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Old 18-11-2014, 09:21 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

such a good thread that i spent a few days slowly read it
Old 19-11-2014, 06:17 PM
john1981 john1981 is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Old 20-11-2014, 02:55 AM
warbird warbird is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by treff View Post
Today I would like to caution all brothers to be very wary if they want to try to KC KTV girls for the following reasons below....................

With those reasons, be very prepared for an intense mind game which most of us will lose, all the more if we let our ego get in the way that we are the only and special one. Most of the time, men will get KCed in the long run instead of managing to KC the KTV ladies that they lay their eyes on. KTV arena is an intense battlefield to KC even for the most seasoned KC players.

Bro Treff,

Well said.

KC is a "mind game" and "battlefield" for all man-woman RS haha.


Originally Posted by sheridan View Post
Bro WB,

Thanks for sharing. You are right that we can't take all that money to our grave

just like in ktv scene: Meet, drink, bed, & leave There are different stages of life perhaps people would experience. So there could be a stage where it reaches a full cycle. I find myself going for and enjoy weekly run just like 20 years ago. maybe I am old liao
Bro sheridan,

Thanks for sharing.

Never say you're old. You're as old as u think.


Originally Posted by goldhill View Post
such a good thread that i spent a few days slowly read it

Pls share ur personal opinions n exploits.

Originally Posted by john1981 View Post

Very true.


.................................................. ..........

Good morning!

I hv some musings on what esteemed bros hv posted.

Actually it's OK to get KC-ed by a girl/woman, as long as you hv awesome emotional control n self mastery. It's so much fun. But make sure you retain power in the RS n that she has a lot more KC for u than u hv for her haha.

And you must be able to walk away from her anytime as if nothing has happened, whether she has been w/ u 3 weeks or 30 years. This is called detachment. Very, very few men can do it. This is the litmus test of your self mastery. Are u a real MAN?

I just started reading a book on how to master or "mind fuck" the female mind. It's written by an African American. His main principles apply to all human females. I'll share some of his sayings:

"Women need to be dominated."

"She will do anything for the man who will encourage
her dreams, justify her failures, calm or still her fears,
confirm her suspicions and..."

"Speak to her emotions and you will reach her
gut. Control her gut feelings then you control
her mind. Control her mind and you control
her pussy."

And, most importantly, you must give her PVOs she has never experienced before. Aim to become 0.1% of men who hv achieved such sexual prowess n you'll hv virtually no competition hahaha.

In his words:

No I am serious. Make love so good to her that she is passed the fuck out...And I don't mean from drugs or drink.

Your sex should be the only
drug taking control of her mind and body.

What I am talking about is giving these women as many
orgasms as they can take and after the sex is over she falls asleep
instead of you being the first person to go to sleep! Think of that first
time in bed as a war and you must come out as the victor of that
battle otherwise she will not respect you. If she is still chipper after
you bone (fuck) her then you have not done your job right. No

...make sure your always in tip top virile shape as a man.

You start this game with being dominate. That is how you must roll
with it all the way through. You have to establish your total authority
and control over her. Your mouth should be her prayer book when
your through. That is the attitude that you must instill within you and
it must be a permanent part of your psyche...She must know who the boss is. Especially in the bedroom.

The author admits that he can't get all women. The feminazis hate him n will reject him.

His writing style is colloquial n even vulgar, but his methods should work well for almost all females, excepting lesbians n feminazis.

IMHO, it's great for a man to compliment a girl profusely n tell her he likes or loves her very much. And be very kind to her. Make her feel special, beautiful, feminine n sexual. He is not sucking up to her, but is doing it from a dominant n powerful position. BUT, he must convey to her that he DGAD if she leaves n that he'll walk away if his boundaries r violated. It will be her big loss n she knows he has many options.

He doesn't care what she thinks/says/does or what others think/say/do because he is so confident, so comfortable in his own skin n has such great self mastery that he is totally detached from from any one female n from any outcome n life.

Such a MAN is very, very rare n will be extremely attractive to most females.

Comments n criticisms?


Bro WB


Last edited by warbird; 20-11-2014 at 03:32 AM.
Old 22-11-2014, 09:25 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB,

"BUT, he must convey to her that he DGAD if she leaves n that he'll walk away if his boundaries r violated. It will be her big loss n she knows he has many options.

He doesn't care what she thinks/says/does or what others think/say/do because he is so confident, so comfortable in his own skin n has such great self mastery that he is totally detached from from any one female n from any outcome n life.

Such a MAN is very, very rare n will be extremely attractive to most females."

Such an alpha male is indeed a rare and cherished species.
Reminds me of Sean Connery ... "My name is Bond, James Bond."

In real life however, lesser mortals like us (and even some seasoned players) would find it extremely difficult to control our emotions when we ultimately meet our match - "the One". On the surface, a guy may seem DGAD, but inside his heart is hurting with the vivid memories of good ole days. Perhaps women fare better at the third of 3Fs (Forget) than men ?
Old 22-11-2014, 09:49 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by city slicker View Post
On the surface, a guy may seem DGAD, but inside his heart is hurting with the vivid memories of good ole days. Perhaps women fare better at the third of 3Fs (Forget) than men ?
This is true, I have seen people who don't give a dam to any women he met, basically, after enjoying, eventually will develop into different excuse for not being good enough for him. We can easily said "his boundary being violated" because the woman do not want to be master by him, which now a day very little women want to be a slave.

In fact inside him is full of regret and emptiness.

I have also seen women changing partners like changing cloth.

I guess it takes two hands to clap.
Old 22-11-2014, 10:03 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro wb,

The author has an end game or goal which he may worked all his life to achieve the state of confidence. Not everyone may achieve it. But what he wrote still useful as a guide though how is applied may differ from each person. His level of self awareness is very high to be able to achieve what he wrote.

In end boils to one's goal or aim reinforced by confidence and even money.

I seen people super success in work but craps in relationship. So best to know what you want and do within one's means. Too many threads of people became burnt, bitter or vengeful. People will always blame everything, but sometimes good to reflect back, learn from it and move on. We cannot go back in time to right wrongs.

My philosophy hence is mistakes only make one wiser and stronger. And set goals within possible reach. Dun ask for sky and fall flat to earth.

Just my thoughts from my experience in work and leisure.

Last edited by damong777; 22-11-2014 at 10:04 PM. Reason: misphrased
Old 23-11-2014, 12:46 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Top notch advice there.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Good morning!

Many men get KC-ed by the "wrong" girls because of lack of emotional control n self mastery. Deep down, they suffer from a scarcity mentality, believe that they hv lower sexual value n are afraid to lose a "hard to get" pussy hahaha. They hv an intractable disease called ONEITIS.

A week ago, I received a timely email from a famous sex guru.

Hi Bro Warbird,

I still remember getting the call, the call I knew would come but was nonetheless shocked to hear. My friend, Johnny, after just 10 months of marriage to a girl everyone knew was wrong for him, had gotten divorced. Instead of becoming a happily-ever-after couple, Johnny and Marissa had joined millions of other Americans and become statistics. Statistics of the all-too-common divorce.

It’s funny how these short-term marriages and long-term miseries occur. Usually it begins with a bad case of “Oneitis.”

Don’t know the word Oneitis? Well, surely you know this infectious disease’s symptoms:

– You think you’ve met the girl who’s perfect for you, who you can have a great relationship with and eventually marry
– You ignore the bitchy behavior and abuse that comes from this girl, still believing that she’s “The One”
– You see and know girls who you know would be much better for you, but ignore them because the girl you’re with is better-looking, taller, skinnier–a number of superficial qualities that don’t add up to the love you know you could get elsewhere

- You spend lots and lots of money on this girl, and she never bothers to thank you–or if she does, it’s less than sincere
- Your friends all tell you that this girl isn’t right for you, but you ignore their advice
- Maybe your friends have even fought with this girl, but you defend her even though you know deep-down her behavior is unacceptable
- You spend all your time with this girl, and ignore your friends and family
- You find yourself calling her all the time to see what she’s doing, and who she’s with
- You can’t get this girl out of your head, even when she’s long gone!

If you’ve ever watched the classic film Swingers, then you know what Oneitis is: it’s the character of Mikey!
Unfortunately, a lot of guys become the Mikeys of this world. And while some men may just go through this with a girl they’re only dating, other guys, like Johnny, take this obsession all the way to marriage. And that’s when the “disease” becomes deadly.

How do you know when a girl is right for you? I could write book after book after book about what’s right and what’s wrong, but what it comes down to are ten essential ingredients for lasting success:

She supports and encourages your goals and interests. A girl who’s right for you should follow you on your path–not try to re-direct it her own way. Unfortunately, Johnny’s wife wanted him to do something completely different to the direction he wanted to head, so it was little wonder that their romance fizzled out so quickly.
Guys, if you can’t be open about your feelings, interests, passions and purpose, then you shouldn’t be with the girl. She should be able to listen and understand, not disregard and sneer.

You can accept her and her goals and interests. Just like a woman should support and push you on the path you want to head, so too should you be able to do the same for her. If she’s into motorcycling and you hate it, or if she wants to travel the world and you just want to stay in one place, then chances are you two aren’t made for each other.
Likewise, you should be able to understand her emotions and concerns–both of you MUST be good, compassionate listeners.

She loves you for you, not your money and possessions. So many rich and powerful men have destructive relationships with women. Why? Because the woman aren’t marrying these men–they’re marrying their money. And divorce isn’t cheap, so even when these guys break up with the bloodsuckers, the women still get a hefty chunk of the pie!

She generally gets along with your family and friends–and doesn’t mind seeing them. So many guys seem to forget this, watching dumbly as their girlfriend pulls them further and further from their family and friends to have him all for her own. I’ve got an uncle who blindly allowed himself to end all contact with his family because his wife hated them. Somehow they’re still married, but is that the kind of woman you want to be with?

She’s on the same page, spiritually, as you. Spirituality is a big thing for couples–it can unite them like nothing else. I know so many couples who are happily married because they believe in the same God, the same purpose in life, the same deep feelings about their existence.
Conversely, couples who battle over the questions of life just do not have the same loving romance. A girl who’s right for you doesn’t necessarily have to believe in the same religious principles and dogmas as you, but if she’s an atheist and you’re a Christian, things may not work out long-term.

She wants to spend as much time with you as with her own friends and family. This may seem like an obvious one, but so many guys fawn over girls who only see them on THEIR schedule. If a girl is really right for you, you shouldn’t have to obsess over her or ask her permission to see her. You should both WANT to see each other and miss being with one another–that’s a sign that you’re both in love.

You both share the same feelings for another. If you know deep in your heart that you want to marry her and spend the rest of your life with her, but she’s non-committal and vague, then you should certainly move on. A true, loving partner should accept you completely for who you are and what you feel.
On the other hand, if you both feel comfortable sharing feelings with each other, and she accepts the deep things that you reveal to her, then you’ve found a true catch!

You both make time for each other, even through work and school. Spending quality time with one another is crucial. If your girl is always at her job, concentrating on her career, or studying for a degree, and not making an effort to be with you, then it’s time to move on. True love knows no bounds–including time. While it’s great to have a girl who’s serious about her career and education, this can also be a relationship-breaker if she takes either too seriously.

Money and possessions are not as important as love. This is a simple one: If your girl only talks about possessions and money, if that’s where her true values lie, then you might want to back out of the relationship. Every girl wants good things in life, but if she really loves you, then how much you make and how much you give her shouldn’t be #1 on her priority list.

You both are able to put each other ahead of yourselves. This can be the make or break of a relationship. If she’s willing to do things for you, sacrifice time with her friends or time at work to be with you and make you meals, then you’ve found yourself a winner. However, if she’s always cancelling dates, spending more time with her friends than with you, and never gets you any gifts or acts of service, then you’ve found yourself a bitch. Move on. When she treats herself more important than you, then you’re heading towards disaster.

In the end, you want a girl who can you be you around, and know that you’re valued by her night and day. If you’re in a relationship now that you want to be more serious, ask yourself if the woman you’re with fulfills these 10 requirements. And if you’re looking for love, don’t get too far into it unless you really feel that the girl treats you right.

And remember: There’s a big difference between “The One” who’s right for you…and “The One” who will become your biggest nightmare!

That’s all for now. Tell me if you can think of any other ways you know she’s right for you. I’d love to hear your opinion!

IMHO, all sexual RS, including BY-ing n marriage, are "business" transactions. In fact, all human interactions are considered "business" or "commercial" transactions in the broad sense. You love ur son n he loves u. If u abandon him, see how much he will love u. A good example: The late Steve Jobs n his biological father.

The reason is very simple. All particles n forces in our known universe must follow the physical laws of nature. Action n reaction are equal n opposite...

Therefore, be relaxed, confident, positive n happy now, every minute, everyday. And you will attract a lot of...everything hahaha.

Have a wonderful day.

Bro WB
Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
I love women; I hate hypocrites.
Old 24-11-2014, 08:18 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by city slicker View Post
Bro WB,

"BUT, he must convey to her that he DGAD if she leaves n that he'll walk away if his boundaries r violated. It will be her big loss n she knows he has many options.

He doesn't care what she thinks/says/does or what others think/say/do because he is so confident, so comfortable in his own skin n has such great self mastery that he is totally detached from from any one female n from any outcome n life.

Such a MAN is very, very rare n will be extremely attractive to most females."

Such an alpha male is indeed a rare and cherished species.
Reminds me of Sean Connery ... "My name is Bond, James Bond."

In real life however, lesser mortals like us (and even some seasoned players) would find it extremely difficult to control our emotions when we ultimately meet our match - "the One". On the surface, a guy may seem DGAD, but inside his heart is hurting with the vivid memories of good ole days. Perhaps women fare better at the third of 3Fs (Forget) than men ?
Bro city slicker,

Real self confidence, emotional control n self mastery are very difficult to achieve.

A man can be super rich or is a real life prince or even an emperor of China largely on account of luck and/or inheritance. Such a high status man may hv little self confidence n self mastery. And he is often frustrated, insecure, anxious, fearful, unhappy n angry. I would say the First Emperor of China was such a man haha.

Women n men r very similar. Foreign WLs who come to SG only want money n are very difficult to KC.

A man who is hurting inside is not one who really DGAD. Deep down, he is lacking in self confidence n emotional control and is pretending to be mentally tough, dominant n manly. He is a fake alpha n he has been KC-ed by the "Special One." I'm sorry to say that he is a pathetic loser, at least as far as she is concerned hahaha.


Originally Posted by a2014 View Post
This is true, I have seen people who don't give a dam to any women he met, basically, after enjoying, eventually will develop into different excuse for not being good enough for him. We can easily said "his boundary being violated" because the woman do not want to be master by him, which now a day very little women want to be a slave.

In fact inside him is full of regret and emptiness.

I have also seen women changing partners like changing cloth.

I guess it takes two hands to clap.
Bro a2014,

If a man is full of "regret and emptiness," he is not one who DGAD. He is a pretender. He needs to develop real emotional strength n self mastery asap.

BTW, healthy women hv very strong libido n they love to hv sex w/ the right man.


Originally Posted by damong777 View Post
Bro wb,

The author has an end game or goal which he may worked all his life to achieve the state of confidence. Not everyone may achieve it. But what he wrote still useful as a guide though how is applied may differ from each person. His level of self awareness is very high to be able to achieve what he wrote.

In end boils to one's goal or aim reinforced by confidence and even money.

I seen people super success in work but craps in relationship. So best to know what you want and do within one's means. Too many threads of people became burnt, bitter or vengeful. People will always blame everything, but sometimes good to reflect back, learn from it and move on. We cannot go back in time to right wrongs.

My philosophy hence is mistakes only make one wiser and stronger. And set goals within possible reach. Dun ask for sky and fall flat to earth.

Just my thoughts from my experience in work and leisure.
Bro damong777,

Tks for sharing.

IMHO, most emperors of China had failed RS haha.


Originally Posted by sniper968 View Post
Top notch advice there.
Bro sniper968,

Pls act on the advice n tell us how well you're doing.


Bro WB


Good morning!

I just received a PM from a bro.


Hi bro,

I've been reading your thread and I must say its a pretty good read.

I'm quite recent to this game and recently visited china dolls. I caught my eyes on some of the singers. Out of curiosity, do they allow BY and how do you nego with them?

Is it an upfront thing that you speak with this girls or you have to build chemistry.

What you've been writing on PVOs I must say is very intriguing

Best Regards,



Hi bro XXX,

I hv very limited experience w/ singers while they r still on active duty here in SG. There r many very experienced bros who could answer ur questions.

This much I know. These girls r here to make as much money as possible n as soon as possible. Most of them can be BY-ed if ur price is right.

Connecting n building rapport w/ them can only help. But you must be sexual n let them know you want their pussies asap. Don't waste time n money. Show them you DGAD what they think/say/do n you can walk away anytime...

Don't forget to bring good condoms. You also need time to monitor her activities. If u don't want her to work, negotiate w/ the HFJ n "buy all her hrs" n BY her.

If they demand a lot, it's cheaper for u to import pretty SYTs directly from PRC for ur private pleasure. There r many MILFs too...if that is ur cup of tea.

Good luck,

Bro WB
Old 04-12-2014, 03:48 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning!

I just received this email from a well respected guru on The Great Equalizer.

Hey Bro Warbird,

I don't know about you, but from
time to time, I get unfocused during
the day.

I'll stumble upon a video on YouTube
or an article, and then read or watch
another one and--BOOM--I found that
I just lost an hour, if not more.

It's very insidious and very vicious.

There are people out there spending
billions to steal our focus so that we
can see their ads and messages.

TV is the epitome of this.

The average American watches 151
hours of TV per month

You can literally become an expert
on virtually any topic in that time.

You can get in shape or even learn
new valuable skills that could advance
your career or business.

Life is short and we should be
conscious of how we use our time.

Little adjustment in the way you use
your time can make a HUGE difference
over 1, 3, 5, and 10 years.

Don't take it lightly.

We're all different, but we ALL have
24 hours.

Time is the great equalizer.

Make the most of it.

Have an amazing day!


He is right!

Life is unpredictable n very brief.

I hv friends, colleagues n relatives who passed on in their teens, 20s, 30s, 40s n 50s...many unexpectedly. Others had crippling injuries and/or disabilities. How do u like to be a paraplegic at 29 (my paternal uncle's son in Fujian) or a quadriplegic at 26 (a friend's son in Gotham City)

Anyone who is alive at this moment could be next...dead or severely crippled.

The reason is simple. The particles n energy that form a living person is unstable n is subject to all the forces in this universe. Every minute of being alive is a miracle.

I'm thankful every minute.

I'm learning n improving myself in every way, every minute, everyday.

I constantly repeat to myself: I accept and I'm grateful for whatever is happening in my life at this moment. I'm relaxed, confident, positive n happy NOW, every minute, everyday, forever...

I like to invest as if I would live forever n I like to live as if I would die tomorrow.

Have a great day!!

Bro WB
Old 04-12-2014, 11:10 AM
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Master Warbird

Every time i read your writings, i feel great to learn from a master.

We should meet soon.
Old 07-12-2014, 02:55 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
Master Warbird

Every time i read your writings, i feel great to learn from a master.

We should meet soon.
Bro ahpui99,

I'm a diligent n determined learner, not a master.

Even a MAN w/ the best masculine character traits n awesome self mastery will be rejected by some girls/women. And there are women who will never be emotionally and sexually addicted to him haha. Of course it means nothing to him as he is totally detached from anyone or any event.

We shall meet soon.


Bro WB
Old 15-12-2014, 10:43 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning!

I'm back.

What I'm going to write could appear incredulous n counterintuitive to all bros here.

I'm writing this because of a recent event. Just days ago I had a good chat w/ a very successful lady man who is also a rich towkay. He is completely clueless abt attraction!!

I hv yet to meet a MAN who truly understands what women want, and who actually can take full advantage of it, because he truly believes it, consciously and SUBCONSCIOUSLY. Not what women think or say they want, but what their brains are hard wired to crave, as this is in their genes after over 100,000 yrs of evolution...something that they themselves may be totally unaware of.

There are some men who hv read abt a little bit of this here n there, over the yrs, but they are not breathing n living it, especially when they find themselves in stressful situations that really matter. Why? Because their subconscious minds don't believe it n can't accept it...due to social/cultural/religious major pitfall for men is to assume that women are the same as men. How many times hv u been given advice by ur mom or older female relatives that u should be NICE to a "good girl" n treat her like a princess?

Many people are utterly confused. Just one example. Even though women are sexually extremely attracted to a man w/ deep voice n facial scars n awesome emotional strength for short term affairs, especially during ovulation, they may end up marrying effeminate nice guys who hv better jobs n are wealthier. For a stable meal ticket, for them n their future kids. But they will cheat on their husbands, sooner or later, unless you know what...or they will be feeling empty n miserable. You can write this down.

I hv a sad confession to make. Even though I hv consciously known what women want for some time, my subconscious mind n inner beliefs are not fully aligned w/ my conscious mind n desires yet. I still make mistakes n fxk up sometimes...I need to redouble my efforts to continue to reprogram my mind.


Bro WB
Old 15-12-2014, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning! I'm back. What I'm going to write could appear incredulous n counterintuitive to all bros here. I'm writing this because of a recent event. Just days ago I had a good chat w/ a very successful lady man who is also a rich towkay. He is completely clueless abt attraction!! I hv yet to meet a MAN who truly understands what women want, and who actually can take full advantage of it, because he truly believes it, consciously and SUBCONSCIOUSLY. Not what women think or say they want, but what their brains are hard wired to crave, as this is in their genes after over 100,000 yrs of evolution...something that they themselves may be totally unaware of. There are some men who hv read abt a little bit of this here n there, over the yrs, but they are not breathing n living it, especially when they find themselves in stressful situations that really matter. Why? Because their subconscious minds don't believe it n can't accept it...due to social/cultural/religious major pitfall for men is to assume that women are the same as men. How many times hv u been given advice by ur mom or older female relatives that u should be NICE to a "good girl" n treat her like a princess? Many people are utterly confused. Just one example. Even though women are sexually extremely attracted to a man w/ deep voice n facial scars n awesome emotional strength for short term affairs, especially during ovulation, they may end up marrying effeminate nice guys who hv better jobs n are wealthier. For a stable meal ticket, for them n their future kids. But they will cheat on their husbands, sooner or later, unless you know what...or they will be feeling empty n miserable. You can write this down. I hv a sad confession to make. Even though I hv consciously known what women want for some time, my subconscious mind n inner beliefs are not fully aligned w/ my conscious mind n desires yet. I still make mistakes n fxk up sometimes...I need to redouble my efforts to continue to reprogram my mind. Cheers! Bro WB
Hi Bro Warbird,

What will you recommend if not to treat then nicely?
Old 15-12-2014, 10:02 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I hv a sad confession to make. Even though I hv consciously known what women want for some time, my subconscious mind n inner beliefs are not fully aligned w/ my conscious mind n desires yet. I still make mistakes n fxk up sometimes...I need to redouble my efforts to continue to reprogram my mind.


Bro WB
Every experience we have made us better; but in end, we can change how we think and behave but never the core personality.

There is always a conscious persona and unconscious persona. Conscious persona is when we know what we weak at and get better at it. For example, if your job require public speaking, your brain would work towards it by going for courses and practices. That is usually what we can control

The scary part is the real us which is our unconscious persona. Some people apparently have good temperament; but actually is their conscious persona which we are seeing and when they blow, they blow. That is their real behavior. Another example, is the reason why some people have different behaviors at work and home is due to our conscious and unconscious mind.

One need to understand the working of the brain to get to that state of being able to control what we do...a lifetime of upgrades to our processor

just sharing my thoughts on the matter.
Old 15-12-2014, 10:03 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
Hi Bro Warbird,

What will you recommend if not to treat then nicely?
I think bro wb is trying to say do you know what the gal wants in the first place? If you do, then whether do you treat them nicely or badly, you will have a hold over her. This is not easy.
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