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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
U are the best, Bro!!!!! |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I had one more round with Vanessa while Amanda watched. After that, Vanessa left while Amanda and I ordered room service. After eating we cuddled in bed before sleeping.
A: Did you enjoy yourself? Me: I guess. Did you? A: The breakup sex wasn't for my benefit. So even if I enjoyed it or not doesn't matter. Me: What will you do after this? A: You mean besides maintaining my GPA for the final year? Me: Yeah. A: Oh I don't know. Probably spend more time with my son? Start sending out resumes? Me: We'll still be friends right? A: Of course. What do you think I'm? Me: Just worried. A: I'll never let my personal life interfere with my school work. It's up to you to handle yours. Next sem will be our industrial attachment, and we may not be in the same group for the final sem. Me: I'm worried. A: About? Me: I thought I could change, stop being so horny, stop sleeping around. A: You just have to be true to yourself. Don't hurt others. If a girl wants to sleep with you don't automatically assume there's feelings involved. If there's feelings involved then be a little more careful. I can't tell you how to live your life. You have to decide for yourself. I know guys can't control themselves most of the time. But I can see you're different. Just be yourself. Me: I'll try. We shared one last kiss before falling asleep in each others arms. I never met Vanessa for sex again after that night, but we do chat occasionally online, even now. She has since stopped looking for guys online but she is still single. Sometimes I wonder if I should meet up with her, but I guess it's not such a good idea. People change. I did, however, sleep with Amanda a few more times while we were both away at different companies for our industrial attachment. The sex this time was different. It was really just for self-gratification. But of course we both enjoyed it. As expected, we were both in the same group again for our final semester, along with Derek and Hafiz. My final results were not too bad, but I could not make it to a local university. Amanda, not surprisingly, graduated with merit, and she applied for university. We had one last drunken fuck session after a BBQ at Derek's place to celebrate the end of our poly days. After I enlisted into army, we lost contact totally. I could not even find her on Facebook. Hafiz enlisted into the police force and later on went to Australia to furher his studies. I have not heard from him either. Derek enlisted into the Air Force, but I heard he went AWOL for quite some time and eventually ended up in DB. After his NS, he furthered his studies in the UK. I did meet up with him a couple years back when he returned for a short while. He is probably back in England now. As you readers have read before, it was when I was about to graduate from poly that Jenny appeared in my life. So I guess the story will continue from where it left off. There should not be anymore flashbacks, as there is nothing else noteworthy that happened. As it stands now, I am still in camp on weekdays and playing Diablo 3 on weekends. I still bring Shirley for her gynae appointments, Diane still comes over now and then just to chat with Shirley and generally irritate the shit out of me. Jenny's still living on her own despite my efforts to get her to move in with Shirley. She has not agreed to meet me for supper or drinks yet as she started a new job and is relatively busy. I also have not met up with Nicole since reconnecting with her again. School holidays are ending so I guess I better catch her before she goes back to teaching mode. Other than that, seriously nothing has happened. And I doubt there will be any updates for now. Maybe when Shirley gives birth I will have a change of heart even though it is not my child. Maybe one day I will become fuck buddies with Diane. Maybe one day I will find out that Nicole still has some feelings for me and perhaps we can start anew. But if all that fails to materialize, there is always the six year pact with Jenny. And maybe one day I will end up as her husband. To all my faithful readers out there, thanks for the support you have given me so far. I will not close this thread just yet in case anything interesting happens. Peace. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
hehehe still got time to small talk, layout the ground rules and go for round 3 kekeke
You're da MAN ...
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks. Need to Return: [Hifive - please share new post] Thanks for up Javabeans, Swagelock & bigbirdbird but I can't return pts to you this round. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
hmm ... I like Amanda's final piece of advice fer you ...
What ever happens, maybe it happens for a reason ![]() Looking fwd to your future updates. As for you ... interesting things are bound to happen ... Thanks for all you've shared. Good luck.
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks. Need to Return: [Hifive - please share new post] Thanks for up Javabeans, Swagelock & bigbirdbird but I can't return pts to you this round. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Just be yourself bro~
Great narration all the way~ keep the thread here and come back and chat once awhile~ ![]()
Too often we don't realize.. What we have until it's gone.. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Hi Enigma,
I read the entire thread in one sitting and I think you're a brilliant writer. You keep great pace and you're expressive and articulate. You let the reader live vicariously through your writing. I'm not sure if you've seen Californication (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Califor...28TV_series%29) but you remind me of Hank Moody from the show. If you've seen it you will know what I mean. If you ever decide to pursue writing further, look at Californication, tuckermax.com as well as Chelsea Handler's works. The way they approach sex as a subject is one that is very candid and becoming more mainstream. Personally, I've not had the good (or bad) fortune of living a life as colorful as yours. I can relate to you a little in being Catholic and yet not going to church. I hope things go well for you. Once again, kudos. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
hi TS, thank you for sharing...great narration.
PS: makes me felt that should i start a thread any relate my stories too...just for memories sake.
Points are to be given out daily...PM me. I am a wolf that don't hunt in a pack because I m colored. PS: I loved hairy and bushy pussies |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Just share. I only started writing after reading everyone elses stories.
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
How often have you heard the phrase "every beginning has an end"? Or maybe even "good things don't last forever"?
You must be wondering why I am suddenly posting again, having already completed the narration of the majority of the sexual encounters of my youth. I thought my life was getting back on track, although not really the way I envisioned. But it was still better than before. I have a roof above my head, do not need to struggle to put food on the table for my next meal etc.. Although my career has gone to the shitter, it doesn't really matter. I still draw a decent salary commensurate with my paper qualifications, although I probably could be getting a higher salary outside of the organization. However, in these turbulent economic times, I am grateful to still be employed. But my job is not the issue here. I was on annual leave today as I had to accompany Shirley for her gynae appointment. As usual, I waited outside while she went in for the consultation. I was browsing through some magazines when the receptionist called out me after she answered a call. R: Sir, could you go into the doctors room? Me: Why? R: I'm not sure, but it's important. I put the magazine down and entered. Shirley was sitting at the patients chair. I sat behind her. Me: What's up? Doc: Ms. Tan has explained to me that you aren't the father of her child, but I have some bad news. Shirley was remained silent. Me: Uh huh? Doc: There has been no significant fetal growth since the previous consultation, and I am unable to detect a fetal heartbeat. Me: You mean? Doc: I believe the pregnancy has been terminated. Me: And? Doc: We'll need to do another scan to confirm it. Then we'll need to remove the fetus. Me: Er. Ok. I got off the chair and went to the front of Shirley. I knelt down and held her hand. Me: Are you ok? S: I don't need another scan. I want it out of me now. Her voice was cold and her face expressionless. I wondered what was going on in her head. Me: How did this happen? Doc: Pregnancies are unstable during the first trimester, meaning the first three months. Most pregnancies self-terminate without the mother knowing at all, the fetus is then expelled from the body during the menstrual cycle. For this case, even though it's more than 12 weeks, there's still a risk of miscarriage. I turned to Shirley. Me: Do you want to go to KK to confirm the diagnosis? She practically screamed at me. S: NO! I WANT THE DAMN THING OUT OF ME NOW!!! I turned to the doctor. Me: When can you do the op? Doc: She's a little unstable emotionally. I would suggest maybe next week? Let her calm down over the next few days. Shirley started crying. S: Please. If you can do it today, just do it. I don't want a dead thing in me. Doc: Your mental state is questionable, I'm advising against doing it today. Me: Shirley. We'll come back on Monday? S: Kor, please help me. I want it out. Please. Me: Doctor, is it possible to do it today? We'll sign a waiver or something. Doc: There's no need for a waiver, I'm more worried about her mental state. Me: But can it be done today? Doc: Yes. But at my other clinic. At three. Me: You sure you want to do it today? S: Yes. Me: Ok. What's the address? He passed me a name card. Doc: I'll ask my nurse to schedule you. No lunch as well as she'll be on anesthesia. Me: Ok. Doc: Someone needs to take care of her for the next two weeks at least. Do you live together? Me: Not really. But I'll make sure someone is around. Doc: Alright. I'll see you at my clinic later. Me: Is there anything I should take note regarding her diet? Doc: She can eat anything she wants, but it's better to have nourishing food. Especially after an operation. Me: You mean like Chinese herbal soup? Doc: I'm not a Chinese physician but traditionally those would help. You might want to go to a medicinal hall and ask them? Me: Ok. Thanks. I helped Shirley out of the room. After settling the bill, we went to my car. There was a good three hours or so before her operation. Me: Where to? S: Anywhere. Me: I'll bring you home first? S: No need. Don't drive up and down. Waste petrol. Me: Ok. We'll go to somewhere near the place then? S: Ok. I drove her there and we sat in silence at the waiting area until she was wheeled in at around 2.30pm. Once she was inside, I immediately called my OC and asked to apply for two weeks leave. Obviously, he asked for the reason but I told him it was for personal matters. A short while later, Alex called me to ask what happened. I told him everything, half expecting him to laugh his ass off. Surprisingly he did not. Barely five minutes after I hung up, my CSM called me and told me to take off-in-lieu instead, for one week and annual leave for the rest. If I needed more time off he would talk to my OC. I thanked him and immediately called Alex. Me: Bro, what did you tell Encik? A: What you told me lor. Me: Cannot la. One week off people sure kao pei. A: Encik say he will settle means he will settle. This is not a small problem for you. And you owe me a martell. Me: Huh? For what? A: Cos I'll be covering your duties. Me: CB. But ok. Thanks. Appreciate it. A: No worries bro. Just settle your stuff, come back, then we can go have fun at whatever lup sup bar you choose. Me: Right. As I sat in the waiting area typing this out while waiting for Shirley to recover post-op, I wondered how this would change whatever was happening in my life. Whatever it is or will be, I guess it is time for me to step up. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Sorry to hear about the unexpected termination ... everything happens for a reason
![]() Maybe it's too soon to imagine a 3-some with Shirley+Diane ... Nice gesture to take leave and stick around for support ... it sounded really ????? when she demanded for an immediate op ... heh ... hope you find a way to make her comfortable and comfort her.
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks. Need to Return: [Hifive - please share new post] Thanks for up Javabeans, Swagelock & bigbirdbird but I can't return pts to you this round. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Wow.. Even before u type this post.. Throughout your story, I felt u and Shirely are meant to be and if she aborted the baby, you both could get together. I'm some what happy for u that the baby is gone. Perhaps, it marks the start of your happily ever after with shirley! Keep us updated bro!
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Shirley was discharged at around 5 and it was almost 6 by the time I sent her home. She was rather pale and had difficulty walking so I practically carried her to the flat.
On hindsight, I should have stayed over every night instead of still staying in camp despite having moved most of my stuff back to her place. Perhaps I should not have played Diablo 3 on weekends and perhaps spent time with her. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. I wondered why the busybody Diane was not there. Surely Shirley would have told her she lost the baby and then at least she would have some female companionship? I carried her to her room and lay her down on the bed. S: Kor, don't leave me please. Her face was still cold and expressionless but I saw something in her eyes. It was probably the immense sadness that she felt having lost something dear to her. I really wondered what happened, but decided not to ask. Somethings are best left unsaid. Me: I'm not going anywhere. But you need to eat. Just sleep first ok? S: But Kor.... Me: Shhh... Go sleep. I'll be back. I kissed her forehead and left the room. I locked up the house as I left and headed to my car. I was about to do something I had not done in a long time. I got into my car and headed down a familiar road, turned into a familiar multi-storey car park and strode down a familiar walkway to a familiar lift lobby into a familiar lift and alighted on a familiar floor. I rang a familiar doorbell. Kenneth answered the door. K: You look kind of familiar. Me: Very funny. Is mom home? K: Yes. But I don't think you want to come in. I don't think dad's very happy. Me: Like I give a shit. Andrew appeared. A: Hello! Long time no see! Just got my 1SG in May. How about you? Me: Don't ask. Just let me in I need to see mom. A: Dad wants to kill you. Me: He can try. They let me in. My father was sitting at the dining table, beer in hand. F: You son-of-a-bitch! Finally decided to come home? Ran out money? Me: Thanks for insulting my mom you piece of shit. F: What did you call me? He got up and strode towards me. Me: Go to hell. Andrew stepped in between us. A: Dad you're drunk. F: Repear what you just said. Me: I said you're a piece of shit. Now either you try to do something about it, or leave me alone. He clenched his fist and swung it wildly at me. I grabbed it and twisted his wrist. He crumpled into a sorry heap on the ground. Me: Hurts right? Now you know how mom and sis felt when you fucking hit them. Andrew and Kenneth rightly did not intervene, as they knew how the bastard treated me and my sis and mom. My step-mom appeared from the kitchen. SM: Hello enigma. Please don't speak to your father like this. Me: I need to talk to you. Privately. SM: Andrew! Kenneth! Take your father downstairs. But no more beer please. They complied. We sat on the couch. SM: How have you been? Me: Not good. I need a favor. SM: Just say it. I'll try to help. Me: I need some recipes. Like soups. The nourishing kind. You're the best cook I know. SM: Then why haven't you come home for dinner? It's been 4 years? Me: Three actually. It's a long story. SM: Whatever your father did, I'm sure he had his reasons. He's getting old. Maybe you should reconcile? Me: No. I don't know how you live with him. He's still a drunkard and unreasonable. At least he doesn't hit you or the boys. SM: Yes. But you're still his son. Me: Then he should treat me like one. SM: So tell me what happened. I told her about Shirley. SM: Oh. That's.. A really complicated story. You sure you wanna be with such a girl? Me: Mom. It's the 21st century. And I'm not really with her. I just need to take care of her. SM: Ok. I've got a recipe book. But it's in Chinese. You can still read Chinese right? Me: Yes. I think. SM: Ok. I'll just translate some of the words for you. Especially the herbs and all that. Will you come home? Me: No. This isn't my home anymore. And the rest of you are happy. I don't want to intrude. SM: You're always welcome here. Me: Thanks mom. SM: I'll translate the words now. Can you get your brothers to bring your father up? Me: Ok. I texted Andrew and soon the three of them came back up. My father gave me a cold stare as he retreated into his room. I stepped outside for a smoke. Andrew and Kenneth joined me. SM: Kenneth! You better not be smoking again! K: I'm not mom! Me: Since when did you start? K: Social. Me: Right. You're enlisting soon? K: No idea. I got PES D. Enlistment on hold for now. Me: What the fuck is PES D? A: Temp PES la. While they determine a proper PES for him. So why are you still a 2SG? Me: Long story. A: How's Jenny? K: Isn't Jenny that girl you both fucked? Me: What the fuck. Why did you tell him? A: Oops. Me: She's fine. A: Haven't heard from her for awhile. Me: I hope you are thinking of funny stuff. A: No. Just reminiscing. K: Why don't I ever meet girls like this... Me: You're still young. He took a stick from my pack. Me: Hey! K: Social. Me: Right. A: So what's been happening? Me: Esoterics didn't tell you? A: No... He hardly contacts us. Oh. He's getting his MSG in July. Me: Nice. I'm officially the lowest rank among us now. K: I haven't enlisted. Me: Not counted. But anyway it's a really long story. Maybe one day we'll catch up. I'm living pretty nearby now anyway. SM: Kenneth! Stub out that cigarette now! And Andrew, stop being a bad influence! My step-mom came out and joined us in the corridor. She passed me the recipe book and a small exercise book. I browsed through the book quickly. I could hardly recognize most of the words in there, except for 鸡,肉,菜,饭 and stuff like that. Me: Thanks mom. SM: No problem. And stop smoking so much. Come over for dinner one day? Me: I'll think about it. Bye. I bade goodbye to the three of them and left. I heard her scolding Kenneth for smoking again. I smiled to myself. At least life was still normal for them. I headed back to Shirley's place and stopped by the temporary market to buy porridge for her. When I got back, she was still sleeping. I ate my char kway teow at the couch. After eating, I watched TV for a bit and waited for Shirley to wake up. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
well ... she needs sleep to wait for the anesthesia to wear off ... think the cramps or aches will come next and bleeding ... physical discomfort would probably be 2-3 days maybe ... emotionally ... that would be subjective
Smart move to find someone who knows a thing or 2 about Tonics ... Hope your sanity is holding together in this time of need.
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks. Need to Return: [Hifive - please share new post] Thanks for up Javabeans, Swagelock & bigbirdbird but I can't return pts to you this round. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Oh dear TS.
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