photos ressemblance to actual person but as per usual with meitu's
Central apartment, 2mins walk from nearest MRT station
Slim petite, natural b
Figure quite close to Anqi, certainly for boobs AQ is clear winner
Massage quite decent not bad
Good GFE, got water served
Friendly and chatty 开朗
Full nude and 5G services
Not a time watcher
Shes also avaliable on Audi T site
Such an impulsive idiot...... I was approached by an IO whith regards to the incident. I believe the SPF are oso monitoring this thread.
The IO asked me if I have any details of the alleged incident and whether I am in contact with LinLin or her regulars..... apparently this is not the 1st time it has happened as his team are also working on a couple of similar cases involving other ML victims.
That brainless guy may think he is helping the ML by posting here..... but instead it has drawn the attention of the police.
Now we will have to think twice before decide whether to visit the MLs.... hopefully the SPF dun dig too deep and cause further inconvenience to us.
Lol come on la.I decide to keep quiet but u this idiot acting like a big fuck like some of this high point idiot playing the zapping game moron. IO contact you.who do u think you are.sometime it better to keep quiet than to talk.another one having high point but super low EQ LMAO your IO so free something here need contact you.u think who you SPF can easily trace IP.ask your IO track my IP pls.i m more than happy to talk to him.and your IO must be jiak pa Bo Taiji zuo reading sbf forum on which ml is good he want to go n enjoy is it LOL
They just want to bully you lah. Can zap you to negative they feel damn shiok mah. Abnormal people a lot nowadays, what to do? I mentioned before, there is a group of fellows, they grouped up and zap for shiokness which is against the regulation set up by boss. You can feedback to boss, they will be whack by boss mighty hands.
For me, I only zap those who are rude or try to be funny with me. Also show appreciation to those who give honest feedback by upping them.
It ok bro.They think the reputation point here can go change into cash at ntuc or Sheng xiong.low life ppl acting like a saint here.LMAO zapping me makes them feel they achieve something in life then it good for them haha.I don’t mind all those nothing to me since the day I join sbf.and I seriously know who to find for recommendations for good ml.and my nos n reputation is good enough for those ml to know whether I m a good customer anot will do.
Looking at the unlimited HJ 60mins isn't very useful for me.
With other MLs 1x ( edging + hj ) my soul already fly out after that tummy cramping liao.
or visit good stable girls, after deed will feel like too much blood going small head instead of big head
Maybe more for the fitter bros. She does look good though. No warped $50 note
Looking at the unlimited HJ 60mins isn't very useful for me.
With other MLs 1x ( edging + hj ) my soul already fly out after that tummy cramping liao.
or visit good stable girls, after deed will feel like too much blood going small head instead of big head
Maybe more for the fitter bros.
Maybe because it stated 21 years old 😄 that y do ex
Such an impulsive idiot...... I was approached by an IO whith regards to the incident. I believe the SPF are oso monitoring this thread.
Why would an IO approach you for a case of theft that you are not involved? Unless you are a suspect or witness. Also, why would the IO tell you so much additional information?
And SPF monitors this forum for theft cases? Like, they have this reported theft case, and they check this forum, trace the IP of anyone who gave info, track down who they are and contact them to see if they are witnesses?
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Lol come on la.I decide to keep quiet but u this idiot acting like a big fuck like some of this high point idiot playing the zapping game moron. IO contact you.who do u think you are.sometime it better to keep quiet than to talk.another one having high point but super low EQ LMAO your IO so free something here need contact you.u think who you SPF can easily trace IP.ask your IO track my IP pls.i m more than happy to talk to him.and your IO must be jiak pa Bo Taiji zuo reading sbf forum on which ml is good he want to go n enjoy is it LOL
Yalo, he question why you need to get so angry, and yet I have no idea why he angry.
I understand why u angry, someone you know got their money stolen after being exploited, don't angry only weird. Tbh, your post isn't gonna help with anything. Not like the fellow will confess. I mean, you also know it's not gonna help, but this thread is for TCSS, you are well within your rights to express your feelings be it anger or frustration.
So yea, now I dunno why he so angry at your post here. Dun even know if it's true that IO or SPF contact him, and even if they did, I'm pretty sure it's not because of your post. If SPF is involved, the ML herself would have had to report it.
Not the ex Anqi right ? Think that was Younna’s previous name
OMG! The MLs should exercise some creativity when it comes to their “names”
So Cunt-fusing!
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She say end of month but she ownself cant confirm due to family commitments
Just saw on Ruirui’s WeChat moments that she is being poked by a nurse.
Think she is on a drip or something. Hope she is ok.
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