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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 05-11-2021, 12:22 AM
vicocg45 vicocg45 is offline
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

Just tried the highly raved about YY at J* spa. Tbh her massage as mentioned by other bros here is really nothing to shout about. In fact, its probably one of the worst compared to others at J*.

What you get however, is an extremely friendly masseuse providing high levels of GFE. She also behaves like a vixen and doesn't hold back in letting you know she's trying to seduce you and get you as a return customer.

She is able to make and hold conversation with you throughout the entire session. If you don't mind slightly poorer massage, and want to try having the feeling of someone seducing you, she is the one for you.

If you need a good massage, a happy ending with you being able to grope a SYT body under the shirt, then go for Mi**. Overall in terms of skill, personality and service she's the current queen
Old 05-11-2021, 01:35 AM
Shamisa4lw Shamisa4lw is offline
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Just visited JQ and tried C. Still the best balance of both worlds compared to others
Old 05-11-2021, 03:45 PM
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

Originally Posted by Smallheadrules View Post
Yishun is a place that full of supprise.

Hard and good massage........
Hey bro, sent you pm yesterday.. want to try as I'm around the area.. Thanks!
Old 05-11-2021, 04:01 PM
mm88617 mm88617 is offline
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Hi can share your ctc

Originally Posted by Smallheadrules View Post
Yishun is a place that full of supprise.

Hard and good massage.........cupping........and BJ!!! Hahahaha yes is BJ.

Was really tire yesterday and having snif shoulder. Wanted to just have cupping. When to a "seem like legit" (never expect any hanky panky) as they do cupping.

When in register and ask for cupping ($20), but than decided to get a massage before cupping (on menu only normal massage, no other type like lymph care and whatever shit)

Lead to a room (half height) and was given a pant to change.

Massage started, good strength and hit the spot. After upper body massage done, cupping come a long and while waited for the cupping to work started massage leg. Was half sleep cause it was really tire and same time relief from stiffness.

Removed cupping and was ask to turn around. Continue with leg massage, all seem legit as she didn't tease me at all, but she do massage the lympa area and only like 1 or 2 times stroke near my balls. That's doesn't alarm me at all.

Ok here is the interesting part......later she seated down and continue the leg massage, but suddenly just touch my rob and softly ask me if I want to "do" there....reason I say "do" because she didn't say massage there.....

Hm.....was thinking, never before having cupping and after that HJ I say ok go ahead....she started to lick my nipples (standard la) and stroke my rod essential....not great but just normal....but than slowly she lick all the way down and just suck my balls , holly shit I was not prepare for this. I stare at her she she give me a smile and a sign asking me not to make any noise....she continue to slowly lick up till my small head.....and start giving me a the way, no plastic or condom me suaku la but this is my first BJ in a somewhat look legit massage shop (not those big shop but it does look legit to me).

I was actually concern as not sure many she have bj before me, but just than that moment can't care too much. Cum in less than 15mins......tot she will spilt it out but no she didn't .....another surprise.....dressed up and pay her tips the way in the beginning she didn't said how much so I just give whatever I think she deserves ...oh yes I roam her .....if no cannot cum hahaha.

So good massage + cupping + BJ, and not breaking wallet .....not bad for Yishun.

Will I return.....yes and no, have to consider the risk as no cap during BJ and she took in all..........

By the way, only will reply PM if u have some points.... learned my lesson replying those fake account causing trouble to MP.
Old 05-11-2021, 04:54 PM
mguy mguy is offline
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Bro, can share ctc? TIA

Originally Posted by Smallheadrules View Post
Yishun is a place that full of supprise.

Hard and good massage.........cupping........and BJ!!! Hahahaha yes is BJ.

Was really tire yesterday and having snif shoulder. Wanted to just have cupping. When to a "seem like legit" (never expect any hanky panky) as they do cupping.

When in register and ask for cupping ($20), but than decided to get a massage before cupping (on menu only normal massage, no other type like lymph care and whatever shit)

Lead to a room (half height) and was given a pant to change.

Massage started, good strength and hit the spot. After upper body massage done, cupping come a long and while waited for the cupping to work started massage leg. Was half sleep cause it was really tire and same time relief from stiffness.

Removed cupping and was ask to turn around. Continue with leg massage, all seem legit as she didn't tease me at all, but she do massage the lympa area and only like 1 or 2 times stroke near my balls. That's doesn't alarm me at all.

Ok here is the interesting part......later she seated down and continue the leg massage, but suddenly just touch my rob and softly ask me if I want to "do" there....reason I say "do" because she didn't say massage there.....

Hm.....was thinking, never before having cupping and after that HJ I say ok go ahead....she started to lick my nipples (standard la) and stroke my rod essential....not great but just normal....but than slowly she lick all the way down and just suck my balls , holly shit I was not prepare for this. I stare at her she she give me a smile and a sign asking me not to make any noise....she continue to slowly lick up till my small head.....and start giving me a the way, no plastic or condom me suaku la but this is my first BJ in a somewhat look legit massage shop (not those big shop but it does look legit to me).

I was actually concern as not sure many she have bj before me, but just than that moment can't care too much. Cum in less than 15mins......tot she will spilt it out but no she didn't .....another surprise.....dressed up and pay her tips the way in the beginning she didn't said how much so I just give whatever I think she deserves ...oh yes I roam her .....if no cannot cum hahaha.

So good massage + cupping + BJ, and not breaking wallet .....not bad for Yishun.

Will I return.....yes and no, have to consider the risk as no cap during BJ and she took in all..........

By the way, only will reply PM if u have some points.... learned my lesson replying those fake account causing trouble to MP.
Old 05-11-2021, 04:58 PM
kopiogao kopiogao is offline
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

Originally Posted by Smallheadrules View Post
Yishun is a place that full of supprise.

Hard and good massage.........cupping........and BJ!!! Hahahaha yes is BJ.

Was really tire yesterday and having snif shoulder. Wanted to just have cupping. When to a "seem like legit" (never expect any hanky panky) as they do cupping.

When in register and ask for cupping ($20), but than decided to get a massage before cupping (on menu only normal massage, no other type like lymph care and whatever shit)

Lead to a room (half height) and was given a pant to change.

Massage started, good strength and hit the spot. After upper body massage done, cupping come a long and while waited for the cupping to work started massage leg. Was half sleep cause it was really tire and same time relief from stiffness.

Removed cupping and was ask to turn around. Continue with leg massage, all seem legit as she didn't tease me at all, but she do massage the lympa area and only like 1 or 2 times stroke near my balls. That's doesn't alarm me at all.

Ok here is the interesting part......later she seated down and continue the leg massage, but suddenly just touch my rob and softly ask me if I want to "do" there....reason I say "do" because she didn't say massage there.....

Hm.....was thinking, never before having cupping and after that HJ I say ok go ahead....she started to lick my nipples (standard la) and stroke my rod essential....not great but just normal....but than slowly she lick all the way down and just suck my balls , holly shit I was not prepare for this. I stare at her she she give me a smile and a sign asking me not to make any noise....she continue to slowly lick up till my small head.....and start giving me a the way, no plastic or condom me suaku la but this is my first BJ in a somewhat look legit massage shop (not those big shop but it does look legit to me).

I was actually concern as not sure many she have bj before me, but just than that moment can't care too much. Cum in less than 15mins......tot she will spilt it out but no she didn't .....another surprise.....dressed up and pay her tips the way in the beginning she didn't said how much so I just give whatever I think she deserves ...oh yes I roam her .....if no cannot cum hahaha.

So good massage + cupping + BJ, and not breaking wallet .....not bad for Yishun.

Will I return.....yes and no, have to consider the risk as no cap during BJ and she took in all..........

By the way, only will reply PM if u have some points.... learned my lesson replying those fake account causing trouble to MP.

Hi bro can CTC? Gamxia
Old 06-11-2021, 12:59 AM
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

Originally Posted by Smallheadrules View Post
By the way, don't ask me she pretty or not, young or old...I wear spec so during massage no spec I cannot see clearly....but base on roaming...not too old....

I will try to reply my mail flooding liao.
Can share contact bro. Thanks
Old 08-11-2021, 10:33 AM
jwng jwng is offline
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

Heading over to j* during lunch time later. Booked J**** but hesitating between J or M. Fingers crossed hope can autoroam inside later…
Old 08-11-2021, 10:40 AM
rockie69 rockie69 is offline
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

Hi bro, can share contact? Will up your points. Please pm.

Originally Posted by Smallheadrules View Post
Yishun is a place that full of supprise.

Hard and good massage.........cupping........and BJ!!! Hahahaha yes is BJ.

Was really tire yesterday and having snif shoulder. Wanted to just have cupping. When to a "seem like legit" (never expect any hanky panky) as they do cupping.

When in register and ask for cupping ($20), but than decided to get a massage before cupping (on menu only normal massage, no other type like lymph care and whatever shit)

Lead to a room (half height) and was given a pant to change.

Massage started, good strength and hit the spot. After upper body massage done, cupping come a long and while waited for the cupping to work started massage leg. Was half sleep cause it was really tire and same time relief from stiffness.

Removed cupping and was ask to turn around. Continue with leg massage, all seem legit as she didn't tease me at all, but she do massage the lympa area and only like 1 or 2 times stroke near my balls. That's doesn't alarm me at all.

Ok here is the interesting part......later she seated down and continue the leg massage, but suddenly just touch my rob and softly ask me if I want to "do" there....reason I say "do" because she didn't say massage there.....

Hm.....was thinking, never before having cupping and after that HJ I say ok go ahead....she started to lick my nipples (standard la) and stroke my rod essential....not great but just normal....but than slowly she lick all the way down and just suck my balls , holly shit I was not prepare for this. I stare at her she she give me a smile and a sign asking me not to make any noise....she continue to slowly lick up till my small head.....and start giving me a the way, no plastic or condom me suaku la but this is my first BJ in a somewhat look legit massage shop (not those big shop but it does look legit to me).

I was actually concern as not sure many she have bj before me, but just than that moment can't care too much. Cum in less than 15mins......tot she will spilt it out but no she didn't .....another surprise.....dressed up and pay her tips the way in the beginning she didn't said how much so I just give whatever I think she deserves ...oh yes I roam her .....if no cannot cum hahaha.

So good massage + cupping + BJ, and not breaking wallet .....not bad for Yishun.

Will I return.....yes and no, have to consider the risk as no cap during BJ and she took in all..........

By the way, only will reply PM if u have some points.... learned my lesson replying those fake account causing trouble to MP.
Old 08-11-2021, 01:35 PM
jwng jwng is offline
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

Just visited J**** at j* spa. Overall was ok but definitely not a syt (I’m guessing 30?).

Damage was standard 89+50 with autoroam inside shirt. Tried to go in below but was denied.

If you want syt with A cup, go for YY. If you want more matured lady with C cup, go for J****.
Old 08-11-2021, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Smallheadrules View Post
Yishun is a place that full of supprise.

Hard and good massage.........cupping........and BJ!!! Hahahaha yes is BJ.

Was really tire yesterday and having snif shoulder. Wanted to just have cupping. When to a "seem like legit" (never expect any hanky panky) as they do cupping.

When in register and ask for cupping ($20), but than decided to get a massage before cupping (on menu only normal massage, no other type like lymph care and whatever shit)

Lead to a room (half height) and was given a pant to change.

Massage started, good strength and hit the spot. After upper body massage done, cupping come a long and while waited for the cupping to work started massage leg. Was half sleep cause it was really tire and same time relief from stiffness.

Removed cupping and was ask to turn around. Continue with leg massage, all seem legit as she didn't tease me at all, but she do massage the lympa area and only like 1 or 2 times stroke near my balls. That's doesn't alarm me at all.

Ok here is the interesting part......later she seated down and continue the leg massage, but suddenly just touch my rob and softly ask me if I want to "do" there....reason I say "do" because she didn't say massage there.....

Hm.....was thinking, never before having cupping and after that HJ I say ok go ahead....she started to lick my nipples (standard la) and stroke my rod essential....not great but just normal....but than slowly she lick all the way down and just suck my balls , holly shit I was not prepare for this. I stare at her she she give me a smile and a sign asking me not to make any noise....she continue to slowly lick up till my small head.....and start giving me a the way, no plastic or condom me suaku la but this is my first BJ in a somewhat look legit massage shop (not those big shop but it does look legit to me).

I was actually concern as not sure many she have bj before me, but just than that moment can't care too much. Cum in less than 15mins......tot she will spilt it out but no she didn't .....another surprise.....dressed up and pay her tips the way in the beginning she didn't said how much so I just give whatever I think she deserves ...oh yes I roam her .....if no cannot cum hahaha.

So good massage + cupping + BJ, and not breaking wallet .....not bad for Yishun.

Will I return.....yes and no, have to consider the risk as no cap during BJ and she took in all..........

By the way, only will reply PM if u have some points.... learned my lesson replying those fake account causing trouble to MP.
Bro can recommend me
Old 08-11-2021, 08:37 PM
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

Received many PM, but I'm selectively reply some bros here (still trying to clear my PM slowly). Reason being :
Old 08-11-2021, 10:02 PM
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

Bro can share? Upps
Old 08-11-2021, 11:19 PM
Ricky_Torres Ricky_Torres is offline
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

Had M*** for dinner once again in *Q spa as everyone here knows, whats troubling was i tried to paid the cheapest option upfront at the counter only to be alalalala upselled the usual hot oil option..any bros have any idea how to siam this? have tried twice and certainly wont be the third time, anyways back to massage, nothing fantastic, minimal teasing but most definitely a syt with meat at the right place, summary as follows;

ML: M***
Looks :- definitely syt look slimmer thn photos 6.5/10
Body:- Slim, abt 1.55-1.6m
Boobs:- B+-C
Massage:- 6.125/10
RTM:- too many to try…
Old 08-11-2021, 11:33 PM
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Re: Top hit in yishun massage

J* spa FB removed all ML photos?
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