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Old 19-12-2016, 02:36 AM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Past midnight already. Many of us also never met a samster like you. Do you need someone to list down the things you've done that have meddled with others' REAL LIVES listed out as well? Mind you, I won't be the one doing this because I don't really bother digging up any info into people's lives beyond what is posted publicly in the forum.. I leave people's private lives pretty much alone... I don't know much about you beyond what I read in the public forum.

And this listing of who is your enemy and what not, is truly truly getting old... Think we've seen it before somewhere else....yawn..

There are others here who surely have a bone to pick with you, but choose to either let it go for whatever reason, or they just doing something quietly in the background which we do not know about.

I think you are smart enough to realise that your current predicament has nothing to do with me, comm, Korean or even that Baotohk.

Not that I'm defending them, but have a deep think about how things came to this juncture? Who were the ones who battled you and exposed you long long time ago? Who were the ones you offended back then?

Who might be powerful and well-connected enough to be meddling behind your back?

Some people 笑里藏刀.

Reflect and think again.
damn, I intended to kick start a a list of her past n current criminal records and asking others to add into the list as all her criminal record scattered here n there, as the list is too long n tiring to repeat at once. Maybe I start with listing at least one per day and welcome anyone to edit the list p/s: Make it easy to read for the reader.

Max Priest Past Criminal Records:-
1) Write Fake FRs to get good service from WL (soliciting)
2) No. 1 liar in sbf GL subforum
3) No. 1 Hypocrite in sbf GL subforum
4) Having many clones (e.g. Alejandro88, GreenLantern, Royal_Chimp, King_Cobra, etc) yet she said she doesn't have any clones and disregarded others for having clone. (support (3) (4) as the no.1 hypocrite and liar)

Last edited by korean; 19-12-2016 at 03:10 AM.
Old 19-12-2016, 02:40 AM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
To him, enemy of enemies are friends...buddy
biggest hypocrite isn't she, she is my sifu ler I'm still far far to reach her level yet, much to learn from her kungfu In fact we all learn from her as she is our master, we just repeat what she taught us and need much of her guidance
Old 19-12-2016, 10:27 AM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Who has threatened or intimidated you online? I thought you are pretty confident it wasn't you

Shitting in your pants now?

I suggest you go to the police and tell them ..." I'm max_priest, I'm just a tuakang online and people are trying to expose me "
As mentioned before, whether the guy in the pic is really me or not, it is besides the point ... once a party initiated the threat, it is tantamount to a violation of online intimidation and harassment act and this is enough ground to mount a lawsuit ...

You have to get your facts right, Mr Dumbo ...
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 19-12-2016, 10:35 AM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

As mentioned, these days I don't have much time to ridicule and bombard you ... if you like me to discuss about your past "intimate association" with a number of phantom members, I could entertain you once I free myself from my tight schedule ... Game on huh??

Many samsters had speculated about your cloning association/activities and a few snr samsters had also weighed in on this little secret of yours ... I Guess these are your weapons to fight a cyberwar with a Nxxx ...

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Some things I just don't feel like going all the way.

This may sound strange, but I think some of those nicks and the master served some purpose in the overall grander scheme of things.

They may have often seemed like pests, but even some rats and cockroaches are needed to clear out the trash. Just as long as they don't get overboard

Live and let live, ya know?

Of course, others are entitled to their opinions on how they want to move forward with things.
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 19-12-2016, 10:42 AM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Bwahaha ... baotohk and u have generated so much online camaraderie to fight this war against me and now you leave this sinister bugger in the lurch when he is in dire straits huh? Don't behave like that sinister + hypocrite bugger #2 - Korean who once attacked his so called buddy, Saxxbkxxx from the rear ... huh??

My little toe is laughing non stop now ...

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Aiyoh. Can't you stand on your own two feet when dealing with this Baotohk?

And ah, since when is he my good old buddy. I do not know him that well but we share a common dislike for you and that alejandro88 et al from long ago.

Beyond that, I don't know him from a bar of soap.

On the protection from harassment act, are you saying you've never harrassed someone publicly down to the point of getting their employer involved etc?

And that you've not meddled in other people's private business with WLs, etc?

Because if the answer is yes, then it's hypocritical for you to now try and quote this act to protect yourself.
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 19-12-2016, 10:56 AM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Bwahaha ... baotohk and u have generated so much online camaraderie to fight this war against me and now you leave this sinister bugger in the lurch when he is in dire straits huh? Don't behave like that sinister + hypocrite bugger #2 - Korean who once attacked his so called buddy, Saxxbkxxx from the rear ... huh??

My little toe is laughing non stop now ...

Oh please. Baotohk and me aren't buddies. Just two people online who have provlens with you. What his problem with you is, I'm not sure.

For me, it continues to be your penchant to play with people's real lives and making threats to do such things, just to silence your detractors etc
Old 19-12-2016, 10:58 AM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
As mentioned, these days I don't have much time to ridicule and bombard you ... if you like me to discuss about your past "intimate association" with a number of phantom members, I could entertain you once I free myself from my tight schedule ... Game on huh??

Many samsters had speculated about your cloning association/activities and a few snr samsters had also weighed in on this little secret of yours ... I Guess these are your weapons to fight a cyberwar with a Nxxx ...
You are certainly in no position to preach about clones

Old 19-12-2016, 11:31 AM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Bwahaha ... baotohk and u have generated so much online camaraderie to fight this war against me and now you leave this sinister bugger in the lurch when he is in dire straits huh? Don't behave like that sinister + hypocrite bugger #2 - Korean who once attacked his so called buddy, Saxxbkxxx from the rear ... huh??

My little toe is laughing non stop now ...

LOL... Here's another example of your self-delusional "nothing but the truth" being just lame childish fact-twisters. You are the one who first started the sinister act of threatening to expose the real-life identity of bros just to win a cyberwar. Karma lead others to using the same trick on you and you started to pot-calling-kettle-black, some more trying to instigate BG to attack baotohk instead.

This is one of the reasons why so many people here are fucking you, you idiot.
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Old 19-12-2016, 11:44 AM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Anyone feel free to edit the list for future reference p/s: Make it easy to read for the reader.

Max_Priest Past Criminal Records:-
1) Write Fake FRs to get good service from WL (soliciting)
2) No. 1 liar in sbf GL subforum
3) No. 1 Hypocrite in sbf GL subforum
4) Having many clones (e.g. Alejandro88, GreenLantern, Royal_Chimp, King_Cobra, etc) yet she said she doesn't have any clones and disregarded others for having clone. (support (3) (4) as the no.1 hypocrite and liar)
5) Max_Priest was the one who attacked Saabking furiously. Evidenced as in below:

Alejandro88 Past Criminal Records:-

GreenLantern Past Criminal Records:-

Royal_Chimp Past Criminal Records:-

Royal_Chimp Past Criminal Records:-

Last edited by korean; 19-12-2016 at 12:30 PM.
Old 19-12-2016, 12:19 PM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
You are certainly in no position to preach about clones

Do u notice there is a minion outbreak this month? Probably that's explain time is running short
Old 19-12-2016, 12:29 PM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
..... blah ... blah ...

[b]Having said that, "defeat" of such characters is not my primary aim - my aim is for a safer and happier forum [/]for all to be in and contribute fruitfully. I believe such characters might have a chance to change for the better.

Of course, sometimes I can be totally wrong.

And some incorrigible dogs could be just totally impervious to good advice.

I almost laughed till my jaw dropped off the moment I read the message of this clown ...

Defeat?! You are far from it ... Just that you still have some stamina to continue as I think your day job does not need much brain cell and hence, u can indulge in these mundane activities ... Suggest you spend more time and effort in making $$ ... I reiterate, do not be so emotional over this forum ... bwahahaha ...

Well, when an incorrigible dog looks himself in the mirror, he would never accept the fact that he is one. Did u look into the mirror lately? Look yourself in the mirror first before u made such criticism ... bwahaha ...
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 19-12-2016, 12:36 PM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Originally Posted by Rawall View Post
LOL... Here's another example of your self-delusional "nothing but the truth" being just lame childish fact-twisters. You are the one who first started the sinister act of threatening to expose the real-life identity of bros just to win a cyberwar. Karma lead others to using the same trick on you and you started to pot-calling-kettle-black, some more trying to instigate BG to attack baotohk instead.

This is one of the reasons why so many people here are fucking you, you idiot.
Well, do I need to entertain this idiotic clown? Oops, I remember he is the lackey of one of my biggest detractors ... I shan't waste my precious time on this low level species ... This clown is just another fella who opposes for the sake of opposing without knowing the detail background ...

And, I don't think I am so influential to instigate BG to Attack baotohk ... in fact they appeared to be working together to Attack me ... U certainly need to goto an optical shop to correct your vision ... U prolly pcc too much (and affected your vision) like Comm who did this before a vast array of whore pictures he secretly photographed ...

For the rest of the normal folks, there were ppl who tried to track me and sabotage me too (but in vain) ... so?
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Last edited by max_priest; 19-12-2016 at 12:49 PM.
Old 19-12-2016, 12:42 PM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

Anyone feel free to edit the list for future reference p/s: Make it easy to read for the reader.

Max_Priest Past Criminal Records:-
1) Write FAKE FRs to get good service from WL (soliciting)
2) No. 1 LIAR in sbf GL subforum
3) No. 1 HYPOCRITE in sbf GL subforum
4) Having many CLONES(e.g. Alejandro88, GreenLantern, Royal_Chimp, King_Cobra, etc) yet she said she doesn't have any clones and disregarded others for having clone. (support (3) & (4) as the no.1 hypocrite and liar)
5) Max_Priest was the one who attacked Saabking furiously. Evidenced as in below:
6) TCSS much more than anyone else over the years in unfriendly manner with his main account and especially his clones in FL house threads and FR threads. Yet he is so bossy wanna intervene the rest who do friendly tcss (support (3) as the no.1 hypocrite)
7) Online pimping for an old msian ex-wl who worked as FL ILLEGALLY in sg (soliciting) He should pimp her in FL subforum instead of GL subforum as the ex-wl was no longer working in the legal GL scene.
8) Chased out by WLs and stepped out of the door within 30minutes but still pen a FR as "passionate" session for the sake of his pathetic ego (support (1) & (2) as the no.1 liar cum Fake FR writer)
9) Condemn WL at her house thread (e.g. W12) for the sake of promoting other house (his fav) in that thread. No ethics I would say

Alejandro88 (Hiding) Past Criminal Records:-

GreenLantern (Moderation) Past Criminal Records:-

Royal_Chimp (Banned) Past Criminal Records:-

Royal_Chimp (Moderation) Past Criminal Records:-

Last edited by korean; 19-12-2016 at 03:54 PM.
Old 19-12-2016, 12:44 PM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

BG, that's why I said u still have hope ...Do not waste your time associating with bad eggs like Comm and Korean who never will contribute anything beneficial to the health of this forum ... He is only keen in TCSS about his past KC with whores and he is gonna walk the aisle with an ex GL whore... He even opened a thread to discuss how he would manage his future in law in PRC ... His ex regular WLs told me he sometime went to GL not to fuck but to KC the whores ... partly because he can't get an erection ... haha ...

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Once again, my small errors of online etiquette mistakes do not impact anyone's real lives.

What past background and actions have I done that is so bad? Did I harass anyone, criminally intimidate anyone or meddle in people's private lives?

I think not.

All I've ever done is being too direct and straightforward in my postings - sometimes my EQ isn't great - but I mean no harm to anyone's real life.

I may bicker with people here and there in the past, but I never bring it into real life. You see, there's a difference there.
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 19-12-2016, 12:52 PM
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Re: Thread where excessive trolling and arguments will be moved to

lol, she still fail to find out my identity, coming to a year soon? I'm dissapointed dont be so weak max, I look up upon on u as my sifu ler

no wonder ur brain filled with nothing but full of shits, how will a woman accept a poor man who cant erect as husband u must be jealous of me as u r a mr 3minutes

Last edited by korean; 19-12-2016 at 01:27 PM.
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