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Old 16-10-2010, 08:33 AM
MrBombastic MrBombastic is offline
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Re: All Petain FR experience

No offence to any PRC bros here. But based on my information, this is why most of the WLs rate these PRCs as the same class as the Banglas:

1. Most of the PRCs are drunk before FJ with these WLs.
2. They feel that by paying only $50, they can do whatever they want because $50 to them is very huge amount of $$$.
3. PRCs man doesn't have respect to women. They always feel that women are born to be fucked.

Again, these minority of PRCs are spoiling the market. Why?

1. If this keep on happening, sooner or later, WLs will migrate to a place, whereby we might never see the them again.
2. PT will be police infested place.
3. PT will even be more popular whereby the whole world know PT is a fuck place.
4. WLs will raise their FJ rate to fend off these morons because WLs know they can't afford it.

These people are not thinking about long term. Once they are caught they will be send back to their home country instead of continuing earning their living here. As for those OKT or captain or whatever you call them. They are just too old to guard these houses. So far I have not seen any young guardians over there. I wouldn't be surprise that that the offender outpower them anytime.

So, does the CCTV helps? Maybe, maybe not.

My personal point of view, these are down to the mentality of these PRCs. Whereby I think it's a spoiler.

Thank god both my business partners are safe -> Vivi and Super

Last edited by MrBombastic; 16-10-2010 at 09:03 AM.
Old 16-10-2010, 09:24 AM
iceboy29125 iceboy29125 is offline
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Re: All Petain FR experience

I guess protection is very minimum for PT ladies, though there are guardians or bouncers whichever you called it,
But one thing for sure, this will be enlightened and man in blue will take action and who knows PT might be demolished and gone forever,
I fear the worst. lets keep fingers crossed..
Old 16-10-2010, 10:39 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by gofuckspider View Post
bro/s, if u all read the chinese papers today, it stated that the china guy went into the room, neg with the WL from 30 down to 20 which the WL agreed as its abt 8+ liao but when she turn to undress the china guy took out the hammer from the bag n aim it at her, first aim missed but second aim hit her on the side, she scream n next door WL quickly called for help. 4 OKT (watever u call them) stood outside the door but the china guy over powered them, dropping his bag, think hammer n documents on the floor. motive is for $.. anyway went to visit ann this late afternoon n she told me she now got phobia if any china or indian customer come in with bag..must check see first..btw,overheard the guys at the front entrance mentioned that the china guy kana caught liao..not sure though..will update if i heard or saw anything..cheers
Damn, so the intent was to steal? WTF! These WLs come here to make an honest living and these sons of bitches are trying to steal from them?

If this china guy get caught he should be made to suffer in jail. Give him max stroke of the rottan, 24 strokes!!! Damn him stealing from our beloved WLs.

Bro gofuckspider, thanks for the update. It was 2 nights ago when I went to PT just to see-see 9:00pm already when I see police. I pray-pray it was fight among Bros and that no WL involved, but now I guess I was wrong. Whoever this WL I wish her well.

I thank you.
Old 16-10-2010, 10:44 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by MrBombastic View Post
No offence to any PRC bros here. But based on my information, this is why most of the WLs rate these PRCs as the same class as the Banglas:

1. Most of the PRCs are drunk before FJ with these WLs.
2. They feel that by paying only $50, they can do whatever they want because $50 to them is very huge amount of $$$.
3. PRCs man doesn't have respect to women. They always feel that women are born to be fucked.

Again, these minority of PRCs are spoiling the market. Why?

1. If this keep on happening, sooner or later, WLs will migrate to a place, whereby we might never see the them again.
2. PT will be police infested place.
3. PT will even be more popular whereby the whole world know PT is a fuck place.
4. WLs will raise their FJ rate to fend off these morons because WLs know they can't afford it.

These people are not thinking about long term. Once they are caught they will be send back to their home country instead of continuing earning their living here. As for those OKT or captain or whatever you call them. They are just too old to guard these houses. So far I have not seen any young guardians over there. I wouldn't be surprise that that the offender outpower them anytime.

So, does the CCTV helps? Maybe, maybe not.

My personal point of view, these are down to the mentality of these PRCs. Whereby I think it's a spoiler.

Thank god both my business partners are safe -> Vivi and Super
Me also Bro, WLs tell me this PRC Bros are rough! Yes, they do smell of alcohol.

Thing is they somehow like to squeeze WLs' tits like oranges. WTF! They don't understand that it dooesn't give the WL pleasure because it hurts a lot.

I have been watching in youtube - "Sexual Revolution in China", and this will explain why these Bros behave as such. Hope you enjoy the show, it's in 5 or 6 parts I think.

I thank you.
Old 16-10-2010, 11:11 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by austin69 View Post
Damn, so the intent was to steal? WTF! These WLs come here to make an honest living and these sons of bitches are trying to steal from them?

If this china guy get caught he should be made to suffer in jail. Give him max stroke of the rottan, 24 strokes!!! Damn him stealing from our beloved WLs.

Bro gofuckspider, thanks for the update. It was 2 nights ago when I went to PT just to see-see 9:00pm already when I see police. I pray-pray it was fight among Bros and that no WL involved, but now I guess I was wrong. Whoever this WL I wish her well.

I thank you.
hmmm..agree with u bro..sure will kana big time inside..anyway i heard cctv caught his face though..n lastly heard is the WL still in coma..lets jus pray that she will be ok..hope police will arrest that idiot soon..
Old 16-10-2010, 12:07 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by iceboy29125 View Post
But one thing for sure, this will be enlightened and man in blue will take action and who knows PT might be demolished and gone forever,
I fear the worst. lets keep fingers crossed..
If that happens, I want to shag that China man, with a hammer
Old 16-10-2010, 12:49 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by gofuckspider View Post
bro/s, if u all read the chinese papers today, it stated that the china guy went into the room, neg with the WL from 30 down to 20 which the WL agreed as its abt 8+ liao but when she turn to undress the china guy took out the hammer from the bag n aim it at her, first aim missed but second aim hit her on the side, she scream n next door WL quickly called for help. 4 OKT (watever u call them) stood outside the door but the china guy over powered them, dropping his bag, think hammer n documents on the floor. motive is for $.. anyway went to visit ann this late afternoon n she told me she now got phobia if any china or indian customer come in with bag..must check see first..btw,overheard the guys at the front entrance mentioned that the china guy kana caught liao..not sure though..will update if i heard or saw anything..cheers
This prc damn cruel, use a knife threaten can liao, straight away hammer. The punishment for him should be a return hammer on his erected dick.
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Old 16-10-2010, 12:50 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

such incident will not be last as this place will continue to flood with foreign talents. they can't behave nicely at kopi-tiam how nice can they be behind closed door. they create havoc and be depoted but we have to deal with their shits and aftermath. obviously our big bro has no effectively way in monitoring their behaviours, easiest way for policy maker is using development excuses to get rid of these old houses rather than solving the roots of the problem.

most importantly bros going there better be vigilant you never knows what they will do not juz the WL only.
milf \(^-^)/ milf
Old 16-10-2010, 01:24 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by iceboy29125 View Post
I guess protection is very minimum for PT ladies, though there are guardians or bouncers whichever you called it,
But one thing for sure, this will be enlightened and man in blue will take action and who knows PT might be demolished and gone forever,
I fear the worst. lets keep fingers crossed..
PT generates income for the goverment. They will think twice before any demolishing occurs.

I thank you.
Old 16-10-2010, 01:31 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by (.)(.) lover View Post
This prc damn cruel, use a knife threaten can liao, straight away hammer. The punishment for him should be a return hammer on his erected dick.
Agree with you Bro, this asshole should be made to suffer in jail.

I despise men who physically hurt women.

Women, no matter what are to be treated nicely, gently and with respect!!!

I thank you.
Old 16-10-2010, 01:42 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by austin69 View Post
Agree with you Bro, this asshole should be made to suffer in jail.

I despise men who physically hurt women.

Women, no matter what are to be treated nicely, gently and with respect!!!

I thank you.
this offence is "causing serious hurt", sure kenna rotan plus jail.
if he is also convicted of "armed robbery", then is it another very serious offence. another few strokes of rotan

this place is not safe. no wonder, WL dont like to work when the sky turn dark
Old 16-10-2010, 02:25 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by gofuckspider View Post
she scream n next door WL quickly called for help. 4 OKT (watever u call them) stood outside the door but the china guy over powered them,
This PRC guy sure knows how to choose the time to strike....if he had come earlier it would not be just 4 Okts but 2 armed guys confronting him. After pm the "guards" go for duty at other nitespots.

Originally Posted by gofuckspider View Post
btw,overheard the guys at the front entrance mentioned that the china guy kana caught liao..not sure though..will update if i heard or saw anything..cheers
U r mistaken..... they are talking about the woodlands murder guy who was caught n not about the H4 PRC assailant.
Old 16-10-2010, 02:44 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by iceboy29125 View Post
I guess protection is very minimum for PT ladies, though there are guardians or bouncers whichever you called it,
The protection for the WLs there now is very minimal as the bouncers are not stationed there anymore. With the CCTVs around they oso dun want to be there. What they have now is a few lookouts who will call the bouncers down only if there is major trouble and they need help. Minor problems are settled by themselves.

Unlike the good old days when the bouncers are stationed just across the carpark at the martial art kwoon. When the building was demolished they moved to the neighbouring street @ 100 metres away And when that place was redeveloped..... they moved to Lavender which although is still nearby but it would still take them 10 - 15 mins to arrive.
Old 16-10-2010, 03:13 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

i hope mei qi is ok now
Old 16-10-2010, 04:49 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

oh sorry abt that bro ninja..but hopefully the cctv did capture the image of that bastard..hai..those WL are jus out to make a living wonder y people target them n not other sources..but imo the few "bouncers" there not really very bouncy type leh..hai..too bad perhaps police will now step up patrol liao..esp opp got the condo sure residents make noise abt safety issues..
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