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Old 04-01-2006, 07:49 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by cerebusjr
Windsky members pls take note...we have change our yahoo photos link will sms out today or by tmr....

For those members never received the new link by today or tmr mean u are ban from our group.....reasons: SEE PHOTOS AND PCC, NO BUSSINESS GIVEN., BOOK LAIO NEVER TURN UP or CANCELLED SLOTS, PLS DO NOT PM OR SMS AGAIN FOR ACCESS....WE KEEP YR RECORD...kum sia....
To all those who commented alot on my thread,this post specially for you guys.Hope you guys are man enough to come here to post your comments on this post.May i know is this the way to conduct business,see picture link already must call your girls i.e. they after seeing will pcc and cannot call other girls,you picture link that terrific that they will pcc?Just because no business given to you also banned,cancelled appointment also banned,you mean after booking,something crop up which is more important than fucking also cannot cancel but must fulfil the appointment with your girl?

same thing you advise me i will advise you.

Kiang Ti Ho......Mai Kek Kiang.......

Hope samsters Castrol,Siamcutey etc etc that posted in my thread will post their comment here also regarding this highlighted paragragh and of course to you also Bustlover,quite surprising you can ask for discount after making such a strong stand in my thread.Hope you guys don't disappoint me or maybe he is your buddy or he carry more weight around here hence no negative remarks may be made.
Old 04-01-2006, 08:09 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Bro Discoverer,

because other people come and comment on your thread (or your statements), making your head angry, please don't lose your mind and come here and any how bark...

i think what bro cere means, is those that fly him aeroplane one or really just phone/pictures collectors (they know who they are), dont bother to call him...a record is done...

i know, impulsive people lah...sometimes fire fire burn so high, must gan somebody ccb...

but then, who make the fire?...sigh...
Old 04-01-2006, 08:35 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by antlau
Bro Discoverer,

because other people come and comment on your thread (or your statements), making your head angry, please don't lose your mind and come here and any how bark...

i think what bro cere means, is those that fly him aeroplane one or really just phone/pictures collectors (they know who they are), dont bother to call him...a record is done...

i know, impulsive people lah...sometimes fire fire burn so high, must gan somebody ccb...

but then, who make the fire?...sigh...
Sorry if my post make you think i am angry because others commented in my thread.when i started the thread i already expected that.sorry to tell you i don't bark but rather highlight out.

as to what u think he means,how can u assume as you are not him so how do you know what he means?

How do you know i am impulsive,just from my posting?So don't try to patronise me by saying this kind of words to make yourself look nice and great.

You mean to say by posting that thread i make the fire????

No offence to you but i just like to see what those so called seniors have to say because when a newbies post something and 1 or 2 seniors start bombarding,alot will join in the fray?Another controversial question i like to highlight here is when a newbies start or post irrelevant or silly questions,they get zapped by many samsters who say waste of bandwidth.May i kindly ask when they post replies in that thread stating they zap threadstarter for this or that,aren't they wasting bandwidth too by replying in that thread?Are all those so called zappers postings all relevant and contributive to sb?Why practice double standard,just because have clique and know each others so it is ok?

Sorry to samster cere for using your thread to post this nonsense question.Won't do it again
Old 04-01-2006, 09:02 PM
Redieye Redieye is offline
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by cerebusjr
Windsky members pls take note...we have change our yahoo photos link will sms out today or by tmr....

For those members never received the new link by today or tmr mean u are ban from our group.....reasons: SEE PHOTOS AND PCC, NO BUSSINESS GIVEN., BOOK LAIO NEVER TURN UP or CANCELLED SLOTS, PLS DO NOT PM OR SMS AGAIN FOR ACCESS....WE KEEP YR RECORD...kum sia....
I'm not here to support or flame anyone but to voice out something that i feel is not quite right.

Bro, if you say kena banned because book liao never turn up, then i think that bro deserve to be banned. For cancel appt, then i think must see reason and how long before time he cancel liao, if that bro do it quite often, then it's your choice to ban him or not.

But for not giving you business, then i feel very funny lor, reason because most of us are working class, sometime no $$$, sometime no time, how to book. If you banned someone for that reason, then at the same time i think you're also driving away your business lor. Take a look at this forum, so many FL all over, we are spoil with choices, we take what we judge as good or fair deal, you banned people here, we go somewhere else, so whose loses... you decide.

Happy 2006 bonking to all SB brothers.
Cheers to all who share!!!
Old 04-01-2006, 09:22 PM
rak_sauthai rak_sauthai is offline
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by discoverer
Sorry if my post make you think i am angry because others commented in my thread.when i started the thread i already expected that.sorry to tell you i don't bark but rather highlight out.

The more I read your comments the more I feel U are one bloody lau hum chee....U said tat u know when u started the thread u expected the arrows what the hell u getting angry for? SO u be a MAN youself n take the comments on your thread. U started your own thread...go back to yr thread n screw there la...
Old 04-01-2006, 09:32 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by antlau
Bro Discoverer,

i think what bro cere means, is those that fly him aeroplane one or really just phone/pictures collectors (they know who they are), dont bother to call him...a record is done...
What i wan to say bro antlau have say it...... those ppl not giving us business is those who are photos collected,we are not interested, those ban for cancelled slots are those cancelled in last 10 to 20 min...and not 1 time is more then 2 time "trouble makers"...we also not interested ........kum sia to those rabbit eyes hahahahahahah muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Last edited by cerebusjr; 04-01-2006 at 09:51 PM.
Old 04-01-2006, 09:33 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by rak_sauthai
The more I read your comments the more I feel U are one bloody lau hum chee....U said tat u know when u started the thread u expected the arrows what the hell u getting angry for? SO u be a MAN youself n take the comments on your thread. U started your own thread...go back to yr thread n screw there la...
Please read the post properly.If you don't know what is posted please don't jump the gun.When did i say i was angry.I just reply to samster antlau that he presume i am angry.You may scold and rant but what good does it do to you.That reply was not meant for you so why are you so agitated for?

YOu mean to say he can come and sneer and smirk at me in my post and i can't highlight his post and comment on it?Ok,i will disappear from here and come in with another new nick if it suit you.

Relax ok don"t get agitated about all this cyber words.You think you are very cool and smart to scold me for my posting.It ok because when others read they maybe laughing and wondering what your reasons for getting so agitated about.Bye bye
Old 04-01-2006, 09:39 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by Redieye
we take what we judge as good or fair deal, you banned people here, we go somewhere else, so whose loses... you decide.

Happy 2006 bonking to all SB brothers.

Happy new year to u too....btw i have decided before i post....kum sia...muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Old 04-01-2006, 09:43 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

damn, cant view the pic....bro! please let me join ur grp, me sucker for look.

btw bros. my thai FL appear on sammyboy cover page. 1st girl on top.

kekeke.. i wanna go back to novotel....
Old 04-01-2006, 10:35 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by cerebusjr
What i wan to say bro antlau have say it...... those ppl not giving us business is those who are photos collected,we are not interested, those ban for cancelled slots are those cancelled in last 10 to 20 min...and not 1 time is more then 2 time "trouble makers"...we also not interested ........kum sia to those rabbit eyes hahahahahahah muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Every Groups have their house and rules...Same to SBF Big Bro Sam have his own set of rules........

Bro dis........u Kiang then set up your own u wan to set up yr rules nobody cares....but u you have no right to overright my rules over my win or to lose is my problems muahhhhhhhhhh go back to school dun be a copy cat.....kiang tio ho...mai kek kiang....
Old 04-01-2006, 10:36 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by discoverer
Hope samsters Castrol,Siamcutey etc etc that posted in my thread will post their comment here also regarding this highlighted paragragh and of course to you also Bustlover,quite surprising you can ask for discount after making such a strong stand in my thread.
Reminds me of an incident during last years exam period. I was in MacDonald's trying to get a seat for myself and my friends so that we can have dinner, but no seats available because the students are all mugging hard for their exams. Many with no drinks, no food on table even.

When MacDonald's open their restaurants, their purpose is to sell food and drinks. Not to cater to students as a place for them to study for their exams depriving people of the chance to take their food there.

And if I am sitting in MacDonalds and not ordering food or drinks, how should I get angry if the manager ask me to give up my seat for others to take their food? Do I have a right to be angry with the manager then?

As for asking for discount, anyone can try asking MacDonald's for discount when they buy food over the counter, but giving the discount depends on MacDonalds manager.


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Old 04-01-2006, 11:22 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by cerebusjr
Every Groups have their house and rules...Same to SBF Big Bro Sam have his own set of rules........

Bro dis........u Kiang then set up your own u wan to set up yr rules nobody cares....but u you have no right to overright my rules over my win or to lose is my problems muahhhhhhhhhh go back to school dun be a copy cat.....kiang tio ho...mai kek kiang....
Ok understand.

It was never my intention to override your house rules,Just wondering why it was so highhanded the condition sets.You make your stand and i understand.That way others will also know your highhanded way of doing business.It was never my intention to care whether you win or lose,i think you reply wrongly was another samster that you should reply to.Maybe you have too big a customer base already so that why you can be so highhanded in your ways of dealing with customers.I salute you for your arrogance.As for going back to school to learn,i don't think i will learn your highhanded ways of treating any prospective customers like you do here because if i am not wrong yours is a customer service line that you provide and turning away prospective clients who may not be your clients now but can become your clients in future but you chose to reject them and cast them away just because they don't give you immediate business doesn't make economic sense to me so i won't copy and learn your way.
Old 04-01-2006, 11:34 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Reminds me of an incident during last years exam period. I was in MacDonald's trying to get a seat for myself and my friends so that we can have dinner, but no seats available because the students are all mugging hard for their exams. Many with no drinks, no food on table even.

When MacDonald's open their restaurants, their purpose is to sell food and drinks. Not to cater to students as a place for them to study for their exams depriving people of the chance to take their food there.

And if I am sitting in MacDonalds and not ordering food or drinks, how should I get angry if the manager ask me to give up my seat for others to take their food? Do I have a right to be angry with the manager then?

As for asking for discount, anyone can try asking MacDonald's for discount when they buy food over the counter, but giving the discount depends on MacDonalds manager.

I don't really understand what u trying to tell me about the moral of this story but i guess is that you totally agree with threadstarter postings which i highlighted in my quote.Correct me if i am wrong.

Maybe i give another example;
If i were to go to a ktv and then the mamasan bring in the 1st batch of gals which i rejected,she bring in another batch which i also rejected due to watever reasons,maybe not my kind and then the 3rd batch and i still reject,does the management or the mamasan reject or ban me as a customer even for future endeavours there?
Old 04-01-2006, 11:52 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by discoverer
Ok understand.

if i am not wrong yours is a customer service line that you provide and turning away prospective clients who may not be your clients now but can become your clients in future but you chose to reject them and cast them away just because they don't give you immediate business doesn't make economic sense to me so i won't copy and learn your way.
Kid hahahaha ...dun waste too much time explaining, no point teaching u so many things unless u wan to be 1 of the OKTs PM me if you like to be 1 hahahahaha........where are we now??? PUBS OR NIGHTCLUBS??....YOR AND ME are in the cyber....who is who can u verify muahhhhhhhhh.....kid take your time to learn............happy hunting pal...
Old 04-01-2006, 11:54 PM
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Re: Cheng Song Ling lookalike, Elle c/o Windsky

Originally Posted by discoverer
Maybe i give another example;
If i were to go to a ktv and then the mamasan bring in the 1st batch of gals which i rejected,she bring in another batch which i also rejected due to watever reasons,maybe not my kind and then the 3rd batch and i still reject,does the management or the mamasan reject or ban me as a customer even for future endeavours there?
of course if you were to reject immediately, there is nothing wrong. The mamasan can also dont entertain you next time. You can still go find another mamasan that can tahan your choosiness.

And if you did not reject the gal immediately, and the gal has sat with you for some time, and then when time to collect tips, you say i not like you, why i need to give you tips? The rationale is, time has been lost on a customer like you with no income made. And that equates to loss of money.

Some jobs are based on time and times, and based against time.

Once you not make good use of time and lose time, you considered lose money too.
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