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Old 26-06-2016, 04:35 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Bitch SLAP!! More shit is stirring up soon I guess....
Old 26-06-2016, 04:58 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

跟家人爭,爭贏了,親情沒了;跟愛人爭,爭贏了,感情淡了;跟朋友爭,爭贏了,情義沒了。爭的是理,輸的是 情,傷的是自己。
Old 26-06-2016, 05:51 PM
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Waaaahhh!!!! Slap that biiittttccchhh!!!!!
Old 26-06-2016, 06:03 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Soon I find myself looking on as the girl exchanged verbal assaults on each other, and I could only make out certain words that they used the rest would appear as ? to me. I can only blame my school teachers providing with limited vocabulary and idioms, Pris was pulling Stephanie and Ann was doing the same to Jasmine as I see Jasmine attempting to kick a leg or two at Stephanie.

Stephanie: I am not going to carry on this mockery with you.

Stephanie and her group walks away and I was surprised to see Ah Kai following behind them grining at me.

Jasmine did not talk as Ann helped her to the bench at the side of the J8, Feilicia finally found us and asked us where we went. I told Felicia about what that had just happened and Felicia started cursing and swearing, telling things she would have done to Stephanie if she was there.

I went over to Jasmine, trying to humour her, but the only response I got was this

Jasmine: leave me alone!

Ann told us to leave her and Jasmine and promise she would take care of her.

I walked Felicia to the terminal.

Felicia: Eh idiot want to go my home or not.

Me: I thought of accompanying u on Saturday but you want today also can.

Felicia: like that, we meet Saturday.

I laughed and told her I was joking and I was not in the mood today, Felicia boarded her bus and left. I went to check on Jasmine and they were still at the bench. I shook my head and walked towards my home but half way back my pager beeped.
Old 26-06-2016, 06:27 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

I listen to the voicemail and it was Ann, she told me that Jasmine was feeling better and they were heading home. I replied immediately leaving Ann a voicemail telling her I need to speak to Jasmine and for them to come over to my place for a while.

Jasmine and Ann arrived shortly, and I told Ann I needed a private moment with Jasmine. I lead Jasmine whom was looking depressed to my room and closed the door.

Jasmine: why are you asking me to do this?

Jasmine: how can I not ask?

Jasmine: No! I am not going to trust you in this.

Jasmine: Lawrence, I am not going to do this unless you tell me why you want it

Jasmine: ok, I will do it.

These are the words that can be heard outside the room, as I move towards Jasmine handing her my writing pad, and she finally agreed to provide me with Stephanie's likes or dislikes to the best of her knowledge. (She was her best friend after all and I plan to make Jasmine her nemesis)

Jasmine wrote a lot, from favorite food to actors, songs Stephanie liked and movies they used to watch together, but from the list I can only find 1 point which I think Ah Kai can use to his advantage. Stephanie was a Stephen Chow movie fan.
Old 26-06-2016, 06:28 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Ok all go dinner later then I update
Old 26-06-2016, 06:30 PM
SuxSex SuxSex is offline
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Originally Posted by Starter View Post
Ok all go dinner later then I update
Enjoy your dinner bro
Old 26-06-2016, 06:43 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Waiting for updates... thanks TS
Old 26-06-2016, 06:50 PM
energybost energybost is offline
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Originally Posted by Starter View Post
I listen to the voicemail and it was Ann, she told me that Jasmine was feeling better and they were heading home. I replied immediately leaving Ann a voicemail telling her I need to speak to Jasmine and for them to come over to my place for a while.

Jasmine and Ann arrived shortly, and I told Ann I needed a private moment with Jasmine. I lead Jasmine whom was looking depressed to my room and closed the door.

Jasmine: why are you asking me to do this?

Jasmine: how can I not ask?

Jasmine: No! I am not going to trust you in this.

Jasmine: Lawrence, I am not going to do this unless you tell me why you want it

Jasmine: ok, I will do it.

These are the words that can be heard outside the room, as I move towards Jasmine handing her my writing pad, and she finally agreed to provide me with Stephanie's likes or dislikes to the best of her knowledge. (She was her best friend after all and I plan to make Jasmine her nemesis)

Jasmine wrote a lot, from favorite food to actors, songs Stephanie liked and movies they used to watch together, but from the list I can only find 1 point which I think Ah Kai can use to his advantage. Stephanie was a Stephen Chow movie fan.
Bro the names you mixed up ah? Abit confusing but I get it.
Old 26-06-2016, 06:53 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Originally Posted by energybost View Post
Bro the names you mixed up ah? Abit confusing but I get it.
No mixed up leh which part u blur?
Old 26-06-2016, 07:30 PM
energybost energybost is offline
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Originally Posted by Starter View Post
No mixed up leh which part u blur?
OH Ps I read too fast. I thought you left out Lawrence part of the convo
Old 26-06-2016, 07:37 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Originally Posted by energybost View Post
OH Ps I read too fast. I thought you left out Lawrence part of the convo
Lolz nah abit out of my norm style was trying some creative writing
Old 26-06-2016, 08:52 PM
Kas26 Kas26 is offline
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Bro starterr moarr plss cant get enuf of this storyy
Old 26-06-2016, 08:57 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

I was looking at the list, and scratching my head.

Me: Eh Jasmine, what was Stephanie's bf like?

Jasmine: can you tell me why are you gathering so much info about Stephanie?

Me: My friend is interested in her.

Jasmine: And you are playing matchmaker?

Me: Can say so lah.

Jasmine: Lawrence, tell me the truth why are you doing this? And you friend is it that Kai fellow.

Me: Yah, that's him.

Jasmine shook her head: There is no way Stephanie would like him.

Me: You also not her how you know.

Jasmine: Lawrence, are you trying to get back at her for me.

I keep quiet and did not answer Jasmine.

Tears flow down her cheeks as she took the writing pad hitting me with it, she kept repeating: I don't need you to do this! Why are you always doing all these!

She finally collapse on my bed and carried on crying.

I tried to calm her down and she pushed me away.

Jasmine: Look at the cuts on your arms, do you know it pains us when we see those.

I did not know what to say, I went to the living room asking Ann to go have a look at Jasmine.

It took 10 mins for the crying to subside and about 15mins later, Jasmine and Ann re-emerged from the room.

Jasmine: Tell me how you want to do it, if it is Stephanie you will need my help.
Old 26-06-2016, 08:58 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Lai Liao lai Liao
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