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Old 29-09-2012, 12:02 AM
Foxbonking Foxbonking is offline
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Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Very interesting.... well done TS... pls continue.....
Old 30-09-2012, 09:31 AM
nilmar123 nilmar123 is offline
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Wink Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Best story i have read so far... Nice..
Old 01-10-2012, 12:59 PM
firekid firekid is offline
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Smile Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Ah beng where are u. Continuing le
Old 01-10-2012, 06:51 PM
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Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

pls have at least 1 "hian toh" then "piah jwee" incident
Chop Chop continue Young and Dangerous - Singapore Edition.
Old 01-10-2012, 07:03 PM
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Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Bringing back memories of my teenager years...
Old 01-10-2012, 08:54 PM
GrieGzEters GrieGzEters is offline
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Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Interesting thread, makes me open my eyes on the dark side. I got a friend during ns who told me people who are in the white side of the coin can never imagine what how the other side is like. What they are expose to are just the surface and vice versa. Hope to see T S next post...
Thanks to all the bros who gave me points, will return the favour as soon as I can.. Cheers! Please leave your nick behind so that I know who.
Old 01-10-2012, 10:04 PM
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Smile Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Wa Si Chin Cai...
Old 02-10-2012, 07:47 AM
firekid firekid is offline
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Exclamation Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Ah beng Si mi tai chi, ah ni koo bo sai. Tio lock up is it.
Old 02-10-2012, 12:15 PM
wonderguy wonderguy is offline
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Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Thank you for all the support. I have been really busy last few days but I'm back again.

Next installment;

Gabriel arrived at Yvvone's home and was surprised that it was such a beautifully renovated. He always thought people who join gangs were people who came from broken families or rebellious kids.

He could see pictures of Yvvone with her parents in Japan, Korea, etc all over the wall's. Recent pictures of her with her dyed golden hair taken at Fantasy Island were taken and posted on the wall. (for those bro's who still remember, the Sentosa amusement park that had a few deaths because of lousy safety management)

G: Eh so loving with your parents.. Why chup paikia sia.

Y: You huan lo.. come let me see your bruise..

G: I got two nothing..other damn pain leh..

Y: Where pain ?

G: One on my face..the other... come you touch.

Y: Eeeee.. knn just come in my house you hard already..

G: Lai liao lor...

Gabriel wasted no time in feeling her thighs as he already knew she was pantyless underneath her beautiful short flare skirt. Her t-shirt might seem plain but it hugged her curves perfectly and he couldn't help getting a hard on as he walked with her back home.

Standing outside in the living room, his fingers trailed her thigh back and forth as they frenched and kissed passionately. He teased her pubic area by brushing his fingers lightly across and than dragging it over her clitoris.

Y: Stick it in..I'm wet already..

G: Your chee bye feels really good..

This went on for awhile, teasing lightly but kissing fiercely. He lifted up one of her legs on the couch and inserted two fingers into her. It went in smoothly, again he could feel the tightness of her pussy. This was definitely an extremely tight hole.

G: Eh..damn tight... How many guys pia you before huh..

Y: Only one..your the second..

G: How long ago was it ?

Y: A year ago.. very long never sio kan already... ah..stick it in further...

A year's hole without fucking? Gabriel had hit a gold mine.

G: I need some help... Just now fight now hands injured.. Need someone to unbuckle.. and make me happy.

Y: Limbu turn... Stand so long tired.. Sit down.

She kneeled on the floor looking at him and took down his pants. Immediately Gabriel's dick stood out. She took in her mouth like a little girl devouring her lollipop for the first time.

First, little flicks and licks were given to the head. Circling down to his testicles and than back up again. He was rock hard. She engulfed his member into her mouth, she had a petite face and that means a small mouth. She could only get it in slightly more than half. She was horny, but inexperience.

Gabriel felt teeth on his head, but he didn't care. This angel was sucking him. It was in the moment, no time to complain now. She started alternating between using her mouth and teeth going up and down and licking the head. She kept her head down, a certain degree of shyness was involved. This went on for a good ten minutes, Gabriel couldn't stand it any longer.

Sensing his orgasm was coming, she took it in her mouth and went faster. Up down, up down, up down, up down. Gabriel squirmed and trembled in his seat. Both his legs were 'locked' , getting extreme sensations on his dick.

G: Eh..I'm coming, come in your mouth ok?

Y: No, i use hand you shoot on the floor

G: don't like that leh... sibei song..

Immediately he could feel a torrent of water about to exit his head , in his excitement he pressed down Yvvone's head on him and half ignoring her attempt at pushing her head backwards, he ejaculated into her mouth.

Yvvone gagged and immediately ran to the kitchen to spit out the sperm in her mouth. Gabriel zipped up and felt his legs tremble.

G: Eh sorry ..just now too excited..

Y: CHAO CHEE BYE! Limbu say dont come in my mouth right. I fucking hate the taste of sperm!

G: Sorry sorry...but damn song...let's go round 2 leh..

Y: Round 2 your cheebye face! No mood already, fuck off from my house

G: Wah lan eh, steady eh.. Baobei....

Y: Steady your lampa ..Fuck off.

G: Ah...hiong kan la!

Gabriel stormed off. He was pissed off yet excited at the same time. As he went down the lift, his dick was still standing tall, angry at the fact he couldn't penetrate her sweet little pussy.

Yet, his face was smiling. He had gotten a blowjob from his beautiful Yvvone. Sweet little fairy. It was all worth it.
Old 02-10-2012, 12:29 PM
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Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

A couple of days later, Gabriel went back home. Yvvone didn't contact him, he was pissed, she was pissed. It didn't matter, he would fuck her. Sooner or later.

Just than, he received a call from James.

J: Eh, limbei tio bao sia! Come and help!

G: Simi tai ji? Where are you?

J: limbei at junction 8 ! Chao chee bye ahgua 5 people whack me one person.

G: Okok..I take taxi down now!

J: Ah huan all coming down also, eh, dont forget bring KC.

G: Simi si KC? Kock Cock?

J: Cock your lan jiao la... take weapon... I dont know where they go already..maybe they diao zhui also..

G: What weapon sia... knn.



Ni na bei, Gabriel was always getting hanged on the phone by others. Immediately he rushed to change and looked for a suitable weapon. Just then, his phone rang.

Huan: EH siao eh I now in my van with some gina, we are near your house you go down your block now. I fetch you.

G: Ok, give me 5 minutes.

Gabriel was excited , yet worried. Pia zhui? What will happen? Will he die? Will he kill someone? Will someone kill him? He pulled on long black shirt with jeans. He wanted to be covered everywhere to prevent himself being injured. It was a stupid thought, but it makes sense in a way with a layer of cloth protecting it.

He rushed down and soon a van arrived. Huan slide open the rear door and he boarded, immediately he could see 3 mid twenties and 2 that looked about his age in the van.

Huan: Umbrella? Good! You know what to do. Anyway, behind van here i got some parang. You all gina take the baton or umbrella, older ones take the parang. Limbei got one samurai sword. Later reach there, gabriel and tony see water at the block beside. The rest we go meet up with the rest of the water.

G: Ok boss.

H: If you see people chiong towards us, REMEMBER TO SHOUT. And let me say first..Mai ka lim bei ah gua all of you. Who run let lim bei see, all of you will tio kai kuat. Chao chee bye! Understand anot!

Gina: Yes boss!

Soon they arrived and as Gabriel exited the van, one thought was running through his mind.

Will this day be his last?
Old 02-10-2012, 12:42 PM
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Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

wah....pia zhui liao leh....
Old 02-10-2012, 05:48 PM
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Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

chiong ah !!
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Old 02-10-2012, 09:28 PM
jj_jj jj_jj is offline
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Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Don't forget to shout "slogan" when piah jwee..
Old 02-10-2012, 11:13 PM
Giansex Giansex is offline
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Talking Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Support with my jiao tao.use to lust for those ah lian when in teens.always heard stories how ah beng roti all the lians at chalets after d n d ie drink n drugs.all raw n shot in.
Old 03-10-2012, 05:59 AM
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Re: Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

After piah jwee piah simi?

Gabriel piah Yvvone or Tracy?
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