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View Poll Results: What Is Nanog69's Intention In This Statement?
Bo Liao - He has an underlying message and was antongonizing Thaivisitor. 32 82.05%
Eu Liao - He was giving a good and friendly general advice. 7 17.95%
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Old 28-07-2006, 05:20 PM
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

Bro Sansiroo,

If there is an issue that you had with TV, Pussyman72 or me, you could always pm us to share your concerns. By being vulgar and accusatory, you are neither just nor fair in your action.

Nanog69 has passed many accusatory remarks to hurt the reputation and feelings of bros in this forum in the name of "reason". "Reason" transformed into prejudice is the worst form of prejudice, because true reason is the only instrument for liberation from prejudice. I have my sympathies for Nanog69's frustration and anger due to his obession with his "reasons" and self righteous beliefs. I certainly hope that you do not take the path of thinking that unreasonable means of hurting others can justify any perceived ends.

Even as you pass unkind remarks at me, I would extend my hand as a fellow brother to you and hope that any enmity that you have with me will end here. If you have an issue with me, talk to me via pm.


Originally Posted by sansiroo
no laojiao, but lanjiao lah...hahah...evade my own question? how clever...stuck in ur corner now trying to wriggle out right...ok lah tonite i let u go...pls next time dont anyhow reply without thinking lah...fat29...opps sorie..pussyman72...LOL
Old 28-07-2006, 08:00 PM
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

My take is that we should read a post for what it is. Usually and naturally, when a post is made by someone with whom we have a confrontation before, we will read his post as having an underlying meaning. I believe both parties have crossed swords a few times although I do not have the full details and when each party made a post, the other will feel he is insinuating something else. We choose what we wanted to see. I had this incident happen between two of my friends. One said " You must learn to respect others " And the other took it that he has insulted his upbringing by saying he was not taught how to respect others. Any other person who reads the sentence will, however, not feel the same way in its ordinary meaning.

Most Thais are buddhists so i think both know of this little Buddhist teaching.

One man come asking Buddha how Buddha looks at him. What does he mean in the eyes of Buddha ? Buddha tells him " You are Buddha to me ". Then this man ask Buddha if he knows what Buddha is in his eyes and goes on to say that " You are nothing but like shit to me ". Afterwhich he goes away happily and brags to his friends, feeling that he is much better than Buddha. One of those who hear this, a learned person, then tells him " You are Buddha to Buddha because in his eyes, everything he sees is Buddha. But Buddha is nothing but shit to you because in your eyes, all you see is nothing but shit "
semi-retired from forums, sick and tired of all these flamings, Robin Hoods and arguments over rep points .... aren't we all here for the same purpose ? or are you here for rep points and flamings ?
Old 28-07-2006, 09:02 PM
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

i actually wanted to post something here...but i very much wanted to remain as neutral as i wanna be. but hor..a bit bey tahan i say something..see whether i can still kay poh and try to extinguish the flame.

but the thing is that i tried lots of ways trying to end peace to all this issues...
in the end it gets bigger and snowball to other forums as well...every forum i went i saw nanog tail-gating teevee's track..or should i say thread.

i even posted out openly to nanog, teevee, and the rest that either one party put a halt to that. was teevee who proposed and initiated to stop once and for all.
until some brudders giving out opinions and etc..blah.blah...which i think brudder nanog should just ignore and move on..instead of retaliating to those brudders(no offence) he again pin-pointed to teevee again...(by posting the "family" stuff, which i think is totally buay swee liao.)
However, we should not deny brudder nanog 's effort in the website he created. it was really open eye to newbies..although i personally think some part need to polish up a bit and update a bit. but still where can u find someone who recollect, accumulate, date gathering in such a way to share this to many newbies. this we should respect that..the same way as what teevee done for us too.

nevertheless i really think all parties should just pause for a while..and think back what the hell do all this started? let it go brudders..let it go. try to ponder..'what good does these brings us?' ...a good bonk? an everlasting erection?

so let's just end this here okies..?
really....okies? i believe everyone is beri sick and tired of all thiese bickerings... frankly speaking i feel like a kay poh aunty..trying to meddle and mediate a big group of aunties quarrelling in a market over the price of beansprouts..... so let's just do what men do best...make love not war okies?

and one word to you, brudder sansiroo. try not to get involve as u and me and the rest are totally outsiders in this event. chok dee krup.
Old 28-07-2006, 09:05 PM
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

Originally Posted by Brinjal
My take is that we should read a post for what it is. Usually and naturally, when a post is made by someone with whom we have a confrontation before, we will read his post as having an underlying meaning. I believe both parties have crossed swords a few times although I do not have the full details and when each party made a post, the other will feel he is insinuating something else. We choose what we wanted to see. I had this incident happen between two of my friends. One said " You must learn to respect others " And the other took it that he has insulted his upbringing by saying he was not taught how to respect others. Any other person who reads the sentence will, however, not feel the same way in its ordinary meaning.

Most Thais are buddhists so i think both know of this little Buddhist teaching.

One man come asking Buddha how Buddha looks at him. What does he mean in the eyes of Buddha ? Buddha tells him " You are Buddha to me ". Then this man ask Buddha if he knows what Buddha is in his eyes and goes on to say that " You are nothing but like shit to me ". Afterwhich he goes away happily and brags to his friends, feeling that he is much better than Buddha. One of those who hear this, a learned person, then tells him " You are Buddha to Buddha because in his eyes, everything he sees is Buddha. But Buddha is nothing but shit to you because in your eyes, all you see is nothing but shit "
Amitabha to you..brudder. well said. but hor not beri nice and appropriate
to mix that particular(shit) word with Buddha.
Old 29-07-2006, 11:31 AM
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

Originally Posted by taurus75
Amitabha to you..brudder. well said. but hor not beri nice and appropriate
to mix that particular(shit) word with Buddha.
Nothing inappropriate. I did not make the parable up. That is a Buddhist teaching. If you think it is offensive, then I am sorry.
semi-retired from forums, sick and tired of all these flamings, Robin Hoods and arguments over rep points .... aren't we all here for the same purpose ? or are you here for rep points and flamings ?
Old 29-07-2006, 12:40 PM
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

Originally Posted by Brinjal
Nothing inappropriate. I did not make the parable up. That is a Buddhist teaching. If you think it is offensive, then I am sorry.
ok worries no worries..
so this is a Buddhist teaching..ok lo. then i am sorry myself.
anyway..have a nice weekend. i upped u for that teaching.

btw some brudder zapped me for my post stating that i am biased in my opinions...or issit? maybe u would like to step forward and tell/pm me telling me why instead of just putting 'bias' in yr comments...
What Is Nanog69... 29-07-2006 08:46 AM bias
Old 01-08-2006, 09:00 PM
Datuk Boleh Datuk Boleh is offline
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

Hello Everyone,

Peace to all brudders.

I think many brudders here are going to zap what little rep pts that I have for voting for Nanog69.

I read the posts on the links but cannot find any bad intention. I think Nanog69 is doing good job with his website for newbies as I am planning a trip to Hatyai and trying to study the information in his website.

Peace to all brudders.


PS: Personally, I think this poll is unnecessary.
Old 01-08-2006, 10:32 PM
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

war everywhere.......
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 02-08-2006, 02:22 AM
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

Originally Posted by Datuk Boleh
Hello Everyone,

Peace to all brudders.

I think many brudders here are going to zap what little rep pts that I have for voting for Nanog69.

I read the posts on the links but cannot find any bad intention. I think Nanog69 is doing good job with his website for newbies as I am planning a trip to Hatyai and trying to study the information in his website.

Peace to all brudders.


PS: Personally, I think this poll is unnecessary.
Dear DB,

Wish you will have an enjoyable trip up in Hatyai. Hope that you can write a field report about your trip when you are back to share your experiences with fellow samsters here. For other bo liao things, just ignore them lah.

Old 02-08-2006, 09:18 AM
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

Alamak! Betul-betul kenna zapped!!

Lucky have some kind soul helped to increase my rep pts.

Peace to all brudders. I'm only giving my humble opinion and vote.


PS: Again peace to all brudders.
Old 02-08-2006, 03:11 PM
fat29 fat29 is offline
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

Like you, I applauded Nanog69's work in creating a website for newbies who want to DIY. I only found his intention to use the website to flame TV and make baseless accusations incongruent with courtesy and reason. I urged him to settle differences with TV directly.

You are free to vote for Nanog69 and I don't think any reasonable bros will zap you for voting either way. When you are being zapped, how do you know that it is due to your vote? If this poll is unnecessary, why do you vote?

I hope better logic and reason will prevail and polls like this is not needed too.

Originally Posted by Datuk Boleh
Hello Everyone,
Peace to all brudders.
I think many brudders here are going to zap what little rep pts that I have for voting for Nanog69.
I read the posts on the links but cannot find any bad intention. I think Nanog69 is doing good job with his website for newbies as I am planning a trip to Hatyai and trying to study the information in his website.
Peace to all brudders.
PS: Personally, I think this poll is unnecessary.
Old 09-08-2006, 03:26 PM
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Re: What Is Nanog69 Intention?

Then can I ask what is the pollstarter's intention? Public service? Doesn't take a high IQ to figure it out.
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