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Old 20-06-2008, 01:59 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Camry69 View Post
Bro insomia, read your post but that did not answer to my question. Please read my quote above again. I trying to ask you why tell someone thing that I have not done at all. As I said " WHEN DID I PM YOU TO TALK ABOUT BRO NEC BARANG " which I did not pm you B4. If some one is to call you and ask what the hell you talk bad about me HOW WILL U FEEL. This what happening to me now that is why I want an Answer from you.
Why so childish one? Call up and ask this kind of question? I guess someone has been going around contacting people and warning people not to play him out.
Old 20-06-2008, 02:00 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by clanzy View Post
dear bro/sis

For info there is a new group in marketing siam amulets . Pls free to browse around .

Soorng_Phra : Soorng

Thank u for attention .

Thanks bro, just went to see his stuffs, power collections !!!, the photos in the grp is only 10 fo his collections, every month he's going to BKK to source amulets, got a Thai wife (lucky fellow, saw the wife's piecs, swee ! ) prices reasonable. Just got a LPT amulet made by a great guru from for $40 (the piece at his main grp page), great deal !!!

For information only hor, not promotion wait kena zappers
Old 20-06-2008, 02:03 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post
For the past few days , I have bros coming forward to share with me their incidents with bro Necromancer.

What interests me the most was the fact that some bros will keep on buying barangs despite their 1st rental.

From my experience , I got the barangs from Bro Necromancer UPON his RECOMMENDATIONS.

He was the one who CHOSE the "supposedly right" barangs suitable for me. Professionals cant go wrong right?

But why is it that some bros got the barangs RECOMMENDED by him but do not see any EFFECT?

And what's worse was THEY WERE RECOMMENDED "SUPPOSEDLY STRONGER" BARANGS to them so that the EFFECT will come?

Aint the "supposedly right" barangs showed effect like how the rest of the bros who bought them?

In the first place, if the barangs do not seem to work , why were they RECOMMENDED to them ??

Why is there a need to "PUSH" FOR more barangs to enhance the EFFECT?

By the way , the barangs rented aint no cheap items here. We are talking about hundreds to thousands of dollars here.

Which brings me to another topic!

Does the PRICE determines the POWER/EFFECT?

It seems to me that some bros shared with me that apparently the Pricer the barang , the more EFFECTIVE it is.

I always thought my langsi khun paen was one of a kind already. But I soon realised that there were even more POWERFUL ones than mine.
Bro insomia, Now can you see who is the black hand behind all this argument?? Cant this fellow keep his big mouth shut and PM bro insomia saying his phor hun yong only cost $100?? WHY?? YOU WANT TO MAKE US FIGHT AGAINST EACH ANOTHER ???!!! Your amulet doesnt work cos you got doubts and you are a trouble maker OVER HERE ! Me and bro insomia has clear up every doubts so you better dont try me again, this is the last time i am warning you bro thai disco_lover. Thankyou !
Old 20-06-2008, 02:09 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by rocketscientist View Post
haha one HPY amulet cause so much hoohabala.......

When it comes to amulets open your eyes lor........i dun know who is bro Necro so no comments but it seems he got his supporters as well as detractors......

FYI i rented my HPY direct from temple around SGD 60 only.....those of you paid 699!!!???!!! Can rent a dozen lo......amulets in Thailand are so cheap......$699 you can get a very valuable prize winning piece liao lo.....or get a limited edition commerative set......
Paper cannot Wrap Fire.

Sooner or later people will recollect their experiences and share with others what had happened.

If there is truth in what the bros say , at least it serves as a deter for bros who are reading to ( bear in mind ) before they engage any transactions in future.

I just hope bros who have similar or unhappy experiences to come forward to share.

Please do not let me see my mae ta kien at FLS at bugis. I will faintz...

$5 compared to $300 over...
Old 20-06-2008, 02:12 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post
It's true that bros here have the right to request bro Necromancer to come forward and explain on the high costs and why there are similiar barangs sold cheaply outside?

He may say those are fakes but how to prove so?

If the item is so rare , most likely it wont be replicated so easily in the market.
My piece rented direct from temple taken personally fron LP's hand......thai baht 1500 around SGD60. If i know can re let at 699 i would have rented one container back liao lor......

SGD 699 is almost 20k baht.......i go to Pantip 2 or Thaparanchan (thai amulets markets like Fu Lu Shou in SIN) can rented 100 years old pieces or competition 1st prize amulets liao all kena cheated big time liao
Exchange point centre : elth
Old 20-06-2008, 02:12 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post

Please do not let me see my mae ta kien at FLS at bugis. I will faintz...
This thread is getting interesting.... 1 by 1 comes out.

BTW, I still waiting for u to show hand. Where r the pics???
Old 20-06-2008, 02:15 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post
Paper cannot Wrap Fire.

Sooner or later people will recollect their experiences and share with others what had happened.

If there is truth in what the bros say , at least it serves as a deter for bros who are reading to ( bear in mind ) before they engage any transactions in future.

I just hope bros who have similar or unhappy experiences to come forward to share.

Please do not let me see my mae ta kien at FLS at bugis. I will faintz...

$5 compared to $300 over...
The $5 pieces you see in FLS only going for 5 bahts in thailand......all the fakes amulets thrown into a huge pile on the roadside LELONG!
Exchange point centre : elth
Old 20-06-2008, 02:17 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Sound Minister View Post
Thanks bro, just went to see his stuffs, power collections !!!, the photos in the grp is only 10 fo his collections, every month he's going to BKK to source amulets, got a Thai wife (lucky fellow, saw the wife's piecs, swee ! ) prices reasonable. Just got a LPT amulet made by a great guru from for $40 (the piece at his main grp page), great deal !!!

For information only hor, not promotion wait kena zappers
NOW I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! No need use your clones too come here promote your business la....always using the same tricks
Exchange point centre : elth
Old 20-06-2008, 02:22 PM
thaidisco_lover thaidisco_lover is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Necromancer II View Post
Bro insomia, Now can you see who is the black hand behind all this argument?? Cant this fellow keep his big mouth shut and PM bro insomia saying his phor hun yong only cost $100?? WHY?? YOU WANT TO MAKE US FIGHT AGAINST EACH ANOTHER ???!!! Your amulet doesnt work cos you got doubts and you are a trouble maker OVER HERE ! Me and bro insomia has clear up every doubts so you better dont try me again, this is the last time i am warning you bro thai disco_lover. Thankyou !
LOL black hand?

Me make u guys fight? Call yourself a Archan and your level of enlightenment so low?

Archan Necromancer , let me share with u then.

I am perfectly fine with my amulet. I am still carrying the amulet/barang I rented from u till this day.

I always believe in myself. I do not depend on amulets/barang so essentially. No point sit there and wait for the amulets/barang to do it's EFFECT.

But concidentally I close my deal on the first viewing of the property I was entrusted for sale. I too had some good metta when I went clubbing after I rented it from u.

Also back then , the financial crisis I brought up was meant to test on your sincerity to help. That was all in the past. I am pretty ok with what I got for a answer.

So now u want to warn me in a forum? Why dun u try warning me in real life as well? I will make sure u will get it from me. U see , I am pretty much scared now till I am pissing on my pants.

( Not everyone is scared and easily threatened by u , at least not me )

Why afraid of people posting when u got nothing to hide? Instead of replying , u go around the bush and never clarify.

The fire only gets bigger and U have noone to blame but yourself.
Old 20-06-2008, 02:31 PM
thaidisco_lover thaidisco_lover is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by rocketscientist View Post
My piece rented direct from temple taken personally fron LP's hand......thai baht 1500 around SGD60. If i know can re let at 699 i would have rented one container back liao lor......

SGD 699 is almost 20k baht.......i go to Pantip 2 or Thaparanchan (thai amulets markets like Fu Lu Shou in SIN) can rented 100 years old pieces or competition 1st prize amulets liao all kena cheated big time liao
That is why there is a need to clarify on why the high prices for the amulets?

He claims he is helping bros out there and not making any profit.

I agree to " willing buyer , willing seller ". He did not put a knife at us to buy the amulets.

But why market us amulets at high prices? And if the amulets dun work for some of the bros , he will give excuses about not time yet , not strong enough.


Luckily for me , this Archan thought I am not financially capable to rent more amulets/barang from him. That is why he never bother me after that incident.
Old 20-06-2008, 02:36 PM
thaidisco_lover thaidisco_lover is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
This thread is getting interesting.... 1 by 1 comes out.

BTW, I still waiting for u to show hand. Where r the pics???
Told u to sit back with your popcorns as the show starts.

Showhand also depends on other bros willing to come forward or not.

I said many times already I am pretty fine with my purchase, just that it happens that the stories that keep coming in to me are very interesting.

That is why I ( daredevil ) come forward to voice out and hope to get some clarification only.

Old 20-06-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

An example of what 699 can get you......this 18 years old 22.5 grams solid gold amulet by famous LP Koon is being let go at only 500+......699 for a 2551 HPY? hahaha.....actually when i rented at 1500 bahts i felt it is expensive liao
Exchange point centre : elth
Old 20-06-2008, 02:54 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Dun say i compare apples with oranges hor....

below is HPY made in same year 2551 by famous Archan Pak Sut of Wat Nine Tow....going for $18 only.....and this is the dealer's price mind you!
Exchange point centre : elth
Old 20-06-2008, 02:57 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by rocketscientist View Post
An example of what 699 can get you......this 18 years old 22.5 grams solid gold amulet by famous LP Koon is being let go at only 500+......699 for a 2551 HPY? hahaha.....actually when i rented at 1500 bahts i felt it is expensive liao
archan say highend 1 what...what to do? everybody scare he will cast a spell on them if didn't buy from him..
Old 20-06-2008, 02:59 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Wah, since so many disputes on the prices of barangs & amulets, can we go to CASE to report?

I myself bought many pieces of barangs from Bro Nec & it cost me a few grand but till date, i do not look back. Why, like what people said, have faith, feel happy.

Another simple logic, (disclaimer, mean nothing to compare to holy objects) sometimes, when we engage FL at the Lorongs during their off duty, after KTV closing time or before they go to work, can usually up them for maybe less than $100, but if you happen to book them out from the KTV, around $250, so what say you, a same piece of cunt but different price. Complain to who? Report to CASE again?

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