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Old 18-08-2011, 02:55 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by newbird9403 View Post
Not really correct brother. I can still find good entertainment at places affiliated to hotels. You must know where to start finding.

You are correct bro, i was shooting Pool and drinking Bintang all night long on Tuesday night when 90% of the places were closed...
Happy Bataming
Old 18-08-2011, 11:56 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

I will be staying at Alila Hotel. If interested to cheong, let me know ya.
Old 19-08-2011, 06:04 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Again I'm repeating this for the sake of safety & to avoid being conned by this con artist@ aakumu/long dick/adver & God knows what other clone nicks;

I'm so glad you pointed out to me & all forumers that you're were previously on Moderation! Guys you decide whom you wish to believe ??? Con Man with previously negative (xxx) points or Seniors with many years on the forum, well respected & above all +++ points! It shows who you should trust & whom you shouldn't!!! The Mods are doing thier job to protect the forum from such con man & let's keep it safe! I agree that the choice is yours to partake or to avoid but do think twice becoz your action may result in not only lost of hard earned $ from being conned to not only pay above market prices based on past FRs but more importantly would you trust your safety to a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum??? I definatly WONT!

Originally Posted by klguylate30s View Post
LOL now he admits after being caught~!

A word of caution if you noticed by now this is a thread started by aakumu to promote an agent which i believe it's him personally based on the manner of his/agent/clone's posting & several mistakes including postings @ whereby he forgotten he's using aakumu nick and made a mistake & posted this & since he's under moderation for his many errors he tried to do some whitewashing by coming back with the following post @ . He is a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum!!!

Be very cautious when reading postings or recommendations from this thread as it could be him/his clones (proven @ ) only to promote his fake services & be WARNED guys just imagine if you take his tour & he doesn't like your face = you may end up in BIG TROUBLE instead of being assisted! I WOULD STAY AWAY FROM THIS CON MAN SERVICES! Please read the links to judge what kind of a pretender he is! Please feel free to contact seniors with reputable points for verification instead of those with immense negative points!

The constant postings by me is because he has issued physical threats to the other tour agent even though he wasn't involved in this as a few seniors started questioning him as to why he posted a FR which was copied & edited & posted as his own! Reference of a senior who caught his mistake @ Please visit the other Jakarta thread for a non commercial@ & you may save yourself from being cheated & abused physically by this conman if he doesn't like you! I will continue to protect innocent fellow SBF members from this dangerous person!
Old 19-08-2011, 06:59 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hi bro,
Very thin the stock this week, went to a few night joints last night settle in the south of the city, at least there is still some action there.
For those who are coming to Jakarta, hold back till the second week of next month, if possible.
I heard from a friend that in some spas, there are 3 guys waiting for a girls.
OH, I got this from a source, the last week of this month, there will have some police check points, focus on the traffic and disorderly behaviors, but that does not stop them to look for other venues of income.
Please do not give them an excuse to do that.
Be safe,and have fun.

By the way, on a different note; how is business????
It must be bad to be dogging about your competitors......

My humble two cents.
Please leave your nick when you up me, thank you.
Old 19-08-2011, 11:59 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

bad month to visit...went to a few clubs, girls did not strip all the way at the dance hall...

in the end, spent time in crown spa.

FJ: 50,000RP
Old 20-08-2011, 12:43 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by speedyboy View Post
bad month to visit...went to a few clubs, girls did not strip all the way at the dance hall...

in the end, spent time in crown spa.

FJ: 50,000RP
Hi bro,

Thanks for the FR on the situations in Jakarta, That is quite bad if the girls are not striping all the way.
A little typo lah.... if RP50,000 no girls want to work....hahahaha....
Lady drinks is already RP50,000 per shot for strip tease.....

My humble two cents.
Please leave your nick when you up me, thank you.
Old 20-08-2011, 11:52 PM
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Re: CJ Bar - Hotel Mulia Jakarta

Originally Posted by newbird9403 View Post
The first 7 days after lebaran is also quiet as most of the girls are still in their kampungs. Schedule after the 7 -10 days to play it safe. By this time at least 90% will be back.
no worry ...not so early
Old 21-08-2011, 09:04 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Hey Bro Newbird,
I will be dropping by Jakarta, enroute to Bandung on 14th Sept.
Will text you for dinner then

Old 21-08-2011, 08:35 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

JKT different kind of party. Anyway hook on to CP now. Will head there more often now. See you in Nov. I might drop by JKT also before CP.

Originally Posted by Kent_do View Post
Wow, bro SB388, U oso into the Jakarta scene? Nice! So when will b your next trip there? If time permits, we can cheong together PM and let me know yah!
Had not been to jkt for donkey years now. Maybe can share some tips to me
Old 22-08-2011, 12:57 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Just touched down from Singapore Airport 1 hour ago and bringing my FLs to you brothers fresh and hot just out from the oven.

Went to classic spa located at basement 1 of classic hotel and dapao this pretty indonesian girl.Name was liena.Good GFE, french like no tommorow and no rush service. Brought her back to the hotel that I am staying call Alila Hotel. Then we watched hollywood movies on the HBO channel and had a great time! Damage was 2.1 Juta. Dapao her from 3pm till next day 1pm.

After sending this girl back. I went to swim in my hotel and 2 hours later, I feeling horny again. Again, took a cab to classic spa and went to use the SPA facilities first for 1 hour +. Just went inside the classic spa lounge at around 4.30pm. 3 Mamasan approached me but I told them I want to have my tea-break,smoke and relax first. Then while I was talking to one of the mamasan, this China girl call Li Li came over to told to me. And she is super cute! She looks both like indonesian and chinese. Went to talk to her, chit chat to develop the feelings first. Then around 6pm I decided to dapao her back to my hotel again. Damage is 5.07 juta. I brought her to ex mall to eat fish and co and to watch movie. I can see many guys are eyeing on her. I think I was the luckiest man of that hour! Went back to my hotel room, and we watch tv, chit chat awhile and started to fuck. So tired until, both of us only woked up the next day 1pm and We had another round of sex before i send her back to classic.


After sending her back to classic, I ordered kfc to my hotel for lunch and went to the indo mart nearby to buy some drinks and chips. Again, started to feel horny, so took a cab and went to classic hotel spa again.

Since I had tried Indonesian, China...I was telling myself I would like to try other girls. They have russia, ubezkistan, mexico,mongolia,china,indonesia and vietnamese.

I got to know this papa san, whom we chatted well. And again I told him I wanted to relax and smoke first. So I got my eyes on this hot brunette vietnamese girl. She has long and curvy hair, big and firm breat and wearing a one sided dress. Poo!! So sexy, but in my mind I still couldnt make up my mind. So there is this other customer who asked for her! In my heart I was like, oh no...there she goes, but the customer only shook her hand and asked her to go back...then i quickly told the papa-san on my table that I want her!!! She came to me, and to my surprise she can speak good english and minimal chinese. We click straight away! Her name is rebecca and she is 23 years old.

We talk about her working in Indo and whats life in vietnam. About 1 hour later, I just went in to do short time. She is very accomodating. She gave me a very good bbbj, french kiss and her hole is very tight!!!

After fucking, we still lie on the bed to talk cock sing song.

This is the end of the fuck trip to Jakarta. There are still establishments who are open during this month like Travels Hotel, Classic Terminal.

I heard Malioboro was also opened today because he is the same boss of classic spa and I asked the papa-san just now whether malioboro is open and he said yes!

Hope my FLs help the bros out here!
Old 22-08-2011, 02:28 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

I really miss my trips to Jakarta...a great place for cheonging.
Old 22-08-2011, 11:00 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Ikanbilis188 View Post
Hey Bro Newbird,
I will be dropping by Jakarta, enroute to Bandung on 14th Sept.
Will text you for dinner then

Great looking forward to see you.
Old 22-08-2011, 11:10 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by stamphere View Post
Just touched down from Singapore Airport 1 hour ago and bringing my FLs to you brothers fresh and hot just out from the oven.

Went to classic spa located at basement 1 of classic hotel and dapao this pretty indonesian girl.Name was liena.Good GFE, french like no tommorow and no rush service. Brought her back to the hotel that I am staying call Alila Hotel. Then we watched hollywood movies on the HBO channel and had a great time! Damage was 2.1 Juta. Dapao her from 3pm till next day 1pm.

After sending this girl back. I went to swim in my hotel and 2 hours later, I feeling horny again. Again, took a cab to classic spa and went to use the SPA facilities first for 1 hour +. Just went inside the classic spa lounge at around 4.30pm. 3 Mamasan approached me but I told them I want to have my tea-break,smoke and relax first. Then while I was talking to one of the mamasan, this China girl call Li Li came over to told to me. And she is super cute! She looks both like indonesian and chinese. Went to talk to her, chit chat to develop the feelings first. Then around 6pm I decided to dapao her back to my hotel again. Damage is 5.07 juta. I brought her to ex mall to eat fish and co and to watch movie. I can see many guys are eyeing on her. I think I was the luckiest man of that hour! Went back to my hotel room, and we watch tv, chit chat awhile and started to fuck. So tired until, both of us only woked up the next day 1pm and We had another round of sex before i send her back to classic.


After sending her back to classic, I ordered kfc to my hotel for lunch and went to the indo mart nearby to buy some drinks and chips. Again, started to feel horny, so took a cab and went to classic hotel spa again.

Since I had tried Indonesian, China...I was telling myself I would like to try other girls. They have russia, ubezkistan, mexico,mongolia,china,indonesia and vietnamese.

I got to know this papa san, whom we chatted well. And again I told him I wanted to relax and smoke first. So I got my eyes on this hot brunette vietnamese girl. She has long and curvy hair, big and firm breat and wearing a one sided dress. Poo!! So sexy, but in my mind I still couldnt make up my mind. So there is this other customer who asked for her! In my heart I was like, oh no...there she goes, but the customer only shook her hand and asked her to go back...then i quickly told the papa-san on my table that I want her!!! She came to me, and to my surprise she can speak good english and minimal chinese. We click straight away! Her name is rebecca and she is 23 years old.

We talk about her working in Indo and whats life in vietnam. About 1 hour later, I just went in to do short time. She is very accomodating. She gave me a very good bbbj, french kiss and her hole is very tight!!!

After fucking, we still lie on the bed to talk cock sing song.

This is the end of the fuck trip to Jakarta. There are still establishments who are open during this month like Travels Hotel, Classic Terminal.

I heard Malioboro was also opened today because he is the same boss of classic spa and I asked the papa-san just now whether malioboro is open and he said yes!

Hope my FLs help the bros out here!

I was also at Classics Spa at that time, say about 3.45pm. I saw that Viet chick, a stunner but not my type. I was the guy that just shook her hand and told her to go.....Hahahah.... was waiting for your call anyway.
Old 23-08-2011, 12:15 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

LOL talk about a small world eh!!! I really miss Jakarta!
Originally Posted by newbird9403 View Post
I was also at Classics Spa at that time, say about 3.45pm. I saw that Viet chick, a stunner but not my type. I was the guy that just shook her hand and told her to go.....Hahahah.... was waiting for your call anyway.
Old 23-08-2011, 01:31 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Really small world bro new bird. You know I can't access to this forum in jakarta, they banned. Guessed it didint came to my mind to enter via a proxy website at that time. Or else would have gone together!

Now I have a brief image of how you look like. LOL
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