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Old 29-08-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

After updating fruits of VN:

1. Daily Greeting
Chao e! E khoe kg? An gi chua? Dang lam gi vay?
Hello! How are u? Eat anything already? Wat are u doing?

Other than "CHAO e", you can use:
Xin chao/Chao=Hello
Chao Buoi Sang/Chieu/Toi=Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

Ngu day chua? An com chua? Doi bung kg?
Wake up already? Eat rice already? Are u hungry?

Em moi ngu day, anh dang lam gi?
I just woke up, what are you doing?

hom nay em the nao?
how are you today?

anh khoe
I am well.

Anh binh thuong
I m as usual, normal

con em?
And you?

Alo, e dang o dau? Dang lam gi?
Hello, where are u now? What are u doing?

o nha = at home
o khach san = in hotel
o cho = in market
o ngoai (duong) = at outside (road)
o chùa = in temple
o cho lam = at working place
o trung tâm buôn bán } in shopping centre
o trung tâm thương mại }

Lau lam khong gap
Long time no see

Cuoc song ra sao?
How’s life?

Moi viec the nao?
How is everything?

Cong viec the nao?
How is work going?

2.Wishing Good day/nite
Chuc em ngu ngon! Co giac mo dep!
Wish u good night! Have a nice dream!

Ngu som nhe!
Sleep early!

Dem nay em di ngu di...em se gap anh trong giac mo nhe
Go to sleep this will meet me in your dream

Chuc a 1 ngay moi co that nhieu niem vui, hanh phuc va gap nhieu may man
Wish u a new day have really many joys, happiness and many lucks

Toi/Dem nay= Tonight
Hom/Bữa nay= Today
bây giờ, giờ đây, hiện nay, ngày nay=Now
Ngay mai = tomorrow
Hom qua = yesterday

gio nay=this time (now)
gio do=that time

đầu tuần = begining of the week
giữa tuần = middle of the week
cuối tuần = end of the week
*Sames applies for month (tháng) or year (năm).

Bay gio la may gio?
What time is it now?

Hnay e may gio di lam?
Today what time u go to work?

May gio xong viec?
What time finish work?

khi nao/chung nao=When

4. Special Occasion greeting

1) Chuc Mung Nam Moi = Cung chúc tân xuân = Happy New Year

2) Cung hỉ phát tài = "Congratulations and be Prosperous" 恭喜发财

3) Van su nhu y = 萬事如意

4) mă đáo thành công = 马到成功

5) Tiền vô như nước = Money flow in like water


Em co nho anh kg? A nho e nhieu lam! May ngay nay kg gap em, a rat buon.
Do u miss me? I miss u alot! These few days didnt meet u, I very sad

e vẫn khoe, e cung nho a. a co khoe k?
I m still fine, I also miss u. Are u fine?

Anh Yeu Em
I love you

Anh Dien Cuong Vi Em
I'm crazy for you

Luc Nao Anh Cung Nghi Ve Em
I think about you all the time

Anh Nho Em
I miss you

Anh La Cua Em
I'm yours

Em La Doi Anh
You are my life

I will love you forever. - Anh sẽ yêu em mãi mãi.
I am yours forever. - Anh là của em mãi mãi.
I am unhappy when you're not around. - Anh rất buồn khi không có em bên cạnh.
You're my life. - Em là nguồn sống của anh.
I adore you. - Anh thương em.
You’re the only one I love - Em là người anh yêu
You're a good talker - Em nói chuyện hay qúa
I will always be here for you - Anh lúc nào cũng ở bên cạnh em
I love you with all my heart - Anh yêu em với tất cã trái tim cũa anh
It's nice to see you again - Anh rất mừng được gặp lại em
I want to know more about you - Anh muốn được biết em nhiều hơn

Anh khoe kg? Sao lau roi anh kg nhan tin cho em ...
How are you? Why so long already never sms for me?

khi nao anh ranh em co the gap anh kg?
when you free I can see you or not?

Em buon qua, ngu kg duoc. Chu nhat anh co di lam kg? neu kg sang chu nhat em voi anh di uong cafe
I very sad, can't sleep well. Sunday you have work? if no sunday morning we go drink coffee.

Em vua di lam ve, anh dang lam gi? Sang mai anh co muon gap em kg?
I just return from work, what are you doing? tomorrow morning you want to meet me or not?

Em di lam ve khuya qua nen kg dt cho anh
I work very late return, so no telephone you

She ask: Sao anh ko dung ban gai?
Why you didnt sit/take gal?
I reply: Tai toi nay anh chi muon uong bia va gap em.
because tonight I only want drink beer and see you.

Typical Fruits found in VN

Phuc Trach Sweet Polemo (Buoi Duong Phuc Trach)
Green dragon (Thanh Long) / 火龙果 / dragon pearl fruit
Mango (xoai)
Rambutan (chom chom)
Mangosteen (mang cut)
Star Apple (vu sua)
Durian (Sau Rieng)
Pineapple (Dua)
Longan (Nhan)
Thieu Litchi (Vai Thieu)
Banana (Chuoi)
Papays (Du du)
Persimmon (Hong)
Sapodilla (Hong Xiem)
Custard Apple (Mang Cau - Na)
Jackfruit (Mit)
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Old 30-08-2010, 09:32 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Live shows: making and burning money
================================================== =====
VietNamNet Bridge – While foreign singers organize live shows to earn money, Vietnamese singers hold live shows to “burn” money!

Surveying the boom in live shows and overseas tours of world music stars, Andy Cirzan, deputy director of Chicago & Jam Production (USA), told Rolling Stone magazine that singers are earning money through live shows and tours because of the steep drop-off in recorded music sales.

The Spice Girls reunion in 2008 earned about GBP16.5 million after 11 shows at the O2 Stadium in London. The Police earned GBP7.2 million after two live shows at the State de France Stadium, GBP3.5 million from a show in Tokyo Dome Stadium, Japan and GBP2.9 million from Maracana Stadium in Brazil. Other stars like Beyonce and Eric Clapton also earned hefty sums from their tours.

It is different in Vietnam, where organizing live shows often means incurring heavy losses.

Diva Thanh Lam was the pioneer in organizing live shows. Her first live show, called “Give me a day,” took place at HCM City’s Lan Anh Stage in 1997, without any sponsors.

In 1998, diva My Linh had her first trans-Vietnam show named “My Linh’s Voice.” The show was a huge success, despite also not having sponsors. Two years later, she organized the second live show “My Linh and Brothers”. This time the show had a sponsor and earned a small profit. Four years later, My Linh’s 2006 tour was praised for its quality but the singer suffered losses of nearly 300 million dong, despite the show being sponsored by Samsung and tickets selling out. My Linh explained that she incurred losses because of big investments in technical equipment and expertise. She paid $10,000 a night for Japanese audio experts. She said she organized the shows to satisfy her artistic passion.

In March 2007, pop star Lam Truong launched his “Yesterday” live show at the Military Zone 7 Sports House in HCM City and incurred heavy financial losses. Since then, almost all singers have reported losses when they organize live shows.


“Live shows” in this article mean shows where music stars meet certain technical standards for stage, sound, and light quality, not just shows held every night at bars or clubs in Hanoi and HCM City. These kinds of shows are almost always profitable.

If singers are not “stars”, they can’t expect to draw audiences to their live shows. Show organizers would never accept offers to organize these shows. However, some unknown singers consider live shows a shortcut to fame. Singer Lam Chi Khanh is a typical example. He sold his house to hold two live shows, in which tickets were delivered free.

But why are real stars like Thanh Lam, My Linh, My Tam, Phuong Thanh, Dan Truong, and Lam Truong still losing money from live shows?

If international stars organize tours of concerts, Vietnamese stars only hold a single show. Vietnam currently doesn’t have any theaters for big shows while stadiums are large but still only appropriate for sports events. Only Hanoi and HCM City have several theaters that are good enough for small shows, such as the Hanoi Opera House, Hoa Binh Theatre, Lan An Stage, etc.

As a result, singers have to hire modern light and audio systems in order to organize live shows. My Linh even hired Japanese audio experts. Will audiences dare pay more for shows that are organized on unprofessional stages?

These stages increase expenditures for live shows while security remains low. Two live shows by pop star Phuong Thanh were unsuccessful because of rain. My Tam’s live show was also affected by rain.

Moreover, it is a waste to build a modern stage for only one show.

However, the more profound reason is that Vietnam doesn’t have a real music market. This market is affected by free shows organized by television broadcasters. Also, singers can only sell tickets worth a few US dollars in Hanoi and HCM City.

What’s the future for live shows?

Vietnamese singers have learned not to organize big live shows and instead focus on smaller ones. Hong Nhung and Quang Dung were very successfully with a small live show for a hundred audience members at a club in HCM City. The tickets for this live show were priced up to $150, a record in Vietnam.

Pop star Dam Vinh Hung organized a similar show named “White Night Party.” He even brought this show to the US, selling tickets at $100.

MFC company also organized small live shows for overseas Vietnamese star Tuan Ngoc at Sofitel Saigon Hotel. Other overseas Vietnamese singers did the same at some nightclubs in HCM City.

Some singers organized shows at small theaters to cut costs, while still managing to attract larger audiences than those typically seen at nightclubs. Thanh Thao, Phi Nhung, Huong, and Lan May Trang band followed this policy and managed to earn profits.

Big live shows are now only organized if singers have big sponsors.

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Old 30-08-2010, 10:13 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Add on:

Em khong di choi voi khach.
I don't go out with customer.

Em khong di khach san.
I don't go hotel

Dien thoai em het pin roi.
My telephone no battery.

Dien thoai em het tien roi. Khong goi cho anh duoc.
My telephone no more money. cannot call you.

Anh dep trai qua
you very handsome
Old 30-08-2010, 10:19 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
I want to know more about you - Anh muốn được biết em nhiều hơn
I don't use the above phrase. Usually I use

Anh muon tim hieu em.
I want to understand you.
Old 30-08-2010, 11:07 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

After updating with KT's contribution:

1. Daily Greeting
Chao e! E khoe kg? An gi chua? Dang lam gi vay?
Hello! How are u? Eat anything already? Wat are u doing?

Other than "CHAO e", you can use:
Xin chao/Chao=Hello
Chao Buoi Sang/Chieu/Toi=Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

Ngu day chua? An com chua? Doi bung kg?
Wake up already? Eat rice already? Are u hungry?

Em moi ngu day, anh dang lam gi?
I just woke up, what are you doing?

hom nay em the nao?
how are you today?

anh khoe
I am well.

Anh binh thuong
I m as usual, normal

con em?
And you?

Alo, e dang o dau? Dang lam gi?
Hello, where are u now? What are u doing?

o nha = at home
o khach san = in hotel
o cho = in market
o ngoai (duong) = at outside (road)
o chùa = in temple
o cho lam = at working place
o trung tâm buôn bán } in shopping centre
o trung tâm thương mại }

Lau lam khong gap
Long time no see

Cuoc song ra sao?
How’s life?

Moi viec the nao?
How is everything?

Cong viec the nao?
How is work going?

2.Wishing Good day/nite
Chuc em ngu ngon! Co giac mo dep!
Wish u good night! Have a nice dream!

Ngu som nhe!
Sleep early!

Dem nay em di ngu di...em se gap anh trong giac mo nhe
Go to sleep this will meet me in your dream

Chuc a 1 ngay moi co that nhieu niem vui, hanh phuc va gap nhieu may man
Wish u a new day have really many joys, happiness and many lucks

Toi/Dem nay= Tonight
Hom/Bữa nay= Today
bây giờ, giờ đây, hiện nay, ngày nay=Now
Ngay mai = tomorrow
Hom qua = yesterday

gio nay=this time (now)
gio do=that time

đầu tuần = begining of the week
giữa tuần = middle of the week
cuối tuần = end of the week
*Sames applies for month (tháng) or year (năm).

Bay gio la may gio?
What time is it now?

Hnay e may gio di lam?
Today what time u go to work?

May gio xong viec?
What time finish work?

khi nao/chung nao=When

4. Special Occasion greeting

1) Chuc Mung Nam Moi = Cung chúc tân xuân = Happy New Year

2) Cung hỉ phát tài = "Congratulations and be Prosperous" 恭喜发财

3) Van su nhu y = 萬事如意

4) mă đáo thành công = 马到成功

5) Tiền vô như nước = Money flow in like water


Em co nho anh kg? A nho e nhieu lam! May ngay nay kg gap em, a rat buon.
Do u miss me? I miss u alot! These few days didnt meet u, I very sad

e vẫn khoe, e cung nho a. a co khoe k?
I m still fine, I also miss u. Are u fine?

Anh Yeu Em
I love you

Anh Dien Cuong Vi Em
I'm crazy for you

Luc Nao Anh Cung Nghi Ve Em
I think about you all the time

Anh Nho Em
I miss you

Anh La Cua Em
I'm yours

Em La Doi Anh
You are my life

I will love you forever. - Anh sẽ yêu em mãi mãi.
I am yours forever. - Anh là của em mãi mãi.
I am unhappy when you're not around. - Anh rất buồn khi không có em bên cạnh.
You're my life. - Em là nguồn sống của anh.
I adore you. - Anh thương em.
You’re the only one I love - Em là người anh yêu
You're a good talker - Em nói chuyện hay qúa
I will always be here for you - Anh lúc nào cũng ở bên cạnh em
I love you with all my heart - Anh yêu em với tất cã trái tim cũa anh
It's nice to see you again - Anh rất mừng được gặp lại em

Em khong di choi voi khach - I don't go out with customer.
Em khong di khach san -I don't go hotel
Dien thoai em het pin roi-My telephone no battery.
Dien thoai em het tien roi. Khong goi cho anh duoc-My telephone no more money. cannot call you.
Anh dep trai qua-you very handsome
Anh muon tim hieu em-I want to understand you.

She ask: Sao anh ko dung ban gai?
Why you didnt sit/take gal?
I reply: Tai toi nay anh chi muon uong bia va gap em.
because tonight I only want drink beer and see you.

6. Simple Conversation
Anh khoe kg? Sao lau roi anh kg nhan tin cho em ...
How are you? Why so long already never sms for me?

khi nao anh ranh em co the gap anh kg?
when you free I can see you or not?

Em buon qua, ngu kg duoc. Chu nhat anh co di lam kg? neu kg sang chu nhat em voi anh di uong cafe
I very sad, can't sleep well. Sunday you have work? if no sunday morning we go drink coffee.

Em vua di lam ve, anh dang lam gi? Sang mai anh co muon gap em kg?
I just return from work, what are you doing? tomorrow morning you want to meet me or not?

Em di lam ve khuya qua nen kg dt cho anh
I work very late return, so no telephone you

7. Typical Fruits found in VN

Phuc Trach Sweet Polemo (Buoi Duong Phuc Trach)
Green dragon (Thanh Long) / 火龙果 / dragon pearl fruit
Mango (xoai)
Rambutan (chom chom)
Mangosteen (mang cut)
Star Apple (vu sua)
Durian (Sau Rieng)
Pineapple (Dua)
Longan (Nhan)
Thieu Litchi (Vai Thieu)
Banana (Chuoi)
Papays (Du du)
Persimmon (Hong)
Sapodilla (Hong Xiem)
Custard Apple (Mang Cau - Na)
Jackfruit (Mit)
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Old 30-08-2010, 02:18 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Study abroad is not a cure-all for self-indulgent rich kids
================================================== =======
VietNamNet Bridge – One student squandered $100,000 on gambling, another had to quit school and return to Vietnam because he was pickpocketed, and a third found that she could not study while she is pregnant. For quite a few Vietnamese students, reports VietNamNet, studying abroad proves to be a bad choice.

The Gambler. Many Vietnamese students are traumatized when they fail the university entrance exams. However, failure was excellent news for Nguyen Van Duc in HCM City, because this meant that he could go abroad to study.

He was really happy when his parents said they’d send him to study at an Australian university. Duc had tired of the flesh-pots in HCM City. He’d dreamed of going abroad where he believed he could enjoy relax and enjoy life supported by regular money transfers from his parents

After just two months in Australia, Duc had squandered $100,000 on gambling. His father had to fly to Australia then to bring the boy back home.

Duc was desperate to go abroad again. Believing that their son had repented of his mistakes, his parents decided to send him to a school in Russia.

However, Duc had not changed. He asked parents for $1000 a month to pay the rent on a flat. In fact, he lived in a dorm and spent the money parents remitted in bars and discotheques.

As Duc spent more time on play than on studying, he could not finish the university program after several years in Russia. Finally, his parents forced him back home after they concluded that overseas study would not help Duc become a useful person.

The New Mother. Like Duc, Nguyen Huong Giang came from a wealthy family. After spending her freshman year at the University of Foreign Languages, Giang decided to go abroad to study, because that’s become a fashion in Vietnam.

In the UK, Giang did not live in a dormitory, but in a leased flat. She took a taxi, not public transportation, to school. Giang was really a connoisseur; she never bought Chinese-made clothes like other Vietnamese students, but only wore garments sporting famous logos.

While other Vietnamese students, studying abroad on State scholarships, spent only $150-200 a month on incidentals, Giang burned through an allowance of $600 each month.

Not surprisingly, many men paid attention to Giang. Unluckily, she became pregnant. Finding that she could not continue to study in such a situation, Giang had to return home to give birth out of wedlock. Now she does not have time to think of going abroad again.

The Thief. Much like Giang, Mai began university in Hanoi. She was not a very serious student – in fact, she became famous as a ‘playgirl.’ And also like Giang, Mai dreamed of studying abroad. With her parent’s help, she won a scholarship to study at a Japanese university.

As soon as Mai set foot in Japan, she indulged her passion for shopping and sightseeing.

Suddenly one day, Mai was sent back to Vietnam. She’d been expelled from her university after she was arrested for shoplifting at a fancy store. No one could understand why Mai stole the goods, because she seemed to have plenty of her own money.

Overseas study won’t fix a bad kid

Commenting on the surging popularity of study abroad, Nguyen Van Nguyen, a counselor at an ‘overseas study centre’ in HCM City, says many parents send their children abroad when they fail the university entrance exams. They have enough money to do so, and they think this is really a good solution.

Nguyen thinks parents should first learn more about their children. There’s no point in sending them abroad unless they are ready to study. If the kids are bent on self-indulgence, it will cost far less to support their bad habits in Hanoi or HCM City than in London, Sydney or Tokyo.

Sinh Pham
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Old 31-08-2010, 09:26 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Vietnam’s illegal semen trade

VietNamNet Bridge – “You are infertile! We are willing to donate sperm for you.” This is an advertisement on a small ad website.

Such ads are posted on many websites. They are always accompanied with names, addresses, health reports, and information about the sperm sellers.

A Tien Phong newspaper reporter posed as an infertile man to buy sperm on a website. Just several hours later, he received dossiers on five sperm sellers, who all agreed to meet with him.

Nam, 27, introduced himself as a healthy man, 1.70m, with a healthy lifestyle from District 3, HCM City and was willing to sell sperm for 10 million dong ($500). He donated sperm three times already and all the receivers got pregnant.

Tu, 28, also from HCM City, wanted to donate sperm to women whose husbands are infertile or to single moms. However, he set conditions that sperm receivers must be less than 36, have good appearance and high incomes. Moreover, he would only donate sperms via direct sexual relations at hotels.

Nam revealed that he had sold sperm three times while sperm banks at HCM City hospitals like Tu Du or Hung Vuong only take sperm from a man once in his life. Nam admitted that he sold his sperm at private clinics on Ly Thuong Kiet road, District 10.

“I don’t know exactly how much it costs to take semen, but perhaps around 5 million dong/time,” Nam shrugged.

He had sold semen to a couple from Long An province for 12 million dong. They took the sperm at a hotel on Su Van Hanh road, District 1 and the couple brought it to a clinic to pump into the woman’s womb.

The Ministry of Health has banned the sperm trade in any form and sperm donation is only allowed at some big hospitals. However, Tu boasted that he knows some private consulting rooms that supply sperm-related services.

An official from the HCM City Department of Health acknowledged that it is difficult to detect illegal sperm collection and pumping services.

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha from the HCM City Medicine University warned of the high risks for women who use such illegal services, since private consulting rooms don’t have standardized equipment and technology.

In addition, using semen from unknown people without being tested is dangerous. These people sell sperm to many people, creating the risk of marriages among children of the same fathers.

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Old 01-09-2010, 12:18 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

For past 1 week, a vb try to neglect me, turn colder towards me after 1 month of good lovely companionship. Today met this vb somewhere in JC and we talk awhile. She dare not look me in the eyes... siam here and there when I try look into her eyes.

some sms exchanges after the meet up.

KT: A hieu tai sao e lam nhu vay (I understand why you do it like this)
VB: hieu cai j noi nghe nghe (understand what? say to listen)
KT: A suy nghi e lam nhu vay, it gap a, it nt a, it nc a vi e muon lam cho a wen e. kg muon ngay sau e ve vn roi, a buon, e cung buon (I think you do it this way, meet little, sms little, talk little because you want to make me forget you. Don't want next time you go back vn already, I sad, you also sad)
VB: Dc roi kg noi nua (can already, don't say)
KT: hoi nay e noi moun a noi ma. thoi, gio a ve nha. ( just now you want me to say. Nevermind, now i go back)

Question: what bros think/understand she really meant/feel when she reply this way?

Thay giao jackbl was beside me, he feels that she is working, so she feel disturbed/angry in talking about lovey stuff.
Old 01-09-2010, 08:53 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
For past 1 week, a vb try to neglect me, turn colder towards me after 1 month of good lovely companionship. Today met this vb somewhere in JC and we talk awhile. She dare not look me in the eyes... siam here and there when I try look into her eyes.

some sms exchanges after the meet up.

KT: A hieu tai sao e lam nhu vay (I understand why you do it like this)
VB: hieu cai j noi nghe nghe (understand what? say to listen)
KT: A suy nghi e lam nhu vay, it gap a, it nt a, it nc a vi e muon lam cho a wen e. kg muon ngay sau e ve vn roi, a buon, e cung buon (I think you do it this way, meet little, sms little, talk little because you want to make me forget you. Don't want next time you go back vn already, I sad, you also sad)
VB: Dc roi kg noi nua (can already, don't say)
KT: hoi nay e noi moun a noi ma. thoi, gio a ve nha. ( just now you want me to say. Nevermind, now i go back)

Question: what bros think/understand she really meant/feel when she reply this way?

Thay giao jackbl was beside me, he feels that she is working, so she feel disturbed/angry in talking about lovey stuff.
Her signal and body language to you has already make it very clear to you. Perhaps it best to give her some room and time to think about her relationship with you. If she is yours, she will always be yours. Cheers my friend and be happy! (Easy to say dam blxxdy difficult to do)
When things goes wrong, we always blame the opposite parties but have we ever sit down and ask ourselves if the fault lies with us?

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Old 01-09-2010, 09:03 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
Question: what bros think/understand she really meant/feel when she reply this way?

Thay giao jackbl was beside me, he feels that she is working, so she feel disturbed/angry in talking about lovey stuff.
Bro KT, before I say my opinion...pls dun mind that I am not picking on my humble opinion...she had woken up from her dream with you...she knew you cannot provide her anything in future...I think another bro had showed her what she was just leave things as it what bro Zhu star said...what is "yours is yours"...
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Old 01-09-2010, 03:08 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
Bro KT, before I say my opinion...pls dun mind that I am not picking on my humble opinion...she had woken up from her dream with you...she knew you cannot provide her anything in future...I think another bro had showed her what she was just leave things as it what bro Zhu star said...what is "yours is yours"...
They are not cheap to keep especially if you already married. But I must admit KT has something that is still attractive to the Vb that I don't have and that is he is still single.

The sweet dream bubbles has burst. Go grab the one next in line. He still got A,B,C,D,E,F,G.....................Z. Only 1 alphabet (N) is missing lah, very easy to fill up.
When things goes wrong, we always blame the opposite parties but have we ever sit down and ask ourselves if the fault lies with us?

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Old 01-09-2010, 05:25 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by zhu star View Post
They are not cheap to keep especially if you already married. But I must admit KT has something that is still attractive to the Vb that I don't have and that is he is still single.

The sweet dream bubbles has burst. Go grab the one next in line. He still got A,B,C,D,E,F,G.....................Z. Only 1 alphabet (N) is missing lah, very easy to fill up.
I status is not single lah. Furthermore I have a very loving and good galfriend in vn already.
I xao nhieu nhieu only... Stir my mind and stir the vb mind.

A to Z is a lot leh. I do not have that many.
I still got L but it is really time to find one replacement to stir the mind and hope can kc into bed before my house arrest.
Old 01-09-2010, 10:40 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
I status is not single lah. Furthermore I have a very loving and good galfriend in vn already.
I xao nhieu nhieu only... Stir my mind and stir the vb mind.

A to Z is a lot leh. I do not have that many.
I still got L but it is really time to find one replacement to stir the mind and hope can kc into bed before my house arrest.
Be happy my friend. The only thing you can do now if I were you, is to call her and wish her all the best and more important to thanks her for giving you 1 month of happiness. Thereafter, leave it to fate to decide what will happen next. Now grab the next in line.

As for bros who has a rare and really caring girl but still doing two timing, it just a matter of time before you are caught. So treasure what you have.
When things goes wrong, we always blame the opposite parties but have we ever sit down and ask ourselves if the fault lies with us?

My favorite part of the female body (Y)
Old 02-09-2010, 12:14 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by zhu star View Post
call her and wish her all the best and more important to thanks her for giving you 1 month of happiness.
yah hor.. i forget to thank her for going to the beach with me every fri and sat night.
Old 02-09-2010, 10:31 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

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