An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
PM Lee observed there has been a noticeable trend of Malays making it to universities and graduating with honours. He mentioned that this year 35 Malay/Muslim students attained first class honours.
He singled out two university students Afzal Ali and Fauziah Ally as having excelled in different fields.
Afzal Ali graduated first class honours from the National University of Singapore (NUS) Law with a concurrent Masters of Law from New York Univeristy (NYU). He is presently a pupil at Allen & Gledhill.
Fauziah Ally, graduated from Singapore Polytechnic with a Diploma in Biomedical Science and furthered her education at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). She graduated with first class honours in Biological Sciences and is now a research officer at A*STAR’s Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB)
PM Lee said that other than having more Malays graduate from university, an increasing number of Malay poly students want to go to university and more Malay ITE students want to go to polys.
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