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Old 15-03-2017, 03:31 AM
iceman1314 iceman1314 is offline
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Re: My kinky ex

As we made our way up to my room,

Debbie: Daniel, your places seem to be always empty.

Daniel: parents are in Malaysia, er Jie back in school, the maids are sleeping. What do you expect?

Debbie: talking about your er Jie... did she mention any more about the three of us?

Daniel: my er Jie is cool with such things.... as long as nothing earth shattering happens.

Debbie: like?

Daniel: Jessica and you getting pregnant at the same time.

Debbie immediately sock me in the arm, if you cum inside of me and getting me pregnant, I will literally kill you daniel, this is a promise.

Daniel: I won't la... don't worry can. But if the condoms got hole than not my problem right.

Debbie: if the condoms got hole, you must have poke holes in them.

Daniel: do I look like a bastard to you?

Debbie: no but this is just a warning.

Daniel: I promise, if you get pregnant, I'll be responsible to you ok.

Debbie: you are like the first guy I know that will so willingly take responsibility, the other guys I met all stutter when this problem pops up.

Daniel: why? You got pregnancy scare before?

Debbie: twice...

Daniel: boyfriends?

Debbie: ex... dump them on the spot when they won't take responsibility.

Daniel: ouch... harsh...

Debbie: they had their fun, so why must I suffer alone than?

Daniel: can't really argue with that logic...

As we stepped into my room,

Debbie: one thing I hate about your place daniel is the stairs. Why do you have to take the top?

Daniel: ask my dad and my sisters. I was assign this room, I didn't choose.

Debbie: typical Chinese family. The son always gets the lion's share.

Daniel: yup.. the lion's share of stairs. You know how often I roll down this stairs when I was younger?

Debbie started laughing at me,

Debbie: Daniel, I can picture you rolling down the stairs. It must have felt like an earthquake.

Debbie: how did it happen?

Daniel: I was in a sleepy state.

Debbie: I bet you must have damaged the railing as well.

Daniel: no I didn't... thankfully.

As I place the drinks down, Debbie was still laughing away at me.

Daniel: Debbie... Debbie... Debbie...

Debbie: what....

Daniel: you can stop laughing now.

Debbie: I can't... it's too funny... my sides are hurting...

I left Debbie to get it out of her system as I open the balcony doors to have a smoke.

Debbie: Daniel... Daniel... you're not angry are you?

Daniel: no... why will I be?

Debbie: you just left like that.

Daniel: I was letting you get in out, if you fainted from laughing too much, I was going to perform CPR on you.

Debbie: ok... ok... but seriously, did you suffer any injuries?

Daniel: mostly bruises, nothing broken... my teacher in school thought I was getting abuse st home, I had a hard time explaining I got bruised from rolling down stairs at home.

Debbie: so what happen?

Daniel: lucky the principle was an old friend of my dad, so he knows my dad's character.

Debbie: so your dad never hit you once?

Daniel: I got slapped once for being rude to my mum. My dad is not the beating kind. My mum on the other hand is.

Debbie: ok.. ok.. let's not talk about the past already.

Daniel: I'm ok with talking about the past... my character was shaped by them both, and I think I turn out alright.

Debbie hugged me from the back,

Debbie: you turn out more than alright Daniel..... so you want me to be the French maid first?

Daniel: with accessories?

Debbie: can't complete the look without them.
Old 15-03-2017, 04:27 AM
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I'll shower and change first than. As Debbie took the bag and entered the toilet.

I decided to fix the drinks, took my glass and headed out to the balcony again.

Staring into the early Saturday night, nursing a smoke and my Jim bean, knowing what was about to happen. I wondered did my life really turn out alright? I mean, I won't complain about the situation I'm in right now, which guy won't want to be in the same position as me? But the nagging feeling that Debbie and I being more suited than Jessica and I kept on replaying itself in my mind. What will happen if Jessica and I ended and I wooed Debbie? Will this kill their friendship? What if Debbie end our friendship if Jessica and I ended? Will Debbie think I'm just another bastard if I went after her. Countless possibilities with countless ending....

I didn't enjoy the fact that I couldn't narrow down the outcome of this ending. Not that I wanted to end things with Jessica, but me smoking has been a sore point for her. It wasn't like I don't plan to quit but I didn't want to quit just because of Jessica telling me to quit, I did cut down on my smoking a lot since I got with her, it's not as easy to just stop smoking suddenly. But Jessica didn't seem to understand or even meet me half way on this, true be told, the fights we have over me smoking just cause me to smoke more.

Maybe I should just let this play out, no point stressing over things that are out of my control right?

I down the reminding content of my glass and headed back for a refill.

The door click open as debbie stepped out dress in a slutty black and white French maid costume.

Debbie: how do I look?( she turn and showed me a 360 degree view)

The back was a lot shorter than the front, half her ass was basically exposed for all to see. The middle of the dress was translucent white, it seems like the bow on the front was also the strings holding the top half of the dress together. Keeping her breast partly hidden.

Debbie: so how do I look?

Daniel: beautiful....

Debbie: beautiful or slutty hot?

Daniel: beautiful and slutty hot.

Debbie: hmmm... I think this will tilt your decision more.

She wave the cock gag in front of her face, as she step forward to take her drink off the table.

With one gulp, she finish her drink,

Debbie: pour me another? I think Sex like this is always better when we'll both a little drunk.

Debbie: but first.... ( I handed her another glass which she finish immediately) some ground rules.

Daniel: ground rules?

Debbie: before you think anything goes daniel, after all, I'm going to be gagged and handcuff by you later on, I can't really protest if you do what ever you want.

Daniel: ... ... ...

Debbie: don't worry, I only got one rule.

Daniel: which is?

Debbie: don't cum in me.

"That's easy" I thought... wait... isn't Debbie forgetting something else... I was running through Debbie's don't in my mind as debbie help herself to her third glass which was down almost immediately... what the hell was it?

Suddenly, it clicked... condom... debbie didn't mention about the use of condoms.

Daniel: Debbie...( as she made her fourth glass)
How about condoms?

Debbie: hmm...... hmm..... (she was obviously toying with me here) what do you think?

Daniel: I think it will be needed.

Debbie: how about if I told you.... no???

Daniel: no??? No what???

Debbie: no condoms.....( she stirred her drink with her middle finger before sucking it clean)

Daniel: wait... you sure about this?

Debbie: as long as you don't cum in me and if anything happens....

Daniel: I'll be responsible (I answered for debbie)

Debbie: so I don't see the issue.

Daniel: you know... with you gagged and handcuffed, I could have cum in you and you can't do anything about it.

Debbie: (finish her drink) I know you won't do such a thing daniel, you're a man of your word.

Daniel: i promise I won't debbie. Now... just let me shower first.

Debbie: why?

Daniel: cause I'm out the whole day?

Debbie: should that be the maid's job to clean you up than? .... with her tongue?

I could only stare at debbie as she took my glass from me and finish my drink.

Wiping the residue off her lips,

Debbie: now where's your handcuffs Daniel?
Old 15-03-2017, 08:22 AM
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Re: My kinky ex

Nice updates TS, thanks
Old 15-03-2017, 08:24 AM
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Re: My kinky ex

Thanks for the updates TS, please do continue.
Old 15-03-2017, 08:34 AM
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Re: My kinky ex

Very nice updates ..... more please!!
Old 15-03-2017, 09:08 AM
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Re: My kinky ex

Camping here for more!
Old 15-03-2017, 01:36 PM
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Re: My kinky ex

Awesome story!!
Old 15-03-2017, 02:49 PM
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Re: My kinky ex

Very good story, support here
Old 15-03-2017, 05:26 PM
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Re: My kinky ex

Great updates TS!
Old 15-03-2017, 05:51 PM
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Re: My kinky ex

Nice story bro, please keep going..
Old 15-03-2017, 06:22 PM
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Re: My kinky ex

Originally Posted by Truthful View Post
Thanks for the updates TS, please do continue.
Up you back bro. Overseasgboy
Old 15-03-2017, 09:17 PM
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Re: My kinky ex

Camping for more!
Old 20-03-2017, 03:41 AM
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Re: My kinky ex

Don't stop!
Old 20-03-2017, 04:25 AM
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Re: My kinky ex

Nice story and thanks for the update.
Finally going raw with Debbie...
Old 20-03-2017, 11:29 AM
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Re: My kinky ex

Keep the updates coming TS.
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