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Old 26-07-2006, 04:18 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Kaixin1 of the old sammyboy forum here.

Very belated FR on Dada:

Had her a couple of month's back. She is Tommy's house gal (1612). Slightly on the bah-chai side, average looking only, very good gf service.

Action starts in the shower. Will tickle your balls from behind. Tongue action quite good too.

Highlight of the action is her Oscar-Winning performance. She will squirm and squeal and make it appear that she is very sensitive down there. Her acting is very good and realistic. Really makes it look like she's very easily tickled.

Overall, a good bonk, but looks a bit matured to me.

Looks: 6.5/10
Body: 7.5/10
BBBJ: 7/10
FJ: 8/10

RTF: Maybe.


(Author of Return of Small Michelle in 2000,
and author of CDL is Coming To Town in 2004)
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Old 26-07-2006, 06:07 PM
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Smile Judy

Judy is a sluttish sexy looking hokkien gal fm cheras, kl. looks ard 24 yrs old and told me she has been in gl for ard 2 mths.

face: 6.5 not beautiful or attractive but more on the sluttish sexy looking side wif little make-up, long dark hair

body: 6.5 no marks on her skin and no tattoos, skin tone neither fair nor dark and has fine hairy arms (suppose to indicate higher sex drive or so i hv been told!), nice fleshy ass for doggie, abt 1.60m+, pussy hair short & well kept

boobs: 8 nice b cups a small handful & perky wif nice pinkish tits, good for a fondle and suckle

quite a cheerful gal not much problem chatting to her. bathroom had the benefit of Judy's own sweet smelling shower lotion, gentle scrub all over including a titilating behind the back fondle of my dick.

Her catbath is one of the best that I hv experienced in gl in quite sometime, slow gentle long licks both back and front followed by a sensual ar and then sucking my nuts followed by licking of dickhead while i was on all fours. the bbj was medium strength but her speciality seems to be licking the sensitive dickhead, quite pleasurable.

no restrictions on my roaming of her body, fingering fondling and sucking alternating wif nice frenching. fj done missionary while frenching, doggie while playing wif her clit wif my hand & squeezing her ass cheeks and ended off wif her on the edge of the bed wif her legs wrapped ard my neck while i pounded her tight wet pussy and frenched her while she wimpered. ended wif a soft a massage.

overall : 7 quite an enjoyable experience, more on the gf side.
Old 26-07-2006, 06:09 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

After reading FR here, feeling horny and decided to go GL for DaDa...

Reach GL at around ten, house 1608, went in and asked for DaDa. Was told by OKT she just started work, then ask for Judy. Also have to wait, so went to have my dinner at the nearby coffeeshop.

Came back after makan and waited for awhile, hoping that its DaDa that turn up. After a short wait, OKT say Judy here. She was drink a packet drink while standing at the counter. She turn around and smile at me. Lead me into the room and undress.

TCSS and had shower together, nothing different from what the FR had stated. After shower she start her catbath all over me front and back. It was slow and sensual, good.

BBBJ and AR included. Total time taken approximately ten to fifteen minutes. BBBJ was slow and sensual too, with her looking at you at interval, giving that CFM look. Cap me and had her missionary followed by doggie and back to missionary. Haven't change to her on top yet cannot tahan unload into CD.

Look: 6/10 when she smile with her dimples 8/10
Body: 7/10
CatBath: 7/10
BBBJ: 8/10
AR: 7/10
FJ: 7.5/10
Overall: 8/10

Short FR here since it had been reported before, anyway me not very good in writing FR.
Old 26-07-2006, 08:25 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

I tried my first 150 Girl an hour ago. Reading too much of them on this good forum, I went to Gaylang today.
Straight after work at CBD, I caught a cap to L16. It was around 6 pm, many mainland Chinese girls have already been in the streets and asking “Do or not” in mandarin. Made my way to the house (36? Sorry. I should have paid an attention on that), I was introduced to a KL girl Jeannette. She is about 1.62m, slim and speaks good mandarin.
Well, we had shower, then fore-play, and then fucked. We tried about 5 different positions. I liked the doggy best, because of her tight pussy. Then she gave me a massage before shower. She became a bit well-spoken. She gave a very good promotion on why people should come to CAT150 not to street girls or Thai tank girls. Her explanation was fun and cute.
Overall, I enjoyed fucking with her. Although I can not compare her with other girls at the moment, I like her attitude.

Looks: 7
Boobs: A+
Body: 8
AR: 8
BJ: 7
Overall: 8
Old 28-07-2006, 05:13 AM
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FR on Jie Er.....

Hope thats the right spelling of her name.....Anyway went to GL Lor 20....Ask The OKT to recomend one.....He got me this girl......When she walked in I tot not bad mah.....She brought me to the room....Spoke to me in Canto i was like ok lor my Canto oso can pass been around so can speak lor....She told me from KL....been in spore like 1 year i sian liao lor....Ask me go bathroom wash me up gave me a bbbj after that ask me to dry up.......Than I went to bed wait for her lor....When she came out of bathroom ask me to go corner of the bed....I tot WTF ask me go there 4 what? then she started to bbbj again....after about 5 mins ask me to lie down & she licked my whole boby & AR....I was like ok lor normal mah...Then she asked me if i was ok with it...I was like aiya anything lor as long u happy can already.....then started to bbbj me again.......I was like WTF bbbj me so much for what?? ask her to do more then that she was like what u wanna me to do? I said FJ lor she said ok lor.....Do so many style but just cant cum.....she started to bbbj again......until i cant take it.......BOMB!!!! CIM.....I was like ok thats it enough is enough....she then gave me a massage....I was like ok fine.......after a while she bath me again & we went off......Overall not tobad lah but for a $150 bonk abit ex lah........will get another in furture.....Cheers!!!!
Old 29-07-2006, 12:18 PM
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FR: Chris

Date: July 26 2006
Location: 2033

I went back to 2033 to try my luck with Chris. Waited about 15 mins… Guess I’ve been lucky not having to wait too long. Chris tells me it’s her first day back after a one week break. So the OKT didn’t shit me the other day. Cutting to the chase

Looks: 6/10
Average on looks. Natural, with a bit of eye shadow only and a nice smile. She doesn’t have the greatest complexion and is slightly tanned, a shade or 2 darker than Nico for instance.

Body: 5/10
She’s a bit on the plump side, not fat but has a bit of tummy and thick thighs. A bit pear shaped looking from behind since her butt and thighs are proportionally bigger than her other parts. A bit of celluloid… Maybe she gained some weight and just lost some or she was big and lost some weight. Some stretch marks when bent over… doggy. Her butts soft with plenty of meat for the butt fans…not the perky Britney Spares type but a scale down JLo type. She has some blemishes on her back but the skin is smooth

Boobs: 5/10
They are A cupper… although on the upper side of an A. Darker nipples then described previous FRs. For those guys who like bigger nipples to stimulate their tongues with.
They are about the size of a big raisin, small grape. I did notice some stretch marks on her breast… they don’t feel saggy though. Along with her body, I think she would appeal to those who fancy SYT types.

Pre action: 6/10
Maybe it’s because she just finished with a client and it’s rather late in the night. She seemed a bit tired and lacking in enthusiasm. That wasn’t a bad thing since it’s honest. I rather her be honest and really show how she was feeling at the moment versus pretending to feel excited like she can’t wait to fuck. She had a good attitude smiling and joking. She asked if she can have a cig break before we started, and that was fine. She sat nude on the bed with her legs spread opened as we chit chatted and had our cigs. It wasn’t the sexy kind of leg spreading if you know what I mean. More what you would expect with your guy friends, when they have both feet up on the chair while playing cards and having a smoke. I didn’t mind it. It’s cute sometimes and it shows her free spiritedness and comfort level when she’s with you. We chatted a bit, gave her a massage because she kept cracking her neck haha. This is really starting to sound unappealing but it made the whole situation more comfortable and personal. Your regular shower again, maybe I don’t seem like the aggressive type or we’ve gotten too comfortable with each other. I just didn’t the extra treatment other guys received on their FRs.

Cat bath bbbj: 7/10
Not as sensual nor was it commando. She did the back first. Her technique was soft tongue tapping type rather than the slow licking type. She worked from neck to ankles. I was getting a bit squeamish again when worked close to my arse so she flipped me over to work on the front… not bad… did an ok job… did a lot of ball licking and sucking and proceeded to blow. She’s the type that sucks slurps and stroke. Often they just hold and suck. It was gentle and warm. You could feel her tongue moving and rolling as she moved up and down. She made a few position changes and politely moved her butt over so I can play some as well.

FJ: 7.5/10
She was on top for a while changing from cow girl to hugging you tight as she snaked and grinded. We had some kissing but she was more like enjoying herself than making me excited. It wasn’t a bad thing though… more real I guess. I enjoyed it and just let her work her thing… it lasted about 10 15 mins She was sweating hard by now and I decided to change positions. I was starting to really notice how tight she was. And she likes it when you go hard and deep. There was a lot of feed back… especially when u kissed around her ear and neck. What I liked was that she had a lot of feed back and rolled her head and arched her back a lot. What I didn’t like was her eyes where closed most of the time. None of the CFM looks. It made it feel like I was servicing her more than the other way around. We ended doggy style and her ass looks pretty nice compared to her slim waist. She does have a tummy but structure wise her waist is really small… hour glass like. She has a heart shaped ass rather than a plum. It was an overall good full hour session.

Conclusion: 6.8/10 (mostly for overall feel)
How can I describe this…. It wasn’t really the GF experience I was expecting. It became more like the buddy buddy bootie call kind of fuck. Service wise she was different from lets say Nico, my encounter the night before. While Nico was more service oriented, Chris was more ummm natura l. This may appeal to some and not others.

Return factor: Prob not. Want to try Benz but unfortunately I’ll be away from SG again.
Old 31-07-2006, 03:02 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

FR report on Chris

Date : Mon, 31 Jul 2006
Time : 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Fuckshop : L2033

Looking for my usual fav like Juventus and Kiko...but too bad all not available. Then a gal walked in, dressed in jeans and t-shirt...long tinted hair...SYT look...okt said Chris ok bo? i heard of her, a newbie, so why not?

General description

Slim looking gal standing about 1.6m, great ass but slight tummy! very friendly and ex-night club gal...guess most of the night club gal are well trained in PR skill.


I find her pretty...and the other reason i go for her is that she really look like a friend of mine...yummy...

Grade her 8/10 in this area.


nice slim body with natural pair of C+ breasts. she got slight tummy and large nipples...good to suck...but not sure if she allow cos i nvr tried.

Grade her 9/10 in this area.


pretty good skills action in shower...only on bed...she lay onto me and hug me like a gf...playfully asked if she is heavy...

Grade : 8/10


her tongue will lapped furiously on ur hole...and nosily too...very simulating...only thing is that she will spit on the toilet paper every each lick.

Grade : 8/10


i could only use the word "sultry" to describe her bbbj...simply awesome head moments and suction when she sucked! moaning was just right...not too much...not too little...i sat on the edge of the bed and asked her to continue...she knew what i want...increased her suction speed, with hand actions! arrgh...i poured into her gulping mouth...but fcuk...she nvr stop sucking (unless some who will stop almost immediately when u cum)...i was whimpering in estascy...she just suck and suck...her hand continued to pump on my swelling cock...i had to hold her head to stop her...i was totally spent..but fcuking shiok!!! finally she released her mouth off me and blur blur said "u cum liao arh?"

she spit onto the paper and stroke my cock again...then she sucked it in again...i almost fainted...thumbs and legs up!

Grade : 11/10



Grade : 0/10

Overall : a mind blowing session for me....beyond my expectation...another name to add into my fav list...
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Old 31-07-2006, 03:16 PM
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Thumbs up Monica

Monica is a a sexy sluttish ah lian, ipoh cantonese gal, ard 24yrs old

face: 6.5 skin tone neutral neither fair nor dark, quite sexy cute looking in a minx sort of way, darkish medium length hair wif colour highlights

body:7 she will appeal to guys who like the small proportionate package, ht abt 1.5m, trim well maintained pussy, nice ass for doggy

boobs: 6.5 A+ boobs wif pinkish tits, suits her small frame

Monica has a refreshing bubbly personality breaks ice easily once the door closes. std bathroom scrub wif no action but once i hit the bed she attacked my dick almost straight away...good alternation between hard suction and nibbling of the dickhead followed by some shaft licking and nuts licking...then good sensual ar followed by another rd of bbbj whereupon i got up and frenched her passionately and then lifted her up and positioned her on her back and started servicing restriction full access to boobs and pussy & clit...she appeared to be enjoying herself wif good stereo effects...then capped me and i took her in 3 positions, doggie, missionary and finally wif her legs wrapped ard my neck while i pounded and frenched tired afterawhile so got her to bbbj me again whereupon i cimed into her sexy mouth...ended wif a light massage...

overall: 8.5 v good sexperience mixture of gf & commando service, a good choice for guys who like small sexy sluttish gals
Old 01-08-2006, 06:07 PM
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little lilly (L28H31B)

Looks - 7.5/10 Refined oriental ah nia look.
27 years old but look like 24 in her small 1.5m frame.

Body - 6.5/10 skinny but proportional A+ cup tits and tight butt.

Foreplay - 7/10 action starts in shower where she really scrub you clean.
BBBJ with hacks and dick-stroke from behind.

Catbath - 7/10 starts from back with minty AR and paintjob, followed by hot-tea catbath on nips, navel and BBBJ, 69. If you are at her hse with the F-chair,
she will continue her catbath and BBBJ there before riding you front and back
on the chair.

FJ - 7/10 she will usually start the FJ after BBBJ by riding u. quite responsive.

Overall - 7/10 can be temperamental. no fingering, no frenching.
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Old 01-08-2006, 08:47 PM
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Tried QUEEN last Saturday at Tommy's place. I wouldn't call her the Queen of GL becoz I think there are better ones, but anyway she was the only one of my favourites available.

Body frame still okay since last time I had her. Slender, but not toned. Boobs not big, so big boobie lovers can skip the remainder of my FR.

She's very sensitive at the nipples and flatly refused me to lick them. I wonder whether any bros here have been allowed to lick her nipples. Was disappointed, because I really like to lick nipples.

Of course I like to have my own nipples licked even more. She's quite good at the tongue-fu, and I would say BBBJ is very good too (I nearly came). But be forewarned --- some bros here have said her BBBJ sucks (no pun intended), so my tastes may be different from yours.

FJ was very good but didn't really french her although she allows it. As I said before, her complexion is still very good. One of the pretty flowers in GL.

Overall: V. Good (becoz I like fxxking a pretty face!!)

Looks: 8/10
Body: 7/10
BBBJ: 8/10
FJ: 8/10

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Old 03-08-2006, 04:54 PM
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Re: Cefiro...The Tall Gal

Missing Geylang for a while, finally manage to squeeze some hours for the Fun..
Was recommended a tall gal by the name Cefiro
Not consider pretty, but the height really suit me, she claim to have 1.72m
Quite a Lian look, with small eyes.
Maybe a B+ boobs, well trim pussy
Catbath: Taken a bit too long for Catbath, so long that i almost loss patience.
BBBJ: Consider average, though she tried with few positions.
Start off with missionary position, but find her pussy too low, have to lift up her long legs to get a Good ram.
Find it rather irritating with her loud and monotonous moaning....
Took my time to ram and enjoy her long pair of legs.
Turn around for doggie and finish off in missionary.
Conclusion: Very loose pussy, Friendly but lack the committed type of services.
RTF: Not my usual practice....
Old 04-08-2006, 09:46 AM
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Red face Re: GL 150cats FRs list

My FR on May (new gal,2 mths ) from KL

Face : Pleasant 6/10. Many craters (probably from late nights and pimple pushing).

Breasts : B cup. About a handful 6/10
Pussy : Not shaved

BBBJ : Combination of cockhead suction and deep throat. Licks the balls every now and then. 8/10 (one of best I've had)

FJ : Her moans are SO loud, I thought the OKT will come in and ask her to lower the volume, really sound like as if I was "de-flowering" her. My dick cant take the stress and blew it out quite quickly 7/10

RTF: Not until I have conquered the rest.
Ah Lians rule ! !
Old 04-08-2006, 05:34 PM
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Smile Channel

Channel is a cantonese gal fm kl looks ard 24yrs old and has been working in gl for abt 4mths, previously a shampoo gal in kl...

face: 6.5 quite cute and sweet looking wif slight buck teeth, she has long darkish hair wif light brown highlights, channel is on the tannish skin tone side wif quite abit of make-up

body: 6.5 ard 1.64m wif a slight tummy but a nice meaty ass for doggie, Channel has a tattoo just above her butt which looks quite sexy when pounding her doggie style, pussy quite well trimmed and maintained

boobs: 6 A++ small handful wif darkish coloured tits

Channel is a sweet natured gal wif a cheerful smile to brighten yr day, easy to talk to...good srcub in the shower fm head to toe followed by a warm water bbbj...catbath is both front and back, spends quite some time on the nips followed by quite a good deep ar...bbbj is on the medium strength side, deep throat and side shaft licking...frenched her and had free access to her body, ok wif fingering which she appeared to in several positions, stereo quite realistic...finished off wif a cim while i squeezed her tits...ended wif a hard massage...

overall: 7 quite a good experience, Channel is cheerful & accomodative and tries her best to please...mix between gf and commando...not a bad choice if u r ok wif a tannish skin tone gal...
Old 06-08-2006, 06:59 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Tammy FR

Went down to L20H33 yesterday evening and picked this new girl Tammy (2 months +) after some persuasion by OKT since Nico and Kico are not available.

Signed in, went into the room and she was quite quiet initially but gradually warmed up after some bantering. Proceeded to the bathroom and everything was quite SOP, except that she gave a brief back massage which I must say was quite good.

On to the bed and she started her catbath. One thing about her is that she seems to like paying quite a bit of attention to nipples because she sure did lick mine clean. AR was short but quite sensational as her tongue is quite skillful. Her BBBJ was good, with much swirling around the head with her tongue coupled with purposeful and powerful deep throats. The only drawback was that it was quite brief. Nevertheless, it was enjoyable and I see a potential BBBJ queen in the making if properly guided by the brothers.

First position was cowgirl and she supported herself by putting her hands behind her on my thighs and closed her legs while pushing herself up and down. This maneuvure, while no doubt tiring on her part, is quite spectacular if you observe it in the side mirrors. After a couple of minutes, sensing that she is tiring, we switched to missionary with me pumping away, alternating between shallow and deep strokes. Her moans/cries are quite genuine and at some point, when I saw her crunched face, I thought she was in pain (like Jap schoolgirl).

Anyway, shot my load in her after 5 minutes of pumping, showered and left.

Here are my ratings:

Looks: 7/10 (girl next door, quite sweet)
Breasts: A+, not for boob lovers. Her nipples are quite big and pink.
BBBJ: 7/10 (quite brief)
AR: 7.5/10
FJ: 7.5/10
Old 07-08-2006, 08:27 PM
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Red face Re: GL 150cats FRs list

FR on mercedez BENZ

Time : 1730hours

Date : just today

Place : Uncle Tommy's

Well... anyway, today felt an urge to let my little 'bro see some light, so decided to go down to Tommy's right after my job interview and asked for the branded car dat just came a month ago.....

Initially Tommy said that some guy had booked her for 3 straight sessions ( WTF, how many viagra pills did he popped ??) and that she had other sessions waiting for her and i might have to wait for 3 hours ....

but half an hour later....

Tommy suddenly came to me and said the golden words " she is cummin now.. cos u regular, so chum siong with okt to let u go first"

and 5 min later....

OH MY GAWD...........

In came a 1.6m chio bu in red hot mini skirt and tube.. and Tommy winked @ me to follow her for test drive..

Anyway, the whole session was quite alrite, and for a newbie, her svc is definitely much better than i expected ... and oh my.. she sure is good in her catbath.. cos my whole body, from the ears to my neck to my nei nei to my legs and to my knees.. were all covered with her saliva..

i shan't go too much into the other details, cos its pretty SOP, so i will just give my ratings below...

Looks: 8/10
( i like SYT, and trust me if i say she is chio.. cos she IS! )

BJ: 6/10
( still a newbie, and i could feel her teeth, although it can be trained)

Catbath: 9/10
( well, wat can i say.. for a newbie, she IS good)

Nei Nei: 7/10
( NOT for big-boobie lovers, but at least its pinkish and pointy)

AR: 0/10
( i dint ask, and she dint do it.. guess she isn't comfortable with it)

FJ: 6/10
( well, its not her fault, cos i only lasted in 2 positions)

Figure: 6/10
( in truth, she may be abit too slim for me.. besides, i gotta admit that her ass needs to gain more weight)

Overall : 7.5/10
(prob is the lack of chemistry, and that she isn't realli comfortable with pple licking her pussy (although i still painted her).. if not i will up more points)

P.S : Benz is still veri new, so give her more time to train... besides, pple already veri chio, wat more u want ? So pls treat pple with respect and be gentle with her ya!! :P
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