An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Putin Declares Defeat of New World Order ~ Removes All Globalists from Positions of Power
Russian president Vladimir Putin, after winning the popular vote of the Russian people and retaining his presidency in 2012, has declared that he and his administration have identified and removed from all positions of power those men and women who were agents of the New World Order agenda to bring Russia down from the inside by collapsing the economical, political and social structure of his country.
In Putin's victory speech to the Russian people (see video below), Putin praises the Russian people who, he says, recognized the imposters who were attempting to bring Russia down while pretending to love their country.
At this time, the NWO middle management teams who act under the orders of the ruling oligarchs of our world are attempting to destroy from within the United States. This is their mission at this time. Some of you may have learned recently that some of the top globalists have stated that their plans for a New World Order are running up against strong opposition by the people due to the sharing of information throughout the internet and the subsequent awakening of the masses.
US President Obama has already declared he will snub the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games at Sochi, Russia, on February 7th, the first time in modern history a US president or vice president will not attend an opening ceremony at an Olympic Games.
What will happen in days to come for Russia remains to be seen. Their fight is not over by any means as there will likely be opposition to their sovereignty. Will the people of the US be manipulated again into supporting yet another war?
Here in the United States, the New World Order agenda pushes on. The plan of the globalists is to destroy the United States from within through a collapsing of our financial system while simultaneously causing civil unrest in the streets and ecological disasters throughout our country. Will our nation survive these attacks? Will the American people awaken in time and see what is being done to their beloved homeland and preserve the dream conceived by our founding fathers almost 3 centuries ago?
Greg Giles
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