货说:常常去吃的甜品店,一到晚上就很多人,双皮奶可是非常正点,最喜欢冻双皮奶,很滑,很够奶味。 煎饺、糖不甩、雪糕、糖水、龟苓膏,差不多能说出的这里都有且分量足,每到常平总要先去品尝一 下。 ——常平幸福饼店 位于金美金河2路158号(河边第二排,比较难揾)。第一次来觉得这店有点山寨?因为没有想象中那种华 丽丽的装修(像自家式),但惊喜的是出品有质量。 吃货说:试了传闻的泡芙,酥皮3.5元(放入雪柜更佳),不买了像鸡蛋糊的西饼,而且味道 还不错哦! ——常平岗梓北仔烧鹅濑粉 位于常平岗梓大街的一家烧鹅濑粉店,每天去排队吃的人络绎不绝啊。 吃货说:这里便宜的价格让很多人都心动了,估计现在东莞没有多家店能够8块钱吃到烧鹅濑粉了,12元则 有烧鹅比濑,双拼15元,这里就做到了,营业时间早上7点至中午12点,要起很早才能去到的说 。 ——呷呷吧 常平台湾小吃店,呷呷吧位于常平镇振华六街33号,与振兴三街交界处。 吃货说:老板是台湾人,非常热情!某些食材特意从台湾带来,例如香菜,啤酒等。店铺主打盐酥鸡,很好吃 哦。极力推荐甘梅地瓜和甜不辣!尤其是甘梅地瓜的味道有惊喜哦! ——常平香港街头小吃 位置在常平商业大街100号,有肠粉、鱼蛋、炸金花、炸青椒茄子、鱼肉生菜等等。味道还不错,价格也划 算,1蚊至3蚊不等,十几蚊就好饱咯。老板是个正宗搞笑的香港人,经常讲冷笑话。店里面叫“靓仔”的猫咪最 喜欢跟靓女玩。 吃货说:我最爱碗仔翅同椰汁糕,那里的凉拌面也好好味。 ——常平芒果街 位于常平海霞酒店旁,麦当劳隔壁,各式芒果制品可谓非常不错哦!例如芒果奶昔,芒果西米露 等。 吃货说:芒果街只选 用被称为芒果中极品的菲律宾吕宋芒,百分百的热带口味,肉质细腻,口感润滑而香甜,在浓郁四溢的果香中,让 你感受热带的阳光。 ——广隆餐厅 位于新南街49号,常平广隆餐厅有二十年的经营历史,是常平的老字号餐厅。 吃货说:想吃美味的烧鹅、烧鹅濑粉、家乡小炒,饮老火靓汤就来这里,经济实惠选择又多。
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Events In CP
why ?? u want to buy them wantan mee to eat izzit ???
Re: Events In CP
What a wanton mee |
Re: Events In CP
有甘著數 ?
I better pm him to sign up........
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Events In CP
Re: Events In CP
Don't think MF got raided yet. I've been in touch with my gal there quite frequently . Business as usual |
Re: Events In CP
With green chilli or not .........
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
Thanks for the info.
Re: Events In CP
hahaha actually i dont remember myself singing at all, for the 3 nights we spent.. lol |
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