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Old 18-11-2006, 05:54 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Most frequent sexual activity

We have already noted the most frequent orgasms for men and women. Obviously orgasmic frequency is related to coitus but only partly: there are other ways in which a person can come to climax. Kinsey found that some married couples were having sexual intercourse as many as twenty-nine times a week, i.e. couples in the 21-25 year age group. By the age of fifty, "maximum frequency" had dropped to around 14 times a week. And it has also been noted that in some exceptional cases, from the youngest lovers to those around forty years of age - "there were some individuals who were having coitus in their marriages on an average of four times a day, every day in the week. By the age of fifty-five no couples in the Kinsey sample were having coitus more frequently than seven or eight times a week. During one family planning trial in Britain one woman logged on her specially provided record that she had intercourse ninety-one times in one month - "a figure considered so extraordinary that it was left out of the final calculation in case it ruined the figures for average frequency of copulation (about once every fourth day)". In their extensive cross-cultural study, Ford and Beach noted that Thonga males copulate with 3 or 4 wives in a single night; and Chegga men are supposed to have intercourse as many as ten times a night. But does orgasm occur in each copulation - "the data unfortunately permit no definitive statements."

Old 18-11-2006, 05:57 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Steepest erection angle

The average position of the erect penis, observed for all ages, is very slightly above the horizontal. At the same time there are approximately 15 to 20 per cent of cases where the angle is about 45 degrees above the horizontal. In general the angle of erection is higher for males in their early twenties, and lower in more advanced ages. "Average angles become definitely reduced in males past fifty."
Old 18-11-2006, 06:01 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Longest maintained erection

For some purposes it may be desirable to maintain an erection for a long time. It is clear that periods of up to an hour are not uncommon, and that if the penis is in the vagina for this time then maintaining an erection is not difficult for some individuals. Kinsey noted that the length of time over which the erection can be maintained under "continuous erotic arousal" drops from an average of nearly an hour in the late teens and early twenties to seven minutes in men in their late sixties. It is pointed out that under prolonged stimulation "many a teen-age male will maintain a continuous erection for several hours..."
Old 18-11-2006, 06:02 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Fastest erection

Speed of erection varies enormously from one man to another -and in the same man from one sexual encounter to another. Factors such as alcohol and fatigue are highly relevant, as is the degree of erotic arousal. In a few exceptional males (see Kinsey) the erection of the penis may occur in as little as three seconds.
Old 18-11-2006, 06:06 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Longest love-making session

It all depends what you mean by lovemaking. Does it count if you knock off for a sandwich and a drink and then start again? No agreed ground-rules have been established. Anyway one figure that will do for a starter is the fifteen hours recorded by Mae West in her autobiography - a man called "Ted" apparently made love to her for this length of time: He later said that "he was both astounded and pleased at his own abilities."
Old 18-11-2006, 06:15 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Longest human kiss

Kisses between men and women usually last for a few seconds. Kisses lasting minutes are unusual, kisses lasting hours quite remarkable. There is a type of kiss called "maraichinage" - after the Maraichins or inhabitants of the district Pays de Mont in the Vendee (Britanny) which quite literally lasts for hours. In this type of exchange the couple mutually explore and caress the inside of each other's mouths with their tongues "as profoundly as possible." Maraichinage has been recommended as a "real antidote against depopulation."

Old 18-11-2006, 06:19 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Farthest projected ejaculation

This, we may assume, is yet another one for a future Sex Olympics. Considering the amount of masturbation that goes on there must be considerable volume of semen discharged in the absence of a convenient vaginal receptacle. The distances the seminal fluid achieves before being arrested in flight must surely vary. I have seen very little documentation on this. Van de Velde notes that the "rhythmic spasms of ejaculation fling forth the semen from the external orifice with an impetus which may be perceived if the emission takes place in vacuo." He adds, with the air of the true scientist, that the "seminal stream usually covers a distance of from 15 to 20 cm., but has been known to exceed 1m.".
Old 18-11-2006, 06:28 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Most frequent ejaculation on one occasion

The majority of men manage one ejaculation when called upon. Some- mostly the younger ones - manage a second within a short space of time. A fewer number manage a third or a fourth. In a tiny minority of cases a man may achieve an even greater number of orgasms and accompanying ejaculations. The highest number of ejaculations I have seen reliably reported (Kinsey) is the 6 to 8 accomplished by a 39-year-old Negro male on a single occasion. This hardly compares with the high numbers achieved for orgasmic frequency, but it should always be remembered that orgasm can occur without the discharge of seminal fluid.
Old 18-11-2006, 06:31 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Oldest productive man

In the average human ejaculate there are several hundred million live and mobile sperm. The older a man gets the fewer sperm he manages to manufacture. By the age of eighty or ninety most men are infertile, though they often have enjoyable sex lives. In a few relatively isolated communities old men appear to sire offspring with great success, a facility that appears to be associated with great longevity - as, for instance, in Georgia in the USSR and in the valley of Vilcabamba in Ecuador. I have yet to see studies of fertility in old men in these communities. The oldest man I have seen quoted as still producing live sperm is mentioned by Havelock Ellis - "the sperm secreting function has no necessary final term and may be continued to advanced old age, even in one reported case to the age of 103." See "Physiology of Sex" by H. Ellis.
Old 18-11-2006, 06:40 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Most popular coital positions in marriage

In the Kinsey surveys it was shown, hardly surprisingly, that the commonest position for marital coitus was with the male above. All the females questioned gave this as the usual position.
Old 19-11-2006, 08:09 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Heaviest human breasts

Many men, as we all know, are fascinated by massive breasts. Magazines cater specifically for such tastes and a number of strip-tease artists try hard to capitalise on their gigantic mammary apparatus (connoisseurs will recall the fifty-odd-inch busts of Big Julie and Big Bertha in the clubs). Zola wrote of Desire who kept a bar and a dance hall (was she based on fact?) - "she seemed so vast, with a pair of breasts each one of which required a man to embrace it. Rumour had it that nowadays she had to have two of her weekday lovers each night to cope with the job." In one recorded instance ("The Sexual Anatomy of Woman" by W. F. Benedict), a girl of fourteen had breasts weighing sixteen pounds; and in another case a woman of thirty had breasts weighing fifty-two pounds. As with the male sexual organs breasts are sometimes grossly enlarged by disease or some other unwelcome cause. For instance some women have hyper-trophied breasts, sagging vastly and of quite giant proportions. An Abyssinian woman with this condition is shown by Mantegazza in his book, "The Sexual Relations of Mankind".

Old 19-11-2006, 08:14 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Most famous nymphomaniac in antiquity

Valeria Messalina of ancient Rome almost certainly wins this one; indeed her name (the "Messalina complex") has been used as a synonym for nymphomania. With her insatiable sexual appetities she acted as prostitute and seducer. She married Claudius when only sixteen; it has been speculated that she started an active sex life when she was thirteen or fourteen. If she fancied a man, Claudius would order him to submit to her whims: it was useful being married to an emperor. Dio Cassius has declared that she kept her lustful husband well supplied with housemaids for bedfellows. She often enjoyed herself in the local brothel.

Old 19-11-2006, 08:15 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Most prolific growth of pubic hair

There is long pubic hair and there is pubic hair that is thick and expansive in the general abdominal area. Walter (of "My Secret Life"), an evident connoisseur in such matters, talks with clear delight of a fine bush of "Scots red" pubic hair - "The bush was long and thick, twisting and curling in masses half-way up to her navel, and it spread about 5 in. up her buttocks, gradually getting shorter there." In another part of his autobiography Walter remarks that he has seen those "bare of hair, those with but hairy stubble, those with bushes six inches long, covering them from bum bone to navel." And he adds reflectively - "there is not much that I have not seen, felt or tried, with respect to this supreme female article." In like vein, in the "Memoires of Dolly Morton", an American classic, the attributes of Miss Dean are noted with some surprise (she is tripped and beaten for helping runaway slaves) - her spot was covered with a "thick forest of glossy dark brown hair," with locks nearly two inches long. One man remarked, "But Gosh! I've never seen such a fleece between a woman's legs in my life. Darn me if she wouldn't have to be sheared before man could get into her."
Old 19-11-2006, 08:48 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

nice, anymore bro?
Old 19-11-2006, 09:10 PM
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Re: * World Sex Records *

Originally Posted by curiosityz View Post
nice, anymore bro?
Sure, bro.

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