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Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
Bros.. sorry.. I didn't mean to suck you all thru a un-meaningful episode about the cookout at my apartment and not get straight to the Sexcation.
But you gotta understand that I need to set the stage - because what happened that day - was the setting of the awesome sexcation in Maldives.. be patient ok? I promise you - you will enjoy reading it. Hang on... To be cont'd |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
bro, good story over here. dun mind the small hicups and continue to write. i believe all bros here will soon love your story.
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
Guys sorry - The long lapse is because I kena do a lot of backup work cos my partner on holiday (school holidays I now kena lone ranger and do all the work)
So let me continue where I left off the last time : Ingrid was already in the kitchen and snooping around inside the fridge. Me : Oi ! You ain;t gonna find dinner in there.. Its all in the foam box over there (I pointed to the foamboax on the floor next to the dishwasher) and stop peeking. I told you - if I am cooking dinner, you wont know till I cook it. I reached over her and took the fridge door to open it wider.. She was still stooped over and was reaching for the grapefruit when her arm just stroked into my (well now) semi-hard dick under my surfshorts. I jumped from the sudden touch and said - Oops sorry. Ingrid just smiled and said : mmmm... did Vicky had sausage for breakfast? Me : You !! I am not even going there ! (as I handed the grapefruit and pulled out the pineapple/orange juice carton for her) At that point, Vicky came to the kitchen and said : Vicky: Ya, I heard you two... And yes, I did had my morning breakfast sausage already. Ingrid : (laughs really loud and throws her head back) hmmm.. Looks like its a regular size sausage. And then Ingrid playfully tried to pull my shorts as I walked away. Me : Oi ! U better dont play play (in my PCK accent) cos the sausage might get angry... Vicky pinched me on my arm and told me to stop being flirty. Anyway - we sat down for a quick simple breakfast (actually just juice, and some fruits) and the girls went back into the bedroom I presume to try out one of the swim suits (bikini) which Vicky took out for ingrid. I was left alone to brew the coffee and read the sat newspapers and was interrupted with huge laughter from inside the bedroom. I was curious and got up and walked to the bedroom and realised the door was not closed. So I took the chance to walk in to find out what the fuss was... and the girls looked at me as I walked in. I saw Vicky on the floor laughing nonstop and looked at Ingrid who was already in one of Vicky's string bikini and I was distracted looking ather tits which were clearly visible thru the white bikini top. Me : oi ! What's up and Vicky, you better stop laughing or you will get into a fit at the rate you are going... Ingrid : Hey max ! how do I look? Ingrid was jumping up and down and jiggling her top. I was just too distracted by her tits and her nipples screaming at me to lunge at them. Vicky laughed even louder and Ingrid was still jumping up and down... Me : What?!!!! Whats so funny? (I was puzzled..) Vicky : You are really clueless... Ingrid continued to jump and then said : Hey ... do I look ok in this ? Vicky laughed even louder and then it hit me... No wonder she was laughing.. I began to laugh as well... It was so wierd and funny. The joke was that Ingrid had not shaved and her pussy hair was sticking out of the narrow bikini bottom and her fuzz was showing and sticking out from the sides.. It was really funny and weird at the same time Me : wow ! is that for real? (as I pointed at her ) Vicky laughed even louder and Ingrid said : Ok what do you think? Ingrid reached forward and pulled my hand and I instinctively pulled back as she wanted me to feel her fuzz... Me : shit Ingrid !!! that's a freakin' primary forest you got growing there... Ingrid and Vicky laughed even louder... And I told her she had better shaved cos she ain;t going to the pool like that. She might scare the kids !!! I looked at the clock and realized that it was almost 1.15pm and I said to them me : Hey ladies, you do what you have to do... I need to prepped the pork and the soup and then we can go swimming. I walked out leavng the 2 of them in the bedroom to deal with their girlie stuff. It was about 15 minutes into my food preparation when I heard faintly the bath water running and I assume that Ingrid took the advice and started shaving in the bathroom. Vicky was not out and I assumed she was in the bedroom doing her stuff... (you know sometimes Girlfriends do what they do and I dunno what they do...) After I finished my food prepped and rammed the tray into the oven and set the timer and temp, I called out to Vicky if she wanted me take out the Salad for her to prepare.. No answer... I wiped hands and walked back into the bedroom and then .... |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
To my surprise...Vicky was not in the bedroom and so I called out to her and heard her yelled back thru the bathroom door.
Vicky: I am in here sweeties, just helping Ingrid shave.. will be out in a few... Ingrid : oh.. its ok he can come in and watch... Vicky : No !!!! Ingrid : Its ok, I am alright with it Vic, Hey max ! wanna see ? maybe you can help too? Vicky: No no stay out... Me : Ok I am coming in to look... (I stomped my feet loudly on the floor as if to come towards the bathroom door) Vicky : No ! stay out ! Ingrid : Aw come on Vic, a pussy is a pussy ! whats the big deal? me : (overheard what Ingrid said) ya... its the same... (as I pushed the door ajar with my hands) The sight before me was no big deal... Ingrid was in the bathtub. her body was invisible covered by the soap bubbles and I only can see her arms and her legs . My xGF Vicky was kneeling and welding MY Shick Razor... Me : Hey !!! that's my shaver!!! Vicky : too bad.. I told you not to come in.. (Vicky gives me a stern look and I think Ingrid caught it..) me : ok hey... its no big deal... I can't see anything with all that soap suds.. Ingrid : (consoles Vicky) Vic, its ok, I am not trying to flirt with him, I like girls anyway... Vicky : Max hon, if you are going stay in here... I might switch to being a lesbo... So you better get out Me : Oh... on the contrary, all the more reason I need to be in here as I dont want Ingrid to seduce you ! Vicky was flicking the shaver off the pubic hair and I said to Ingrid. THATS A LOT OF HAIR there !!! that kind of loosen up the atmosphere and we all 3 started laughing... I left them as I didnt want my exGF to get upset with me. I went out and pack a styrofoam box with beer and drinks and stuff and my novel. I turned on the radio and set the aircon off and waited for them. I actually fell asleep on the sofa and woke up and realize I actually snoozed for 20 minutes. I got up and I can hear them finishing off the task and heard the shower being used ( I assume Vicky was rinsing off Ingrid). They both came out and I was looking at Vicky whose hair was strangely wet again... Oh never mind... Me : Hey .. lets go... lets hit the pool then... In the life, I was behind the 2 girls and Vicky as usual in her GF way, she would lean back and press her butt towards me and i would put my arms around her as I stood behind her.. Me : Hey... did you showered again cos your hair is wet (as I looked at Ingrid who was obviously having a smile on her lips and looking up at the number on the lift door) Vicky : yep I sure I did.. Ingrid : grins and says : She more than Showered Max...go figure.. And then they both started laughing again... I just rolled my eyeballs as I didn;t get their inside joke and left it as it. Fast fwd at the pool. Vicky was lying on the deck chair and listening to her ipod. I slipped back into the pool as it was getting too hot. As I got up I took a beer and passed it to Vicky - who waved me off and I passed the beer to Ingrid. I slipped back into the pool and starting swimming to cool off. Ingrid took a few gulps of the beer, set it back into the styrofoam cooler and jumps into the pool. As usual, I just moved to the side and laid there with my head on the edge and my legs up.... I know Ingrid was swimming some laps... So I closed eyes from the sun and was just listening to the water lapping around me. Ingrid finished her laps and joined me where I was. And there we were... lying face up, heads on the pool edge and our legs just floated lazily. Sometimes our toes would touch and sometimes our thighs would touch. I was enjoying the skin contact.. It was really teasing. I told myself not ot have a hardon cos it can be easily seen from my swimshorts. We just chatted and somehow the conversation went back to her pubic hair shaving just now... and then she told me that she and Vicky showered together after her shave cos Vicky was half dry and wet and she decided to jump into the shower with her. It was there that Ingrid licked Vicky and ate her till she came.. I obviously was in snoozeland since I dozed off and it was that 20 minutes that it happened. Vicky suddenly jumps into the water wth a splash ! I wiped my face from the water and just as stood up, I feel Vicky swim to me underwater and emerges right in front of me and puts her arm around my neck. We kinda have a semi hug and I can feel her grinding her pussy mound against me. She knows I hate this cos it gets me turned on and I cant get out of the pool cos everyone can see my hardon dick thru my shorts. As usualy she lighly pecks me on my cheek and said Vicky : So.. the secrets out ...I hope you are not upset She looked over at Ingrid and scolded her for telling me Me : Its ok.. I am cool no big deal... really.. (I pretended and pulled a sad face and pretended to walk away as if I was hurt) Vicky blocked my path with her body and her arms around me and her legs are like semi straddled around my shin. Vicky : Sweetie, I am sorry, Are you mad at me? (She pecks at my neck and cheek as if to make up) Then I feel Ingrid behind me and she bites at my ear and said Ingrid : Max - loosen up will ya ! It was not like i was a guy with a dick... Ingrid moved quite close to me and I am now like a sandwich except that I am the meat betw my exGf and Ingrid. It was hard to be upset especially when I can feel the pussy mound of my exGF in front of my dick and now, my back is SUPER sensitive as I tried to sense the nipples of Ingrid who was now pressed harder into my back. I looked up at the sky and also to check if there were people looking and said Me : Hey, this is getting too Xrated and I am going to get funny looks and a complaint from the residents here.. We all laughed !!!! and as we moved apart, I felt Ingrids hand groping my semi hard dick, I turned and looked at her and her eyes met mine. Right at that moment, I didnt say a word but I know and she know what was on our minds... Fast fwd.. After the pool, it was time to head back to the aprtment cos her friends were coming soon and I had to check the pork in the oven. Vicky said she wanted to shower 1st as she needed to shampoo her hair again. Ingrid said she wont shower with Vicky to spare me the agony. And so the 2 of us were in the kitchen as Vicky went to shower. Ingrid had a towel wrapped around her waist (as most Ang moh girls do that when tey get off the pool... they tend to wrap the towels around their waist making it like a skirt sarong). I told her to check the pork for me as I open the fridge to get the vegetables out for my soup. She took her towel off to hold the hot tray and she bent over , offering me a view of her ass and the side view of her breasts as gravity took over from her leaning angle. I turned and saw the whole scene and I muttered Me : Ingrid, that is a tempting sight. She slammed the tray in, closed the overn door and gives me a light peck on my cheek (as in her usual greeting) but this time around her arms are around my waist and I can feel her light touch as she stroked my waist up and down.. it felt good. I just let her feel my waist and my slight tummy and I said Me : hey ingrid, if you are feeling me, I am going grab those breasts in exchange. She doesnt say a thing and looks at me square in the eye and so I just lightly brushed my fingers towards her breasts... They both came |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
Campfire started, beer - checked, marshmellows - checked, chicken wings - checked.. Very nice writing TS, keep it coming... Cant up you due to the lack of power, but will rate the thread....
Don't lead a champange life when you're only taking home orange juice pay........... |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
Bros -
Sorry for the abrupt end... Wife just came to my desk... Ok where was I ? Me : hey ingrid, if you are feeling me, I am going grab those breasts in exchange. She doesnt say a thing and looks at me square in the eye and so I just lightly brushed my fingers towards her breasts... They both came out of the bikini top willingly as my palms reached around it to pinch the nipples softly. At the same time, she had her hands (one around my butt) and the other tugging gently at my semi-hard erection that stand out like a flag pole already. Me : (whispered hastily) Ingrid, we better stop, I dun wanna get into trouble with Vicky Ingrid : bad boy, you are the teaser. And she pulled away Just in time cos I thought I heard the door open or closing in the hallway towards my bedroom hang on... wife calling... |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
Bro TS, thanks for cuming back with a long post
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon " All that is needed for Evil to succeed is, that decent human beings do NOTHING. " - Edmund Burke |
Bro Maxpee88, pls come back fast 2 continue w/this story...
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months... For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it ![]() |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
Sorry Bros..
I know its getting interrupted.. but I promise you it is worth the wait cos this whole even that happened at my apartment has 'explosive impact' on my sexcation which would happen later... Anyway where was I? oh yes... Just in time too - we pulled away from each other and Ingrid went back to inspecting my pork in the oven and I walked out of the kitchen to go and use the bathroom. As I walk out, Vicky was already walking towards to the kitchen, one hand holding up the towel turban over her wet hair. As we past each other I flicked off the towel off her head and walked with it to the the bedroom to take a bath. Before she could say / ask, I poited back at the kitchen to show her that Ingrid was inside. The rest of the day went without incident, her bunch of gal friends came, as usual, they complimented on my culinary skills. One of her ang moh friend has a fucker of a Ang Mo guy who is a real jerk and his name is Ian. Ian knows I really bo chap him, but his gf is a sweetie from Australia (Sydney) Ian is from the UK. So anyways.. whenever we meet he would also never fail to try to undermine me... Oops Wife calls... - sorrry... To Be Cont'd |
Oh no!!! Bro Maxpee88... not ur OC calling again...
![]() Pls don't stop w/o actions on hotdog & abalones... ![]() Hope 2 c AHA (Abalone+Hotdog+Abalone) in upcoming installment... hehe... ![]()
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months... For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it ![]() |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
Anyway... let me not waste my fucking effort on the chow ang moh Ian.. He's a born bastard... I already took sweet revenge on him and he doesn't even know it. (ha hah ha..)
Ok... fast fwd to dinner.. Of course every one loved the dinner I cooked and as usual we are all still sitting around the dinner table and takking away while her friends all take turns to get out and clear the table and wash dishes and its usually the same - we would all end up sitting around my rectangle dinner table meant to 6 people, but we end squeezing 8 of us.. So I had recently bought a long bench and placed on on the wall side of the table so that we can squeeze in more guests. That nite, I sat at the bench, and to my left was Ingrid, my right was one local S'pore SPG (again, she works with Vicky in her bank) and I think she was one of those product champs that sells insurance or some thing like that. So picture this... It was Ingrid, me, the SPG, followed by another gal. There were 4 of us on the bench, which was meant comfortably for 3 pax. Vicky was sitting at the narrow end of the table acting as hostess. Tonight we had 4 people squeezed into the bench because they all wanted to face the aircon, which was blowing nice cool air and the wall behind us reflected down the draft nicely. I was asked to be seated inside because her friends felt I had done enough and worked too hard for th dinner and so I as asked to sit down and not moved around flitting between kitchen and table. Ingrid (as if to make a point) volunteered to sit next to me at the corner so as to block me from getting off the bench. She's wearing her slinky sundress (bra-less as usual - what do you expect from her nationality, rolled my eyes..) I am in my tank top and shorts... and we are all cramped into the bench. My thighs were touching hers and I can feel her soft creamy thighs every so often when I reach forward for my food throughout dinner. I know for sure Ingrid was enjoying the 'skin to skin' touching, because every so often I feel her hand on my thighs (pretending to hold for support) when she reached forward to get a dish. Hey I dun mind fellas,, honestly, cos, you can picture it right? When she reach forward (lean forward) i pretend to lean back towards the wall, as if to get out of the way (crowded elbow room) but actually I am enjoying the view of her breasts through the ample looseness of her sundress. At times, Ingrid will lean towards my neck as she talked to the SPG on my left side and I can feel her breast pressed into my left upper arm. She would like pretend to rest her arm on my entire shoulder as she yak to the SPG... this all happened throughout dinner. Vicky was oblivious to that of course as she was busy playing the hostess. We would banter back and forth from intellectual topics to movies, to books, sometimes gossips. Yep, surprises to you - buy ang moh ladies also are just as kaypoh and gossipers as the local singaporean gals. And its usually about some office romance, etc.. and then it would start from chow ang mo Ian who will often lead and hijack the discussion into something sexual. Fast foward and after lots of wine and champagne, some of her guests were leaving and usually, its only the usual gals will linger back - which were normally Ingrid and her lesbo partner (who was missing this evening) and the SPG and 1 other gal, whom I am not familiar with as she's often too quiet. |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
Anyway, that nite, I really had a bit too much to drink. And so the SPG had wanted to sleep over, but Ingrid already said she was staying over (still probably pissed with her lesbo partner who didnt show up for dinner - I knew they probably had a fight, no wonder Ingrid came early that day and came alone) And the other girl wanted to go home, so she was getting the SPG to go home and share a taxi (apparently they lived about a few blocks away from each other near tiong bahru..). Vicky looked at me and I shook my head and told her I had a wee bit too much to drink and I was in no position to drive them back - they can crash out on the sofa in the living room. The quiet ang moh girl said she wanted to go home... and so Vicky took my car keys and said she will drive them home leaving me with Ingrid at home.
I wasn't really thinking about the 'situation' that lay ahead of me ... cos I was really a bit wasted and I was tearing from the alcohol and my speech was slurring a little. I walked Vicky to the door and she as usual pecked me on the lips and said to wait up for her, I simply nodded in my drunken stupor and latch the gate, padlocked it and closed the door. Meanwhile, Ingrid was being the nice trooper and was clearing up the glasses and cleaning up in the kitchen. I wandered back to in to ask if I could help and she shooed me away and told me to take a shower as it would make me feel a lot less drunk and better and then go to bed (so that I wont have a hangover the next day). Ingrid : I am alright Max, its only a few glasses and you go take a shower and get to bed... I am hitting the bed soon after this. Vicky has the house keys yes? Me : (mumbling and slurring) yah.. Vic's got the keys, ok Ingrid, goo-nite and dont forget to turn off the aircon in the living and dining room ok? I walked to my bedroom and got into the bathroom and as usual, I would take my shaving cream and shaver into the shower with me. Guys, I normally will shave and reshave my shaft, balls, asshole area when my exGF stays over so that I can have full skin on skin contact when we fuck, Vicky loves to give me a awesome ass-rimming that drives me while when we sixty-nine. I would like her and she will reciprocate. There was once, I almost came in her mouth (now thats another story) . Anyway - it became a habit when I shower. As usual in my drunken state, I stood under the shower and closed my eyes, enjoying the drench of water from teh shower head, whilst I soaped myself and sprayed the can of shaving cream under my armpits, and my pubic area ready to shave. I had one leg up on a wall like a dog peeing, as I was shaving the area between my balls and my asshole, when I heard the bathroom door open and I was thinking it was Vicky. I didn't even bother to turn around..So I continued to shave. The shower door opened and I turned and blinked my eyes under the shower of water and I froze. Cos I thought it was Ingrid. And it was Ingrid. She was completely naked and was now in the shower with me. Me: Whoa ! Hey !!! I, We, I mean, I can get into serious trouble here.. Come on, Vicky will be back soon. What are you doing? Ingrid : (upon seeing my freshly clean shaven dick) Come off it Max, and stop pretending... you know she's at least going to be like gone for 30 minutes for sure especially when she's driving them back to Tiong Bahru.. Ingrid, got right in and cornered me as she lunged for my dick with her hands and she pressed her lips into mine. I obviously was under the influence of alcohol and my rockhard dick by now and didnt offer any resistance. Oh crap... Wife again... sorry fellas To Be Contd |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
Guys..really so sorry.. I wanted to hurry up and finish this story, but my wife keeps walking in and out of the study room and I have to switch off...Hope you understand..
OK back to where we left off... Ingrid now has her full naked body pressed right into me as she tongued me and her hands kept on tugging and stroking my already rockhard dick. me? I was still feeling a little drunk from the red wine (me and red wine do not get on well... I am actually more a beer person), but was enjoying the alcoholic high and the physical high from Ingrid. Me : Stop! (even though my tongue, hands, body, dick all said dont stop) I mean had to offer some token resistance... but my dick was ignoring all that my mind can throw at it. Ingrid : Max max max... I know why Vicky likes you... you have a very nice shaped dick and its very clean and circumsized. She lowers herself down and starts licking my tip while I turned off the shower. She looked up at me, and the sight before me was fucking amazing. I have a lesbo, who's obviously horny, and she's giving me a tip licking, flicking job. She kept her tongue lashing at my dick, while her hands teased my scrotum and my buttcheeks. I lifted one of my legs so that she can access my ass as well. Ingrid : (as she moved her lips up and down the length of my dick) hmmm.. nicely shaven... I can feel her tongue now flicking and teasing me at the entrance to my anus. She was using her tongue to assrim me, and her hands were stroking my dickpole. Me: (gasping and breathing heavily) Stop Ingrid... I am gonna cum all over your mouth if you continue like this. Ingrid : (unwilling to let go her hands which were now doing a twisty stroke up and up) Ohhh Max, promises, promises... I like to see you do that...(and she tugged at me while she stood up again to lip smack me) I held her by her armpits and pulled her close to me and tongued her hungrily. I could smell and taste the red wine in her breath. Me : Wait... we can't do this here.. Let's get out of here. Ingrid led the way out - she picked up her towel, while I reached for my bathtowel and walked out of the bathroom. I followed her to the guest bedroom where I only had a twin size fold out sofa bed from Ikea. A thought flashed over my mind and I instinctively tiptoed (I dunno why the hell I tip toed, but i did..) to the maindoor to make sure its double locked. In my mind, I thought the locks were act as a warning bell and buy me time should Vicky come back earlier than the 30 min timeframe. I quickly ran back to my guest bedroom and found Ingrid lying feet UP and spread apart, with her fingers furiously holding a dildo and playing with herself. (probably her dildo cos I dont recall Vicky having one) She looked at me, half eyes closed and her other hand, fingered me towards her. I walked towards her and knelt halfway, as I position my dick into her lips. She wanted to lick me again. |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
I never done it with a lesbo before.. but I figured they may not want to have a dick inside their pussy and so I thought maybe I better not spoil the moment by being too hasty and continued to let my dick be ravaged by her mouth.
I leaned forward and gently took the dildo from her hands and we kinda like 6-9 ourselves, except that my hands were doing her pussy and she was hungrily sucking my pole and in between licking my ass. One good about holding the dildo is that my mind was focused on pleasing her with her dildo and I was not focusing on my dick - so I could still hold on... In my mind, I already was very worried that if i cum with Ingrid, and when Vicky comes home, she will wanna fuck and I may not have the usual full volume and Vicky might suspect something. Fellas you know what I mean right? Right now, the dildo seem to working as I can her Ingrid beginning to gasps in deep breaths. I decided to insert the dildo into her pussy now and used my tongue to continue to torture her clit. While I was licking her clit, Ingrid instructs me to go circular motion and lick harder. There I was, licking and using my lips to grab and pull at her labia, while the vibrating dildo was being stroked in/out slowly in her pussy. She started to cum. And she kept on sucking on my dick. I was also feeling my balls were about to contract and start to prime for a shot of cum from my tortured balls. Me : Ingrid, you cumming? Ingrid : (her face wincing in enjoyment) yah baby, I am cumming... don't stop, keep licking me Max.. urgghh.. yah... like that.. urghhh ooohhh.. Me : Ingrid, shit, I am gonna cum soon, I am warning you, I might shot the load if you dont take it out of your mouth anytime now I think Ingrid wanted to taste my cum, cos she didn't let go, in fact, she intensified her attack with her lips and tongue and smacked and tongue lashed my dick and my ass really good. I pulled out her dildo, and told myself, I will eat her pussy and gushed my cum into her mouth.. It wasn't easy to keep my tongue in her pussy. She was convulsing in her orgasm, and I just let my whole body weight rest on her to hold her writhing body down and this time, I can really feel the gushing of my sperms travelling up.. I just quickly gasped out Me : Ingrid, I am cumming now... As soon as I said that, I quickly resume licking and sucking her clit and just as I felt my full stream of sperm starting to shoot, I planted my full lips right into her pussy opening and stuck my tongue in her lesbo vaginal hole and sucked, as I feel her sucking my dick too. Guys - IT WAS FUCKING INTENSE !!! She was literally sucking and swallowing my cum and my dick never left her mouth. I returned her favor and my lips never left her pussy lips. It was a nice sweet/sour taste of her pussy juice.. I can only describe that it tasted similar to those appetizer dish (those sweet/sour pickles) that some chinese restaurants served instead of peanuts. I only released my lips off her pussy, when I felt her mouth moved away from my dick which was still semi rock hard from her high pressure sucking. Me : Ingrid, you ok? Ingrid : (wiping her lips with hands) ya.. you worried? Me : Yes.. kind of.. I am actually worried. Ingrid : hey.. dont worry, I know you and Vicky are a great couple, and I promise you I wont tell her as long as you dont tell her. Me : Promise? you sure? Ingrid : yes Max - dun worry. Girls may share a lot of things, but an episode like this, we dont share, and we dont even dare to think we could be honest to share as we may end up losing our friendship. Me: Ok.. listen, I think we really need to do a fast clean up cos I am sure Vicky is gonna be back anytime soon. Ingrid : Sure.. you go wash up in your room, i will go use the common bathroom. Me : ok.. hey wait a minute can? - ok ok ok never mind, you go to the common bathroom but dont lock the door. Ingrid looked at me quizzically... A thought flashed through my mind, I ran to the bathroom, grab the shower head, rinse off and clean off and ran back to the guest bathroom where Ingrid was rinsing her mouth. She looked at me Ingrid : Now what? Me : oh.. can I ask a teeny weeny favor? Ingrid : Anything ... just be quick.. cos Vicky may be back soon. Me : ok ok.. I may be childish, but can I just have a last feel of your pussy? Ingrid looked at me and gave me a funny look. I moved into the glass stall and put my clean but still semi hard dick and inserted into her pussy. Ingrid got the message and din resist and she leaned back and spread her legs apart. Her pussy was still moist and wet despite her cleaning off. So we have a clean dick and clean pussy now... I gave myself a few nice slow strokes and a deep stroke since I was given an opportunity to have a 'clean fuck' with Ingrid. It was my 1st time with my dick feeling her pussy. Let me tell - I felt naughty , and it turned me on. She just smiled and said : Enough Max? you sure you are not enjoying this too much? To be contd.... Guys...dont forget to please up me points ... |
Re: Sex with Ex-GF...Coming soon
I gave Ingrid a few customary pumps and strokes... and we held on to each other tightly for awhile. Our eyes met and we kissed with our eyes opened, looking into each other. You know what? Vicky is a little taller than me, Ingrid is maybe about 2 inches shorter than. So there we were, stand-fucking and it felt fucking connected in a deep way with Ingrid, because our height was just right, her breasts and nipples pressed into mine, her lips same level as mine, her little upturned nose ... fuck ! you know what I mean...
Too bad my dick needed time to recharge and too bad that I was running dangerously close to when Vicky will be unlocking the door very very soon. I pulled out - kissed Ingrid deeply with an intent to 'send her a message' that I want to have a repeat episode with her and I want to really fuck her the next time if we ever get a chance. She seemed to get the hint strongly even if it wasnt spoken. She pushed me off and put a finger to her lips and said : Ingrid : Ok good night Max, go go ! Youbetter get back to your bedroom. She's gonna be home soon. Don't worry, its our secret...(as she half-whispered with a really really wide smile) I went back to my bedroom. Wash up my dick, as there were indeed remnants of Ingrid's pussy juice. And went to bed naked. I had just turned off the lights, adjusted into a comfortable sleeping position, and maybe about like 5 minutes later, I heard the front door opened and closed. Vicky was back. I heard the car and housekeys clanking on the fishbowl where I normally leave my wallet, cellphone and keys... I quickly turned over and pretended to sleep on my front, hiding my half-erect dick, with my back facing up as I heard the bedroom door creaked opened quietly. The bedroom was already pitch black, because Vicky likes to sleep in total darkness. (crazy ang moh girls I tell you..) Vicky : (in a hushed tone) Sweetie, I am back, are you awake? Me : (pretending to be woken up)...huh... Yah.. actually I just only dozed off, must have been a few minutes ago... Vicky : ok let me clean up and I will be in bed soon ok? I snorted my breath in reply and saw the sliver of light as she open the bathroom door and turned on the bathroom light. I slyly turned my head and saw her lifted her tee-shirt (bra-less of course) as she stepped into the warm yellow light of the bathroom. I was still sleeping on my front when I felt her coming into the bed, and slipping under the soft comforter (Vicky bought the comforter for me, or for us.. whatever... you know us guys la.. a blanket is a blanket la...) Honestly she's a really nice ang moh exGF (nothing to complain about, she's independent and sometimes too independent, a great talker, matched my intellect and wit..) She literally bought and changed a new set of bedsheets that are so soft to the feel and touch and made my guy cave bedroom into a lovenest. She came over to my side and cuddled up and sniffed my nape of my neck and pecked me. I could her cold body and some parts still damp from her shower. In my typical singlish which she enjoys hearing I said Me : wah piang eh.. so cold your body... Vicky : (giggled out) yah.. yuo are so warm and so nice to cuddle over. Come on, turn over.. As she said that, she had one hand reaching over my hip and pried my body to flip over. I flipped over and instantly felt her 2 boobs on my chest as they dragged across my body. I felt her hands on my tummy and felt her lips meeting mine as we kissed. She reached down and felt my semi-hard dick. And then I told her Me: Ok Vic, I have a confession, I jacked off in the shower and its still semi-hard Vicky : Hmmm some one's been naughty and horny. Can't you even wait for 30 minutes, I wasn't that long gone was I? Me : Well, i dunno, maybe its the red wine you know how I dont like it.. and maybe its the pool sandwhich ( I was referring to she and Ingrid sandwiching me earlier in the day) Vicky didnt get it at first and then realized what I was referring to and started laughing. I grabbed her buttchecks , dug my nails in and pushed her body down towards me. Her breasts were as usual nice and soft, and I felt her pussy just positioned over my slightly limp dick. She made like she was riding and sliding her clit up and down my dick while we continued kissing. |
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