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Old 02-11-2011, 11:45 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by F-boy View Post
Bro, you listed 69 as never is it she offered but you never take up offer?
Reason I am asking because am looking for PT chicks that offered 69
Zhen Zhen offers 69 as well. You don't have to ask for it, she will auto turn her body around for u to lick when BJ-ing u. Overall, her svc not bad for a Cat 30
Old 02-11-2011, 12:51 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by Aceyfox View Post
Zhen Zhen offers 69 as well. You don't have to ask for it, she will auto turn her body around for u to lick when BJ-ing u. Overall, her svc not bad for a Cat 30
This is right up my alley! (pardon the pun)
Old 02-11-2011, 01:57 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by zhera View Post
My 1st Petain Exp....
Went there at around 5+ at Friday, saw alot of uncle walking around le (sorry me young young so those above 50 you are uncle to me ;p)

Went to all the CIM list but all the door close le -.-
So I walk up to all house and see which one nice one then go in lor, end up the best i saw was Sophia at that time.....

H14 R10 - Sophia (CAT30)

Looks: 5(MILF)
Boobs: C, brown nipples (cannot touch, lick... WTF)
Catbath: 5/10 (too short)
BJ: 3 (no feeling)
FJ: 4(force myself to cum not song at all end i go other place for other round)
GFE: -1
Overall: 2(Service sux, she say 15min $30 for her service)

$30 for 15min, ($60 for 30min? , then $120 for 1hr, wtf at $120 i can find SYT which do BBBJ, CIM, 2shot, GFE, ETC le)

For me i think Petain is really for bro who want a quickie, shoot super fast and have the time to wait for WL to be free, all the good one really busy, and also not to forget so many uncle walking around to fish.

dun zap me, but i think really not for ppl like me who want to enjoy more than 30min etc type then again i will still visit all those WL with good remark/review one ;p
I tried Sohpia twice..her svc is crap! The 2nd time I did not inted to RTF but no choice, it was late and other doors were closed, so i went in without any high expectations just to unload as fast as i can..even that also cannot.

The way she declined when I tried to kiss her boobs/nipple is very rough..she shoved my head and her voice was booming with comlain! turn off! i don want to get angry or else carried away so i just stopped, washed up and left.

Finally..the mole on her face is very disturbing!!!
Old 03-11-2011, 07:27 AM
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Thumbs down Re: All Petain FR experience

I have an undesirable experience in H4 and after that I never step into H4 again. Service was bad. There are no girls there that are worth visiting anyway.

Originally Posted by keiji View Post
I tried Sohpia twice..her svc is crap! The 2nd time I did not inted to RTF but no choice, it was late and other doors were closed, so i went in without any high expectations just to unload as fast as i can..even that also cannot.

The way she declined when I tried to kiss her boobs/nipple is very rough..she shoved my head and her voice was booming with comlain! turn off! i don want to get angry or else carried away so i just stopped, washed up and left.

Finally..the mole on her face is very disturbing!!!
Old 03-11-2011, 05:58 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Just had a sex-tisfying experience with h7 r6 Joyce. IMO looks quite pretty and provide good service. Review as follows:

Looks - 7/10
BBBJ - 7/10 (3 positions)
AR - 3/10 (not a big fan for AR)
FJ - 5/10 (2 positions)
FK - 6/10

Overall a good experience since Joyce is chatty and provide some GF Feeling. Moreover she pay a lot of attention in Pre & post washing.

RTF - yes!
Old 03-11-2011, 10:32 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by keiji View Post
I tried Sohpia twice..her svc is crap! The 2nd time I did not inted to RTF but no choice, it was late and other doors were closed, so i went in without any high expectations just to unload as fast as i can..even that also cannot.

The way she declined when I tried to kiss her boobs/nipple is very rough..she shoved my head and her voice was booming with comlain! turn off! i don want to get angry or else carried away so i just stopped, washed up and left.

Finally..the mole on her face is very disturbing!!!
Bro, u still can try her twice? i rather PCC save the money for another WL....
Old 03-11-2011, 11:03 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Tried h ten r fourteen

Looks eight
service eight
friendly n worth th thirty bucks.
b cup n fair skin,nipple pinkish.
Old 04-11-2011, 11:01 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

First time in petain.
Tried carol h7r11. Service is good. Talk to her and knew that some bro spell out exactly what she do. She was afraid that one day she do differently, bros might complain why not the same.
Anyway, decided to respect her and go too much into details. Here's my FR:

GFE:6/10(can really chat with you)
RTF:can consider but would try others first.

Had finally met Michelle of H2R16. Service was good.
Looks was good but I prefer carol. As one bro said: to each his own.
Had a surprise services. Didn't know that there was BBBJ. Anyway FR as below:

BBBJ:7/10(first time trying. Thought suppose to be BJ)
FJ:6/10(maybe she is rushing off.)
RTF: maybe. Will try other first.

Pardon me for this lousy FR. Will improve over time.
Old 04-11-2011, 04:29 PM
Aceyfox Aceyfox is offline
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by pacnet View Post
First time in petain.
Tried carol h7r11. Service is good. Talk to her and knew that some bro spell out exactly what she do. She was afraid that one day she do differently, bros might complain why not the same.
Anyway, decided to respect her and go too much into details. Here's my FR:

GFE:6/10(can really chat with you)
RTF:can consider but would try others first.

Had finally met Michelle of H2R16. Service was good.
Looks was good but I prefer carol. As one bro said: to each his own.
Had a surprise services. Didn't know that there was BBBJ. Anyway FR as below:

BBBJ:7/10(first time trying. Thought suppose to be BJ)
FJ:6/10(maybe she is rushing off.)
RTF: maybe. Will try other first.

Pardon me for this lousy FR. Will improve over time.
As long as its your true and honest opinion, all FRs by default are of good intention
Upz u
Old 04-11-2011, 07:13 PM
Fairboi Fairboi is offline
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Just did my shot again in Petain....Woohoo!

Last time when I cheong Petain, I only visit some regulars gals which I can click like:

H07 R12 - Alice (Budget FJ with Hot & Cold BJ)
H10 R01A - Rina (BJ till CIC = Cum In Condom)
H11 R04 - Julia (BF till COB, FJ with clothes on, FJ with G-string pull to the side, HJ) She my all time favourite brown sugar *VERY ACCOMODATING*
H16 R11 - Pat (Good BBBJ)

I don't really dare to try the rest as they always look fierce but you won't know until you are in the room.

Now it not the same anymore! With the Petain S-List contributed by Senior bros here... every trip is well spent. I really appreciate Senior bros that took the effort to update the List. Kudos to you!!!

I have been using that S-List as my guide to complete my Petain Range (Hope to complete those with attractive / good list soon)

So far I have tried the following:

H02 R02 - Maggie(Really "Solid" BBBJ / Licking *Good* Attitude)
H02 R05 - Mun Mun ("Solid" BBBJ *Good* Service)
H02 R15 - Ting Ting (As mention is "Meaty" but *Good* BBBJ till CIM)
H10 R10 - Katty (Very "Chatty & Friendly" and take her time with you + *Good* Service)
H10 R11 - Judy (very "Cute" Looking and *Good* Service)
H14 R05 - Poh Yi (Budget FJ with "Cute" & *Good* Service Attitude)
H14 R09 - Li Wen ( Really "Big boobs" to squeeze *Good* standard)

And today Range Shooting Target is H22 R21 - Xue Er. When I step into the house, she just finish with one customer and was lighting her cigg...First look at her I was like (Jaw Drop). She look so much like my ex colleague whom like to wear very short jean skirt to work and a few time I caught sight of her wearing G-String which expose her butt as well when she kneel down to take things..."Damd Cute". Fast hand fast leg i ask her...
Me: You Ok to work? or you want to smoke?
XE: Ok ah... come i can smoke later
Me: It ok if you want to smoke, cos i have time to wait.
XE: No lah, it's ok. I can smoke later or I can smoke while doing "IT" lor. Haha
Me: Ok. I dun mind smoking together while doing. haha

Once in room we continue chatting for awhile before proceed for washing. After that action start. She begin with light BM follow by licking my nipples, slowly down to my balls follow by my ass all this while making (Slurp Slurp Slurp) sound.... woohoo... i tell you man... Shoik is the word esp the AR part.
XE: Ok. Now put cap (She suddenly say)
Me: Huh!!!
XE: Joking lah...

Then she proceed with the most enjoyable BBBJ i had so far in Petain. She was licking my small head so good and maintain eyes contact all this while. She was really good with her tongue and even deep throat me and slowly licking up to my small head. After a good 10 mins, she cap and I did her missionary... and unloaded while feeling her using her viginal to milk my dick dry. After that wash up and left a Happy man - Cos it seem like I have just F**8 my ex colleague!

Sorry for the Long FR but i just hope to share this happy gems.
Old 04-11-2011, 08:43 PM
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Room for improvement

Good day to you

After attracted by the good body shape of H11R11, i bonked her with my precious $50/-. I have some suggestions:

1) She could do better if she accept frenching. Frenching is an important warm up for sex. The success of sex begin with frenching.

2) Her performance can be upgraded if she provides BBBJ. BBBj really stimulte the dick and prepare it for sex. Sex is incomplete without BBBJ.

I sincerely hope that Miss H11R11 could accept my suggestions.

Have a nice day
Old 04-11-2011, 10:17 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by TimDuncan21 View Post
Tried h ten r fourteen

Looks eight
service eight
friendly n worth th thirty bucks.
b cup n fair skin,nipple pinkish.
Bro, are u sure there is h ten r fourteen (House 10 Room 14)? I can't find this in the Petain S List.

H10 R01 - Mun Mun (CAT30)
H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40)
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50)
H10 R03 - Eileen (CAT30)
H10 R04 - Da S (CAT50)
H10 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H10 R06 - Irene (CAT50)
H10 R08 - Leeza (CAT30)
H10 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H10 R10 - Katty (CAT50)
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50)
H10 R12 - Kiko (CAT50)
H10 R13 - Anna (CAT30)
Old 04-11-2011, 11:52 PM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by Hawkee View Post
Bro, are u sure there is h ten r fourteen (House 10 Room 14)? I can't find this in the Petain S List.

H10 R01 - Mun Mun (CAT30)
H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40)
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50)
H10 R03 - Eileen (CAT30)
H10 R04 - Da S (CAT50)
H10 R05 - ???? (CAT??)
H10 R06 - Irene (CAT50)
H10 R08 - Leeza (CAT30)
H10 R09 - ???? (CAT??)
H10 R10 - Katty (CAT50)
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50)
H10 R12 - Kiko (CAT50)
H10 R13 - Anna (CAT30)
sorry is room 13, i using handphone to type,didn't use numeric.
Old 05-11-2011, 01:38 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by Fairboi View Post
Just did my shot again in Petain....Woohoo!.....
Very good FRs Bro!

Ups you to full powers!

I thank you!
Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 05-11-2011, 07:28 AM
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Re: All Petain FR experience

Originally Posted by mbam View Post
This petite lady, with great body and smooth skin (in Petain standard), made me experienced the way safe sex to be, and how SOP can stretch in her profession!

At Petain yesterday around 5pm, strolling from 1 hse to another but seems like alot of ang pai closed for business.H11R06 looks good but only saw her once and her door was shut thru out then.
Accidently saw this lady in blue walked to the back kitchen and was stunned by her overall figures; small frame, smooth n flawless skin, well posed body and quickly log on her.

Attitude: Once she back to her room, I walked in without asking and paid her $50. But in the room, I began to feel cold, not the aircon or rainny day, it was her attitude..stone cold. Tried to chat up during the undressing process but still cold..rate:6/10

Body:She is above-average prettiness, big eyes and has nice pair of B cuppas, light pink little nippies, no obvious body fats. mid-fair, but its curvy and proportional body is eye catching.Rate:9/10

Services: light licks on both my nipples, straight proceed to didi and cap on, placed shaft into her mouth and up-down movement with some tickling tongue plays, follow by left ball licks 5times, right ball licks 5time then back asked me to sit at the bedside, she in squating position and back to shaft again licks 10 times again before asked me to laid on the and wanted to ride me...cant stand the bordom anymore, I stopped her and asked her for missionary position, used my bear-hugging technic, ramped her hard until her eyes wide opened and mouth formed O shape, at then I managed to see some expression on her face. After releasing millions of my roaring solidiers into the rubber, everything turned cold again..the room, the bed, the dripping tap..Rate: 6/10
RTF? She is pretty, but I hate routine and boring sex..
Sorry bros for my long story..
I want try that too...
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