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Old 05-08-2019, 09:37 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Nice thread discussion, though I've been told alternatively that when a guy really have all the good attributes that attract women, then they'd be quickly snatched up and married already! Cannot be yandao and syt forever, at most 10 years plus minus only, then what else remains to bind people together? Compatible values and interests?
Old 06-08-2019, 10:16 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Have been reading and learn much from this thread. Just using the skills is another matter. Hahaha.
Old 06-08-2019, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good afternoon,

Earlier this morning I sent a PM to our boss Sam to request a name change. I believe the new name will more accurately reflect the scope of our interests n discussions n will serve a bigger audience.

Sam was kind enough to change it quickly.

Thank you so much, boss.


Bro WB
Time for a name change
Old 07-08-2019, 06:59 PM
mobifone mobifone is offline
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good afternoon,

Earlier this morning I sent a PM to our boss Sam to request a name change. I believe the new name will more accurately reflect the scope of our interests n discussions n will serve a bigger audience.

Sam was kind enough to change it quickly.

Thank you so much, boss.


Bro WB
Great stuff and more accurate picture of your thread.
Old 07-08-2019, 07:02 PM
mobifone mobifone is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by FoodLover View Post
Bro WB

Thank you for the nice power post above.

Some headlines

The above is always true and the women love men who can bang them very hard and merciless. Women love multiple PVOs.

Women want a man who will be the “hunter”
The above again always true. The hunter will always hunt bad gals who are bad only in bed.

When are women nice. Often women will demand this and that. Women playplenty of mind games.

You must not accept ANY crap from any woman
This also I fully agreed and just walk away.

NEVER argue with her
Waste time to argue with woman.

Bro, I really learned many things from the post above and hope you can share more.

Hope you have a nice weekend soon.

Excellent forum above and I cannot agree more.
Old 07-08-2019, 07:05 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

It's a good article.
But I need to set the record straight. I want to be as factual as possible.
Modern men have been around not much more than 300,000 years, not millions as reported by the author.

"But the best assurance a man could get that the child was his own, was to have sex with many women, and/or to simply make himself so desirable that a woman simply would not likely feel attraction to anyone else. He had to make himself a good catch, which meant becoming more courageous, a better hunter, defender, etc. In other words, for sexual value, a man relied on his “masculine” characteristics and LEARNED ABILITIES. These abilities and character traits are what women needed from men."

"Giving a woman “everything” once seemed like a logical way to make her like you, right? I’m glad that now you know it’s a sure-fire way to make sure she feels NOTHING for you but revulsion."

Life is about survival and reproduction, for both men and women. A man is hard wired to behave differently from a woman. It's not a matter of right or wrong.
Bro WB

Thanks for a great forum.

"But the best assurance a man could get that the child was his own, was to have sex with many women, and/or to simply make himself so desirable that a woman simply would not likely feel attraction to anyone else. He had to make himself a good catch, which meant becoming more courageous, a better hunter, defender, etc. In other words, for sexual value, a man relied on his “masculine” characteristics and LEARNED ABILITIES. These abilities and character traits are what women needed from men."

I fully agreed with above.

Old 07-08-2019, 07:10 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by mobifone View Post
Great stuff and more accurate picture of your thread.
My exact sentiments.

Thanks bro WB for an excellent thread.

Old 07-08-2019, 08:10 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by mobifone View Post
Bro WB

Thanks for a great forum.

"But the best assurance a man could get that the child was his own, was to have sex with many women, and/or to simply make himself so desirable that a woman simply would not likely feel attraction to anyone else. He had to make himself a good catch, which meant becoming more courageous, a better hunter, defender, etc. In other words, for sexual value, a man relied on his “masculine” characteristics and LEARNED ABILITIES. These abilities and character traits are what women needed from men."

I fully agreed with above.

Absolutely agreed too.

Very good forum by bro WB.

Have a nice day.
Old 07-08-2019, 10:27 PM
Synanym Synanym is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by mobifone View Post
Excellent forum above and I cannot agree more.
Agreed absolutely … best in Singapore, JB and some say even in Batam
Old 08-08-2019, 11:52 AM
WonControl WonControl is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Amazing thread by bro WB, hope to read and learn more here.

Have a long weekend bros.
Old 08-08-2019, 05:30 PM
waterspout waterspout is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

After reading your prestigious thread, I can understand you better.

Idea is to get the gals you wanted and to keep them for personal use long time.

Bang more gals by rejecting them is accurate words.

Hope to learn more and perform better.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I like to share an email from a guru.

Bang more women by rejecting them...

In the past couple of years the quantity of girls I sleep with has
crept up. This is due to many reasons I'm sure, but during that
same time period I notice that I'm "rejecting" a lot more girls. By
that I mean I walk away when I find out that she isn't close to
what I want. I may be talking to her and the light from her cell
phone screen reveals some acne. Or I realize she doesn't have a fun
vibe. Or she's socially awkward. Or her black dress was hiding a
pancake ass. Or she's way too witty (at the expense of being sexy).
When one of these things happen, I politely end the conversation.
No hard feelings.

There was a time I used to keep these interactions going because,
ultimately, the girl was bangable---or else I wouldn't have
approached her---and I was hungry for sex, since I didn't get it as
often. But I rarely did bang those girls. It would stall at the
number or makeout stage. Why is that I'm going full court press on
far fewer girls today, but getting a lot more bangs in shorter
amounts of time? Two reasons:

1. I free up more time for the girls I better connect with. Talking
to a girl you're not crazy about means you won't spit your best
game. And without your best game the odds you'll bang her, assuming
she's not throwing herself on you, is extremely low. It's futile to
force the attraction if you don't feel it around the 5-10 minute
mark. In these cases you'll only get a number.

Time is crucial. I still run most of my game at night during the
weekends and each night has, at most, four hours of prime game
time. If I spend ninety minutes on these mediocre interactions,
I've given up 38% of my night for nothing. Plus my energy will be
lower for the better prospects I may encounter later.

If you're a game newbie then grinding it out can be valuable to
getting your social skills up to speed, but it's very possible that
talking to the boring chick with the lame sense of humor will cost
you for that entire night. It's too risky to exchange an extra word
with a girl that I know deep down is someone who won't get me
excited. That time is better spent maintaining your state with your
boys instead.

2. It subconsciously increases your value. When you pass on enough
girls, you start to believe you're the man. Of course with my
experiences I think I'm a pimp, and that shines through with my
body language and tone, without me having to think about it.

Girls pick up on things that you cannot see, hear, or feel (think
of them as a mutant species that can sense more than three
dimensions of space). Luckily for us, we don't have to consciously
learn how to subcommunicate these positive traits---we pick up on
them in time. This is how I can meet a guy and within about 15
seconds know if he's good with women or not (a side effect of my
heavy involvement with the game has given me the female ability to
screen men). Now imagine what type of vibe a guy who tries to bang
anything he talks to puts out. You better believe that girls can
pick up on that.

For me there has to be something in those first 10 minutes that
tells me there's something special going on. There has to be humor
and laughing, meaningful questions, flirty looks, and a magnetism
simmering underneath the surface. My energy and time are the two
most important things I have, and when I begin to value it yourself
by passing on mediocre chicks, I get more. In the end it's so much
easier to bang a cool chick. Don't waste your time on those who

Any comments?

Bro WB
Old 08-08-2019, 05:35 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB,

I love your thread and hope this thread continue for another 10 years or more.

Took me a few minutes to understand what the above post was discussing. I managed to get the meaning after reading through 3 times.

A ladies man or modern Don Juan met his match after meeting the dream gal he aching for.

I agreed that this will be the kiss of death and he may lost his rational thinking including marriage. I have seen one of my friends behave like this.

Must be able to let go in order to gain more.

Luckily he woke up after 1 year of deep slumber and with his family and friends help, he rebuild his life.

Hope you have a an amazing day.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post

"You need to let go to get what you want."

"Things that you want 'lightly' come easily."

I met all three current LPs for the first time last July. From June thru August 2016 was the most hectic months for my xiao didi.
In those 3 months, I had a secret gf CF, a 21 yo CQ gal whom I met at Lido. In June, a tall 25 yo Chengdu model came to spend 3 weeks w/ me. Some bros found her very attractive. But not me. She has been trying to return to me. She is serious about having a kid w/ me and a LT relationship. But I don't know her well enough and don't trust her completely. She is also a spendthrift. KT is very frugal, just as tall n pretty, has bigger boobs and is much younger.
In the months of July and August , I had two new LPs, a TW student n a tall real estate agent from Fujian. My oldest LP HW or WX also came to spend 3 weeks in August.
Within minutes after meeting my three current LPs, I offered to BY them. Yeah, even though I had 3-4 OTHER LPs at that time, all in SG. Thankfully, all three said no initially. After they rejected me again, I just walked away. What if all three accepted me initially? I would think of ways to delay the consummation of the RS, of course.
I returned to Gotham City near the end of August.
KT said yes in mid Sep 2016. She was in CQ at that time.
PL said yes the day after my return to Sg in late Sep. LL said yes in early Oct.
All three agreed to be my LPs because I was non-reactive when they rejected me. Additionally, I was very bold n reiterated my desire for them, then walked away, never looking back. In fact, they all initiated contact w/ me to say they wanted to be my LP.
The amount of my financial support for them was not even mentioned before they agreed. Not even once. Then I worked out the terms n details of the BY w/ them.
They hv been w/ me since late Sep to mid Oct 2016. All three are students. One of them may return to China early next yr. Her parents want her to get married. But she wants me to keep her in Xiamen. I like her but may not hv time for her.
I hv a new Sichuan gal n an ex LP who want to come to Sg next month. I also hv a cute 18 yo Hakka virgin, a first yr student at Qingdao University, who wants me to keep her in China. And my oldest LP HW or WX and yr 96 Lisa also want to return after CNY next year. I like them but may not be able to keep all of them.

Bro WB
Old 08-08-2019, 06:49 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Same here, I understand better too.

Thanks bro WB for this prestigious thread.

Have a good weekend.

Originally Posted by waterspout View Post
Bro WB

After reading your prestigious thread, I can understand you better.

Idea is to get the gals you wanted and to keep them for personal use long time.

Bang more gals by rejecting them is accurate words.

Hope to learn more and perform better.

Old 08-08-2019, 07:05 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

I don't mind this thread goes on for another 50 years.

Hoping to learn more from the Master

Thanks bro WB

Originally Posted by waterspout View Post
Bro WB,

I love your thread and hope this thread continue for another 10 years or more.

Took me a few minutes to understand what the above post was discussing. I managed to get the meaning after reading through 3 times.

A ladies man or modern Don Juan met his match after meeting the dream gal he aching for.

I agreed that this will be the kiss of death and he may lost his rational thinking including marriage. I have seen one of my friends behave like this.

Must be able to let go in order to gain more.

Luckily he woke up after 1 year of deep slumber and with his family and friends help, he rebuild his life.

Hope you have a an amazing day.

Old 09-08-2019, 03:04 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Excellent thread here, support!!
Enjoy your super long weekend bros
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