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Re: Events In CP
**五是深入开展倒查追责。对暗访检查、群众举报、排查发现的涉黄线索实行省、市、县三级查处制度,对地方 核查线索不力的,由省厅直接组织核查,查处后由纪检、监察部门启动责任倒查,发现民警涉嫌失职渎职的坚决追 究责任,涉嫌犯罪的坚决追究刑事责任。
- Damned. They Provincial GAs now have direct jurisdiction over arrest and investigations...this is getting from bad to worst. ********* 二是深入开展暗访查处。省市公安机关派出工作组,对前期打击整治效果不明显的地区,对近年来举报暗访查处集 中的部位、场所,进行不间断的暗访检查。凡发现存在涉黄活动的,加大省市公安机关直接组织查处和异地调警查 处的力度,在查处行动后指定异地办案 - Provincial GAs will continue to send plain clothes spies to spy on the towns and cities... ********* 四是深入开展网上整治。针对社会面上的涉黄活动有向利用网络、手机招嫖发展的动向,加大对不良信息的清理力 度,严厉查处利用网络、手机发布传播招嫖信息违法犯罪活动,并坚决追究发布招嫖信息营利人员的 刑事责任。 - Wechat also not safe. Website pimping can kena reported too... ********* 呼吁群众检举揭发各类涉黄违法犯罪活动 省公安厅正会同省财政厅修改完善举报涉黄活动奖励办法 省公安厅呼吁社会各界和广大群众继续积极关注、大力支持公安机关开展“扫黄”行动,积极检举揭发各类涉黄违 法犯罪活动,共同维护良好的社会治安秩序。目前,省公安厅正在会同省财政厅修改完善举报涉黄活动的奖励办法 ,对向公安机关举报涉黄违法犯罪线索经查证属实的,将按照有关标准及时兑现奖励。同时,省公安厅敦促各类违 法犯罪的人员主动向公安机关投案自首,争取从宽处理。 省公安厅举报电话:020-83119134;举报信件邮寄地址:广州市越秀区黄华路95号大院广东省公安厅治安管理局(邮政编码:5 10050);举报电子邮箱:[email protected]。 - This will be the last straw to break the camel's back...email address to report vice activities. ---------------------------------------------------------- Quote:
Re: Events In CP
And where my fapiao…;p |
Re: Events In CP
Just sayin'!! SEAJ |
Re: Events In CP
Got party ??? fast fast book tix , I don't care you invite me or not ...... Quote:
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
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Re: Events In CP
Cant remember if I have written this before but I wanna tell the Bros here not to get their hopes up.
Historically, once the GA cracks down on a place, it never comes back. Look at Hainan, ZMT (although economics likely paid a part here), TSRJ Beijing (my fren said its not the same compared to its heyday and I don't even know if its still there). All we can do is hope. |
Re: Events In CP
Unfortunately, IMHO the present yanda is totally different in that it is not just some cosmetic action undertaken by the operators in total cahoots with their protective umbrellas. This time around it is carried out by the very top of the leadership structure who just got fed up with the totally transparent wayang put on show previous yandas. China's leaders are NOT dumb and it's a matter of enough is enough. Just my POV SEAJ |
Re: Events In CP
thing is that China is such a big country and a system needs to be in place and slowly tweak. Hard stance is not that it cannot work but it had it repercussion. As far as I'm aware, we are guilty of it when we are being caught and subject to bail from family members. However, the fine that some bros here mentioned like 3k to 5k or whatsoever is not a definite sum of money but just the same corruption thingy.
The YD used to be fed for things to run. Without things running, the YD also got no money and this is the only way that they won't starve. Without proper measure, the place is going to be in decline and I believe that it will re-open though not at the previous extent that is so 目中无人 type and is will probably be at least 6 months to reopen. Another point of my view is that the Chinese government is always scheming. The coastal region has now been prospering and want the inner region can prosper as well. However, things are not moving and by clamping down at Guangdong area, those who wants to survive will probably move in to the inner region and next time probably, who knows, the next CP is in Szechuan, Chongqing, Xi-An or even further in. Just my pt of view. Bo liao so just talk cock. ![]() |
Re: Events In CP
Currently in CP, anyone want to grab a drink let me know this couple of nights. Feel free to pm me.
Re: Events In CP
Some brother mentioned we are those member usually dun speak, but out of sudden we appeared like we know everything,may be we have some motive or we are just OKT. However, to me, if everything is normal, what we need to share? I rather read & got some help from some senior brother like Adidas before I went CP for the first time in Y2008, since they have more info than us. Anyway, I am not here to promote CP. I am here to share because this thread is Events in CP. Brother go there with your own will, no one should force the other one, or trying to scare other's with 听说! |
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