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Old 31-05-2014, 10:27 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Understand miko 1654a also gone home
Old 31-05-2014, 11:39 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by stirrer View Post
Was spoilt for choice from the recent batch of new girls but there is this girl who deserve special mention, short FR as follow:

Name: Bei Bei(贝贝)
House: 1817
Face: 8/10 (slutty look)
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Body: 9/10 (34D+ natural boob, fair & smooth complexion, no tattoos)
Bath: 9/10 (thorough cleaning, boob massage, bbbj)
Foreplay: 9/10 (catbath, 360degree bbbj, french... basically everything offered in DG as she is sauna trained there)
AR: 9/10 (good lick, poke with tongue while her hand caress and masturbate you)
BBBJ: 9/10 (good suction with lots of variations and that CFM look)
FJ: 9/10 (intense session, very obliging and enjoying herself as well)
GFE: 9/10 (no rush, offer light massage after the session)

It has been the longest time I have given such high score, she is definitely worth a try if you are looking for girl with good service, nice body & good service
Awesome FR. Now i am eager to try bie bie.
Will bie bie take non chinese? Does she speak or understand english?
Old 31-05-2014, 11:47 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Milan 1856
Vivo 1612
Alice w06
33 24m13

All ord.
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 01-06-2014, 09:28 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Bro, go take a look at the format I used for the actress thread. Suggest you follow and do something similar. This makes it easier to read and less longer to scroll


0819 - Kai Xin (B+), Wan Wan (C), Xiao Bing (B+/C, brown big, 1.66m), Xiao Xue (C pinkish 1.6m), Yun Yun (B+ pink 1.65m)

This will make the list more compact, and one look you can see the line-up of girls for each house. Rather than see the name of the girl, then have to see the house, and then the breast size. And you can save on having to type the house number so many times. Type the house number once, then the line up of the girls in one line. Your list will be shorter and easier to read.

Just a suggestion buddy

Originally Posted by miwantit View Post
Thanks for input bro - had done this one but got no feedback - how does this look?

Kai Xin 0819 B+
Wan Wan 0819 C
Xiao Bing 0819 B+/C brown big 1.66m
Xiao Xue 0819 C pinkish 1.6m
Yun Yun 0819 B+ pink 1.65m
Ah Yen 1425 C 1.57m
Bei Er 1429 C brownish 1.62m
Ling Ling 1429 C brownish pinkish 1.62m
Yao Yao 1429 B+ commando
Han Han 1431 ENH B+ 1.7m - commando
Li Na 1431 C light brown big 1.63m - commando
Rong Rong 1606 B+/C light brown 1.67m
Wei Wei 1608 B+/C 1.63m slim and curvy
Evon 1612 B+ pink 1.6m
JJ 1612 B+/C brownish 1.65m
Ke Ke 1612 B+ 1.65m
Vivo 1612 B+/C pink 1.65m
Xiao S 1612 B+ pinkish 1.55m
Bai He 1615 C light brown 1.55m
Lu Lu 1615 B+
Yan Zhi 1615 C 1.58m bah bah
Zhen Zhen 1615 C+ 1.64m
Jia Xi 1617 B+/C 1.62m
Dou Dou 1619 C+
Tang Tang 1639 C slight sag 1.58m
Ke Ke 1651 C+/D pinkish 1.6m
Na Na 1651 C
Xue Er 1651 B+/C brownish 1.55m
Yang Yang 1651 C
Yi Yi 1651 B+/C
Le Le 1669 C 1.54m
Xiao Bing 1669 B+ pinkish 1.67m
Xiao Ping 1669 C
Si Qi 1803 B+ brown 1.61m
Xiao Yu 1803 B+/C pinkish 1.64m
Bai Xue 1805 ENH B+ brown 1.6m
Co Co 1805 B+ pale brown 1.64m
Duo Duo 1805 C brownish 1.58m
Ferrari (Fa La Li) 1805 ENH C light brown 1.65m
Zhi Ling 1805 B+ light pinkish brown big
Apple 1809 C brownish pink
Mango 1809 C 1.67m - commando
Xin Xin 1809 C 1.65m
Bei Bei 1817 C+/D 1.58m
Qian Qian 1817 ENH C brown - commando
Tao Zi 1817 C 1.68m
Apple 1854 B+ brownish 1.63m
Doreen 1854 C pinkish
KK 1854 B+ light brown 1.57m
Chanel 1856 B+ 1.67m
Li Cha 1856 C
LV 1856 B+ 1.55m
Milan 1856 B+ pink 1.6M slim but curvy
Shui Mi 1856 C pink 1.58m slim
Xue Mei 1856 C
Anqi 2017 C 1.63m curvy
Le Le 2017 B+ 1.66m
Zi Xing 2017 C pink
Mei Mei 2033 C pink
Mei Qi 2033 B+/C brown sag 1.66m
Mei You 2033 B+/C pinkish 1.55m - commando
Bai He 2038 ENH C 1.6m
Hua Die 2038 C
Mango 2038 C
Wen Wen 2038 B+ 1.64m
Xiao Bei 2040 B+
Xiao Mei 2040 B+/C light brown 1.57m
Xiao Yan 2040 B+
Gi Gi 2041 C 1.6m slim
Hai Yang aka Ocean 2041 C 1.63m
Ke Xin 2041 ENH B+/C slim and curvy
Lily 2041 B+ pink 1.58m
Xiao Xiao 2041 ENH B+/C pinkish big 1.6m
Xue Er 2041 C
Zi Qing 2041 C+ brownish slight sag 1.58m curvy
Mikione/Miki1 2043 C - commando
Feng Huang 2045 C brownish 1.61m - commando
Piao Yang 2045 B+
Jia Bao 2047 B+
Jia Ling 2047 B+ 1.6m
Jia Mei 2047 B+
Jia Meng 2047 C light brown 1.58m
Jia Ni 2047 C pink 1.62m
Jia Zhen 2047 ENH B+/C light brown 1.6m commando
Da S 2058 B+/C pale brown 1.6m
Fei Fei 2062 C 1.58m
Wen Wen 2062 B+ 1.63m
Xue Er 2062 C brownish
Yo Yo 2062 C brownish pinkish bit sag
AC Milan 3033 ENH C+ 1.63m curvy - commando
Wen Wen 3033 C lightish brown 1.62m
An Qi 15W15 B+ brown 1.58m
Xiao Yu 1606A B+/C pinkish 1.68m
Na Na 1639/1667 ENH B+ light pink 1.6m slim
Honey 1654A C+
Jia Jia 1654A D pink small 1.6m
Jo Jo 1654A C+ ENH pink
Judy 1654A B+/C - commando
Lu Lu 1654A B+ pinkish 1.6m - commando
Miao Miao 1654A D pinkish sag 1.55m
Miko 1654A B+ 1.6m - commando
Na Na 1654A ENH B+/C brown 1.7m
Ni Ni 1654A B+/C pinkish 1.6m - commando
Tian Tian 1654A B+ - commando
Xiao Nu 1654A B+/C
Xiao Xue 1654A C pink
Xiao Yu 1654A B+ pinkish 1.58m - commando
Yi Yi 1654A D+ pinkish 1.62m
Han Zhi 16W04 C+/D pale pink small 1.57m
Hong Hong 16W04 C brown 1.65m
Tian Tian 16W04 B+/C 1.63m
Ai Li Si (Alice) 16W06 B+/C light brown pinkish 1.65m
JC 16W06 B+ 1.63m - commando
Yin Duo Duo 16W06 C+/D pink 1.6m
Zhen Mei 16W06 B+ brown big 1.68m - commando
Ke Ke 16W12 B+/C 1.6m
Ping Ping 16W12 C 1.6m slim
Bei Bei 16W15 C 1.63m
Chen Chen 16W15 B+ 1.58m
Fei Er 16W15 C
Jing Jing 16W15 C+ pinkish 1.67m
Bing Bing 16W19 ENH B+/C slim
Bo Bo 16W19 C
Yan Yan 16W19 ENH B+ light brown 1.66m
Yan Zi 16W19 B+
Zhen Zhen 16W19 B+ pinkish 1.66m curvy
Fei Fei 2062A ENH B+ 1.7m
Ye Ye 2062A B+ pinkish 1.56m - commando
Ba Ba 24M13 C
Jiu Jiu 99 24M13 B+/C pinkish 1.64m - commando
Ling Liu (06) 24M13 C
San San (33) 24M13 C pinkish 1.65m
Lisa 2831A B+ light brown 1.65m
Mi Qi 2831A C
Paris 2831A C?
Xiao Mi 2831A C
Old 01-06-2014, 11:27 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Thanks for your effort.
Just to check, are you still updating the skydrive (

Originally Posted by miwantit View Post
Kai Xin 0819 B+
Wan Wan 0819 C
Xiao Bing 0819 B+/C brown big 1.66m
Xiao Xue 0819 C pinkish 1.6m
Yun Yun 0819 B+ pink 1.65m
Ah Yen 1425 C 1.57m
Bei Er 1429 C brownish 1.62m
Ling Ling 1429 C brownish pinkish 1.62m
Yao Yao 1429 B+ commando
Han Han 1431 ENH B+ 1.7m - commando
Li Na 1431 C light brown big 1.63m - commando
Rong Rong 1606 B+/C light brown 1.67m
Wei Wei 1608 B+/C 1.63m slim and curvy
Evon 1612 B+ pink 1.6m
JJ 1612 B+/C brownish 1.65m
Ke Ke 1612 B+ 1.65m
Vivo 1612 B+/C pink 1.65m
Xiao S 1612 B+ pinkish 1.55m
Bai He 1615 C light brown 1.55m
Lu Lu 1615 B+
Yan Zhi 1615 C 1.58m bah bah
Zhen Zhen 1615 C+ 1.64m
Jia Xi 1617 B+/C 1.62m
Dou Dou 1619 C+
Tang Tang 1639 C slight sag 1.58m
Ke Ke 1651 C+/D pinkish 1.6m
Na Na 1651 C
Xue Er 1651 B+/C brownish 1.55m
Yang Yang 1651 C
Yi Yi 1651 B+/C
Le Le 1669 C 1.54m
Xiao Bing 1669 B+ pinkish 1.67m
Xiao Ping 1669 C
Si Qi 1803 B+ brown 1.61m
Xiao Yu 1803 B+/C pinkish 1.64m
Bai Xue 1805 ENH B+ brown 1.6m
Co Co 1805 B+ pale brown 1.64m
Duo Duo 1805 C brownish 1.58m
Ferrari (Fa La Li) 1805 ENH C light brown 1.65m
Zhi Ling 1805 B+ light pinkish brown big
Apple 1809 C brownish pink
Mango 1809 C 1.67m - commando
Xin Xin 1809 C 1.65m
Bei Bei 1817 C+/D 1.58m
Qian Qian 1817 ENH C brown - commando
Tao Zi 1817 C 1.68m
Apple 1854 B+ brownish 1.63m
Doreen 1854 C pinkish
KK 1854 B+ light brown 1.57m
Chanel 1856 B+ 1.67m
Li Cha 1856 C
LV 1856 B+ 1.55m
Milan 1856 B+ pink 1.6M slim but curvy
Shui Mi 1856 C pink 1.58m slim
Xue Mei 1856 C
Anqi 2017 C 1.63m curvy
Le Le 2017 B+ 1.66m
Zi Xing 2017 C pink
Mei Mei 2033 C pink
Mei Qi 2033 B+/C brown sag 1.66m
Mei You 2033 B+/C pinkish 1.55m - commando
Bai He 2038 ENH C 1.6m
Hua Die 2038 C
Mango 2038 C
Wen Wen 2038 B+ 1.64m
Xiao Bei 2040 B+
Xiao Mei 2040 B+/C light brown 1.57m
Xiao Yan 2040 B+
Gi Gi 2041 C 1.6m slim
Hai Yang aka Ocean 2041 C 1.63m
Ke Xin 2041 ENH B+/C slim and curvy
Lily 2041 B+ pink 1.58m
Xiao Xiao 2041 ENH B+/C pinkish big 1.6m
Xue Er 2041 C
Zi Qing 2041 C+ brownish slight sag 1.58m curvy
Mikione/Miki1 2043 C - commando
Feng Huang 2045 C brownish 1.61m - commando
Piao Yang 2045 B+
Jia Bao 2047 B+
Jia Ling 2047 B+ 1.6m
Jia Mei 2047 B+
Jia Meng 2047 C light brown 1.58m
Jia Ni 2047 C pink 1.62m
Jia Zhen 2047 ENH B+/C light brown 1.6m commando
Da S 2058 B+/C pale brown 1.6m
Fei Fei 2062 C 1.58m
Wen Wen 2062 B+ 1.63m
Xue Er 2062 C brownish
Yo Yo 2062 C brownish pinkish bit sag
AC Milan 3033 ENH C+ 1.63m curvy - commando
Wen Wen 3033 C lightish brown 1.62m
An Qi 15W15 B+ brown 1.58m
Xiao Yu 1606A B+/C pinkish 1.68m
Na Na 1639/1667 ENH B+ light pink 1.6m slim
Honey 1654A C+
Jia Jia 1654A D pink small 1.6m
Jo Jo 1654A C+ ENH pink
Judy 1654A B+/C - commando
Lu Lu 1654A B+ pinkish 1.6m - commando
Miao Miao 1654A D pinkish sag 1.55m
Miko 1654A B+ 1.6m - commando
Na Na 1654A ENH B+/C brown 1.7m
Ni Ni 1654A B+/C pinkish 1.6m - commando
Tian Tian 1654A B+ - commando
Xiao Nu 1654A B+/C
Xiao Xue 1654A C pink
Xiao Yu 1654A B+ pinkish 1.58m - commando
Yi Yi 1654A D+ pinkish 1.62m
Han Zhi 16W04 C+/D pale pink small 1.57m
Hong Hong 16W04 C brown 1.65m
Tian Tian 16W04 B+/C 1.63m
Ai Li Si (Alice) 16W06 B+/C light brown pinkish 1.65m
JC 16W06 B+ 1.63m - commando
Yin Duo Duo 16W06 C+/D pink 1.6m
Zhen Mei 16W06 B+ brown big 1.68m - commando
Ke Ke 16W12 B+/C 1.6m
Ping Ping 16W12 C 1.6m slim
Bei Bei 16W15 C 1.63m
Chen Chen 16W15 B+ 1.58m
Fei Er 16W15 C
Jing Jing 16W15 C+ pinkish 1.67m
Bing Bing 16W19 ENH B+/C slim
Bo Bo 16W19 C
Yan Yan 16W19 ENH B+ light brown 1.66m
Yan Zi 16W19 B+
Zhen Zhen 16W19 B+ pinkish 1.66m curvy
Fei Fei 2062A ENH B+ 1.7m
Ye Ye 2062A B+ pinkish 1.56m - commando
Ba Ba 24M13 C
Jiu Jiu 99 24M13 B+/C pinkish 1.64m - commando
Ling Liu (06) 24M13 C
San San (33) 24M13 C pinkish 1.65m
Lisa 2831A B+ light brown 1.65m
Mi Qi 2831A C
Paris 2831A C?
Xiao Mi 2831A C
Old 02-06-2014, 12:08 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Bro, go take a look at the format I used for the actress thread. Suggest you follow and do something similar. This makes it easier to read and less longer to scroll


0819 - Kai Xin (B+), Wan Wan (C), Xiao Bing (B+/C, brown big, 1.66m), Xiao Xue (C pinkish 1.6m), Yun Yun (B+ pink 1.65m)

This will make the list more compact, and one look you can see the line-up of girls for each house. Rather than see the name of the girl, then have to see the house, and then the breast size. And you can save on having to type the house number so many times. Type the house number once, then the line up of the girls in one line. Your list will be shorter and easier to read.

Just a suggestion buddy
You mean like this

0819 - Kai Xin(B+) - Wan Wan(C) - Xiao Bing(B+/C brown big 1.66m) - Xiao Xue(C pinkish 1.6m) - Yun Yun(B+ pink 1.65m)
1425 - Ah Yen (C 1.57m)
1429 - Bei Er(C brownish 1.62m) - Ling Ling(C brownish pinkish 1.62m) - Yao Yao(B+ commando)
1431 - Han Han(ENH B+ 1.7m commando) - Li Na(C light brown big 1.63m commando)
1606 - Rong Rong(B+/C light brown 1.67m)
1608 - Wei Wei(B+/C 1.63m slim and curvy)
1612 - Evon(B+ pink 1.6m) - JJ(B+/C brownish 1.65m) - Ke Ke(B+ 1.65m) - Vivo(B+/C pink 1.65m) - Xiao S(B+ pinkish 1.55m)
1615 - Bai He(C light brown 1.55m) - Lu Lu(B+) - Yan Zhi(C 1.58m bah bah) - Zhen Zhen(C+ 1.64m)
1617 - Jia Xi(B+/C 1.62m)
1619 - Dou Dou(C+)
1639 - Tang Tang(C slight sag 1.58m)
1651 - Ke Ke(C+/D pinkish 1.6m) - Na Na(C) - Xue Er(B+/C brownish 1.55m) - Yang Yang(C) - Yi Yi(B+/C)
1669 - Le Le(C 1.54m) - Xiao Bing(B+ pinkish 1.67m) - Xiao Ping(C)
1803 - Si Qi(B+ brown 1.61m) - Xiao Yu(B+/C pinkish 1.64m)
1805 - Bai Xue(ENH B+ brown 1.6m) - Co Co(B+ pale brown 1.64m) - Duo Duo(C brownish 1.58m) - Ferrari(ENH C light brown 1.65m) - Zhi Ling(B+ light pinkish brown big)
1809 - Apple(C brownish pink) - Mango(C 1.67m commando) - Xin Xin(C 1.65m)
1817 - Bei Bei(C+/D 1.58m) - Qian Qian(ENH C brown commando) - Tao Zi(C 1.68m)
1854 - Apple(B+ brownish 1.63m) - Doreen(C pinkish) - KK(B+ light brown 1.57m)
1856 - Chanel(B+ 1.67m) - Li Cha(C)LV(B+ 1.55m) - Milan(B+ pink 1.6M slim but curvy) - Shui Mi(C pink 1.58m slim) - Xue Mei(C)
2017 - Anqi(C 1.63m curvy) - Le Le(B+ 1.66m) - Zi Xing(C pink)
2033 - Mei Mei(C pink) - Mei Qi(B+/C brown sag 1.66m) - Mei You(B+/C pinkish 1.55m commando)
2038 - Bai He(ENH C 1.6m) - Hua Die(C) - Mango(C) - Wen Wen(B+ 1.64m)
2040 - Xiao Bei(B+) - Xiao Mei(B+/C light brown 1.57m) - Xiao Yan(B+)
2041 - Gi Gi(C 1.6m slim) - Hai Yang aka Ocean(C 1.63m) - Ke Xin(ENH B+/C slim and curvy) - Lily(B+ pink 1.58m) - Xiao Xiao(ENH B+/C pinkish big 1.6m) - Xue Er(C) - Zi Qing(C+ brownish slight sag 1.58m curvy)

2043 - Mikione/Miki1(C commando)
2045 - Feng Huang(C brownish 1.61m commando) - Piao Yang(B+)
2047 - Jia Bao(B+) - Jia Ling(B+ 1.6m) - Jia Mei(B+) - Jia Meng(C light brown 1.58m) - Jia Ni(C pink 1.62m) - Jia Zhen(ENH B+/C light brown 1.6m commando)
2058 - Da S(B+/C pale brown 1.6m)
2062 - Fei Fei(C 1.58m) - Wen Wen(B+ 1.63m) - Xue Er(C brownish) - Yo Yo(C brownish pinkish bit sag)
3033 - AC Milan(ENH C+ 1.63m curvy commando) - Wen Wen(C lightish brown 1.62m)
15W15 - An Qi(B+ brown 1.58m)
1606A - Xiao Yu(B+/C pinkish 1.68m)
1639/1667 - Na Na(ENH B+ light pink 1.6m slim)
1654A - Honey(C+) - Jia Jia(D pink small 1.6m) - Jo Jo(C+ ENH pink) - Judy(B+/C commando) - Lu Lu(B+ pinkish 1.6m commando) - Miao Miao(D pinkish sag 1.55m) - Miko(B+ 1.6m commando) - Na Na(NH B+/C brown 1.7m) - Ni Ni(B+/C pinkish 1.6m commando) - Tian Tian(B+ commando) - Xiao Nu(B+/C) - Xiao Xue(C pink) - Xiao Yu(B+ pinkish 1.58m commando) - Yi Yi(D+ pinkish 1.62m)

16W04 - Han Zhi(C+/D pale pink small 1.57m) - Hong Hong(C brown 1.65m) - Tian Tian(B+/C 1.63m)
16W06 - Ai Li Si (Alice)(B+/C light brown pinkish 1.65m) - JC(B+ 1.63m commando) - Yin Duo Duo(C+/D pink 1.6m) - Zhen Mei(B+ brown big 1.68m commando)
16W12 - Ke Ke(B+/C 1.6m) - Ping Ping(C 1.6m slim)
16W15 - Chen Chen(B+ 1.58m) - Fei Er(C) - Jing Jing(C+ pinkish 1.67m)
16W19 - Bing Bing(ENH B+/C slim) - Bo Bo(C) - Yan Yan(ENH B+ light brown 1.66m) - Yan Zi(B+) - Zhen Zhen(B+ pinkish 1.66m curvy)
2062A - Fei Fei(ENH B+ 1.7m) - Ye Ye(B+ pinkish 1.56m commando)
24M13 - Ba Ba 88(C) - Jiu Jiu 99(B+/C pinkish 1.64m commando) - Ling Liu 06(C) - San San 33(C pinkish 1.65m)
2831A - Lisa(B+ light brown 1.65m) - Mi Qi(C)Paris(C?)Xiao Mi(C)
Old 02-06-2014, 01:05 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Great effort bro iwanbigboobs. You a brother of bro miwantit?

Anyway, let me improve it a bit. You guys can use this if you like. I bolded some parts to make it easier to see house and girls name. Also I just left a small space in between each group of houses that are now arranged in order according to the road they are on from Lorong 8 to Lorong 30. Also, I helped to remove some more ORD names.

Now at one glance, you can see which houses have the most big cups. 1654A seems to be number one with 12 girls, and 2041 a distant second with 7 girls. So big boob lovers know where to head. And it's nearly all in one screen so no need to scroll down more than once.

And my sincerest appreciation to bro miwantit for maintaining this list all these years. Well done bro. You can use the suggested format below if you like, or improve and amend it further to your preference

0819 >> Kai Xin(B+), Wan Wan(C), Xiao Bing(B+/C brown big 1.66m), Xiao Xue(C pinkish 1.6m), Yun Yun(B+ pink 1.65m)
1425 >> Ah Yen (C 1.57m)
1429 >> Bei Er(C brownish 1.62m), Ling Ling(C brownish pinkish 1.62m), Yao Yao(B+ commando)
1431 >> Han Han(ENH B+ 1.7m commando), Li Na(C light brown big 1.63m commando)

1606 >> Rong Rong(B+/C light brown 1.67m)
1606A >> Xiao Yu(B+/C pinkish 1.68m)
1612 >> Evon(B+ pink 1.6m), JJ(B+/C brownish 1.65m), Ke Ke(B+ 1.65m), Xiao S(B+ pinkish 1.55m)
1615 >> Bai He(C light brown 1.55m), Lu Lu(B+),Yan Zhi(C 1.58m bah bah), Zhen Zhen(C+ 1.64m)
1617 >> Jia Xi(B+/C 1.62m)
1639 >> Tang Tang(C slight sag 1.58m), Na Na(ENH B+ light pink 1.6m slim)
1651 >> Ke Ke(C+/D pinkish 1.6m), Na Na(C), Xue Er(B+/C brownish 1.55m), Yang Yang(C)
1654A >> Jia Jia (D pink small 1.6m), Jo Jo(C+ ENH pink), Judy(B+/C commando), Lu Lu(B+ pinkish 1.6m commando), Miao Miao(D pinkish sag 1.55m), Na Na(NH B+/C brown 1.7m), Ni Ni(B+/C pinkish 1.6m commando), Tian Tian(B+ commando), Xiao Nu(B+/C), Xiao Xue(C pink), Xiao Yu(B+ pinkish 1.58m commando), Yi Yi(D+ pinkish 1.62m)
1667 >> Na Na(ENH B+ light pink 1.6m slim)
1669 >> Le Le(C 1.54m), Xiao Bing(B+ pinkish 1.67m), Xiao Ping(C)

16W04 >> Han Zhi(C+/D pale pink small 1.57m), Hong Hong(C brown 1.65m), Tian Tian(B+/C 1.63m)
16W06 >> JC(B+ 1.63m commando), Yin Duo Duo(C+/D pink 1.6m), Zhen Mei(B+ brown big 1.68m commando)
16W12 >> Ke Ke(B+/C 1.6m), Ping Ping(C 1.6m slim)
16W15 >> Chen Chen(B+ 1.58m), Fei Er(C), Jing Jing(C+ pinkish 1.67m), An Qi(B+ brown 1.58m)
16W19 >> Bing Bing(ENH B+/C slim), Bo Bo(C), Yan Yan(ENH B+ light brown 1.66m), Yan Zi(B+), Zhen Zhen(B+ pinkish 1.66m curvy), Dou Dou(C+)

1803 >> Si Qi(B+ brown 1.61m), Xiao Yu(B+/C pinkish 1.64m)
1805 >> Co Co(B+ pale brown 1.64m), Duo Duo(C brownish 1.58m), Ferrari(ENH C light brown 1.65m), Zhi Ling(B+ light pinkish brown big)
1809 >> Apple(C brownish pink), Mango(C 1.67m commando), Xin Xin(C 1.65m)
1817 >> Bei Bei(C+/D 1.58m), Qian Qian(ENH C brown commando), Tao Zi(C 1.68m)
1854 >> Apple(B+ brownish 1.63m), Doreen(C pinkish, KK(B+ light brown 1.57m)
1856 >> Chanel(B+ 1.67m), Li Cha(C), LV(B+ 1.55m), Milan(B+ pink 1.6M slim but curvy), Shui Mi(C pink 1.58m slim), Xue Mei(C)

2017 >> Anqi(C 1.63m curvy), Le Le(B+ 1.66m), Zi Xing(C pink)
2033 >> Mei Mei(C pink), Mei Qi(B+/C brown sag 1.66m), Mei You(B+/C pinkish 1.55m commando)
2038 >> Bai He(ENH C 1.6m), Hu Die(C), Mango(C), Wen Wen(B+ 1.64m)
2040 >> Xiao Bei(B+), Xiao Mei(B+/C light brown 1.57m), Xiao Yan(B+)
2041 >> Gi Gi(C 1.6m slim), Hai Yang aka Ocean(C 1.63m), Ke Xin(ENH B+/C slim and curvy), Lily(B+ pink 1.58m), Xiao Xiao(ENH B+/C pinkish big 1.6m), Xue Er(C), Zi Qing(C+ brownish slight sag 1.58m curvy)
2043 >> Mikione/Miki1(C commando)
2045 >> Feng Huang (C brownish 1.61m commando), Piao Yang(B+)
2047 >> Jia Bao(B+), Jia Ling(B+ 1.6m), Jia Mei(B+), Jia Meng(C light brown 1.58m), Jia Ni(C pink 1.62m), Jia Zhen(ENH B+/C light brown 1.6m commando)
2058 >> Da S(B+/C pale brown 1.6m)
2062 >> Fei Fei(C 1.58m), Wen Wen(B+ 1.63m), Xue Er(C brownish), Yo Yo(C brownish pinkish bit sag)
2062A >> Fei Fei(ENH B+ 1.7m), Ye Ye(B+ pinkish 1.56m commando)

24M13 >> Ba Ba 88(C), Jiu Jiu 99(B+/C pinkish 1.64m commando), Ling Liu 06(C)
2831A >> Lisa(B+ light brown 1.65m), Mi Qi(C), Paris(C?), Xiao Mi(C)
3033 >> AC Milan(ENH C+ 1.63m curvy commando), Wen Wen(C lightish brown 1.62m)
Old 02-06-2014, 08:16 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Anyway, let me improve it a bit. You guys can use this if you like. I bolded some parts to make it easier to see house and girls name. Also I just left a small space in between each group of houses that are now arranged in order according to the road they are on from Lorong 8 to Lorong 30. Also, I helped to remove some more ORD names.
Well done bro BG! Thumbs up!
Old 02-06-2014, 01:21 PM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Originally Posted by Gesch View Post
Well done bro BG! Thumbs up!
you're welcome. my small contribution which I hope helps all bros navigate better.

The person who truly deserves our thanks and appreciation for his tireless updates on this thread is brother miwantit.

Without miwantit, we will not be able to enjoy such a comprehensive updated list of big boob girls.

Three cheers for brother miwantit!

Hip hip hooray!

For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny....
Old 02-06-2014, 11:00 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
The person who truly deserves our thanks and appreciation for his tireless updates on this thread is brother miwantit.

Without miwantit, we will not be able to enjoy such a comprehensive updated list of big boob girls.

Three cheers for brother miwantit!
Yes, kudos to bro miwantit! It's high time to show my appreciation after consulting his list numerous times
Old 02-06-2014, 11:06 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
you're welcome. my small contribution which I hope helps all bros navigate better.

The person who truly deserves our thanks and appreciation for his tireless updates on this thread is brother miwantit.

Without miwantit, we will not be able to enjoy such a comprehensive updated list of big boob girls.

Three cheers for brother miwantit!

Hip hip hooray!

For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny....
Bro - like your new reformat of the list - hope it's not to hard to keep up but will try - if others can help feel free - you know I just like to help bros track those nice cups - must at least come close to filling hands.

Thanks to all for the compliments - just trying to do my part to share...

The more senior bros on the forum deserve more kudos - I have learned from all of you...but the stars are the girls.

Bros - treat them nicely and they will always return the treatment in kind.
Old 04-06-2014, 02:27 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Originally Posted by miwantit View Post
Bro - like your new reformat of the list - hope it's not to hard to keep up but will try - if others can help feel free - you know I just like to help bros track those nice cups - must at least come close to filling hands.

Thanks to all for the compliments - just trying to do my part to share...

The more senior bros on the forum deserve more kudos - I have learned from all of you...but the stars are the girls.

Bros - treat them nicely and they will always return the treatment in kind.
Agreed. And looking forward to more nice updates from you
Old 05-06-2014, 12:38 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post

Anyway, let me improve it a bit.
Yes bro BG, this new format is better ... cheers
Old 05-06-2014, 12:55 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Originally Posted by Squirting View Post
Yes bro BG, this new format is better ... cheers
thanks. shall continue to leave it to our good faithful brother miwantit to continue his good and informative updates on big boobs with the new format.
Old 05-06-2014, 01:16 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs Listing - main event

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
thanks. shall continue to leave it to our good faithful brother miwantit to continue his good and informative updates on big boobs with the new format.
Thanks for the effort. Very helpful information.
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