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Old 07-09-2017, 03:03 PM
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Talking Mr 'Certain Samster aka Man-Child' hunger for his "Silly Bumps"!

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
Looking at the current turnover situation of WLs

Can tell that most of them cant survive thru the BMT (Brutal Multiple Thrust) period

Thats why i propose reveal all rather than all Ring the Bell
Aiyoh Unfit i just told Fat Fatt abv....boh bian lah.....u gotta feed Mr 'Certain Samster aka Man-Child' demands for his "Silly Bumps" to satiate his childish attention seeking character!......becuz he said "If people do not express interest, then I keep to myself lo"
Old 07-09-2017, 03:19 PM
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That 'Certain Samster' - The Hypocrite & Man-Child I

Originally Posted by klss View Post
Thanks for bro's info and fr on other threads. May i know whats the motive for those ppl tofight and zap for FRs? Is there any economic motive behind or just non-sense zap?
Perhaps my recent posts in another thread should be repasted as to help you and other samsters reading this thread arrive at a more informed balanced view, particularly on this issue of "fights".....

Oh n if u are curious to know who Mr 'Certain Samster aka Man-Child' is(on the assumption that you don't)....pls feel free to 200 points nor 18 "Silly Bumps" required for this answer

Originally Posted by Fat Fatt View Post
Ok bros,
I suppose we had enough debate on both sides. Whoever wants to win (at least in my humble view) and be big brother in this thread please provide FRs of the WL in 2831A. The most FRs contributed is the winner.
All of us including 2831A WL will benefit.
Otherwise please bring the fight elsewhere in the fighting thread.

Fat Fatt buddy,

Unlike that Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' you will get a fresh new contribution from me(free n unconditional)....with him you gotta give him his "silly bumps"(his words, not mine!) n even then you shall probably not get a fresh new contribution, only a "half fuck recommendation cum scrap"(according to him, previously) who has miraculously turned into a gem(according to him, now)!!

Anyways, the reason i will keep pursuing/calling out this matter(at a time of my choice) is because this is NOT an issue of "internet etiquette"/style as Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' seems to make it out to be....on the contrary, this is actually a matter of SUBSTANCE which he refuses to acknowledge i.e. him persistently Sticking It to this forum....

To cut to the chase i shall just repaste some stuff here(these are but only samples!).....which clearing demonstrates Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child[' Sticking It to this forum....

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Boy that 'Certain Samster' is really one egregious hypocrite!.....

I posted my positive FR on Xin Xin#6(16W12) above on 9 August tks to him btw(and he knows this as well!)....

Then later, on 14 August 2017 that 'Certain Samster' insinuates in another thread that "only half fuck recommendations are being shared here"(which appears to include my FR on Xin Xin#6[16W12]).....oh and this is apart from his previous claims that only "scraps" were being recommended in the GL150 SBF threads.... forward to end August - September 2017.....and what happens?.....this Xin Xin#6(16W12) all of a sudden from a "[I]half fuck recommendation and scrap[/B]" turns into a gem with that 'Certain Samster' conveniently forgetting about his earlier childish petty rants becuz he now wants to grab all the limelight, just like the childish attention seeker that he is.....!!

Actually that 'Certain Samster' is a real 'Man-Child'......he appears so childish and petty that he just could not resist telling another samster in another thread...."What is the type you like? Maybe if I saw it will PM you. But don't share with those self-righteous Geylang preacher like last time hor?"

Also Mr 'Certain Samster aka Man-Child', wonder why the sudden change of heart after your earlier fiasco "experiment'?.....going fm saying this..."I did think about that- but then we'll have a lot of silly bumps to the thread and the thread would look very messy." getting an 'orgasm' when you now receive those "silly bumps"...btw, Fang Fang(16W06); BoBo(1612); and Bei Bei(1667) were also previous "scraps" according to your earlier claims but now miraculously turned into "gems" also according to you as well!!.....

Finally Mr 'Certain Samster aka Man-Child', unlike you i am mature enough to still acknowledge your Gold Standard GL150, so long as you just stick to sharing your GL150 knowledge in here without including your childish petty snide remarks and insinuations, i shall "Let It Go and Move On".....oh and the "silly bumps" are ok since it seems to make you happy!!
Old 07-09-2017, 03:19 PM
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That 'Certain Samster' - The Hypocrite & Man-Child II

Fat Fatt buddy, i note u recently made an insightful comment to me when i asked u about Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' Sticking It to this forum - "Sometimes I also get irritated with the posts you mentioned. But I 忍 . I already being polite and get sarcastic remarks. "

Yes, there are times to....but why should and how to when Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' keeps Sticking It to this forum as above and below(samples only)?.....

Time and again, Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' makes requests to this forum for info like this...."You tried nai cha already. Any reports?"...."Anyone tried kele? She looks not bad. Wonder how are her body, boobs and service."....he even once demanded "share lah!".....and some samsters do at times have replied freely n unconditionally to him....

But when it comes to Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' turn to 'share', he first demands for 200 points per mm/house number and when i privately called him out on this lame ruse of his, he suddenly changed his childish attention seeking mode to demanding for 18 "silly bumps"(his words, not mine!) per mm/house number, which is paradoxical since he previously rejected such a suggestion raised previously by another samster to him during his lame ruse 200 points demand stage....he even had the cheek to tell this forum "If people do not express interest, then I keep to myself lor. "!!

Actually that is not the worse part.....the worst part is when Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' claims that "only half fuck recommendations" and "scraps" are being shared in this forum, claiming the "real gems" have not been disclosed....but....when he later 'shares' some "real gems" after receiving his 18 "silly bumps" per mm/house number they [ALL thus far have turned out to be mms who hv already been mentioned in this forum previously, with one samster even complaining to him "I was expecting fresh out of the oven gem. This one lao cai already. Keep fucking the same girl and even my cock cannot stand those stale pussies"!!.....

But it get's even worse....because when Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' was previously goading this forum over "only scraps" being shared here, he even urged this forum to "close"!!....and to top it off....he had the gall and audacity to tell Sammboyfor(the owner of SBF) this...."your forum became a joke a long time ago."!!!

Now if the abv is not considered Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' Sticking It to this forum...i invite any samster out there to please explain why?!....
Old 08-09-2017, 01:18 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Mr 'Certain Samster aka Man-Child' hunger for his "Silly Bumps"!

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
aiyoh unfit i just told fat fatt abv....boh bian lah.....u gotta feed mr 'certain samster aka man-child' demands for his "silly bumps" to satiate his childish attention seeking character!......becuz he said "if people do not express interest, then i keep to myself lo"
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell
Old 09-09-2017, 02:54 PM
uncleahseng uncleahseng is offline
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Re: Rank Your Top 5 CAT 150 Girls in Geylang! (Currently Working)

My humble contribution, in no particular order:

1. Duo Duo, WH 04
2. Selina, L16H12
3. An Qi, L14H25
4. XBD, L16H49
5. Meiyuan, L20H33

I prefer GFE, petite type of girls. If your taste same as mine, these girls will sextisfy you.
Old 09-09-2017, 04:20 PM
Kobayashi99 Kobayashi99 is offline
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Re: That 'Certain Samster' - The Hypocrite & Man-Child II

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Fat Fatt buddy, i note u recently made an insightful comment to me when i asked u about Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' Sticking It to this forum - "Sometimes I also get irritated with the posts you mentioned. But I 忍 . I already being polite and get sarcastic remarks. "

Yes, there are times to....but why should and how to when Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' keeps Sticking It to this forum as above and below(samples only)?.....

Time and again, Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' makes requests to this forum for info like this...."You tried nai cha already. Any reports?"...."Anyone tried kele? She looks not bad. Wonder how are her body, boobs and service."....he even once demanded "share lah!".....and some samsters do at times have replied freely n unconditionally to him....

But when it comes to Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' turn to 'share', he first demands for 200 points per mm/house number and when i privately called him out on this lame ruse of his, he suddenly changed his childish attention seeking mode to demanding for 18 "silly bumps"(his words, not mine!) per mm/house number, which is paradoxical since he previously rejected such a suggestion raised previously by another samster to him during his lame ruse 200 points demand stage....he even had the cheek to tell this forum "If people do not express interest, then I keep to myself lor. "!!

Actually that is not the worse part.....the worst part is when Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' claims that "only half fuck recommendations" and "scraps" are being shared in this forum, claiming the "real gems" have not been disclosed....but....when he later 'shares' some "real gems" after receiving his 18 "silly bumps" per mm/house number they [ALL thus far have turned out to be mms who hv already been mentioned in this forum previously, with one samster even complaining to him "I was expecting fresh out of the oven gem. This one lao cai already. Keep fucking the same girl and even my cock cannot stand those stale pussies"!!.....

But it get's even worse....because when Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' was previously goading this forum over "only scraps" being shared here, he even urged this forum to "close"!!....and to top it off....he had the gall and audacity to tell Sammboyfor(the owner of SBF) this...."your forum became a joke a long time ago."!!!

Now if the abv is not considered Mr 'Certain Samster aka The Man-Child' Sticking It to this forum...i invite any samster out there to please explain why?!....
dont need to reply to the siaolang
i already paste black tape over his posts and threads
dont bother to reply to him, he doesnt even know when the new girls come lol.
let him talk to himself. he has clones that pm people ask for recommendation, one of them is chris91
Old 09-09-2017, 04:53 PM
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Re: Rank Your Top 5 CAT 150 Girls in Geylang! (Currently Working)

Originally Posted by uncleahseng View Post
My humble contribution, in no particular order:

1. Duo Duo, WH 04
2. Selina, L16H12
3. An Qi, L14H25
4. XBD, L16H49
5. Meiyuan, L20H33

I prefer GFE, petite type of girls. If your taste same as mine, these girls will sextisfy you.
Bro, do you like French? Any of the above can?
Old 09-09-2017, 04:58 PM
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Re: That 'Certain Samster' - The Hypocrite & Man-Child II

Originally Posted by Kobayashi99 View Post
dont need to reply to the siaolang
i already paste black tape over his posts and threads
dont bother to reply to him, he doesnt even know when the new girls come lol.
let him talk to himself. he has clones that pm people ask for recommendation, one of them is chris91
I'm not Max's clone. And tbh, kind of insulted to be accused as his clone. If you wanna associate me with some samsters, please name a better one.

Get your facts right before shooting.
Old 09-09-2017, 05:07 PM
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Re: That 'Certain Samster' - The Hypocrite & Man-Child II

Originally Posted by chris91 View Post
I'm not Max's clone. And tbh, kind of insulted to be accused as his clone. If you wanna associate me with some samsters, please name a better one.

Get your facts right before shooting.
who is not getting it . LOL
go use your god account la
Old 09-09-2017, 05:13 PM
uncleahseng uncleahseng is offline
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Originally Posted by uncleahseng View Post
My humble contribution, in no particular order:

1. Duo Duo, WH 04
2. Selina, L16H12
3. An Qi, L14H25
4. XBD, L16H49
5. Meiyuan, L20H33

I prefer GFE, petite type of girls. If your taste same as mine, these girls will sextisfy you.
Yes I like to French. But it's not the deal breaker for me. Can French great! Cannot nvm lor. Out of the 5, only Duo Duo, Selina and XBD speak French; their services very consistent. Maybe I just don't have chemistry with the other 2.
Old 09-09-2017, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by lopakolkata View Post
Bro, do you like French? Any of the above can?
Selina can french like no tomorrow.
Old 09-09-2017, 06:53 PM
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Originally Posted by uncleahseng View Post
My humble contribution, in no particular order:

1. Duo Duo, WH 04
2. Selina, L16H12
3. An Qi, L14H25
4. XBD, L16H49
5. Meiyuan, L20H33

I prefer GFE, petite type of girls. If your taste same as mine, these girls will sextisfy you.
TINA from 1651 petite size D cup.
Full GFE girl.
Old 09-09-2017, 08:35 PM
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Re: That 'Certain Samster' - The Hypocrite & Man-Child II

Bro Omnia,
Very insightful thoughts from you.
Old 09-09-2017, 09:17 PM
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Re: That 'Certain Samster' - The Hypocrite & Man-Child II

Originally Posted by chris91 View Post
I'm not Max's clone. And tbh, kind of insulted to be accused as his clone. If you wanna associate me with some samsters, please name a better one.

Get your facts right before shooting.
Dude, cool man! Kobayashi is not referring to me ... he is referring to that "certain samster" ... This "certain samster" loves people to "huat him", "rock him" and up his rep point.
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

My Personal FR Thread:
Old 09-09-2017, 09:45 PM
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The Geylang preachers - a movie series coming soon to SBF

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Dude, cool man! Kobayashi is not referring to me ... he is referring to that "certain samster" ... This "certain samster" loves people to "huat him", "rock him" and up his rep point.
I doubt that "certain samster" really is interested in points or huats.

Lol. It's all about "timing" as a certain Geylang preacher likes to assert. Or is it? Lol.

You both share a similar trait - you both like "policing" the forum and spoiling other people's fun. And both of you would stoop very low just to "win" - playing with people's identities, forwarding others private messages or revealing them to the public forum. The forum owes you both sooo much. You both were even once at each other's throats but for whatever reason, neither could deliver the killing blow and your "nemesis" decided to "retire". However, such dogs can never give up meddling with this forum, just like you. But all this is a story for another day.

Don't have time for you now but if you like, I can start a thread for you too.

Last edited by BronzeGod; 09-09-2017 at 10:15 PM.
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