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Old 17-10-2012, 09:11 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging



‘Ok mister.’ Far beauty conceded. ‘5 juta 500.’

‘For two? .....Day and night? .....Together?’ I asked slowly, adjusting the belt on my pants.

Both the beauties nodded. They smiled like their 4D number just won first prize but they forgot to buy that draw.

I looked at the ceiling, pretending to think seriously about this offer...

‘Errrmmm...’ I said slowly. ‘No thank you, all the bargaining killed the mood. Have a nice day.’

With that, I walked away. Even as I descended on the escalator, I can see the two of them looking at me...still seated where they were. They looked at me like I'm their long lost lover, going off to war again...

Think about me girls...missed the chance to test drive the master himself...dream of me tonight and kick yourselves...I smiled and waved at them...’s already 3pm and I am getting nowhere...what a waste of a day...but...I said to myself and to my cheong partner...we’ve been here before...remember?...what doesn’t kill us will make us stronger...plenty of women around...don’t stress...

By the time I reach the bottom of that escalator, I was back to being the cocky, confident, charming fucker that I was born to be...

I strolled around a bit more scouting but nothing appealing came up...saw one cute woman but she was wearing headscarf...I have done that successfully before...but it takes a lot more work and I was not in the zone today...pang chance...give her and me some room to breathe...

By 1550, I decided to take a break...scouting missions are tiring...must act blur blur yet charming and at the same time not act too hard up...and also must not look like I am scouting...easy to try but tough to master...

I know a spa down at the basement...not bad for foot reflex and back rub...hmmmm...maybe I should go let them rub my bad luck away...make up for my missed massage this morning...yup...sounds like a plan.

I went straight to the spa...

There was already a woman at the counter chatting with the counter girl...I waited patiently...the exchanged stopped and the girl smiled at me...I stepped forward.

‘Foot massage and back massage please.’ I said in English.

‘Ok pak,’ the counter girl said, looking at her clipboard. ‘Foot massage now ok, back massage must wait 6pm.’

What? My Understanding must not be very good...foot massage ok now but back must wait 2 hours? What happens to my masseuse after my foot massage?

‘Ok, foot now. Why back only 6pm?.’ I said trying to make sense to her and of her.

‘Full booking pak.’ She smiled.

Oh ok...fuck my back then...let’s do foot now...I need to take the load off...

‘Ok, foot now please.’ I said.

She jotted that down on her clipboard...then said something to the woman waiting to the side...I wasn't paying attention.

The woman standing silently piped up...some fairly heated Bahasa ensued...

The counter girl and her exchanged a few words...all I got was that she wanted the foot massage and the girl told her must wait...since I took the foot reflex, she now has to wait till 6 pm too. She got upset, she was here first, why did I get the appointment but she did not...counter girl said I made a booking while she waited and never confirmed...blah blah blah...

This exchange made me take notice of the woman...clearly she was upset but yet...the way she spoke...still controlled and gentle...the perfect soft Asian demure lady...I like that a lot... 

Hmmm...a nice semi formal dress, very cute features and altogether a sweet package...tasteful make up and long flowing hair...if she wasn’t so dark skinned, she could pass off as a tai tai...her body was nice too...I like the bah bah type and she was just that...I reckon 50 kg in a 165 frame...C to D cup...a bum to hump till hell freezes over...

Not now, I chided myself...she’s a damsel in distress damn it...besides, knowing my luck today, her boyfriend or husband would walk right in here as I start to chat her up...

‘I tell you what...’ I interrupted the exchange. ‘If the lady wants the foot reflex, she can have it. I will come back at 6 pm for both foot and back massage, ok?’

The counter girl visibly sighed a breath of relief...the woman looked at me...expressionless... Eyes blinking....and what big clear eyes they were...

I smiled at her...’It’s alright. I’m not rushing for time anyway. I can go have a coffee at Starbucks and wait. You enjoy.’ I spoke my English very slowly in case she caught no ball...

‘Where are you from?’ She asked. Her English sounded very good and I suspect she asked less out of interest in me but that locals wouldn’t have given up their slot so easily.

‘Australia.’ I said. ‘Enjoy you massage.’

‘Thank you so much.’ She said softly, smiled and followed the therapist into the treatment room. rotten luck continues...can’t even get a massage...haiz...

I needed coffee and a I went to Starbucks and found myself a nice table by the was not too hot outside and the breeze was very nice indeed.

This time, no queue, no lone women, no nothing....oh...the counter girl is cute...but I'm not into service staff so much as a rule...

There were a few possible targets sitting outside but I let them pass...I needed to replenish my energy and self confidence...there will be more later...I want to be ready for them when they show up...

I took out my iPhone, surfed the net and checked my email...time flew by as I chain smoked...

The laughter of women pulled me back to reality...I looked up to see 5-6 OL type sitting together, two tables from me, having a good time...a couple of them were checking me out...yeah, Who Da Man?? I smiled at costs me nothing to make these women happy...

Being in a large group, these targets are hard to pin down. I have learnt through experience that 3 to 1 is the maximum ratio. Any larger than that, the women will never let one of them be singled out and a guy can spend hours sparring with all of them and get nowhere. I wasn't up to wasting my energy today. The last thing I needed was to double my rejections today at one table.

Hmmm...if one of them should go to the toilet or to get more coffee that I like, I mean...then she becomes fair game...and I shall pounce on her...alas, sadly for me...all their bladders held out and seems no more coffee was needed...

I was getting restless but it was still 45 minutes till 6...too short a time to do anything meaningful...but too long to continue to just sit here...another coffee? Nah...I felt a little high tide coming on, and another coffee meant I will need the loo...going to the loo meant I will lose my seat and get a seat and table back meant I will need to buy another cup of coffee...but I already felt a little high tide so another coffee head hurt from this logic merry go round...fuck it, I decided on another smoke before dealing with reality.

(to be continued)

Thanks to everyone who upped me...
---For most women, it's what you do before sex that shows her your love...
-------For most men, it's what she does during sex that displays her love....
But for's what she does after sex that tells me if and how much she loves me...
Old 18-10-2012, 11:56 AM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Good write-up. Wizrd.

Quick question, what's the going price for these so-called high class hookers?
Old 20-10-2012, 12:37 AM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Wow bro Wizrd. You should seriously go be a script-writer of a suspense movie.

I'm addicted to your story bro. Though, personally, I'm still young and cant control my own feelings well, that's why I'm still unable to apply your teachings

Personally, I dislike playing with other people feelings and at the same time, I myself may not be as disciplined as a Playboy master like you who can control their feelings sanity at all times haha.

Maybe in another 10 years time, once I've acquired those experiences, your teachings will be put into good use ^^. (Gonna copypaste this thread into a file and store it away in my thumbdrive Not copywrited right? hahaha)

Come on bro! I cant wait to know what's gonna happen, seems more exciting than watching a movie/drama itself. Will up you for your next post
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Last edited by LoverSon; 20-10-2012 at 12:39 AM. Reason: spelling/grammer error
Old 20-10-2012, 03:48 AM
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Whoa whoa whoa ! This is such an educational thread. Thanks koko wizrd.
Old 20-10-2012, 02:32 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Originally Posted by Toumai View Post
Good write-up. Wizrd.

Quick question, what's the going price for these so-called high class hookers?

Thanks bro...

Sorry but I do not have the going rates...I do not go for WL so have no idea...

Cheers for reading..

Thanks to everyone who upped me...
---For most women, it's what you do before sex that shows her your love...
-------For most men, it's what she does during sex that displays her love....
But for's what she does after sex that tells me if and how much she loves me...
Old 20-10-2012, 02:59 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Originally Posted by Wizrd View Post
Thanks bro...

Sorry but I do not have the going rates...I do not go for WL so have no idea...

Cheers for reading..

Ok, so when you were haggling with Far and Near Beauties, you were just stringing them along? If they had accepted your first countered price, would you have been tempted?
Old 20-10-2012, 03:03 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Originally Posted by LoverSon View Post
Wow bro Wizrd. You should seriously go be a script-writer of a suspense movie.

I'm addicted to your story bro. Though, personally, I'm still young and cant control my own feelings well, that's why I'm still unable to apply your teachings

Personally, I dislike playing with other people feelings and at the same time, I myself may not be as disciplined as a Playboy master like you who can control their feelings sanity at all times haha.

Maybe in another 10 years time, once I've acquired those experiences, your teachings will be put into good use ^^. (Gonna copypaste this thread into a file and store it away in my thumbdrive Not copywrited right? hahaha)

Come on bro! I cant wait to know what's gonna happen, seems more exciting than watching a movie/drama itself. Will up you for your next post

Thanks bro for your complioment...

There is no age limit to applying the method...and to also answer you concerns about 'playing' with other's feelings...remember to always treat women with respect...

This also means accepting that they can make their own decisions...we do not have to give them 'special consideration' as if they are handicapped intellectually or bro...they make their decisions just like men do...we are the same and equal there...

What we are doing is to give them a good time...think about it this way...if a girl you don't now comes up to you and spends half a day chatting with you...making you laugh and maybe even make your heart beat faster once in a while...make you dream a bit and make you feel alive and special because someone actually wants spending their time with would you feel? Being played?? if given a chance you would want more right?

Well bro...that is exactly what I do and hope more bros will do...

We must respect them...we do our pushing (as men should) but if she says no, we stop...
of course, we try again...but we are letting them make decisions and change their minds along the way...we push, wait for her to slap us, if she doesn't..we push some's like a sales pitch...when a buyer doesn't have enough information, they need more to make a decision, a good salesman doesn't just pack up after the first rejection...

If you keep respect in mind, you will not push her into an almost rape situation...believe that they enjoy it...give them enough space to walk away (or to tell you to stop...)...

Life is a game...if a bf and gf breaks up after a year of that oine party playing the other?? No...we cannot predict the future...we never know who the one we should keep trying and hopefully we will find her...and allow her the chance to find us...that's why people date before jumping straight into an arranged marriage, right?

Yes, the only part I kinda agree with you is that I keep more than one long term gf...but to me, that is just a social norm which I do not subscribe stated above...if I am getting the nice warm feeling from a girl, does that mean that I am not allowed to get from another girl? Why am I only allowed to watch one good movie only if there are so many good movies out there...on the other side...why should only one girl benefit from enjoying the pleasure of having me around? Spread it around I say.
However, having said that...most other people do follow social norm somewhat, so out of respect to their views...we 'play' a little game to keep them happy...what they don't know won't hurt yes, in that way, you can consider me playing them...but like watching a movie...I am only providing the short term entertainment...if a person suffers from long term trauma (not intended by the producers of the movie)...then it is not really the producers' fault right? (I hope right...)

One last point bro...remember I said we are equal? That means if she decides to have a few long term bf as well, we also cannot get upset...we can decide to walk away...but fair is fair...ok? If we cannot accept that, then we cannot play this game...because the rules have to be the same for all players in the game...

Anyway...thanks for your support bro...we can talk more if you really have mental blocks in trying my method...let's get the blocks out of the way and then you can decide if you want to use the method or not...remember...respect means allowing and accepting the other individual's decision...

Cheers...keep reading bro...more cumming...

Thanks to everyone who upped me...
---For most women, it's what you do before sex that shows her your love...
-------For most men, it's what she does during sex that displays her love....
But for's what she does after sex that tells me if and how much she loves me...
Old 20-10-2012, 03:05 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Originally Posted by songsonglah View Post
Whoa whoa whoa ! This is such an educational thread. Thanks koko wizrd.
No worries bro...thanks for reading..


Thanks to everyone who upped me...
---For most women, it's what you do before sex that shows her your love...
-------For most men, it's what she does during sex that displays her love....
But for's what she does after sex that tells me if and how much she loves me...
Old 20-10-2012, 03:20 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Originally Posted by Toumai View Post
Ok, so when you were haggling with Far and Near Beauties, you were just stringing them along? If they had accepted your first countered price, would you have been tempted?

...yes bro...I was stringing them along...I wanted to get a feel of whether they are the for real WL or that I look like a robert so they decide to 'part time' on me......based on their severe price drop...they are likely imitations and I must have looked like a robert to them...
If this happened at 3am, I might be more accepting...many WL who can't get bule/robert will go on fire sale at that time...but in the afternoon, and promised all night already...a bit fishy...

Not saying which way is right or wrong...I prefer to hook because I like the feeling of accomplishment PLUS, the enjoyment of the process...

Think about it this way...if I agreed to their terms...we will hop into a cab, back to my room, do the and they leave...all the while when we are together, they will treat me as a customer and I treat them as products...I do not find too much joy in that, especially if they do stay the whole after the initial is awkward few hours because now they are only working for tips...cannot imagine them to be super good yes bro...I would not be tempted...

Another big point to add here a lot of these cases, we have to be careful of people ready to screw us big time...if we want to cheong, go to well know places with proper WL to cheong...they do that for a living and have less reasons to extort us...once price is agreed upon, deal should go through accordingly....
With unknow women...we never know who else is lurking around...waiting to bust us when in the the price will be too high...especially in corrupt countries where you have no law to fall back on...they want your house, you have to give or you may lose everything...not worth it in my opinion...

Just my 2 cents welcome as always...

Thanks to everyone who upped me...
---For most women, it's what you do before sex that shows her your love...
-------For most men, it's what she does during sex that displays her love....
But for's what she does after sex that tells me if and how much she loves me...
Old 20-10-2012, 03:33 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging



I fired up another cigarette and looked at the musical fountain at the far end...I like that classical piece being played then and the water danced and flowed to the music...hmmmm...very calming...

'Hi.' a woman's voice came from behind me. Since I didn't know anyone here, it must be for someone else...I didn't even bother turning back. That musical fountain sure is mesmerising.

'Hi.' this time a little louder, accompanied with two quick light pokes on my shoulder....Alrighty then...I guess it's for me after all...

I turned back and saw a pretty face smiling at me. Oh, that woman at the spa, the foot reflex hesitater turned queue jumper turned shoulder poker.

'Hi.' I stood up to pulled a chair out for her.

She sat down, putting down a small tray with two Starbucks paper cups.

'Coffee for you?' she said to the cups as she placed one in front of me.

'Thanks.' I said pleasantly. Even though I needed another coffee right then like I needed a kick in the head. Na bei...sure high tide now...they were the bucket sized ones...

'I hope you like Caramel latte.' she sounded like she was apologising.

'Love it.' I smiled at her reassuringly. 'Wouldn't drink anything else.'...and this is true...At Starbucks...always a Caramel Latte...

'Did you want cake or something too?' she asked. Eagerness in her voice.

'Well, yeah.' I said. 'You bought the coffee, so let me buy the cake ok? What would you like?'

She looked lost. I know that look. She didn't know the choices available, and also cannot decide even if she knew....women...probably wants it all...(heh heh heh...the hairs on the back of my neck is twitching...I feel....a sis is gonna zap me for this...hahahaha)

I laughed. She pouted at me. The cutest pout I have ever seen.

'You laughing at me?' she accused, eyes narrowing in mock annoyance. At least I hoped it was mock...(the annoyance, not her eyes....haiz...)

'Wouldn't dream of it.' I said, still chuckling. 'Tell you what...why don't you go have a look and then come back to tell me what you like?'

'For laughing at me,' she continued with feint displeasure. 'I want two pieces of cake.'

'Sure,' I said, 'you can have every cake in the shop if you can eat it all.' As briefed, I was already mentally prepared...

She grinned at that remark and went to the cake display.

Dear oh dear, I thought to myself. All day long, I was trying to hunt for a woman, when all I had to do was to sit here and a woman will come to me. Life has a more twisted sense of humour than I do.... interesting as it is...this is unprecedented territory. We never exchanged simple pleasantries so I didn't get a chance to 'qualify' her as a suitable prospect.... What exactly do I do now? Feed her my usual story or let her take the lead? she is just thanking me with coffee, probably knowing I'm leaving for my foot reflex in half an hour...pushing too hard will make her think I'm a creep...but at the same time, I do not have the time to take this nice and slow. Dilemma!!

Just as I watch her stroll back, her smile beamed at me...I decided to just make a friend...make this a friendly meet instead of a 'date' date...and see how it goes...changing lanes is easy as long as I get affirmation from her reactions.

'May I have a Tiramisu and you can be have a cheese cake, ok?' she grinned as she spoke.

Did I hear her correctly? She is fucking dictating what I should order?

'Is that alright?' she added quickly, even though I knew she didn’t mean it as a question...

Well...what is a man to do? This one is behaving like a princess already...that meant she has always been in princess mode in her life... I did the only thing that came naturally to me...

'Why?? Why am I having the cheese cake?' I asked, gently of course.

She smiled sweetly at me: 'Because.....I want to try the cheese cake.'

Ok, fair enough. She could have asked for both and I would have bought both for her. This showed that she at least wasn't wasteful...hmmmm, not overly high maintenance...I like...

Mind you, from the way she dressed, there is no way she can be low maintenance. And taking her attitude and behaviour into consideration, this is a girl used to getting her way...Nevertheless, a guy has to take all the small mercies that are handed to him, right?

'Sure, I'll be right back.' I smiled back. Smiling really is infectious.

I took the chance to rush to the loo after ordering, and this time, I did not need to spend time checking myself out. If she liked what she saw, enough to join me for coffee, then I should be alright. Nevertheless, the idea that she may only being thankful kinda bothered me. I picked up the two plates with our cakes and walked back out to our table.

She was busy on the phone so I sat down without a word. I placed her Tiramisu in front of her and 'my' cheesecake right beside it. Two cakes for the lady and I will take the leftovers. She smiled at me, but it's the kind of smile I would give to my staff when they interrupted me while I'm busy...KNN, kena the brush off already??

That's ok, I calmed myself. I just have to bear with this for maybe half an hour. It could be pleasant to spend a little time getting to know a woman. I can see that she may be quite important the way she 'barked' orders into the phone, but I know I am much much harsher when I am on the phone with my siblings or staff...she was directing something, but in a softer and more pleasant manner than I in a twisted sort of way, she is a woman after my own heart...I like...

I looked back at the fountain. The music had stopped but I was willing it to start again. I wanted to check my phone, but I was uncertain of the protocol. Is it considered impolite? Oh fuck politeness, I'm a foreigner FFS...she'll just have to learn to deal with it...

In my mind, I have written her off because I think she was being impolite...a guy goes and get cake for you and you keep talking on the phone? I can understand when it is a life and death issue but seems she was talking to her staff, couldn't she just call back? If she is like this on her thank you mission, how much more difficult will she be when she is not brimming with gratitude? I'll just eat my cake and drink my coffee, come 5.55pm, I'm outta here to get my feet and back properly, no doubt, a more polite girl...

(to be continued)

Thanks to everyone who upped me...
---For most women, it's what you do before sex that shows her your love...
-------For most men, it's what she does during sex that displays her love....
But for's what she does after sex that tells me if and how much she loves me...
Old 20-10-2012, 03:39 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Wow Bro so fast she give you the cold shoulder. Cant wait for what happens after 5.55pm
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Old 20-10-2012, 04:24 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Originally Posted by VoltaRedonda View Post
Wow Bro so fast she give you the cold shoulder. Cant wait for what happens after 5.55pm
Same Same! ^^
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Old 22-10-2012, 01:19 AM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Originally Posted by Wizrd View Post
We must respect them...we do our pushing (as men should) but if she says no, we stop...
of course, we try again...but we are letting them make decisions and change their minds along the way...we push, wait for her to slap us, if she doesn't..we push some's like a sales pitch...when a buyer doesn't have enough information, they need more to make a decision, a good salesman doesn't just pack up after the first rejection...

If you keep respect in mind, you will not push her into an almost rape situation...believe that they enjoy it...give them enough space to walk away (or to tell you to stop...)...

Yes bro, I totally agree on that, the word is Respect and having a good time.

Originally Posted by Wizrd View Post
Life is a game...if a bf and gf breaks up after a year of that oine party playing the other?? No...we cannot predict the future...we never know who the one we should keep trying and hopefully we will find her...and allow her the chance to find us...that's why people date before jumping straight into an arranged marriage, right?

Yes, the only part I kinda agree with you is that I keep more than one long term gf...but to me, that is just a social norm which I do not subscribe stated above...if I am getting the nice warm feeling from a girl, does that mean that I am not allowed to get from another girl? Why am I only allowed to watch one good movie only if there are so many good movies out there...on the other side...why should only one girl benefit from enjoying the pleasure of having me around? Spread it around I say.
However, having said that...most other people do follow social norm somewhat, so out of respect to their views...we 'play' a little game to keep them happy...what they don't know won't hurt yes, in that way, you can consider me playing them...but like watching a movie...I am only providing the short term entertainment...if a person suffers from long term trauma (not intended by the producers of the movie)...then it is not really the producers' fault right? (I hope right...)

Bro wizrd, I like how you see the world as it is in your point of view Really fascinating after reading your thoughts. Well, you're a man full of life experience and it's a joy for young cheongsters like myself to read your wisdom post. We can get a lot of insights on it and create our own thinking of the world. I thank you on behalf of all the cheongsters here for that.

Also on another note, I was brought up and was influenced to be a man with traditional values (you know, those values which says Loyal to the 1 and only girl and will never look at other girl blah blah blah and those values taught in school and such).

9/10 of my guy friends are like that, I'm the only one which recently starts to think otherwise because I stepped into the corporate world much earlier than them and Begin to think about life after seeing the harsh realities in life.

Originally Posted by Wizrd View Post
One last point bro...remember I said we are equal? That means if she decides to have a few long term bf as well, we also cannot get upset...we can decide to walk away...but fair is fair...ok? If we cannot accept that, then we cannot play this game...because the rules have to be the same for all players in the game...

Anyway...thanks for your support bro...we can talk more if you really have mental blocks in trying my method...let's get the blocks out of the way and then you can decide if you want to use the method or not...remember...respect means allowing and accepting the other individual's decision...

Cheers...keep reading bro...more cumming...

Can I consult you with regards to love as well I'm really confused with my feelings for a girl.. if you dun mind, can I pm you regarding my opinion and you can advise me with your rich experience with the world? If not, no hard feelings bro

I cant use your method yet because I've one Big obstacle in my way. MONEY.. So.. not mentally, but it's actually Practically.. So right now, I think the best thing for me to do is concentrate on my career (I just started joining the working society) and amass my own fortune. But at the same time too, Cheong and Enjoy life as it is!

Thanks alot for your insights bro, will definitely ask for your advise if anytime I was using your method and was caught in a situation.
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Old 22-10-2012, 04:37 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Originally Posted by VoltaRedonda View Post
Wow Bro so fast she give you the cold shoulder. Cant wait for what happens after 5.55pm
Originally Posted by LoverSon View Post
Same Same! ^^

...thanks for the support guys...

Give me a couple of hours to get my shit together here...just getting ready to leave Surabaya so am packing like crazy...and I will post the next installment ok?

Cheers for reading mad posting feedback...

Thanks to everyone who upped me...
---For most women, it's what you do before sex that shows her your love...
-------For most men, it's what she does during sex that displays her love....
But for's what she does after sex that tells me if and how much she loves me...

Last edited by Wizrd; 22-10-2012 at 04:52 PM.
Old 22-10-2012, 04:49 PM
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Re: Hooking girls in Indonesia instead of cheonging

Originally Posted by LoverSon View Post

Can I consult you with regards to love as well I'm really confused with my feelings for a girl.. if you dun mind, can I pm you regarding my opinion and you can advise me with your rich experience with the world? If not, no hard feelings bro

Sure bro...not a me when you have the time...

Talk soon...

Thanks to everyone who upped me...
---For most women, it's what you do before sex that shows her your love...
-------For most men, it's what she does during sex that displays her love....
But for's what she does after sex that tells me if and how much she loves me...
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